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File: 1.12 MB, 2560x1789, FUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6760453 No.6760453 [Reply] [Original]

Only cheap coin on Binance that hasn't pumped. Get the fuck in here.

>> No.6760602
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All in baby

>> No.6760746
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Just waiting to see how it plays out, lots of stuff coming up the pipeline very soon.

>> No.6760821

FunFair will never go to $5. Why even bother?

>> No.6760826
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Im losing hope. Knowing my luck if I dump it yall will moon. I might have to do it. You guys have provided me some good memes.

>> No.6760909

Dude. Just wait until the 6th of Feb. it’s not fucking rocket science.

>> No.6760936
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Not the only one. Pic related.

>> No.6761250

What's happening on the 6th

>> No.6761397
File: 945 KB, 1600x1084, Concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you being cryptic? What does happen on the 6th?

>> No.6761483

No I'm asking what happens on the 6th. Bilbo said wait til the sixth it's not rocket science

>> No.6761501


>> No.6761546

the timing is holding this moon mission back. too much big shit in Q1. people are less likely to give up their positions in higher profile projects. it'll definitely be at least $1 EOY though

>> No.6761590

This is never going to take off like you guys think. Their is no market for online gambling blockcain tokens. I’d take profits and GTFO

>> No.6761594

Why the 6th of Feb?

>> No.6761600

Gotcha, ICE is from 6th-8th. Hopefully my VIBE stack blows up after the superbowl ad on the 4th, so I can funnel some more gains into FUN before it blows up a few days later.

>> No.6761625

>ETH is a mess

>> No.6761661

Already made a 6x on Binance, you dumb fuck.

>> No.6761726

Lets say I got 1,000 FUN
How much would that be worth if it jumps up to 0.15 like before the crash?

>> No.6761767

VIBE is getting a superbowl ad?

>> No.6761794

b/c $1 this february is just as good.

>> No.6761810

because its a nice number

>> No.6761834
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Yeah m8, keep up would you?

>> No.6761860
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>> No.6761866

yeah but like a month ago. it doesnt counts

>> No.6761882
File: 67 KB, 444x444, One_Can_Dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I only have 150k FUN. I want $5 FUN

>> No.6761914

FUN and TRX are the coins i go 100% when the market dips so I don't lose my core value and then I can buy up the dips on other coins.
Those literally shouldn't ever go under 0.05 if they are legit.

>> No.6761948


>> No.6762001

15 days ago.

That means that, best case scenario, FUN will double top at 1300 before tanking for good.

>> No.6762007

Do you see TRX going back up to 0.25? I HODL despite the dip.

>> No.6762166

no, Monster technology is getting a superbowl ad. VIBE is getting a small logo for 4 seconds. I saw the ad, it's not about VIBE at all. Nobody watching the superbowl will go on google to see what VIBE is after that ad.

>> No.6762226

stop being greedy.

>> No.6762502

I just want to make enough so I never have to wageslave ever again and can send my kids to good schools. Is that being too greedy?

>> No.6762607

well then find another crypto. because this is not a $5 coin. It's closer to a $1 coin. Take it or leave it. I'm tired of people like you ruining crypto for the rest of us.

>> No.6762651

I have many other coins. I'm tired of people like you making baseless assumptions. Eat shit fuckface.

>> No.6762692

MTL is pretty cheap. Probably a shitcoin though and that's why it hasn't been pumped.

>> No.6762735

fuck off loser

>> No.6762771
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>> No.6762938

lol, you are such a nerd. just leave me alone loser

>> No.6762973

these fucking whales holding down the price. How do they benefit from that unless they can cause another crash?

>> No.6762999

looks very bearish

>> No.6763097

It'll be fine in a few days

>> No.6763113
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Roastie detected. Tits or gtfo bitch.

>> No.6763145

back to 10 cents soon, get ready to buy.

>> No.6763464

>how do they benefit

By giving the casinos a buy in opportunity that sends it parabolic. Casinos will have to buy and hold these coins for gambling end users. If you were the guys at FUN you would keep the price low until you’re ready to launch.

>> No.6763629

Why do people say this coin will fail because there's no market when there's already ETH casinos that have a lot of money?

>> No.6763760

>when there's already ETH casinos that have a lot of money?
maybe that's why. ETH casinos already exist. Why do you need a specific coin for casinos?

>> No.6763881

Then dump already so it pumps faggot, take one for the team

>> No.6763938

>Vitalik does something stupid which tanks ETH
>You're losing money gambling even though you're technically up
The whole philosophy behind ETH is that you're not really supposed to use it as money in of itself, it's fuel for network operations. In theory FUN should find a comparatively stable price as it enters mainstream adoption.

>> No.6763981

Only got 250 of these will I make it? lel

>> No.6764065

If FUN does what the developers say it will do it can easily hit $5-$10. If it's used as a store of value because most of the coins will be locked up in online casinos, then you could see prices much higher.

>> No.6764124
File: 5 KB, 250x182, 1516276741578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I buy this fucking shitcoin the price drops 100 sats.

>> No.6764219

150. If it hits a buck you got a grand.

>> No.6764775
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>> No.6764858

>it's a not a $5 coin
$5 without any burns at all is $25B marketcap. Online gambling is $60B and gambling as a whole is $240B in the US alone, and well over $500B over worldwide.

Revolutionary tech can easily obtain 5% and under of its global market, especially since it's before any burns.

That's also just targeting casinos and not investors/people playing the crypto game. This coin can reach $5 pretty easily with enough support. Heck, it can reach $10 before burns without too much issue, it'll just take time for lots of casinos to adopt it.

>> No.6765158
File: 19 KB, 210x240, carl-brutananadilewski-aqua-teen-hunger-force-6.93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We havin FUN or wha..?

>> No.6765260 [DELETED] 

Comparing FUN's market cap to the volume for online gambling (the $60B statistic you referenced) is a false equivalence. People forget that cryptocurrency market caps don't actually represent the amount of money that flows into the currencies (or in FUN's case, how much money is being spent in order to play FunFair's games once they are released).

>> No.6765269

I'm always having FUN with how comfy this is

>> No.6765329

how tf is this comfy it literally goes down every day and then spikes up due to a massive pump then goes back down. Comfy is something like WTC nigga, tf u talking about comfy

>> No.6765375

Comparing FUN's market cap to the volume for online gambling (the $60B statistic you referenced) is a false equivalence. People forget that cryptocurrency market caps don't actually represent the amount of money that flows into the currencies (or in FUN's case, the amount of money that has been spent buying FUN).

>> No.6765398

Marketcap is the only argument people can ever give for why FUN can't reach a certain price, so it's the best method of proving it can reach a certain price.
This is the crypto market, marketcap is irrelevant compared to the hype, but I can guarantee that none of the fudders will let me say 'yeah, it's going to reach $10 easily, because the people buying this are the casinos, not investors, and casino owners alone can push us to absurd levels', because they'll use that very same false equivalence to show otherwise, despite their logic being incorrect.

It doesn't matter whether it's the casinos buying token, investors putting money in it, or people trading their money for crypto so they can gamble at the time, the fact is that there are far more sources of income going into FUN's value that almost any other crypto, which means we've got the highest chance of reaching absurd levels that naysayers would say otherwise. FUN's tech itself doesn't cost anything at all for companies to use or adopt - they just need to buy FUN in order to use it, and that's it. Which means every aspect of value regarding it is going directly into this token.

Regardless of whether marketcap is false equivalence of crypto, we have every basis covered for why it can reach the prices we claim. And this is all before token burns.

>> No.6765420

Meant to tag >>6764858

>> No.6765439

Hell of a sales pitch you have there, retard

>> No.6765453

>buy at 3c
>it immediately goes to 10c with no dump
>it goes to 19c with no dump (as a result of the pump)
>goes down to Korea fud
>immediately springs back up to 14c when fud is over
>has buy walls out the ass supporting it
>even through the second BTC and ETH crash in the past few days, it basically doesn't budge at all
There's a very big reason that three weeks ago, FUN's threads were literally just /comfy/ posting

>> No.6765466

Hey were the last one to pump and dump, buy now

>> No.6765498

Don't make me post the multiple FUN tl;drs I do in every single thread fucker
If you haven't bought into FUN at this point, it's not because you don't know its benefits, it's because you've got too much of an ego to admit that a gambling coin in a gambling market is one of the best investments lmao

>> No.6765503

posting the Fun fair interview that made me get in the club. just look at it. you have 2 high IQ white male with a brillant business opportunity at their hands.

>> No.6765606

really its not crazy good, but its cheap and has a lot of room to grow with a real world application most people can understand

>> No.6765638

My post was just to point out that FUN's price potential isn't as limited as many people believe. I also think FUN is going to do extremely well, which is why the majority of my crypto is FUN.

>> No.6766026

I think this and bat are the shittiest concepts 4chan shills. I am convinced ints the same 3 guys with the same 10 memes finishing their shitty shift at walmart and logging on every night to shill these 2 shit coins. I feel sorry you are bag holding these coins but FUN is a dead horse. I am surprised it is where it is to be honest.

>> No.6766090

Wow it's baseless fud without an ounce of cited sources
Who would have guessed

>> No.6766117

Just research more about FUN u faggot. We're gonna be winners here and you're gonna continue FUDing and whining. Mark my fucking words.

>> No.6766322

Please let this be true. I'd be overjoyed at $1. $8 would let me breach 1mil. I've done all my research and read the whitepaper/team involved, I have a ton of faith in this coin. The sideways movement is making me waver, won't sell before $.50 at the earliest though.

>> No.6766393

I miss the 16/18c floor. Those days were comfy AF.

>> No.6766395

>provably fair online gambling
>really its not crazy good
Motherfucker please FUN to the moon in Feb

>> No.6767286

If you're surprised, it's because you are uneducated, FUDing or retarded.

>> No.6767323
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>> No.6767406


you sure did use a lot of words to say absolutely nothing

>herp derp this coin stupid! memes bag holding shills shit coin

i'm surprised you didn't use the words "pajeet" and "pajeetcoin" in your extensive analysis of FUN

>> No.6767546

FUN is a mid to long term hold. We're all hoping ICE will pump this to 50 cents so either way youll get what you want. And ICE likely will cause it to spike and find a new bottom. Im hoping for at least 1$, at that point people will probably view it as a deposit to gamble on the online casinos where 1 FUN = 1$. Itll take some time after that for FUN to reach its true potential based on roadmap and implementation and casinos getting on board en mass

>> No.6768013

It is dropping and I don't want to buy until its at its lowest, how low do you Funfags think it will go?

>> No.6768192

>Im hoping for at least 1$ from ICE

I have 600k FUN and I know this is not going to happen.

>> No.6768214

It was at its lowest a week ago. Check the buy walls, it's not going much lower than this, and it's only going even remotely as low as it is right now because the entire market is taking a second dip.

>> No.6768219
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>> No.6768291

I know it's a long term hold, I'm just being weak. Deferred gratification and all that, I hate how I've let myself be conditioned otherwise. Planning on holding this through the new year so I can be eligible for long term capital gains tax, hoping the crypto market doesn't implode by then. Though if it does, I expect FUN to survive, like Amazon, ebay, etc. It's meaningless at this point but price predictions EOY?

>> No.6768663

As long as FUN does even average in results (a few good casinos take it on board, which is guaranteed given the team and their connections), we could be looking at $3 - 5 EOY minimum. I wouldn't be surprised if we're at $10 with the team's roadmap and how many guaranteed pumps there are.

Even from here it's a guaranteed 8x at least by late Q1/early-mid Q2, if not by ICE.

>> No.6769033


Bro stop. $10 would mean getting the same market cap as Ripple.

>> No.6769159

Ripple is a shitcoin with no use case, FUN rightfully deserves a higher marketcap.

>> No.6769892

$10 would mean $50B. Which is less than 10% of the global gambling marketcap, and that's only for the casinos, not investors. Ripple is a manipulated jewcoin made to 'bring down the hackers xd'; FUN is revolutionary for the industry it's in, for every single member of it, and has no real contenders.

>> No.6770340

It's very good mate, don't be salty cause you bought Tron at its ath.

>> No.6770384

After seeing how high TRX went before it crashed makes me wonder about a lot of things. Marketcap is a huge factor for me though when picking coins, I think the global marketcap will significantly higher EOY 2018 so it might not be entirely outside the realm of possibility

>> No.6770421

That said, I’m glad there is skepticism involved, keeps me grounded and my head on straight. Thanks

>> No.6770468

Funfair has an actual product and great team so I'll hold for the long-term to see how it works out. A lot of blue chip stocks didn't just skyrocket overnight and it'd be foolish to think that they did.

>> No.6770583
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>> No.6770691

Looks like we are going down to crash levels. Thought I was getting a deal just above 900 and now I'm stuck holding. Absolutely unbearable.

>> No.6770988

When's that casino paper getting pushed again?

>> No.6771454
File: 73 KB, 800x669, 10212014fb-csak-egy-foto-az-atlagos-sved-gimis-lanyokrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully Jez and company will ramp up the PR to coincide with their launch in a few weeks

>> No.6771469

How deluded can you be? Stop trying to get newbies and normies to buy your bags of shitworthless tokens. They hold you bags, they get burnt and they never xome back again and the market suffers. Kys you piece of shit buy coins like WaltonChain not shit coins. From what i gather WaltonChain is looking for an easy 15-200X this year alone so if you put in 15$ you could walk away with like 20,000$ in less than a couple months. I know where my moneys going.

>> No.6771513

get the fuck out of here - no one wants your Walton bags

>> No.6771578

Don't put so much stake in the market cap - the market cap for derivatives is estimated at $1.2 quadrillion - a very sill number

>> No.6771633
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>> No.6771682
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If Walton is so great then where are the funny Walton memes? Oh that's right Walton is a shitty pajeet coin unable to inspire even a NEET frogposter to make some simple edits in photoshop.

>> No.6771687

>holding trx
>you have to go back

>> No.6771727

This guy gets it.

Funny memes = Moon coin