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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6764562 No.6764562 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you're going to be rich, maybe even real rich, but not billionaire 'own the world' rich.

Anyone know this feel? This is probably the worst feel you can feel.

>> No.6764648

Ho can it suck if you can use money to better your health and life

>> No.6764696

What's the point of being a billionaire? Utterly useless.

>> No.6764973

Sure is rakeesh

>> No.6765015

Really? So worse than feeling poor? In that case you might as well give up and donate your money.

>> No.6765029

All I care about is being able to spend money on cars and bikes without worry. So its all good for me bruh.

>> No.6765089

you don't want to be so rich that you become famous, like I wish I could be a multi millionaire but I hope I could just walk down the streets of manhattan and everyone think I'm just some slightly above average joe.

>> No.6765098

the gulf between millionaire to billionaire is way larger than wageslave to millionaire

>> No.6765157
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I couldn't give less of a fuck about being a billionaire. I just want "fuck you" money.


$2MM, properly diversified for returns, and I'm /comfy/. $6-10MM and I'm /verycomfy/.

>> No.6765233

dump money into funding my neet anime house and adaptations of my favorite series

>> No.6765234

Millionaire is fine
Billionaire is guilty that I'm not using my money to change the world and squeezing every ounce of my free time to maximize that money in the pursuit of altruism

>> No.6765299

i disagree. going from 1 million to 1 billion can be done in 1 year. ico's like spankchain, drgn, etc, 33x'd in 3-4 months. all you need to do is put 1 mil in an ico, sell when it 33x, then put the 33x in an ico, sell when it 33x and you have 1 billion. easy

>> No.6765315

owning self > owning world

>> No.6765345

The way I see it once I'm rich enough to retire I can actually risk starting my own business and get rich-rich.

>> No.6765355

it would be some faggot from /a/ complaining about money.

>> No.6765633


>> No.6765961

Easier said than done. Anyone dumping 33 million of an alt coin would bring the price close to 0, and those 33 million would become 7-8 maximum

>> No.6766156


>> No.6766872

2MM is my life goal. I consider that Game Clear status.

>> No.6766923
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If I was a millionaire I would revive my waifu

>> No.6766924

billionaire means youre responsible for the poverty and death of millions..sure enjoy that while you can

>> No.6766941

I would unironically do this if I had billions.

>> No.6767085

lol you better have chosen one with REALLY good volume and cash out over the period of a year

>spending even one penny on gibs
you crazy? get out that commie white guilt mindset

>> No.6767214

wat how the fuck is that in any way true

>> No.6767223

what a faggot
dont even say that shit out loud even if you really believe that

>> No.6767251

No. Anime will never be real, no matter how rich you are. This is something I realized long ago and once you are blackpilled on this, you lose all hope in life

>> No.6767269

>tfw you will never be omnipotent

>> No.6767335

Thats some Json Bourne type level of rich

>> No.6767361
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I just want to make enough to not struggle with bills. 500k would retire me and my family and I wish pray and hope that I can turn my small investment into more over the years to do so.

I work hard so it would be nice to be able to take it easy too sometimes.

I have no want to be rich other than that I would help other people I would dress as santa and deliver gifts to families in need out of my riches, build community centers and and be a beacon of love peace and happiness.

:) but 500k, and I could not have to struggle work so hard and just spend time with my family. That my friends is my dream.

>> No.6767483
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>tfw you will never have someone who understands you and sympathizes with your struggles and failures without making you feel week

>> No.6767513
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Sorry to hear that my friend but dont lose hope, try to seek out friends and good people. If you were close by me you would have found someone who is like that. I would invite ya over to fish or watch shows and such! :D

>> No.6767555

good luck cashing out 1 billion on your shitcoins

>> No.6767713

I already have a significant salary and am taking a punt on crypto to get to the next level in terms of net worth.

I don't care to rule the world. Most of our earth is a shithole with sub 100 IQ morons abound, usually armed and dangerous. Want enough for a nice villa somewhere by the ocean and some passive income generating businesses to keep the wine and good food flowing. That'll be my bliss.
Fuck ruling this shithole.

>> No.6767766
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There's no point, the world just eats you up if it finds out you have any weakness, women first and foremost. Respect is only given to the strong and self-sufficient. What's even the point of a wife or friends if I have to be a fortress and keep it all inside anyway? I'll just be doing the same thing I do already, that is grinning and bearing it, then try to numb myself out of feelings when I'm alone.

>> No.6767802

how's mumbai you fucking dirty street shitter

>> No.6767817

Yeah wow being a fucking millionaire is like a fate worse than death. It's like why even bother.

>> No.6768096
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Go to board game groups, and such my friend look for local hang outs and just try to be yourself and enjoy your time.

also go watch a movie called HELL COMES TO FROG TOWN. fantastic movie! I hope your life gets better my friend.

I wouldnt know friend, I live in the boonies in the midwest, not much for going near cities or other countries. I am happiest when I can relax.

>> No.6768268

>be me
>see comments like these
>mfw it will be way better
>traveling all over the world with my best friends chilling on beaches or skiing or just cruising in lambos thru major cities seeing the sites and eating at incredible restaurants
>buying all the guitars basses drums keyboards and studio equipment i could possibly want and making awesome albums
>painting/drawing/digital art
>writing cool zines and even novels
>reading books in a comfy library in some city like Oxford or Edinburgh
>pulling up anywhere in a sick car and seeing everyone either hating on me or mirin
>going days without needing to look at computer or phone, just taking a book out in nature and relaxing near a creek somewhere all day
>owning apartments all over the world in the nicest cities and spending months of the year in different places
>flying somewhere cool on a whim
>any sports game or event i want to attend i just fly over and sit front row
>hanging at museums all day just exploring and learning
>never have to wagecuck again can just get a comfy job doing whatever like own a pub somewhere or record store, doesn't even have to turn a profit
>all of us very rich but still way under the radar not having to deal with the bad side of being rich or a celeb
>total privacy and freedom to say whatever the fuck you want with no repercussions
>sick house with pool and recording studio and basketball court, tons of acres of land to fuck around on, huge mancave with the nicest tv and sound system
>get old and downsize move to some comfy japanese town and play jazz saxophone because they love that shit over there
>or else have access to futuristic treatments
>reverse aging, cure all depression or anxiety
>live thousands of years
>vr worlds

you guys are fucked, genuinely. you're not well. this is a gift from the fucking cosmos that virtually NO human beings ever get and you're sitting around bitching. you faggots forgot how to dream. well i didn't. i'll take your bags and live like a god.