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File: 9 KB, 213x236, XRP Wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6762540 No.6762540 [Reply] [Original]

When is this piece of shit going to moon?
I traded for some because of the money gram announcement.
At the time it was around $1.50
Almost a week later shit is still at that price.

>> No.6762724

Give it time boi we will moon Febuary is our month to Bull

>> No.6762866

If you have no patience, then you should sell.

>> No.6762882

i thought we all came the to conclusion that ripple was dying and that was a last-ditch attempt by the jewish mafia and big money to overtake crypto with there banks and regulations. $0.25 per by the End of WEEK

>> No.6762919

that means they know its going down OP. some people cant let go.

>> No.6762920


XRP isn't a quick buck coin, it's a literal long term hold coin. You'll either want to start taking risks and selling in profit or think about re-investing if you're hoping for quick money.

>> No.6762974

Sell it, bro.
I'll buy your bags.

38,000XRP here. Retiring in 2020.

>> No.6763041

>applying to McDonalds 3 months from now

>> No.6763096

I work as a technician in an aviation industry. I will be alright either way.

>> No.6763148

I´ll take a big mac with extra fries
>gives .000001 LINK as tip

>> No.6763167
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>flight attendant

>> No.6763382

>extra fries

>> No.6764485
File: 164 KB, 512x367, MILITARY WANTS TO PAY FOR HELICOPTERS WITH XRP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope it stays low for as along as possible. I need to buy more.

>> No.6764707

REEEEE my order finally filled.
I have no faith in this coin, I just think normies will flock to it like retarded sheep because it has VISA somewhere in its marketing.

>> No.6764790

why do you support it so strongly? i like it but its pretty damn centralized

>> No.6764972


Are you here to make money or are you here to invest in platforms and products that you personally hope to help improve processes in the world we live in today.

If the former then your ethics shouldn't stand in the way, if the latter then there is no issue with you not partaking but you should understand that others don't give two fucks about centralisation and decentralisation, they just want to make money.

Personally I don't care if the business model targets banks and other financial industries, if I can see a value to a product then I'll invest after assessing the risks (to a certain degree). I just want money, however, I can see why there are people who wouldn't want to be involved because of the business model and it's a fair and valid point.

>> No.6765021


Centralization is a good thing. It means that important decisions can be made in a timely fashion.

Every great man in world history has been a centralizer: Philip of Macedon, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Augustus, Jesus, Vespasian, Marcus Aurelius, Constantine, Justinian, Charlemagne, William the Conqueror, Ghengis Khan, Frederick the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Bismarck, etc.

Decentralization is a cry for help from the weak. Centralization is the way of those with strength and long-term vision. Whenever centralized systems come into conflict with decentralized systems, the centralized system almost always wins.

>> No.6765069

I'm sure this coin worth sixty billion dollars that needs more money than what exists in the world to have any meaningful gains will be mooning any minute now.

>> No.6765109







>> No.6765135


- $90 Trillion in worldwide central bank paper and electric money
- $80 Trillion in worldwide stock markets
- $215 Trillion in worldwide real estate
- $215 Trillion in worldwide bonds

> not enough money in the world for XRP to reach $100-1000

>> No.6765147


this man fucks

>> No.6765177

Yeah I'm sure any day now everyone will be dumping their stocks and bonds to go in on cripple.

>> No.6765208

I just hope there are people retarded enough to dump their savings into it so I can 5x and gtfo.

>> No.6765243

Better be union, otherwise you don't get paid shit

>> No.6765252

>Are you here to make money
Yes and we have been the last couple years without fail and no need for Jewish scamcoins. If you’re turning to ripple for money or believe they will ever allow ripple to be over $4 you’re legit a fucking retard. Ethically you a disgusting loser who bounced over from r*ddit. Financially, your trading precious, unique, decentralized currency for what is no different than centralized fiat crypto. You’re in the wrong in both regards. Enjoy watching ripple barely scrape $3 again while the ETH you bought it with x5 this year AHAHAHAHA

>> No.6765274


The money that goes into XRP will be mostly from the $90 Trillion in central bank paper and electronic money.

Regarding money from stocks, bonds and real estate -- they don't need to sell any of that to invest in XRP. All these assets produce income. Most of the time this income is re-invested, but some of it can be diverted to XRP.

>> No.6765275

>that feel when u got xrp @ 0.60$

>> No.6765309
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I just want to sell at $4. Been carrying these heavy bags so long.

>> No.6765316


Your response holds no value, disregarded.

>> No.6765319

Name me 5 coins that aren't utter trash.
I've been looking at alts all week and only found one that I could put money into without second-guessing myself.
No, it's not XRP.

>> No.6765346

>Ethically you a disgusting loser who bounced over from r*ddit. Financially, your trading precious, unique, decentralized currency for what is no different than centralized fiat crypto.


>> No.6765379

spot on

>> No.6765399

pump and dump scheme orchestrated by the devs themselves

>> No.6765422
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>> No.6765427

>delusion - the post
No fucking bank is going to buy into their own scam you dumb nigger. The sponsored ripple and got ~~60% of the supply for FREE. Why the fuck would a bank who made a worthless, no use case coin that has infinite supply buy I to something they got a fuckload for free knowing retards like you will trade coins with actual value/use cases? You got fucking kiked. The ONLY money pouring I to this coin will be normies and r*dditor fags who don’t know fuck all about the tech and are financially illiterate.

>> No.6765490


> Banks will never buy into their own scam


>> No.6765541

It's a wojack fidget spinner

>> No.6765577


>no use case coin

It's obvious that you're just a liar who's jealous that the banks and governments made the best coin and that its going to win. Everyone knows the use case of XRP by now.

>> No.6765587

Holy fuck did I make the right move buying in on this.
Didn't even notice.

>> No.6765608

>when the shill gets BTFO this hard
LOL at you

You literally failed to process any of the information and logic I provided. Maybe re-read my comments.

I couldn’t even imagine being this dumb. You realize I was making fun of the r*ddit SJW commie queers who cry about the 1% while sucking their jewish cocks and falling for every one of their scams thinking they’ll get rich? The Hillary millennial types? Kys mate.

>> No.6765613


For anyone reading, just to establish, this person doesn't know anything about Ripple or XRP.

This is confirmed by the the following statement: "The sponsored ripple and got --60% of the supply for FREE".

Probably 10 minutes of research will make this particular individual a laughing stock.

>> No.6765628

It has a use case but it will never be accomplished.
If banks want their transfer crypto, they'll make it, own 80% of it and dictate everything that has to do with it.
Banks fucking hate crypto.

>> No.6765652


Disregarded once more just to blast your buttocks.

>> No.6765661

this is just a gateway for the wall street wolves

bought in at 14 cents and sold that shit at 3.20 the way it moves and the amount of money being dumped into it tells you it’s really being manipulated

>> No.6765670
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>> No.6765671


you're such a dumbfuck, jesus. that tinfoil hat must be getting heavy by now.

>> No.6765674

>XRP isn't a quick buck coin

Look at it's history. It's always been a Pnd. Literally the opposite of what you're saying.

>> No.6765689

Well obviously you and I disagree about XRP's potential appeal, but I don't see how I misunderstood your post.
I'm also holding ETH, because yes that will rise long term, but I need a crypto shitcoin to make money in the meanwhile.

>> No.6765795
File: 375 KB, 1920x1920, 1E3E0226-51EF-42D5-B95C-F65635E867E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laugh HARD at faggot normies who think the individual per-unit price of XRP will achieve parity with bitcoin. Holy FUCK are these people dumb.

MUH market cap don’t matter.
Listen dickhead every crypto has one. Just because the concept of market cap may be misleading doesn’t mean that BTC and XRP can be the same.

FUCK they are so dumb.

>> No.6765815


Actually, the history doesn't relate to what you're proposing.

https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ripple/ AT graphs, if you think that's PnD graph then I don't know what else to say, apart from have a good evening.

>> No.6765861

dont worry sir, xrp- part of New International Financial System

just hodl


>> No.6765887

Yeah XRP is a token, it's really not a contender for much of anything.

>> No.6765927


I'm obviously siding with Ripple and XRP in this thread, but I agree with you. Too many people are believing in a ridiculous price point, hundreds of dollars per coin. That thinking is going to be soured sadly.

>> No.6765938


If you don't know about XRP pumping 20x and dumping at least 3 times now, you're deluded.

>> No.6765988


You didn't look at the graph did you, lol.

>> No.6766124


Click to view vs BTC. It's PnD exactly like this almost every year.

>> No.6766142


It reaches a higher plateau after each pump. It never returns to previous levels.

>> No.6766173

Check out this retard.

>> No.6766176

Oh well, Hopefully at some point in the future I can trade for ETH / BTC for a profit.

>> No.6766183

Viewing comparted to BTC is worthless. I dont know why you fucks keep trying so hard to pretend the world runs off BTC. Its a worthless metric.

>> No.6766220

It's useful because it represents the value vs the general crypto market.
Alts follow BTC price.

>> No.6766224

It actually has, the PnD before the last didn't but only barely. Hodl it dude, idc.

>> No.6766254

Ripple literally has the largest returns year to date.

>> No.6766261

>what is opportunity costs

>> No.6766291
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>It actually has...didn't... but only barely

You are such a liar. Please tell me how to buy XRP for half a penny, or $0.25. Because I'd love to do that.

>> No.6766333

>only once did it not go all the way to the previous floor
>I recognize this and state it myself

kys leaf faggot

>> No.6766337

I just feel bad for you guys. And it’s no skin off my back. I’ve made my money off it when I could and now I’m out before it burns me. The only people you’re scamming are leddit soyboys like this poster here: >>6765670 so it’s actually hilarious for me.

You keep posting this. Is your reading comprehension like that of a nigger? I guess I’ll spell it out for you: I didn’t vote Hillary and I hate kikes I.e. her Wall Street donors. How hard are you projecting your soyboy self onto others right now?

>> No.6766353


Show us the chart you liar.

>> No.6766405

Literally look at the same chart we both fucking linked. It pumps and dumps hard af all the time.

>> No.6766437


Not a single chart has been posted in this thread. You need to support your false claim with a chart. You can't, because you are lying.

>> No.6766464

Its pumps to a new ATH, then falls to a value above its previous floor. That is not a pump and dump, thats a pump and correction/profit taking.

>> No.6766474

Look at it in sats you absolute retard.

>up 1000s of %
>falls 85-95 % every time

>> No.6766489

How is that not a PnD?

>> No.6766505
File: 34 KB, 1166x753, ripple chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit your so goddamn retarded

>> No.6766515




>> No.6766543

>Look at it in sats

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.6766561

>implying 1000% gains aren't 1000% gains

You're a fucking idiot dude. I'm glad you're holding this dumpster fire

>> No.6766602
File: 333 KB, 1031x547, coinbase ripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will be listed on coinbase soon
>will be treated as a currency, not as a crypto (i.e. it will be tax-free)

Be patient. This is the only coin guaranteed to have multiple moon missions. It will suck money from all other cryptos.

And remember, the slower it rises, the less times it needs to correct/crash. Slow is good. Early adopters (whales) who don't want to hodl anymore are being replaced with new adopters. The XRP supply is becoming more distributed.

To be honest, I'm surprised it survived the recent events easily, coinmarketcap sudden delisting of korean markets (affected XRP more than any coin), NY Times fud, South Korea ban rumors, ..etc

advice: hodl for at least year. Ripple Labs are thinking long term. They said their plan is to get financial institutions to adopt it for settlement and once they achieve this goal they will target individuals. They made a great progress in the last 5 years.

>> No.6766658
File: 25 KB, 320x320, Interdasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So people had years to buy XRP when it was less than a penny. And now it's $1.50.

>> No.6766673

Its like they think any gains earned from amazon are invalid because apple exists.

But no one could be that goddamn retarded.

>> No.6766678
File: 214 KB, 1920x1080, MILITARY WANTS TO BUY CARRIERS WITH XRP 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holding this dumpster fire has been the best financial decision of my life.

>> No.6766689
File: 234 KB, 1102x739, ripple board of directors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also remember,

it sits on a federal reserve task fource and on US fintech advisory board. They hired the right people to make XRP regulation friendly.

>> No.6766724

Well I bought in at $1.50
I put in a sell order at $3 and am going to sleep.

Hopefully it does not crash overnight.

>> No.6766726
File: 237 KB, 1338x1358, ripple payment spec 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> they achieve this goal they will target individuals

>> No.6766732


That shit is literally never going to the moon. It's had its moon price. The company owns what... 60% of it?

They've got complete control over price because they can dump whenever, and they even said they think the ripples are worth a dollar.

>> No.6766747

please go jump off a bridge

>> No.6766774

Look up escrow and report back when you've puzzled out what it means.

>> No.6766782

never sell 100% of a coin with solid fundemntals. you don't want to be the guy who bought pizza for 10k bitcoin.

hold 50% for a at least a year and trade the other half (i.e. sell at $3, then buy the dip, then sell at $5 then buy the dip).

>> No.6766803
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anon, I...don't know how to help you.

>he didn't google the escrow agreement they signed
>being this behind on the times
>still staying mad

>> No.6766820

>thinks they're worth a dollar
>Not even worth 1 cent

>> No.6766833

>an escrow enforced by consensus which is granted by validators they pick


>> No.6766843

>Early adopters (whales) who don't want to hodl anymore are being replaced with new adopters. The XRP supply is becoming more distributed.

This is true. And the co-founder, who left on shitty terms, will burn through his stack soon as well, which will remove a pretty hefty anchor that is holding the price down.

>> No.6766849

Enjoy your shitty fidget spinner bags

>> No.6766877

>entire supply came from creators and Ripple Labs
>muh distribution

>> No.6766883
File: 95 KB, 613x561, ripple xrp revenue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The company owns what... 60% of it?

that's great.

Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships (e.g., Amex, Santander, ..) and expanding XRP's marketshare


Let's see when happens when developers don't have coins locked or don't have coins at all

Litecoin: founder dumped and said he will leave

Vitalik: threatening to leave.

Bitcoin: Core devs refused to increase the blocksize even temporarily, and as a result, bitcoin is dying, the fees skyrocketed, the price crashed, more merchants are dropping it and no one is using it for payments anymore

incentives matter. XRP holders have a company working full time to pump their bags.

>> No.6766940

>Ripple will shoot themselves in the foot after 6 years of growth, development, and relationship building

Oh, ok.

>> No.6766979

80% of bitcoin's current supply has been bought before 2015.

PoW used to have low difficulty. Early adopters and miners have much more than 60% of Bitcoin's supply. At least with Ripple Labs we have predictably, only and one batch per month and they have incentives to work hard for the next 5 years.

Bitcoin whales can dump this shit to $1 if they want to.

>> No.6767040
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>> No.6767096


>> No.6767108

>betting against the jew
>being this retarded

>> No.6767130
File: 2.19 MB, 1500x977, WELCOME XRP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you. Learn history. Rome should have never taken weak barbarians like you as slaves. Now you weaken the West from within with your lies about decentralization.

>> No.6767150
File: 220 KB, 430x439, say hhhwhat 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>letting that affect your financial decision making
>thinking the real world cares

>> No.6767170
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PoW is a free market system where economic actors can choose to participate in validating transactions on a decentralized trustless network and are incentivesed to because block rewards. Entrepreneurs in mining must find ways to out compete and stay in business requiring reinvestment and innovation.

Ripple created XRP tokens out of thin air, gave it to themselves for free and sold it to you with absolutely no contractual obligation to you. The level of cuckholdry of XRP holders is outstanding.

>> No.6767207

Bitmain owns more than 50% of the hashpower and can burn Bitcoin to the ground if Chinese government asked it to.

Hashpower = richest guy automatically becomes a majority

>> No.6767276


You are aligning one coins worth with another coins worth when their purpose is on complete opposite ends of the spectrum.

This is just boiling down to you admitting that you don't like Ripple/XRP because of your ethics, which is fine, but just admit it with your bollocks hanging low.

>> No.6767280


here's your free market.

-One company has more than 50% of the hashpower (Bitmain)
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower (China)
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents (Bitmain)
-One company can rollback the chain and bunckrupt the entire ecosystem.


now go back to sucking chinse capitalist cock. I'll stick with XRP, where double spending attack is never a threat.

>> No.6767345


>> No.6767403


Ah it was just an elaborate plan to attempt to russle me this entire time, I had hoped you were pretending to be stupid.

>> No.6767433

No, you're still a cuck.

>> No.6767534


Oh so now not only are you russled but you were actually being stupid too.

Shoulda just rolled with it, it worked out better for you.

>> No.6767624

>literally giving Ripple Labs his wife's sons college money
>thinks I'm russled


>> No.6767685

>fags buying Ripple now
>tfw literally OVER 60 BILLION RIPPLECOINS are sitting in the developers' pockets as we speak

Guess you fags are going to learn what "dilution" is.

>> No.6767806
File: 3.61 MB, 2192x1024, XRP VICTORIOUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe you'll learn what happens when the world's top 1% who controls a collective $250 Trillion in wealth decides to pick a winner in the crypto game.

>> No.6767811 [DELETED] 
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>he didn't buy >$0.20

>> No.6767814


Yeah, that's not how it works and your insult has no real world appliance as I am not married nor have a son.

You're not very good are you, at investing or insulting that is.

>> No.6767989


Seeing as Googling is too hard for you, https://ripple.com/xrp/market-performance/

I would advise you to take a few minutes to research before stating factually incorrect information, for who knows what reason.

>> No.6768125

>is literally 3rd market cap
>When will it moon?

OP you are a dumb nigger.