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6771353 No.6771353 [Reply] [Original]

Newbie here investing in crypto since the new year. Have made a lot of profit but lost 50k the past week swing trading and emotional panic selling (as a retard, and I will NEVER do this shit again) I have never felt so bad in my life, have barely eaten in 4 days. Please help

>> No.6771425


nothing helps but time. your brain will start coping on its own.

>> No.6771438

Really? I really hope so. Hold me bros, this shit hurts so bad

>> No.6771460

You didn't already feel bad when you got into crypto? Fuck off Mr. Happy.

>> No.6771475
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Repent of your sins and give your life over to Jesus Christ

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. (Matthew 13:44)

>> No.6771479


>> No.6771507


>> No.6771520
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thats a pretty decent loss. but you learned your lesson, didn't you? everyone has to pay the stupid tax at some point


>> No.6771573

Slicing my inner thigh with a moderately sharp knife

>> No.6771689

Thanks just bought 100k positive vibes

>> No.6771779

also please say what % of your total account you lost

>> No.6772049

My portfolio is currently worth 60k, so nearly half my money. Though i started with 10k so im still up 6x, but shit hurts still

>posting from my phone now so diff id but same OP

>> No.6772117

I asked my gf to lock my blockfolio with a pin code, when I see CMC green once in a while I ask her to unlock so I can have a look and enjoy a good wank on my gains.

>> No.6772737

well, I don't invest what I can't afford to lose, and that's really all it takes. don't be retarded next time.

>> No.6772772

I didn’t invest what I can’t afford to lose. I am in a winning position, Which is probably why I got overconfident and made mistakes. Still feels like absolute shit though

>> No.6772789

Simple, always cash out everything above what you can deal with losing.

>> No.6772868
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>Spotted the newfag

If you started at least 6 months ago and arent retarded, you would have no losses to speak of. Just hodl and you will be saying this to the newnewfags in 3 months

>> No.6772904

>he didn't sell in December
I don't have to deal with it because retards like you buy my bags

>> No.6772957

making retarded trades and panic selling is proof that you did, don't lie to us

>> No.6773072

>dealing with loses
you dont you just surpress the thoughts

with every big loss be it financial or social there is that occasional moment of realization and hurt but getting surpressed seconds thereafter you manage to not fall into a hole and kill yourself