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File: 320 KB, 2000x1012, normies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6764063 No.6764063 [Reply] [Original]

Why are normies so bad at saving money? Even the ones who have high paying jobs barely invest at all and put it into depreciating assets like cars and iphones. The average person making 100 to 200k is living paycheck to paycheck and has massive credit card debt.

>> No.6764132

because jews get rich when normies pump capital into the economy and taxes

>> No.6764173

Short sighted, doesn't help that advertising,social networking and big company's socially engineered the normies to be that way
Get the latest iPhone or be socially outed as a pauper
I wish i was just making shit up be we all know its true

>> No.6764598

Super true, normies feel cozy being Cucked in all ares. Their afraid to think outside and do things outside their comfort zone. At the same time their always experiencing really bad hardship financially thinking is bad luck. When in reality is their Cuck ways that brings them down.

>> No.6764646

Theyre normies for a reason

>> No.6764676

It is better to buy shit like that and enjoy it, than be retarded pajeet, buying high selling low, and not learning anything.

>> No.6764732
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>industrial society can meet everyone’s basic needs with relatively few working hours and laborers
>entire economy is centered around financing never ending consumption of luxury goods with debt

Gotta wonder (((who))) organizes this

>> No.6764767

They lack control of themselves and succumb to intstant gratification

>captcha: calle calle

>> No.6764801

+ media brainwash
Most people are always dumber, and the smarter people are abusing it. It was always this way, in different forms, but always this way.

>> No.6764809
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Proud of you /biz/. I know we meme but the culture of consumerism that pervades the West today is literally fucking evil. Buying a new phone or driving a BMW are ok but centering the averages persons existence around purchasing things is satanic.

>> No.6764838

Holy shit that pic is like 100% white

>> No.6764875

Because we live in a society that rewards failure, if the economy turns down normies don't care, they will run to daddy gov to get them out of the shit.
Gov will look after me, tax the rich, etc.
You as a crypto invester are the next generation of wealthy cows for them to milk when shit turns bad for them.

>> No.6764905

I want her nigger cock inside me

>> No.6764957


i make 200k and I'm living paycheck to paycheck. I don't have any credit card debt but I do have 38k in student loan debt (down from 90k) and I live in NYC and my apartment rent is 2800 a month. I don't own a car. My iphone is a couple years old and paid off and I'm trying not to get a new one.

I have 15k in ethereum no parents and no savings. Whatever I have extra I'm trying to buy crypto.

I waste a lot of money eating at restraurants drinking and going on vacations

>> No.6764962


>> No.6765025

That's the beauty of it thuogh

we can cash out wherever we want

the next generation of accountants and lawyers will find sweet loopholes for a good fee

>> No.6765085


If I wasn't on scholarship I wouldn't be here.

>> No.6765121

The average millennial spends more on Starbucks than retirement. They should all be gassed.

>> No.6765150

The entire economy is geared around CONSUMING. If people don't do it, shit would fall apart fucking fast.

If everyone saved there'd be a major contraction.

>> No.6765164

We've been conditioned to. Thats how capitalism works.

>> No.6765180

that's not wasting

sounds like you're living bro. like yeah you can save a million dollars and retire with a nice car and shit but no one wants to fuck you, you get tired, you're old, fuck that

>> No.6765212

While this thread is here, any advice on saving money by budget planning? I try to live frugally but sometimes I make myself not enjoy anything and not worth it at times.

>> No.6765257

I have never understood this. Let me put 15% of my paycheck into a 401k for 30 fucking years just so I can sustain myself when I’m retired. Or I can just live my life now, invest some into crypto and be a fucking baller.

>> No.6765259

most normies are just emotional retards who care more about petty socializing than building and maintaining capital and dynasty

>> No.6765271

Its generally average fags who did well and think theyve 'made it'.

They think $100k or even fucking $60k a year makes them rich and they try to live like a rich fag to prove a point to people.

Hell even if I had $1m Id just have an above average apartment and a nice but 2nd hand car. On $100k a year you should be living comfortably as a normie.

$100k a week is when you start being 'rich'.

>> No.6765321

Oh and all those faggots thinking theyre something special because theyre wearing sunglasses and in a picture

>> No.6765391


Took me 30 seconds to spot a potential Pajeet

Start centrally at the bottom and work your way up that guys arm, hes just to the right of the wrist area.

>> No.6765413

>he doesnt do MDMA and fuck asian sluts at EDC
why even live

>> No.6765434

>doing drugs
>going to festivals
>associating with normies
must I go on?

>> No.6765454


Yeah let me just invest a huge percent of my paycheck into something that has no intrinsic value and could easily lose 50% of its price in a few hours.

>> No.6765463

do it once or twice a year, its fun. idc what you think

>> No.6765500
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>just sin once
>cmon it can't hurt just once

>> No.6765505

And they fuck more than you.

>> No.6765552

half these people have never been outside a basement since conception. Socialising is not a bad thing, go for it DESU

>> No.6765593


I mean that's been my life outlook. I'm living and seeing the world. But my age is starting to scare me and I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever own a home in my life and that's sad when you're making this much, I can't afford to buy anything in NYC because I'm not a multimillionaire like the jew that owns my building and if I move out of the city to a rural area to where houses are affordable there aren't any jobs.

>> No.6765602

you seem really fun at parties

being degenerate for a week out of the year isn't that bad. Just don't be the guy getting wasted every single weekend, then you're a fucking waste of space.

>> No.6765617

Human society is the worst meme, don't do this.
Participating in degeneracy at any time makes you a waste of space.

>> No.6765637

What has intrinsic value?

>> No.6765709


lol, loser

tell me how sad your life is. where do you get enjoyment from? what do you do on saturdays?

>> No.6765724

At least for the time, but fair enough.

I really seriously "party" maybe four days out of the whole year. I work way too much, but have to so I can pay for my university and car. That said, running my businesses are some of the most fun and exciting things I do.

Not being confined to a cubicle and having the extra money to spend on things that I enjoy(which is rarely partying, but sure a rave ONCE A YEAR might be fun) is enough, especially when all of your friends are stuck in a retail job or cubicle to pay for college, and you can do all of your work from the restaurant they work at, or even the lobby of their office if you want to rub it in.

>> No.6765729

I live in a cabin in the woods with my books dogs and chickens like the fucking unabomber and get rich while normies fuck each other and buy phones reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Seriously though I question my life sometimes. I think I'm happy, been having suicidal thoughts recently but I think it's because I just read the bluest eye and it fucked up my emotions.
Plan is to buy a ranch eventually.
Might grow some soybeans to feed the soyboys.

>> No.6765742

Only if you revolve your life around it which I dont since im not a cuck.

>> No.6765744

edm festies are the wooooorst.


>> No.6765752

enjoy that silent HPV infection which condoms doesn't really protect against and significantly ups your chances of penile and anal cancer.

>> No.6765769

What do you do on Mondays? I bet you wake up early to go slave away for Mr. Shekelstein.

>> No.6765796


I feel bad now because I was working on a catalog while he was wagecucking at an ice cream.

>> No.6765820


Stock in companies that create tangible products or perform vital services, real estate that you can live on, etc.

I have money in crypto but I'm not reckless enough to put half my paycheck in it. I guess if you were a suicidal NEET i'd say why not but if you actually have a path to success in other areas of life why would you throw that away trying to get rich quick.

>> No.6765855

>what do you do on saturdays?
Go to morning mass, look at charts, and then read my current book.

>> No.6765875

The average IQ is 100 and it's just not enough.

>> No.6765877

>penis cancer

>> No.6765898

This is what happens when you live in the US
Move to Georgia
That doesn’t happen here

>> No.6765902

>feed the soyboys


>> No.6765918

That would make sense if you were in a different timeline from our own. In this timeline, stocks shit the bed and bitcoin printed millionaires.

>> No.6765932

I have this plan because Sprint literally won't let me buy my own phone.

>> No.6765948


>> No.6765975

Bless you anon. Insane how crazy this degenerate world has become. End times are near.

>> No.6765980

Stocks shit the bed? They're up 35% since trump was elected without any huge drops like crypto had a few days ago. Yea, bitcoin is up a lot more, but it was an unknown and risky

>> No.6765996


Wish I was kidding

also nice dubs

>> No.6766066

Not knowing the IQ scale is designed for the population average to score within a standard deviation of 100 is the most 100 IQ thing you could say.

>> No.6766079

Normies are participating in a relative status game. They look at the people around them and want to stand out. They want to have a nicer house/condo, a better car, and to go to more interesting places on vacation.

If you're 30+ and you "socialize" with "friends", it quickly becomes bragging. People talk about their vacations, their cars, etc and try to see where everyone measures up.

It's fucking retarded.

>> No.6766226
File: 67 KB, 300x300, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies believe in consuming for social capital.
Particularly women, value social validation more than material gain and media. Even their materialism is based around showing it off to other people. Look at Instagram, the fitness, wealth, food, and other luxuries and "success" exist not for self-satisfaction but for showing off and acquisition of social capital.

THIS is the factor that differs "normies" from others, since everyone is always bitching about the distinction. Normies value social capital above self-cultivation or media consumption. 4Chan is so hated by much of society because it is the antithesis of social capital, here you're supposed to be anonymous and keep your identity out of sight. This is why so many people here complain about "normies", we don't live the way they live.
For many of us /biz/raelis, we value money or the acquisition of money. For normies, they value the social capital that money can bring. For denizens of /v/, they value gaming for self-satisfaction, for normies, they value gaming for attention and socialization. And so on.

>> No.6766236

The men spend all they can to show their status and attract women. The women spend all they can to look good and attract a high-status man.

Anti-social NEETs save money that would be spent on that and put it in digibucks

>> No.6766328

this anon speaks the truth
good shit

>> No.6766368

I do in fact know this. I mean that in the context of current IQ tests normed on a representative sample of the population, the level of raw intelligence or g represented by a score of 100 is abysmally low and insufficient for responsible investing.

>> No.6766382

normies are the equivalent of pajeet coins

>> No.6766423

Thanks for shilling me on this, seriously. See you in may if you're gonna be there
Kek. Stay in your basement you fucking loser while im balls deep in your sister while tripping on ketamine

>> No.6766447

where can i short normies

>> No.6766467

I make within that range and spend a significant amount of my money on normie festivals.

It’s worth it tho. I don’t have a car and I have plenty of extra money to spend on crypto

>> No.6766514

Invest in:
Payday loan companies
Music festival companies

Depends on the wealth of the normies in question.

>> No.6766523


This man fucking gets it.

>> No.6766526

food, water, vagina and drugs


>> No.6766545

You forgot guns that can be used to take all of those things.

>> No.6766565

Guns put those things in the hands of non deservers anon

>> No.6766628

This doesn't change the demand. Until you can get rid of people willing to steal and kill, weapons will always have value for said stealing/killing and defending from it.

>> No.6766655

That's an unnatural loophole that doesen't happen in nature, since the strong show compassion and the weak show respect

>> No.6766695

Lol what? Have you ever seen how rival chimpanzee troops interact in the wild? The Vikings had more compassion during their pillaging runs.

>> No.6766712

>TFW making 150k a year with great perks and benefits at 22.
>TFW walkable neighborhood, nice bike lanes, cycle everywhere, no car/insurance/gas payments.
>TFW use work phone as personal phone, no cell bill.
>TFW free breakfast/lunch/dinner at work, hardly spend money on food.
>TFW free gym at work.
>TFW maxing out IRA and 401k with 50% match.
>TFW investing $2k a month into stocks on top of that.
>scholarship, no college loans
>Internet bill comped by employer.
>Don't have to pay shit except rent and utilities.
Feels good man.

>> No.6766715


>> No.6766733

We are in our natural state.

>> No.6766830

where do u work

>> No.6766844


>> No.6766847

>rival chimpanzee troops
Are you talking about uganda's army? opinion discarded

You think concrete prisions are our natural habitat?
You think our serotonin/dopamine reuptake is normal under these conditions?
You think you wouldn't be happy as a child if you spent some time in the forest?

>> No.6766896


How much is rent in SF and do you have roommates

>> No.6766934

A troop of Chimpanzees, brainlet. It's the name given to an associated group/society of them.

>> No.6766978
File: 16 KB, 443x939, topinstahashtags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually surprised that it's a less understood concept. But that's because society reacts so violently against the concept of NOT accruing social capital. And yet the distinction is everywhere.
Tabloids follow the social lives of celebrities, Instagram "success/lifestyle/fitness" is about showing off states of being rather than discussing achievements. It's why normies like "motivation and inspiration" so much, because they don't give a FUCK about getting real shit done, that's too internal. They care about showing shit off instead.

Anonymity is opposed because it eliminates the social capital hierarchy and therefore devalues their most important currency.

Anyone who values all things as a means to social capital is a normie. They will give up (in varying degrees) money, time, dignity, effort, intellect and literally anything else to accrue social capital.
And they're by far the influential majority.

>> No.6767051

I'm in Mountain View (about 30 miles south of SF, where the Google campus is actually located. Renting a house with 4 other people about a 24 minute bike ride from the campus. 5 bedroom/bathrooms, so we each have our own room/bathroom, plus a garage, kitchen, and living room.

Rent is about $1500 a month, including utilities. Investing about $2k a month and on top of maxing my IRA contributions, after rent I have about $800 in spending money a month. That's not counting stock grants and bonuses, which are probably 25-30% of my total comp.

>> No.6767134

Evolution is characterized by adaptation to new environments. Humans are characterized by their ability to radically change the environment. We decide our habitat, it's what we do, it's our natural state. Those "concrete prisons" have made us the most evolutionarily successful beings we know of.

>> No.6767152

What's your career? If you don't mind my asking

>> No.6767176

Software Developer, I work on the ads systems.

>> No.6767180

same reason they vote with emotions, listen to mainstream music, watch mainstream movies, believe news and politicians.

>> No.6767202
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Several decades of financial irresponsibility has made it normal.
We're currently sitting on a economic meltdown the scale of which is so incomprehensible it can only be compared to a tsar bomba and people would just like to leave it up to the next generation to die in pain instead of them.

>> No.6767208

Well now I know definitively that I have no chance of ever being normie. Nice to have a proper explanation of it, good job

>> No.6767243


because millennials aren't reaching retirement yet retard

>> No.6767260

Good post, examples of social capital in your opinion?

>> No.6767305

Having a life is costly. Us neets are at a tremendous advantage when it comes to saving as we only need a computer with internet access, mommys roof and some chicken tendies to survive.

>> No.6767319
File: 33 KB, 404x572, 9795E2BB-3699-4A48-ABC5-166D468E10B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in SF with 4 other people
>investing in stocks
You’re a cuck

>> No.6767338

I want to believe you are not really this retarded and are lust larping.

>> No.6767349

And what does it matter if we can't be happy?
You think all we did has any meaning in a decaying universe? You think we will ever feel the emotions that come with discovering a new land?
You seem so smug about what we have done, but you can't see how meaningless things become when we learn about them.

We died when we stopped worshipping gods

>> No.6767375

Chimpanzees torture and murder others out of fun? Link me a vid

>> No.6767376
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>you shouldn't start saving for retirement until you are close to retirement

>> No.6767377

Got $50k in Crypto after the XRB moon too.
Just don't feel the need to pour more fiat into crpyto right now. Already have enough risk there.

Also, not in SF.

>> No.6767419


$800 in spending money including for food and shit? fuck...

>> No.6767420

I want you to start providing arguments, what species kills for no reason besides men?

>> No.6767450


thanks for reminding me I need to add ketchup to mummy's grocery list

>> No.6767456
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>expecting to live past 60

>> No.6767473

Fucking plenty of them.
>Other than humans, surplus killing has been observed among zooplankton, damselfly naiads, predaceous mites, martens, weasels, honey badgers, wolves, orcas, red foxes, leopards, lions, spotted hyenas, spiders, brown[5] and black and polar bears, coyotes, lynx, mink, raccoons, dogs, and house cats.

>> No.6767490

>I live in a cabin in the woods with my books dogs and chickens like the fucking unabomber

This is unironically my actual ideal.

>live innacountry far from people
>grow food
>raise livestock
>off-grid power/water/sewage
>spend my time building electronics projects/ham radio/building shit on the lathe and milling machine

>> No.6767494

>We decide our habitat, it's what we do, it's our natural state
it's a matter of social structure and organization, not physical location or living arrangements. Our natural state is not a dense system of social, and legal rules governing that we accept to govern our behavior. Read Hobbes and his description of man's State of Nature.

>> No.6767512

>surplus killing
I said his own species you fucking brainlet

>> No.6767514

I'm clearly not as informed as the person you were responding to, but in my opinion, some of the most common examples of social capitol would have to be when people buy new cars.

When you think about it, a new car is quite possibly the worst investment you make; hardly no new cars will increase in value, they will only decrease in value for the foreseeable future. People who don't even need cars will often end up buying them, and almost always go beyond their actual spending power.

Why do people do this?

Not just because of financial ignorance, but because of social capital. As temporary as it may be, a new car will make you more attractive, for a short time, it makes you seem like a person of means. And the promise of that increase in desirability is what drives them to do it. As the first poster on the subject said, these people do not live to improve themselves, they live to make others think they are some sort of pinnacle of being

>> No.6767542


>> No.6767549


>> No.6767560

retirement is going to be impossible for 75%+ of the population.

that's only partially due to the generation's complete lack of ability to save anything.

wages are stagnant and shit, property prices are skyrocketing, many careers will be replaced with automation, welfare will collapse and our taxes are high

crypto is your only chance to build enough equity to retire

>> No.6767587

Good post, thank you for the answer. Would you say that living a minimalist lifestyle is the antithesis of social capital?

>> No.6767597

There's no shortage of new shit to discover. If you've run out of meaning in your life, that's your problem.

>> No.6767600


Don't plenty of species have the males fight and sometimes kill each other to compete for social dominance and being able to fuck the females? Territory, resources, and women are the cause of most wars and murders in the human population

>> No.6767638

Yup, it's pretty nice. Not even counting yearly bonus and stock grants either.

>> No.6767650

Most species only kill in inter-tribe/pack territory disputes. Within the tribe, dominance contests are usually non-fatal and just posturing because otherwise you'd get a race to the bottom where your second in command is continuously gored.

>> No.6767656
File: 60 KB, 620x350, p326279-620x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look at Dan Blizerian
Sure, he might not be a darling of the media, but he's a great example of social capital in motion. This ridiculous fucker inherited trust fund money and could've used it for anything he pleased. He chose to be a hyper-normie and use it to broadcast every waking moment of his stereotypically "successful" life. And for some already wealthy people, like Blizerian and the Kardashians, this can be turned into a brand.

But for the average girl or boy on the internet or at the club attempting to imitate them, there's certainly no financial incentive beyond having drinks bought for you. They're putting money into whoring their identities out. Examples might include clothing, jewelry, vacation pictures, fitness shoots, twitch streaming, twitter grandstanding and much more. They don't expect success, they expect eyes and followers. The excessive individualism of American society is a double edged sword here, providing the environment for both reclusive inward living and extreme attention demanding.

Millennials (and the generation following) are beginning to fall into the individualist extremes of either reclusive individualism, or the pursuit of social capital with exhibitionist individualism.

Exactly, and that's part of the exhibitionist nature of our society.

I don't think it is, it's doing what you think is valuable regardless of how much others will admire you for it. And that's not individualist wank. If you want to raise a family and participate in the local community to help make a stronger society, then do that regardless of how others will see you. Don't show off and waste your life being a social capital prostitute.

>> No.6767672

They rarely kill eachother, one usually gives up and the other follows.
This is the respect/compassion I was talking about
There is no hate involved, only a competition.

>> No.6767676

Most normies have negative or pitiful net worth. I read an article that most normies couldn’t even come up with $1k for an emergency.

>> No.6767689

Sorry last reply in >>6767656
is meant for

>> No.6767716


Not that anon, but a guy who lives pretty minimally due to constant travel around the world. I often get a sense of jealousy from people when I tell them how I live my life "I'd love to be able to be so free", "If only it was that simple...." etc.

All the stuff I own fits into about 6 of those 50L plastic packing crates plus a backpack. When I do buy stuff, I aim to get high quality stuff that will last. My laptop for example and old business-class Dell from around 2013, built tough as hell to survive business usage, good spec despite the age, yet only cost £225.

>> No.6767729

Absolutely true

>> No.6767736

I agree with you, have you seen the mouse utopia experiment?
It's a 10 minute vid on youtube

>> No.6767742

This is fucking true of humans, too, dumbass.

I could just as much dismiss your argument by saying "most humans never kill each other for fun though".

>> No.6767768


Property values on average have only kept up with inflation, most of the skyrocketing property values are occurring in developed urban areas where the jobs are. If you want to retire it's very feasible to move farther from the city where houses are still <$150k.

You can retire while never making more than 50k in your life by living below your means and cutting back on luxuries. Now of course most normies won't do this because muh iphone muh bmw, but you only need about 25x your annual expenses invested and you can live on that indefinitely.

>> No.6767786

I wouldn't say you have to live minimalistically, though that life style does have its advantages.

I think the antithesis of social capital would be self-cultivation for its own sake. Yes, the instagram models are fit and attractive, but most of them seem to have done so for admiration rather then for self-improvement.

Since I don't believe in objective worth or morality, my advice would be to seek out the things you value, and try to personify those things for their own sake.

If you value health and wellness, then achieve it, the same being for wealth or possessions.

Achieve things because you value them, not because you've been told to do so. If you value a hermit's life more than a mansion, then it's more valuable to you at least

>> No.6767927

>I read an article that most normies couldn’t even come up with $1k for an emergency.

I can believe it. Since I was age 18 or so I always kept a grand in a savings account that I pretended didn't exist. When I needed a first months deposit and rent for a new place, I always had that grand. Then as soon as I dipped into it, next paycheck I would make sure to fill it back up again.

Since then I've got a lot better at saving money rather than spending it. Averaged out over the last 3 years, I've been able to put 1/3 of my income into savings.

>> No.6767972

No it isn't, and no you couldn't

Humans hate and kill outside of any competition. We have also created the idea of property,but hoarding materials doesen't make us happy, it's just another means of indirect violence and bragging rights. It is not inherent to our evolutionary system to hoard shiny metals, we do it because we have long lost track of our purpose.

>> No.6767999

>i make 200k and I'm living paycheck to paycheck.


Even if 100k after taxes, your apartment is only 34k a year. Where does 66k go?

>> No.6768004

Great post. Namastey.

>> No.6768032

It's great, I've been out here for 2 years. Came out here when my dad died.
The isolation is great, but also wearing.
If you actually want to do this you should, even if you learn you don't like it you still have the experience.
You should look into permaculture chickens, basically it's a system where you don't have to buy feed.
Livestock is fairly unsustainable in dense forest aside from goats, which are hard to contain. But chickens are super easy.
I never buy meat, I have meat chickens I breed selectively and 30 laying hens. I can eat about 10 eggs a day and put some aside as long as I keep my hens fed.
You can breed meat rabbits to feed your dogs if you really wanted to, just feed them grass you slash and keep them in cages.
I set up a small orchard too, apples, plums and pears. What you don't eat is good fodder for your chickens and pigs.
Living like this isn't as hard as people make out either.
It's about 3 hours a day to maintain.

>> No.6768069

Humans are always in social competition you dumb fuck. Just because all our shit is abstract doesn't mean it's any different from a lion fucking up some other soyboy lion to get some pussy.

And this may come as a shock to you but the vast majority of people don't actually kill others or even get into physical fights very often at all.

>> No.6768070
File: 485 KB, 1357x1920, 1500802540546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.
Social capital exists as a substitute for personal values and passions. An easy substitute. And just like any widespread currency that people are invested in (as we should know here), they become interested in maintaining and promoting that currency as a system.
Non-normies are ostracized and looked down upon because we don't buy into that system, we have passions and values outside of accruing the currency of social capital.

Why does Chad get the Stacies? Because Chad knows what kind of currency Stacy is invested in. And that's social capital.

>> No.6768078

>inflation higher than interest rates
>major stock market crash and recession in last few years
Gee OP, why would anyone spend money on stuff they like?

>> No.6768082

You're missing the part where people are living from paycheck to paycheck even if they have high salaries.

>> No.6768248
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>social competition
You no longer qualify to talk to me

>> No.6768279

I legitimately cannot understand how people making six figures live paycheck to paycheck, what do they spend all that money on? If I was making six figures I would have to exert huge amounts of effort to spend it all.

>> No.6768313

Very informative...if you don't mind me asking, what would you consider non-normie traits? Besides the lack of desire to accrue social capital.

>> No.6768325

Nigger you're the one who said hoarding material wealth is "indirect violence"

>social hierarchies am no real
I shouldn't be arguing with the disabled anyway.

>> No.6768356

>The average person making 100 to 200k is living paycheck to paycheck

Nah. You’re a retard. Even if you’re an idiot with your spending it’s hard to reach paycheck to paycheck status even on a wage of 70k a year unless you really fucked up bad

>> No.6768362

at a 100k they most likely see $60,000 of that, after taxes and retirement.

Additionally, those 100k/yr people who can't save, most likely live in a big city. If the data was available, I bet anything people making 100k/yr living in smaller cities with low cost of living are definitely saving money.

>> No.6768390

Because it doesn’t really happen. Most people in that income bracket are of a higher percentile and don’t really do stupid shit. OP is a retard or lives in California where 100k a year is the rest of country’s 50k a year.

>> No.6768414

taxes take up most of it.

then mortgage. then kids.

if it wasnt for the welfare state and socialism this wouldnt be the case. there is very literally incentive to increase your income as long as you are under like 200k

>> No.6768472

It's all about self-cultivation of traits that you admire, as opposed to being perceived by others as having cultivated traits that our society values.

That doesn't mean you can't cultivate the traits that society does value, if you value them because you've made the conscious choice to do so, then it's for the right reason.

It's just that many "non-normies", tend to admire traits that juxtapose the traits society values. Basically, being a non-normie means trying to personify the values you think have worth, not the values you've been told have worth

>> No.6768475

This. I work for a union and we all make low six figures (105k). There’s only one single mom that lives paycheck to paycheck out of 100 of us. And we live in an expensive city.

>> No.6768480

Your average earner in that bracket is really not having that many kids. Anyone in the six figure bracket that’s struggling with finances is an exception and a freak of nature.

>> No.6768482

Try drinking (out) frequently, eating out all the time, going clubbing often, buying new phones on release, having a bigass mortgage, satisfying a female and her desires, the list goes on and the money burns up.

Self cultivation, genuine altruism, learning for the sake of passion, reading, min-maxing, sharing for passion or kindness rather than for self-promotion, being frugal, building things, taking pictures as memory rather than for showing off, traveling somewhere you care about, and much more.

>> No.6768496

Mine as well. I think this is a dream shared by very many. Really I just desire freedom and this is my best interpretation of it

>> No.6768509

lol this new

>> No.6768566
File: 69 KB, 600x752, solution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jews really are geniuses.

They created a social economic conglomerate of which all the people in it mindlessly consume and entrapp themselves in the web of debt. And as if this wasn't enough, they decided to make the central banks inflate the currencies at a rapid pace so that even the people aware of the scam are forced to inject their money into the (((economy))) just to protect themselves against it.

>> No.6768577

This doesn’t even make sense.

100k to 200k annual income is extremely comfortable. Hell, above 50k is fairly sustainable in the US even if you have spending problems and live above your means. I think you just like assuming everyone has in the world is a big poor dumb dumb because you have an inferiority complex or something

>> No.6768585

really depends on where you live but most places the gubmint will take 50k+ of your 100k (from me they take more than that), which really doesnt leave much to save when you are considering housing/kids/transportation/retirement saving/unexpected shit coming up.

>> No.6768628
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My car isn't depreciating, normies just buy the wrong cars. My cars worth way more than what I paid for it.

>> No.6768656

You don’t make 100k a year. You make 50k stupid

>> No.6768679

And again 50 percent income tax is absurdly high and I’m pretty sure that doesn’t even exist in those most communist of states and localities. You’re full of shit

>> No.6768688


100k - 200k. It's just incredible.

In France, if you makes 88k without taxes, you're in the top 1%

Yes, in the 1% i'm not joking.

>> No.6768693

>what do they spend all that money on?
They spend it on shit. You wouldn't believe the amount of money-sucking garbage that exists out there if you're looking to effectively burn cash. Talk to normies like my sisters, having a surplus of cash left over after essentials seems to be an almost an ailment to them. Why put it towards something that doesn't generate the next hit of consumerist dopamine?

>> No.6768760

why are you driving your precious car in the wilderness you will ruin it

>> No.6768765

are you retarded? canada I have almost 40% federal tax and well over 10% provincial tax.

Then I have a 12% sales tax on everything.

Not even considering my 5k property tax.

shut the FUCK up until you move out of mommies basement faggot ass kid

>> No.6768787

you don't talk about your salary/earnings after tax/deductions unless otherwise specified

i earn 70k dollarydoos per year, but after tax, deductions and tax refund i take home around 51k. that's the easiest way to state your earnings

>> No.6768826

So it’s irrelevant because you’re not actually making six figures. When someone says you make 100k a year, that means exactly what it says. But seriously LOL at 40 percent. That’s some Venezuela tier shit

>> No.6768851

They put money in improving their "social captial." Cars, clothes, vacations to post on insta/fb, trendy clubs/restaurants, etc

>> No.6768885

>you don't talk about your salary/earnings after tax/deductions unless otherwise specified

Haha no that’s literally just broke people like you lying about your actual income.

>> No.6768890

What are you reading rn anon?

>> No.6768976

you write like a child who hasn't worked.

when you work, you will find employers refer to your salary in terms of a total package. this is the easiest way to communicate your earnings.

this isn't an e-pissing contest. i'm simply stating a fact about human communication you brainlet

>> No.6768992

canada fag here too

know whats makes me more pissed? only half of capital gains are taxed, so richfags profiting off wagecucks end getting taxed less for doing nothing

o well i almost have enough cryptogains to quit the wagecuck life and live off all the wagies work lol

>> No.6769063


It's responsible for the modern world as we know it. It's literally the reason why we're able to make so much gains in the market. Don't bite the hand that feeds, etc.

>> No.6769070

people earn money to spend it on stuff they like because working without any reward is pointless

>> No.6769173

wHaT hAs InTrInSiC vAlUe

t. jayden smith

>> No.6769216


If our eyes are mirrors, how can our mirrors see our eyes?

>> No.6769234

Income is literally your earnings before you pay income tax.
Your salary/income is 100k, your gross annual earnings are 50k (or just what you earn after deductions.

>> No.6769914

How do you get your internet?

>> No.6770210

This is Bait

>> No.6770267

Easy, normies watch commercial tv. Adds get to them. They wouldn't run them if they didn't work

>> No.6770299

Georgia is in the US, moran.

>> No.6770346

>saving money when USD is going to be worth nothing in a decade or two
Enjoy your green papers, Chad and Stacy put all their cash on cars and material goods while over-extending their credit on consumables and vacations, and are now wealthier than you are.

>> No.6770491

>shut in loner
>not degenerate
pick one fggt

>> No.6770519

Firearms. That's why I spend all my money on guns.

>> No.6770551

>stocks shit the bed
>I made a 20% return on my mutual fund in 2017

>> No.6770590


>> No.6770704

Agreed desu it’s truly insane. I’m a poorfag who works a shit job and live at home with my folks and I somehow can save and buy crypto pretty liberally. I can’t really see myself spending money on much else but the necessities.

>> No.6770711


The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.6770712


>> No.6770984

4g wifi modem.
I could get better internet but I don't need it. I only use it to browse.>>6770210

>> No.6771048

What do you do at google?

>> No.6771180

they're not living paycheck to paycheck because they're necessarily just "terrible with money" but because often people with those 100-200k/year jobs are living in an area (as part of their job) that has an extremely high cost of living, where a 1 bedroom 650sqft apartment in the downtown area near where they work might cost them $3000/month to rent or $900k+ to buy, where a restaurant meal of a hamburger and beer might cost $36, where owning new tech (like new phone, etc) isn't necessarily out of pure idiocy or greed but to "maintain appearances" in the professional circle they're in.

I know some of that seems odd, I actually used to share your view, but after working as a manager for a couple years at a fairly large company in a fairly expensive area my perspective changed quite a bit.

Now sure, if you can work remotely from home, live in some super cheap area, all while making $200k+/year and STILL have money problems, then ya something's wrong with you, but I don't think that's the situation people generally find themselves in.

>> No.6771201

This is why social media companies are fucking killing it. Ironically, they were probably founded by autists that didn't care about the validation, but they inherently understood the power of social capital that drives the majority of the population, and exploited it to the max.

>> No.6771289


>balls deep in anybody
>on ketamine

Good luck not barfing or feeling like a dissociated alien while cumming LMAO

>> No.6771352

>soyboy lion
Some faggot has to mspaint this and save it for posterity.

>> No.6771383

It's simple, normies are sheep
>Promote: atheism and nihilism
>Result: moral degradation and hedonism
These degenerates worship social status

>> No.6771393

vanlife is the epitome of soyboy lion

>> No.6771398

>cumming in outer space

literally on my to do list

>> No.6771450

I bet you think Italians are white? Kek. If a person has black hair, they’re not white. Maybe ‘American white ‘. But not white.

>> No.6771493

>white skin, black hair
>not white

1800s logic in 2018

>> No.6771508

arguably only land and people.
everything else is psychological

>> No.6771591

Now for the real question: who's more disgusting, stinky linkies or the absolute normalfags itt discussing their 200k/year jobs and edm parties?

>> No.6771793

I live in Australia, 150k/year, pay $500/month rent. Eat out every day. Pay 31% income tax. Then 10% on sales tax. Effectively paying 41% plus the hidden inflation tax which diminishes my purchasing power by 2-4% each year. Worst part is subsidising welfare and safety net programs that directly diminish my value as a provider for women. This is the reason women can pick and choose to be with Chad. I literally have to go overseas to find an attractive woman that is fine with being a man that is under 6 feet. Paying tax so government can literally cockblock me from my own women.

>> No.6772197

The social capital here are (You)s and Chad looks good and is charismatic. You only put so much effort into this because you want to experience a social reaction.

>> No.6772224

>150k/year, pay $500/month rent.

nice. what do you do and what city?

>> No.6772268

lack of financial education-
Robert Kiyosaki

>> No.6772889

This is really apparent in the trend of people taking photos of food and posting it to social media. I was so baffled when I originally witnessed it but its unbelievably common. Literally for a simple weekend dinner people will take photos of what they are about to eat.

It's almost as if it's more important what others see that you are eating than whether you think the food tastes good or not.

>> No.6772985

Millennial here I spend money on basics invest in crypto as a second income.

>> No.6773023

Was just reading his book. The financial quadrant.

>> No.6774136

thought that also
it wasn't even that good he just used a lot of words to say some people care about fitting in and some don't

>> No.6774201

How much do you burgers make?

I alway see average 100k on here, is it larp?

>> No.6774464

>Having sympathy for niggers

>> No.6774473



>> No.6774526

average burger makes roughly 44k

>> No.6774579

Low income in a field that is very competitive and flooded with cheap labour together with high taxes and expensive rent. I haven't bought anything for myself in the last week's apart from a book that was on sale, a game on steam also on sale and some T-shirts for 3 bucks a piece. I settled for my job because it was the only one I could find that gives a unlimited contract. Normal in the industry is 6 months to a year and you are basically guaranteed to not be continued. Also I am a brainlet for not going to uni but my grades were just too bad.

>30 yrs old
>30k yr
>Rent is 700 rest goes to insurances, car that I need to get to work and food.

>> No.6774599


>> No.6775132

conspicuous consumption.

>> No.6776538

You sound like an absolute faggot and this is coming from someone who is straight edge don't even drink alcohol at all. Judgmental christ sucks are the worst, you existing is a detriment to this earth though consumption of food and goods alone

Exceedingly rare you dipshit fell for the priests lies, though all he cares about is fucking you in your ass

>> No.6776746

>You can definitely still study in germany at 30, especially if you have job experience in the field you want to study.
>Maybe not at a Uni, but you can try the fh karlsruhe.
>If you are willing to move just send a lot of applications to different fh s all over the country in time for the Wintersemester this year.

>> No.6776775

Oooops, didn't mean to greentext.

>> No.6776818

its weird. i dont get why they arent scared shitless of having no savings? what if they lose jobs etc. many arent even contributing to a retirement fund

>> No.6777505
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I already make tons of money off of normies like you but that still doesn’t change the fact it’s wrong. We are destroying the planet and wasting millions of people’s lives to manufacture and market products know one wants until they’re told. New phones every year and new cars every 5 years are the best examples of this.

>> No.6777592

what are you talking about? everyone knows the meaning of life is the ALL NEW DODGE 2019 RUSTBOX! 0% APR FOR 60 MONTHS, AND IF YOU HAVE A JOB, GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6777658 [DELETED] 

Anon, do you hate easy money? If not then join,_.

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6777705
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They're wired completely differently and have animal instincts. Consume, breed, and produce nothing else. For them to invest and save money goes beyond the normie mindset and they would rather consume endless marketing and get instant gratification constantly than to invest and save to see results at a later time. They want everything to happen "right now".

>> No.6777913

I remember reading about how animals live in the present moment, while human awareness can range through time. it might've been Nietzsche.

>> No.6778060


>pays $1500 to share a house with 4 other dudes
>helps (((google))) destroy western civilization
>works for a company thats openly anti white and fires white men for speaking their mind
>after everything is said and done has $800 left per month
>thinks this is somehow a great life

you sir are a grade A cuck

>> No.6778147

so ur a literal loser who leeches off his parents

shit job

eat my parents food

live off their utility bills

"i can save"

"muh stupid normies"

"i will make it"

u already failed

>> No.6778149


sounds great but the isolation would get to me
are there any towns around where you can go join some clubs or whatever?

>> No.6778192

I think alot of them don't really understand how easily money makes money.

It's something you actually have to experience first hand.

>> No.6778750

Maybe you feel like you don’t have a lot of expenses because you live at home with your folks you fucking idiot

>> No.6779059
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Moot's gotta make a living somehow man, don't be too hard on him. I'm sure Eric Schmidt allows him to clean his dick for bonus pay every now and then.

>> No.6779086
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Thank you, anon, for speaking the truth.

>> No.6779174

Fuck those materialistic people, let them spend their money. People are evil all around.

I used to be like, everyone is a good person so I could feel good about the world, but it's a shitty world. Only care for your family, friends, and 4chan.

>> No.6779237

One of my freinds is a software dev and makes more than anyone else I know but he is still in about 5k worth of credit card debt.

It drives me insane.

>> No.6779244

You put something in words which was I kinda knew already, but couldn't describe exactly. Thank you for this organizing thought.

>> No.6779254
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Post of the year.

>> No.6779318


>> No.6779319
File: 46 KB, 637x698, xVhaaws[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I can explain this as someone that lives in Zurich Switzerland (born & raised).

>Middle manager for auditing firm
>Make $220,000 a year
>56% of that goes straight to the tax-man
>Keep $96,800 after taxes
>Have to pay $5000 a month for rent, gas, electricity etc keep in mind this is a studio apartment with 1 big room in a mid-tier neighborhood in Zurich.
>Have ~$23,000 a year left to buy shit
>Box of eggs is $8, A chicken is $20, 1 liter of milk is $5
>Literally can't afford to eat meat every day
>I am FORCED to go on holiday 2 months a year because it's too expensive to stay at home due to excessive prices
>Don't want to leave my hometown because my family has lived here for 200 years and I have all my friends and family here.

People have this weird idea that having a lot of money means your life is suddenly an utopia. No. It depends heavily on where you live.

pic related shows the prices which are still on the cheap side from what I have to pay here.

30% of Switzerland is a millionaire. Both my parents and my brother are millionaires yet we still live in poverty.

Weirdest thing about Switzerland compared to foreigners is that I remember being bullied as a kid at school because me and my parents went on holidays and going on world trips is for poor people because they can't afford to stay at home. Which is probably ironic because it's the exact opposite of what you always see in American media.

>> No.6779329
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You're a smart man anon.

>> No.6779363


>> No.6779376

I can’t wait until retirement plans like social security and company pensions go away so these normies have to slave away until death. Meanwhile I’ll get to retire before age 40 with crypto gains and enjoy my life.

>> No.6779385

>56% tax in a tax haven

>> No.6779397

>headlights go up
>headlights go down

>> No.6779432

good post

>> No.6779458
File: 153 KB, 900x756, C470C70E-6AE0-4BB8-90F5-8ECE832569D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good post

>> No.6779469

what do you suggest for entertainment instead?

patrician-level entertainment is FKK clubs

>> No.6779473

Well that’s when they bitch about republicans and advocate for socialism

>> No.6779489

>world trips is for poor people because they can't afford to stay at home.
Switzerland is another universe

>> No.6779570

what show was that? bet you anything the band sucked.

>> No.6779592

>Even the ones who have high paying jobs barely invest at all and put it into depreciating assets like cars and iphones.
What would they save for? Especially if you live in a country with good health insurance and pension, if you have a high paying job, why not just enjoy life?

>> No.6779796

>actualy living in zurich
>not going to germany for major groceries
> 5000 for a studio appartment

you're either
>full of shit
>full retarded

>> No.6779854

you're fucked! off shore banking is being replaced by cryptos

>> No.6779887
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>> No.6779901

so go blow up some Rothschilds in Geneva

>> No.6779911

Because they're thoughts are manufactured by the (((them))) and they tell them to be idiot consumerists.

>> No.6779958


>> No.6780041

It's a music festival the only color is the musicians

>> No.6780046

Literally front and center of the picture you blind idiot.

>> No.6780057

>Have to pay $5000 a month for rent, gas, electricity etc keep in mind this is a studio apartment with 1 big room in a mid-tier neighborhood in Zurich.
I live in a nice neighborhood in zurich for $450 everything included. It's a shitty 1-room apartment but obviously you can live decently here for less than 5k. I earn only 100k but I can save half of it. Seems like you just don't know how to manage your finances.

>> No.6780094
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>> No.6780186

Yea OP, I think you're asking the wrong question.

Who cares why dumb normal fucks are wasting their money? The real question is, if they're so dumb, and you're so smart, why isn't their squandered wealth going to YOU?

You might find the following scene from Margin Call interesting.


>> No.6780256


>> No.6780288

>hurr durr you can't have fun unless you're fucking your brain up on drugs and getting STDs from barebacking random fishboxes that haven't had a shower for days
Do you know the sheer amount of how many other hobbies and activities there are to enjoy? Pathetic desu fampai

>> No.6780341


Ahahahahahaha, they’ll die before they retire

>> No.6780383


>> No.6780409


>> No.6780461

i was refering to the guy saying he lives in a 5000 CHF a month studio.
altho 450 is dirt cheap for zurich so good for you

>> No.6780527

Yeah, got it like 8 years ago when I moved here to study and the rent was never raised, was really lucky to get that.

>> No.6780819

It's only an advantage if you take advantage of it by working, investing and saving. Remember that

>> No.6780860

>intentionally living in the urbanite shit hole of zurich filled with bugmen and cat ladies

>> No.6781044

>those hashtags

>> No.6781217

my sister just bought a car
gonna show her this post, thanks

>> No.6781488

Welcome to the real world, and people actually wonder why commie liberals are all young while older working people are all conservative. Because people feel like they should be entitled to the fruits of their labor instead of giving half of it away to government teat sucking niggers, spics and useless administrative positions. Economic cuckoldry in action.

>> No.6781685

>Not using crypto to fund festival MDMA and kickons

>> No.6781693


>> No.6781783

>Super true, normies feel cozy being Cucked in all ares. Their afraid to think outside and do things outside their comfort zone. At the same time their always experiencing really bad hardship financially thinking is bad luck. When in reality is their Cuck ways that brings them down.
>Anonymous (ID: f1tbctOb) 01/21/18(Sun)04:06:42 No.6764646▶
> Theyre normies for a reason
>Anonymous (ID: 1LFqktYZ) 01/21/18(Sun)04:07:47 No.6764676▶>>6768082
> >>6764063 (OP)
That is insane. You are insane. You would need $5 millions in order to live with the same quality of lifestyle if you were to retire next week. Otherwise you'll have to work till you drop or drop your lifestyle.

>> No.6782107

Most “normies” with high paying jobs actually go out and live their lives. Rather than checking charts 24/7. Multiple vacations a year. Going out with their significant other daily. Cocaine. Whatever the fuck they want to do. When was the last time you’ve done any of that? Health is wealth. Not the other way around.

>> No.6782223

Pharmacist, rural town

>> No.6782529

this'ing this

>> No.6783330

assuming you are american, i dont understand how you can spend so much on vacations. dont you guys get fuck all in terms of vacation from work, and its pretty much looked down upon to even take time you are entitled to?

>> No.6783341
File: 823 KB, 950x1319, fun7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pink id confirms fun will be $5 eoy.
I mean- yeah, exactly this.

You might as well call normies instagramies, they are literally the same thing.

>> No.6783401


This is the defacto normie comment. Unwilling to take risks due to low test or conditioning. Not shrewd at all. Only comfortable with average.

>> No.6783500

That book sucked

>> No.6783608

>"super true"
>using the word "super"
>not an ultra normie

>> No.6783789

>credit card debt is bad
i bet you think alcohol and sex are scary, too.

nobody i know with a 100k+ salary lives "paycheck to paycheck." they all get benefit packages that cover everything, or they earn stock options as part of their income. if i just saved my bonus at the end of the year i could do whatever the fuck i wanted for 5 months.

also these people are too busy to spend money.

you're a dumb poorfag talking about millennials who just graduated and make 30-50k. they don't save because there's no benefit to it. investing at that age with that income is not only crippling, but it's also unlikely to make any significant return. $100 in stocks is worthless compared to a concert ticket. in the past you could do both, now you just have to choose to live life at a young age and hopefully you picked the right career. but fuck off with this 100k-200k shit you faggot, those people buy Teslas and don't even notice it on their bank account.

>> No.6784301

Good luck for when the financial crash comes, idiot.

>> No.6784328

Yeah it's in Europe

>> No.6784440
File: 2.52 MB, 2048x1536, 2F02122A-D9D6-4661-91ED-C7556BF1D6F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People with low IQ has low impusle control and low time preference

>> No.6784518


t. nigger

>> No.6784553

>tfw you fucked up at age 12 and never stopped

>> No.6784573

is your only chance of finally getting out of the house dependent on a global financial crisis? sounds like you need some luck.

>> No.6784605

Lollapalooza in the 90s

>> No.6784617
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>Millennials (and the generation following) are beginning to fall into the individualist extremes of either reclusive individualism, or the pursuit of social capital with exhibitionist individualism.

>> No.6784665
File: 273 KB, 729x945, F15692D6-6473-407E-8378-B78383BF6D0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>modern consumer “””””society””””” deserves nothing but destruction


>> No.6784845


Its actully communists and liberalists who want full employment. communists believe eveyone should be working even if they have to do totally pointless jobs like digding holes and then fill it back up.

>> No.6784917
File: 682 KB, 490x539, Battletech-madcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would love to digding your holes and then fill them back up.

>> No.6784982


>implying planned obsolescence isn’t a thing

>> No.6785125

How are normies so good at enjoying life?

>> No.6785214

This is truth

>> No.6785238

Dude you can't fuck on K. Your dick is all numb and you have 0 sexdrive. Go for mdma, speed or coke. And have viagra in case of coke dick

>> No.6785961

National socialism as an economic concept makes so much fucking sense to me.