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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6767238 No.6767238 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw still a nocoiner

It's too late now isn't it /biz/? I'll never make it. I can't even afford to buy any crypto right now either.

Is there any way I can earn some somehow? I just want to be in the "game".

Please any advice is welcome
>inb4 kneepads
>inb4 get a job (i'm already a wagie)

I am going to sudoku if I have to be a wage slave forever

>> No.6767266

It's not too late

>> No.6767273

Just dump a percentage of expendable income every week into good projects like xrp, xlm etc.

>> No.6767282
File: 14 KB, 524x685, 48F20ACD-D46D-43E0-8782-627A38FF4DAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZCL. Buy one, bitcoin private fork coming soon. Free money.

>> No.6767378

I don't know about that.
It's hard as a wagie.
Is this a good idea? I don't even know how to buy that.

>> No.6767482

It’s not too late my guy. Most of us are wagecucks. Personally I’m white trash and find joy in shooting and eating squirrels. If I can figure it out, you’ll be fine. What’s it worth to you?

>> No.6767529

I saw a similar thread where some anon gave OP $800. Are you hoping someone will give you money as well?

>> No.6767649

It means alot. I earn so little. Im a wagie its difficult but im trying.
No I didn't see any thread. I am just a wagie seeing how everyone started crypto early and made thousands while it is to late for me

>> No.6767658

How much do you people normally put in? I just went $50 on ripple. First time ever. What's y'all's average investment?

>> No.6767708

Meh, this market is going to burn to the ground in a week or two anyway.

>> No.6767718

its definitely not too late.

why can't you afford crypto if you're a wagecuck

stop spending money on shit you don't need. this opportunity won't last forever.

>> No.6767727
File: 44 KB, 612x612, 1F0F95AD-4EBB-48A4-B0B6-6EC146B0BD01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you saw someone getting $800 and literally copied his thread, jeet?

We need flags asap

>> No.6767761
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zcl is on cryptopia

about 12k initial investment

>> No.6767762

I mean, it's too late to get onboard with the top coins when they were half a cent, but there's still a lot of opportunities out there. XRP should have a steady future but probably won't go very high, so I'd put a bit of money in that. Cardano is predicted to go well by EOY, and Tron is cheap and will probably be where XRP is now by EOY.

>> No.6767805

This board is swarmed with pajeets, they disgust me


>> No.6767824

>entire crypto market $600b
>too late
You don’t know much of anything do you? It’s not too late, OP, this shit is still brand new to the world and isn’t going away any time soon.

>> No.6767836

Wow thats to much money for me
Thats why I'm sad
Im trying but its so hard being a poor wagie
I dont know if these type of threads are common if so im sorry
Im dont even know how I'd afford that anyway or what it is
Not sure if your trying to troll
Thanks for advice are you a troll?

>> No.6767882

You DO have money to put into crypto. You have to think in the right way and be disciplined.

NOTHING that you spend money on currently, besides very rudimentary amounts of water and cheap (!!!!) food, you don't need anything.

Do you really need to eat different things for the different meals? Make the cheapest thing you can that has the amount of nutritients you need. Beans and stuff like that.

You probably spend money on toilet paper, right? Start taking it from your place of work and toilets in public/at friends places.

For shampoo and toothpaste, you might be able to get free samples if you really look around. Don't know how it is where you live, but in pharmacies and maybe even supermarkets it's possible.

Now, you might not want to live on the street, even though it would allow you to put much more money into crypto. At least live AS CHEAPLY as humanly possible. Move in with your parents again, share a flat. Preferably, however, you'd get a tent and go homeless once winter is over. That's what I'll do anyway, currently sharing a very small flat with a friend with a similar mindset. I'm lucky enough that my job is in a location that will easily allow me to set up my tent quite near it, so transport won't be an issue by then.

Do NOT spend your money on depreciating assets like new phone, new clothes, whatever. Buy ANY clothes you'll need for warmth when living on the street secondhand.

If you're not even doing this much, you're not even trying. You can keep being a wagecuck normie forever, or you can start taking measures to maximize your future gains.

>> No.6767903

Go all in on TETHER.

thank me in a year

>> No.6767918

Nope, not a troll. I'm mainly invested in XRP and I'm about to diversify into Cardano and Tron after the weekend.
It's easier to 10x (and higher) on a cheap coin than it is a more expensive one.

>> No.6767960


>> No.6767974
File: 233 KB, 904x573, 18723897-8DE3-4425-BFFC-F5E7FAABB041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are so dumb, you literally fucking used the same picture from the $800 thread.

Maybe you deserve to die poor

>> No.6768006

If you're not trolling, dont buy tron or xrp newfag.

At OP, its far from too late. Look into Quantstamp, RCN, REQ, RLC, LINK, the list goes on. Commercial interests will be using blockchain tech in mid-late 2019, so start saving up, and make coinbase, binance, etc accounts. And get blockfolio app.

>> No.6768011

Thank you for advice but im sorry everyone has their own circumstances. Im a poor wagie
I dont even know what that is
Thank you I will look into if I ever get started

>> No.6768015

I wish I could find a way to actually get some coin to trade. I've check about dozen exchanges for USD: either registration closed, don't server country, don't serve state, 2-3 weeks to verify, no credit cards, $25 limit on CC. FML

>> No.6768028

Profit switching miners

>> No.6768038
File: 238 KB, 986x363, Binance Referrals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even close to too late. Now's always a good time to get rich. >>6767882 is somewhat correct, if a bit extreme.
It doesn't take a lot to potentially make it with crypto, but you don't want to invest more than you can afford to lose (((Bitconnect)))
If you don't have one, consider using my ref. ID to open a Binance account. They have all the shitcoins you could want, and FairX is right around the corner.


>> No.6768084

>Is there any way I can earn some somehow?

knee pads

>> No.6768102

btw OP if you do invest, don't fucking even think about buying into scamcoin TRX
XLM, RLC, VEN, OMG are solid picks. DOYR beyond that

>> No.6768161

Also OP, keep in mind that coinbase only lets you do a macimum amount per week, and you need to go through a verification process to put in more. The first step is making that, and buying some ETH to trade with on other platforms. The longer you wait the more hassle with maximum weekly amounts and waiting youll have to deal with, but the first step is signing up

>> No.6768269

Can you tell me your approx. budget? Just a very quick overview of your expenses and monthly income after taxes? I want to help you make it, man, this approach has done so much good for me. Sorry if it came off a bit harsh

>> No.6768307

>knee pads

I'd unironically don't give a fuck about sucking dicks for cash. Am young 20's male. I just don't think it's as easy as people make it sound, especially if you're from a small European town.

>> No.6768322


Buy UFR for an easy 3x until end of February. Thank me later.

>> No.6768338

Its never too late, create an account on coinbase, but ETH (btc fees are way too high and it takes forever to confirm). Go to icobench, find an ICO you like and thats pretty much it.
Dont buy things like LTC and shit that supermooned already like ICX, XRP and all that. Focus on easy multipliers, focus on ICOs.
Yeah it sucks to go through the KYC vericiation process and all that but trust me, its the only way to multiply fast. DO NOT BUY COINS, BUY ICOS. I dont care what anyone else says.
Best of luck.

>> No.6768343

OK you guys, it hurts my heart do this so I can't keep the scam up because you're all so nice. This is all fake and I was hoping to teach you anon's a lesson when someone donated money (which probably would have happened if I didn't obviously copy and paste a 10 minute old thread).

Here is the old thread.
What a sob story, right? And then a heroic anon came in and donated $800. Everyone is calling him a hero and a bro. He feels good for virtue signaling. But the archive tells a different story. Put in his bitcoin address and you find this...
He has been begging since early December using this address. Every time a different sob story. He has profited thousands off of begging and fake sob stories. Big $800 haul today. Remember that this website is anonymous. Stay safe and don't give money to Pajeets.

>> No.6768358

just buy now
crypto total marketcap still only like $600B, it'll be several trillion by end of the year, it's still rising in popularity as it gets more and more attention from the masses

buying now is still considered buying early

>> No.6768372

Go to bitcointalk.org and join every airdrop you can find...That's how I got started

>> No.6768393

You're just mad you didn't get in on XRP at 10 cents and sold at $4.

>> No.6768410

>>6767761 (You)
>Im dont even know how I'd afford that anyway or what it is
>Not sure if your trying to troll

Cryptopia is an exchange. if you need more explanation than that you should probably look up a few basic guides on buying and selling crypto. its pretty easy but youll need to spend a couple of hours to figure it all out.

also, of course i'm not trolling. you don't need 5 figures to make money from crypto. chuck a couple of hundred bucks into it. better than spending it on whatever stupid shit you probably spend your money on now.

>> No.6768459

And some actionable advice is to use the archive. It'll keep you safe. There are tons of scam coins with copy and pasted threads every hour with copy and pasted replies. Also check every address in the archive before you send money. Of course they can just use a different exchange's address each time, but this is your backup.

>> No.6768481
File: 174 KB, 600x317, 1514629837193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get into UFR, it had great potential and is likely to skyrocket very soon. Crypto is no where near over so you've still got time

>> No.6768495
File: 20 KB, 260x326, 35132938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. I did NOT see that coming, although in retrospect I really should have.

Fuck this site, and all who dwell within it.

>> No.6768506

Anyone here in NZ? I'm willing to invest ~2k USD, but unsure on how to get started

>> No.6768511

Also, I'm not saying to not help people, but I'm saying to be wary when someone is obviously hoping for a little donation.

>> No.6768601
File: 16 KB, 321x395, nz vs usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Australia here

Interactive Brokers will deal with kiwis

>> No.6768642

fuck off pajeet, no begging
time for sudoku

>> No.6768657

Lol, not gonna lie, that guy's hustle game is pretty legit if he was able to get $800. Fuck him of course, but damn, props.

>> No.6768716

Actually, I just checked his ether and btc address and all he got was $96 in bitcoin. Smh newfag