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6770508 No.6770508 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is about to drop below 12k and heading to 8k. Get out while you still can. Rejoin when it's around 8k.

>> No.6770553
File: 166 KB, 800x800, 1516425332114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid you're just going to have to hold on to those tethers, bud

>> No.6770582

tethers fall with everything else. what's the point

>> No.6770642

>tfw in a shitcoin so low in price it won't even be affected by btc movements

I can't tell if its a good thing or a bad thing

>> No.6771108


>> No.6771400

I just untethered and went all in on XLM though

probably a bad decision but i dont want to miss out

>> No.6771433

FUN is one of the least correlated top 100 coins against BTC. Comfy.

>> No.6771503
File: 2.00 MB, 313x239, invisible cat door.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the right is so smart, how come the vast majority of academia leans left?

Check and mate.

>> No.6771551

Because everyone is equal Anon now let 1000 Haitians into ur college u racist

>> No.6771592

Indeed it is a bad decision retard. XLM is a good project dont get me wrong and I'll invest in it but not now when the market is about to crash

>> No.6771596

Because you only need to have a 1.0 GPA if you're a sand nigger to get into any college for free.

>> No.6771628

Cash out, fk tether

>> No.6771652

Cultural subversion through the educational institutions. It succeeded.

>> No.6771665

>undergraduates = academia


Seems pretty smart to me. Why didn't the right do that if they're so smart?

>> No.6771684

Tethers are the only thing that is guaranteed to go up during a crash, until the tethering happens at least.

>> No.6771700

Because intelligent people tend to be more empathetic in general.

Academics being heavily left is largely a myth though. Most academics skew to the left, but not to the far left.

>> No.6771717

can someone tell me how to lock in bitcoin price before it falls below 10k

>> No.6771719

I love this board because everyone on here that ends up LOSING money are /pol/tards.

Keep buying high and selling low, you retarded Amerimutts! HAHAHAHA

>> No.6771731


Yeah maybe I'm already down 2%. Fuck.

So is everyone buying right now retarded?

>> No.6771749

>the soviet union managed to use psychology to subvert entire generations of people into believing things they wanted, yet they couldn't hold their own country together for more than 70 years

ok anon

>> No.6771750

>kill all white people
t moderate leftie

>> No.6771751
File: 601 KB, 667x360, 1491776767727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know about this, but it only applies to anti-american sentiment. Leftism can be pro american

>> No.6771755


Tbh i didnt expect BTC to go straight down like a pump n dump shitcoin, I thought I had time to make money. There were already a bunch of red candles.

>> No.6771762

8k is Not gonna happen boy

>> No.6771765

They see the world as they want it to be instead of how it is. Care more about principles than facts

>> No.6771806

>jews can make up 90% of the MSM but couldnt stop hitler
Ok anon

>> No.6771813

Most of them are completely uninformed (like, literally the only thing they know about the political situation is the latest CNN talking points). They also live in a sheltered bubble and don't notice how the rest of the country is turning into somalia. If the only foreigners you know are exchange students it's easy to get a positive bias about immigration.

>> No.6771899


Universities themselves lean left. Our education system leans left.

I wonder. If you're told certain things from the day you're born and continues in your higher education, thus subconsciously relinking what was taught in your early childhood, it might, just might have you think and do certain things.

I'll give it to dems, getting into the educational system did real justice to their agenda.

Only reason Trump was elected was cause boomers, but now that gen y n gen z hold the majority votes, you'll see a swift change to Dem. After Trump's second term though.

>> No.6772048

11,700 and dropping. GET OUT IMMEDIATELY

>> No.6772434


literla bottom before a spike

good job

>> No.6772837

Get fucked you stupid idiot

>> No.6772875


>> No.6772978
File: 67 KB, 729x626, venezuela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venezuela poster detected

>> No.6772986

This. Western academia supported the 20th century communist regimes while ignoring or downplaying the atrocities that those regimes have commited.

>> No.6774008


Because only sheltered losers stay in the education system forever, they're too scared to go out and get a real job or be entrepreneurial and make something on their own so they go from studying to studying to studying to teaching people studying to play it safe. The intelligent people on the right go and become titans of industry hence why all those 'bad white males' that run the financial institutions and make up 99% of billionaires are generally right inclined

>> No.6774087

no, Ive talked to younger cousins still in middle school they say people are sick of the "sjws"
Theres still hope

>> No.6774129

>/pol/ when crytpo is diving
>/pol/ when crypto is mooning
>Haha yes /pol/ /biz/ /fit/ alliance. We will rule together :^)

>> No.6774202

>Left looks more like a rightie
>Right looks more like a leftie

Kind of makes ya think

>> No.6774226

>Sand niggers

Literally there is not a more right-wing group. They're actual theocrats, you must know.

>> No.6774474
File: 12 KB, 315x315, ina box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average academic is an expert in political philosophy

Just as food for thought friend, while traditional conservative beliefs are correlated with a slightly lower IQ than modern liberal ones, they're both trumped by that of small government individualist ideals.

>> No.6774833

>implying thr average high iqer is acquainted with political philosophy

>> No.6775165

You really would like to be the truth wouldn't you?

>> No.6775280

Being truth itself would be pretty fucking cool.