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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6765512 No.6765512 [Reply] [Original]

It's all just random shitcoins getting pumped and dumped, with the rare occasion an actual real world project gets the spotlight for a short bit until the next shitcoin comes along. I made lots of money in crypto last year don't get me wrong, but as time goes on, I feel less and less confident in buying anything. The whole scene disgusts me, be it the pajeet pnd groups or twitter investors thinking they are hot shots for calling out shitcoin in the biggest bull market of our lifetime. All the controversies, the cuck developers and crypto enthusiasts, the vaporware being made and sold off as real products... It's fucking disgusting.

>> No.6765688
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Don't fall to the level of these weak minds. Research or outsource your research to people you trust and then verify their findings. That way you find gems hidden in the shit, then you hodl on tight and sell at your risk.

Use the money for something meaningful after you make you gains. That will help you find some happiness.

I wish you luck, Anon.

>> No.6765741

op, just buy int, hpb and sphtx. they are new undervalued coins with huge potential. hold them for 1 year.

>> No.6765755

It’s actually NOT (always) random. If you pay attention to forums like Biz, plebbit, etc. and then study up on a lot of these coins (eg. white papers & road maps) you can have a pretty good idea of when a coin will move and by how much.

>> No.6765756

you're learning anon. don't fight these feelings. use them to your advantage.

>> No.6765759

How do you go about finding people you trust to outsource research? I would love a nice group of friends that collaboratively research and stay on top of crypto, but don't have the social resources.

>> No.6765786


lurk moor

>> No.6765845



Pretty much this. Aside from blatant coordinated pump and dumps the other things you can’t predict are global market sentiment. Coins with active teams typically move in tandem with major news, updates and their respected road maps OR in anticipation for future news and updates. Memes aside, LINK is a perfect example of the market anticipating a big release (ie: mainnet launch).

>> No.6765860

just invest in coins with actual future for the long run, send to wallet and forget this shit until 5 years

>> No.6765879



Try that site.

>> No.6765882


>> No.6765908

most of you fags will end up broke because you didn't know when to leave the casino

>> No.6765923

So? You don't need to buy shitcoins, plenty of good holds.


Just hold for longterm? The longterm holds often have the best results anyway.

>> No.6765939

my god, we will all be rich. kek

>> No.6765973

I wish I had bought Sears 10 years ago, said nobody

>> No.6765983

That site’s just full of indians who shill obvious scamcoins

>> No.6766038
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>Implying you shouldn't use this healthy skepticism to your advantage.

There's a reason I keep 60% of my portfolio in ETH and the remaining 40% spread among a handful of coins I'm confident in that actually have a real world application. XLM is a prime example, it's one of my biggest holds because I actually understand what they're trying to do. Their goals seem reasonable and the dev team is solid, so I'm comfortable holding on them.

However, when I see things getting hyped to hell on /biz/ I'm always immediately skeptical. This is why DYOR is important, hype trains will fuck you over in the end.

>> No.6766107

I was up 20k three times now I'm negative 10k. I should have just gone to college

>> No.6766274

Twitter is a good start. Look for who has a good track record and follow them. Maybe establish a relationship with them.

>> No.6766302

It's Sturgeon's law.
Just bear with it.

>> No.6766320

Considering things like OMG, Factom, Bat etc are still lower than bullshit like Tron, BTG

>> No.6766485

I spend hours a day researching about coins..every other day another shitcoin is added to the market..coins without team, purpose or future developing plan..anyhow, here"s a coin i would like to draw your attention to>>TIOTOUR on Etherdelta. low circulating supply of only 450k, a German team, great community and future developing plans. they're currently building chain of hotels/resorts in South East Asia. they're yet to be listed on CMC..price is just $0.2 at the moment..with a high potential to rise to at least $10 when listed on CMC and bigger exchanges. Not trying to shill you, just giving you an honest insight on an underrated coin with a high potential.

>> No.6766603

Really wary of tokens that add nothing by just being a token.
I haven't done real research, but what does this gain by being tokenized?

>> No.6766700

Tether and Bitfinex are running a giant scam and you're getting rich off it. We all are. I don't think there's anyone naive enough to actually think 1 USDT=1 dollar out there.

Don't look at gift horse in the mouth and be ready to get out at a moment's notice.

>> No.6766810

>getting out
>moment's notice

Good luck cashing out when exchanges go insolvent within minutes during the largest bank run in history

>> No.6766857

I don't like having to say this, but it needs regulation. Once governments start stepping in and bitch slapping these fucking scam artists and shills, we'll be good to go. Rocket boosters on every legitimate project. And the future will come. LINK $1,000.

>> No.6766946

this is fine. this just means you're smarter than the market (which is extremely dumb right now). buy some actual projects with actual prospects, hold, and wait.

>> No.6766953

This market only exists because it's unregulated and the territory of fraudsters, manipulators and scammers. The inevitable regulation will collapse it to nothing.

>> No.6767043

Regulation won’t collapse it you fucking inbred, if anything it will entice new investors because they know they won’t be entering a market where some faggot suppresses price for months and faces no penalty

>> No.6767100

Agree to disagree. I legitimately believe in blockchain as the future of data exchange. And I legitimately believe the blockchain markets will exist. In the future, there will be your NYSE/NASDAQs which trade proven, solid companies with good fundamentals, and there will be your "penny coins" which will include your total shitcoins.

You'll still be able to bet on both, you'll just be able to easily tell one from another thanks to regulations.

You think big money doesn't want in on this game? There are trillions which will be generated over the next 3-5 years in the crypto space. By the end of this year, we will have law circling around trading, and more US markets will be available. And LINK? $1,000.

>> No.6767178
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That's some high quality, concentrated FUD right there.

>> No.6767525

>It's all just random shitcoins getting pumped and dumped
I'm losing faith too, anon. For the same reasons. The move from Bittrex to Binance was pretty destructive for crypto. Binance keeps adding shitcoins that get pumped and dumped.

>> No.6767668

>Just hold for longterm?
Holding for longterm died in November 2017. Sadly, I think everything might go down until March. You may want to buy longterm holds when the market cap hits 200 billion.

>> No.6767787

The only thing that pisses me off about binance is they label BCH as "bcc". Real fucking nice binance...

>> No.6768093

If everything goes down until March, isn't this good for long term holders? Basically it means everything is on sale so more time to accumulate.

>> No.6768149

Excellent choices

>> No.6768360

This is the most attractive woman posted on biz

>> No.6768999

Are you actually implying I need to start clicking on those pajeet infested discord links?

I do follow a few people but don't ever converse, perhaps I'll begin playing a more active role. It'd be cool if my friends were in it though, how /comfy/ it would be to split up research between pals and peer review our findings.

>> No.6769127

fuck I (you)'d myself

>> No.6769194

sounds like you're signalling a bear market is incoming. im cashing out.

>> No.6769220

>hotels and resorts surely need a token
kill yourself

>> No.6769237

Watch cedric dahl on youtube and DYOR

>> No.6769244

Bear is gone.
It's safe to come out.

>> No.6769247

Biz has literally turned into pump and dump discords, do your own research and you will be fine.

>> No.6769292


And then in two years it moons to high heaven, you would be a multi-millionaire, strict regulations get announced, giving you just enough time to cash out before everything goes to 0 in a few weeks. And you held through. Good job.

>> No.6769306

I'll watch him but the point of the convo was outsourcing my research into a collaborative effort with people I trust, so telling me to DMOR is completely counter productive and tells me you have shit tier reading comprehension.

>> No.6769356

I make websites and i'd love to make a collaborative website for reviewing cryptocurrencies

>> No.6769379

A token for a fucking social media platform for travelers? Why???

>> No.6769459

nothing of value is being created and no one cares

>> No.6769505

>Really wary of tokens that add nothing by just being a token
so every single token ever?

>> No.6769529

I'm not going to go through multiple 25-page whitepapers every day you fast-reading autists

>> No.6769552
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If you don't have the balls to put faith in a project for 1-2 years and hodl, you'll never make it. Dotcom bubble was 10 trillion dollars before it popped. We haven't even gone past 900billion. I guarantee you that coins with actual purpose behind them will get their day in the sun. Check my dubs if you disagree.

>> No.6769571

No wonder you don't have any friends, when you see them as "social resources"

>> No.6769625

I mean the token needs to be used in a way that makes sense.
RLC, ETHORSE(no memes please the concept is viable) are some examples.
Using tokens to for example make an exchange of currency for a specialized industry is lazy and easily replaceable by another solution.

>> No.6769644

welcome to the bear market

>> No.6769684
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>> No.6769709

It's disgusting but the "normal" financial is even more disgusting, and if you can't see it it's because you're one of those cuckold normie bugmen.

>> No.6769716

>I don't think there's anyone naive enough to actually think 1 USDT=1 dollar out there.

people buy it every day, so apparently there are

>> No.6769898

My friends are not into crypto, I've tried to subtly shill the smarter ones but refuse to expose my power level.

They are still social resources despite the connotations you've applied, brainlet

>> No.6769986

Imagine the potential if we had a 20 man team and each person or group is assigned only one project / week. A 20 man team is a conservative estimate, and groups of 5 are also bigger than they'd need to be. That would be 4 projects / week analyses professionally, for a total of 16 in depth reviews per month and all you'd have to do is contribute with 4 other people on a single project / week.

It doesn't need to be ball busting, the possibilities are enormous.

>> No.6770399
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This is literally only hard of you want to play ponzi roulette and increase your odds. The real game is as simple as buying Monero and some bitcoin just in case. Simply hold forever while selling 5% every doubling for comfy lifestyle gains.

>> No.6770464

Don't waste time analysing other people's scams you beta. Create your own and put your 20 man team to work pumping and shilling it. Way better way to make money right now.

>> No.6770576

Right, half my friends are against it. Another friend bought 3 btc at $100 value, but lost his fucking wallet. My half-jew friend tried to get me to invest in btc years ago, we would have been millionaires today if he had succeeded in convincing me.

>> No.6770654

Also if you actually are going to put in that level of research you should put it into some kind of private access publication like the email newsletters shill and get paid to be the head of a pump and dump group.

>See the recommendation in the conclusion of my 5 page research report
Is probably more effective than
>Join best pump group. We are pumping espers on yobit. Buy now.

>> No.6770666

We're in the same boat buddy, I've been in crypto since 2013 and have never had any hope for any of these coins ever. The entire marketplace is one huge vaporware ponzi blackmarket where literal air is sold for millions of dollars and people buy them in the hopes they can sell this air to the next buyer for more

>> No.6770738

How hard is it to create an ICO in the US? I mean even a ponzi ICO with literally no purpose other than to shill to /biz/tards and not do any development work. Like LINK, take LINK as an example, no github updates for months yet it still gets shilled the fuck out. The main guy wrote one article after 5 months of being silent, and LINK literally rose by more than 120%.

There's lots of laws and shit right regarding ICOs in the US right? That's why there's barely any ICOs in the US due to the laws and regulatoins?

>> No.6770858

Perhaps, but I lack the programming expertise to pull this off. But I'll begin doing this in my free time, why the fuck not. At any rate, this is still a good idea because it simply lessons my burden of research and will bring new projects to my attention quicker.

Yeah and I feel really shilly / cringy if I push too hard, so I just poke with general questions and gauge interest, throw some small trades out ("I bought LTC at $15 and a couple weeeks later it was $30"), but most of the time they are indifferent, which sucks for them. But at the same time, at least when the market goes to zero they won't know how hard I was raped and laugh at me

The more I play with the idea the more I think this would be possible. Everyone could get money selling signals, or we could trade our signals for PBC or Cindicator signals. I am an autist about my research, so if we can find fellow autismos I think we can become quite pronounced this year - esp with all the normies entering

>> No.6770880

I would rather build a slow and steady esteemed reputation than just another pajeet group though

>> No.6771231

Why not start your own group and slowly invite people into it? You can easily kick people out if they seem too much like shills/pajeets or if they don't do any work.

Create a small discord/telegram/whatever group, play the part of a project lead and help delegate tasks to others and yourself, and more than likely these people will not only get better at finding good ventures, but a circle of trust (or bros as you call it) will form.

Yeah, you'll have to do a bunch of work at the start to refine your shitcoin-shilling group into a money making machine, but seeing the struggle and frustration you're feeling right now seems like it would be worth it.

>> No.6771287

There is no esteem here dumbass. You think Tika is esteemed? Fuck.

Anyway I'm literally saying you can be the non pajeet "esteemed" pumper.

But I'm really saying just fucking hold Monero (and bitcoin just in case).
God damn it

>> No.6771315

Get out faggot

>> No.6771412

>net cafe with 24 pcs
>in dire need of upgrade
>invest large sum in video cards, all games run fast
>"hey mine your cards btc is 2k, its somewhat profitable"
>8 months later, its all paid by itself
>thinking of upgrading monitors and other things with the now incoming "ree money"
>"its all gona crash any moment"
it all went good for me whatever happens

>> No.6771455

Regulations are bad, dipshit.

You can't have the government sponfeed you your gains. You saw what happened to bonds and interest on savings accounts, didn't you?

One of the key value points of crypto is that it is decentralized and unregulated. If you can't be bothered to research, you deserve to lose your money. That's all crypto is, researching and trading.

>> No.6771531

Teeka is very esteemed and they have a huge crew of researches and all their calls have been on point long term. I don't subscribe to PBC cuz I think it's a glorified PnD and if Teeka is beating you to the punch you suck balls, but what you're saying is silly business.

It benefits everyone who researches crypto to split the burden between those they can trust. It is more efficient and more thorough.

>> No.6771550


>> No.6771558

If you cant learn to DYOR first nobody is going to want to do it with you.

>> No.6771693

>All his calls have been on point
Duh he is the head of an "esteemed" pump group. That's the point of a pump group, to fulfill the self fulfilling prophecies of the leader.

What are you even researching for? Like what are you looking for here? Do you start with the acknowledgement that these are all scams and you are looking for a scam that is well designed for a moon mission? Otherwise the research is pretty easy for one person. I've already given you the answer and it shouldn't take you more than a week to double check it. >>6770399

>> No.6771833

invest in the projects you actually believe and stop trading.
For me spectrecoin became such a project. I FEEL COMFY EVEN WHEN THE PRICE DECREASES. Try it

>> No.6771841

There are better gains to be made than holding XMR, and even more so for BTC. The point of this is to identify solid projects at the ground floor, since every week there's about 20 new ones and it takes a long to give each quality analysis. Often before I can completely research my list of coins, one has already mooned 200%. By distributing the workload it would both remove redundancy (every anon studying independently) and increase efficiency.

Do you still not see the obvious benefits?

>> No.6771987

Ok I get it. Just remember you are playing with ponzis though. None of these things have any utility. I was never here for that game which is probably why I was here before the Ponzi pumping was so big and will still be here after most collapse.

If you think it's easier to get on the ground floor of other ponzis by research than launching your own where you are literally ground floor (basement even if you design it right) then that's fine by me. Seriously good luck you'll probably make it.

>> No.6772020


I don't know if you've gone to Uni or College but all you really have to do is read the abstract, intro and conclusion. You could get away with reading the abstract and thats it.

>> No.6772143

TA faggots or stay poor

>> No.6772170

Because of how obviously unworkable these schemes are, reading any of the bits in the middle with an iq above 110 would actually make you miss all the gains since you wouldn't buy. You should only stay one step of Joe Retard so you can pick up the perfect bags to sell him.

>> No.6772195
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>Regulations are bad, dipshit.
el oscuridad...

>> No.6772237

Well you faggots gave XRP opportunity to let the Jews on Bitcoin I don’t understand how you guys are so blind to the fact that billions poured into XRP and was only able to get to 3$

you let the wolves into our house

>> No.6772251

I think a lot of these will have real utility, but only after many more complete and total crashes, gov't intervention etc etc. blockchain and smart contracts have real utility, memes aside

But yes the overall goal is to get in on the meme ponzis before others, using strength in quality and numbers (no pajeet shillers / FUDers basically)

>> No.6772282
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Sister's of Battle are God tier anon... sometimes literally.

>> No.6772368

The fundamental point to understand is that all the smart contact stuff that turns out to be useful (we'll see, there hasn't been any so far) will be built as a layer on top of a cryptocurrency. The most important thing that's being built is the new future money.

>> No.6772410


You seriously think it's worth putting change in XMR?

>> No.6772449

Hmm this looks like capitulation.
Nice just bought 100k

>> No.6772454

Buy property niBBa

>> No.6772470

They can do that shit without tether.

>> No.6772471

I just read the front page of a company. Sometimes I browse a few more pages in their website to get a better sense. If their goal is practical and the coin is something the market wants, I may trade with the coin for that day.

>> No.6772639
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>> No.6772839

All you say is true but it's still getting us a Lamborghini. And we all like our Lamborghini.

>> No.6772998

South East Asia
* no compliance
* not a rich market!

>> No.6773022


>im losing money and will keep losing money because i don't own xby

>> No.6773118

Yup, I unironically claim XMR will go to 10,000$ or more a piece. 1000$ by eoy. Sure there are some issues, but they got all the fundamentals right where BTC failed. During the last crashes XMR recovered EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's a very strong coin with a very strong use case, there is a lot of resistance around 400$ though.

>> No.6773513

Monero is going to go past the equivalent of $1,000,000 per xmr in all likelihood.

>> No.6773658


The cryptospace use to be able undermining the banking system and creating a solution to what inevitably will be destruction of the USD and all other fiat currencies. But with all this corporate ass licking and introduction of wall street big boy money, it has been taken over by the corporatism that run every country. I liken this to occupy wall street where the potential for real change in the social paradigm was there then it got hijacked by some undercover FEDs and people who had it in their interest to destroy the whole thing. We will never see the end of corruption. It is here to stay forever and ever. Whether that be something as barbaric as cartel mafia control through sheer violence or a more sophisticated corruption with politicians, corporate interests, and power elites.

I think the best thing we can do now is just go back to sleep and forget this movement ever started and just be content with being a sheep and never try to break out of the matrix.

>> No.6773988

Try meditation desu

>> No.6774167

try anticapitalism desu
medititation helps too

>> No.6774223


except XMR will be the first coin to be banned by the government


uh yeah u can

>> No.6774275
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To be honest, we need these idiots now more than ever if you want the market survive in the next 10-15 years. We're now at a crucial timeline whether cryptos are worth for the money or not. There are people who buy digital land on games for $500k, for real.

>> No.6774373

How does Monero deal with transaction time?

>> No.6774391


Bruh what'd you honestly think was going to happen when a non-trivial amount of money started circulating in all this?

>> No.6774591

This is honestly not that bad. Shitcoins are soaking up a lot of the retards and bitcoin of taking most of the heat off Monero. If Monero can have a couple more years without too much attention it could be in a pretty unstoppable position.

>> No.6774641


are you insane?

>> No.6774704

Holy shit lol

>> No.6774835

Bubble isn't gonna live for another year, so there is no point hodling too long.

>> No.6774939

Hey hey heeeyyyyyyy

>> No.6775079

the world is not anymore as it used to be no no no
we are changing the world

>> No.6775128

you are right.
absence of regulations really fucking things up too much

give freedom to all people and disgusting things will start happening

>> No.6775325

>pajeet tier, we-need-strong-leaders reasoning
fuck you mate
we come from a system where regulations fucked us over and over for more than a century. blockchain tech are allowing us to break free from that and you want to get right back in. kys you fucking cuck

>> No.6775865 [DELETED] 

>You think big money doesn't want in on this game? There are trillions which will be generated over the next 3-5 years in the crypto space.
But why do we need "big money" in the first place? Crypto is the go-to place for easy gain for one simple reason: it's full of dumb people. We don't need smart or institutional investors at all.

>> No.6775887

>You think big money doesn't want in on this game? There are trillions which will be generated over the next 3-5 years in the crypto space.
But why do we need "big money" in the first place? Crypto is the go-to place for easy gains for one simple reason: it's full of dumb people. We don't need smart or institutional investors at all.