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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 591x591, VenChain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6760503 No.6760503 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6760628

will you idiots stay out of the ven redit sub
you guys stick out like sore thumbs and come off super autistic

>> No.6760643


>> No.6760661

>guy who always buys ATH spotted

>> No.6760686

check your ego at the door son, your choices don't control the markets, you are deluded

>> No.6760701
File: 68 KB, 699x485, questionz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey lads, WHEN??

>> No.6760713
File: 59 KB, 923x636, supports.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did we get news?
this is a great chance to accumulate, the only reason to be worried would be if we break the highest support (and even then, in the long term we're fine)

>> No.6760739

it went from 65 to 63?

how new r u

>> No.6760741

THX for ur cheap bags

>> No.6760756


>> No.6760761

potentially very bad news coming for VEN within a couple weeks

>> No.6760772

No news yet but supposedly something is happening when China is awake.

>> No.6760803

9AM there now, guess we'll know in the next 3-4 hours

>> No.6760829
File: 63 KB, 482x427, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eel heaven
slippery slimy salvation
i'm gonna make it

>> No.6760848

My mom and Xbox confirmed

>> No.6760860

Find some street and then poop in it

>> No.6760949
File: 18 KB, 530x530, received_10213820431358526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 16 VEN, will I make it ?!

>> No.6760976


It went wild the entire day, recovered the dip, pretty much hitting the ATH since yesterday night, goes for the correction, like every single fcking regular day and kids are already concerned.

>> No.6760989

You're 15 VEN too many, but ya

>> No.6760997 [DELETED] 

Ven is shit.. who wants to wait weeks for a 2x?? seriously?
get into ICOS guys..

ArcBlock Whitelist closes in 1 hour..

>> No.6761008

Very nice 2013 Honda Civic money, friend.

>> No.6761014

Why do the chinks always have to nickel and dime our gains?

>> No.6761015

Lol relax, this will consistently pull up until news release.

>> No.6761161

honestly if your reaction to this is to panic you're not going to make it

>> No.6761171
File: 247 KB, 638x359, 1515863502390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6761174

2300% in 3 months
420% last month

Pajeet, please, poop

>> No.6761254

quiet down nigger

>> No.6761295

This. I hate seeing the price drop as much as the rest of you, but it had to happen eventually. You should believe in the capability of your holdings to bounce back.

>> No.6761319

“””””””””Decent”””””””” civic 2013 on a third-world country:
20k dollars

>> No.6761334

dont buy ATH you dumbass

>> No.6761349

made 20 dollars off that dip

I am king

>> No.6761391

>Vechain thread
>complaining about Chinese people

>> No.6761422

god among men

>> No.6761450

I can dislike chinks and still want to make money off of them.

>> No.6761488
File: 8 KB, 209x665, 1516497295851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the ven weekly chart
tell us again how the chinks are "nickel and diming" us you retarded nigger

>> No.6761532

>“””””””””Decent”””””””” civic 2013 on a third-world country:
>20k dollars

You can buy a new car with that money in this shithole country

>> No.6761533

I only had 200 VEN and sold yesterday at 50k because I thought this was another /biz/ PnD. My stomach hurts so much right now.

>> No.6761612

Well you learned it isn't a PnD... did you buy the dip?

>> No.6761658

1. Stop daytrading
2. It's not a fucking pump and dump coin

>> No.6761701

Yea, Biz pump and dumped a multi billion dollar market cap coin. You fucking idiot.

>> No.6761749

Yes bought the dip couple of days ago. Only made 200$ profit now. It hurts so much seeing it moon like this.

Obviously I realize that now.

Thanks for your input asshole.

>> No.6761792

I have 100Ven I bought at all time ATH yesterday. Will I make it?

>> No.6761835
File: 119 KB, 1000x581, 1516434062794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knows. Dump it.

>> No.6761853

Fuckit don't let it get you down. We all make mistakes.

>> No.6761889

take this for future reference:

BTC will take major hits and when it does, that'll be the only thing that drags down VEN. BUY THE FUCKING DIP EVERY TIME and you'll make it

>> No.6761890

Looks bretty sustainable. Just keep buying up new friends nothing could possibly go wrong :^D

>> No.6761928

Just bought 80 VEN to bring my total 122. Yes I'm poor and I'm banking on this shit 100xing.

>> No.6761942

If you dont give into temptation that stack would be worth upwards of 20,000 to 40,000 dollars. Just hold

>> No.6761971
File: 2.06 MB, 1423x891, 1515705381242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god there is a good UFC card tonight

I needed something to distract me from refreshing the VEN twitter waiting for Sunny to jizzdrop another god-tier commie partnership

>> No.6761976

Maybe take the time to actually do some research? Just a tip tho, ICX is another massive shilled coin that is actually a great project.

>> No.6762008


You and me both brother.

>> No.6762027


>> No.6762053
File: 44 KB, 500x500, D49472DC-462F-4A84-8F91-8F99303E415E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U win a comfy doggo

>> No.6762057

By 2019?

>> No.6762080
File: 42 KB, 500x322, 1494607089489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coin is not plummeting
why does this thread have so many replies?

>> No.6762102

Only VEN thread up rn.

>> No.6762150
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, Fugi9deijxjeejod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what he meant by "/biz/ PnD" was a coin that gets shilled hard here with the promise of being the next best thing, albeit temporarily... and not that our in-house crack team of autistic NEETs are manipulating coin prices haha

>> No.6762153


thats scary desu

>> No.6762236

>tfw only 6 VEN
Will I make it fellas?

>> No.6762323

It already went 20x from ICO. It has maybe 10x left in it

>> No.6762331
File: 38 KB, 512x512, 1514775279760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 0.5 Ven will i make it ?

>> No.6762382

Did you even bother looking into Vechain or reading about it? You sound like you blindly got shilled, in which case, you don't deserve VEN.

>> No.6762414
File: 820 KB, 1279x853, 1516499264545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what does Breyer know that we don't? Why is the man who is standing next to the Chinese president shilling VeChain?

>> No.6762484

Well if and when it hits $100 you'll have enough to pay a couple bills, or a long weekend's worth of coke, or a high end remote controlled Lambo...

>> No.6762524

>investing 3,5$ to a coin
what an absolute madman

>> No.6762618


are you 14?

>> No.6762695

It does look shaky atm looks like it might dip a good 10%
Sell now and buy more later?
I’m not that confident In my skills desu

>> No.6762823

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.6762930
File: 185 KB, 900x900, 1515457232431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb cunts like you are gonna make me rich :)

>> No.6762966
File: 77 KB, 900x900, 1514913806181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes was my weekly salary for cleaning shit of the streets

>> No.6763010

Ne news so far. Guess the CCK was wrong for the first time.

>> No.6763014

Ven will go to 50 usd easy that’s why I want to increase my stack st every chance, would have done it already if it wasn’t because Ven just doesn’t stop going up....

>> No.6763139

have patience faggot

>> No.6763171

not a good idea to swing trade this shit. you don't want to be pink wojacking do you?

>> No.6763286

Before the btc dipped I was swing trading and increase my stack by a solid 300 vens, but ever since it just keeps mooning. Too risky, I’ll just hodl.

>> No.6763328

Why take the risk if you have belief in the coin? Do that with some shit coin..

>> No.6763391

doesnt matter, what happens inbetween now and feb-march is irrelevant, wont stop the price from going to $30

>> No.6763410
File: 302 KB, 600x600, 1412913988425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need to sleep
>can't because I'm terrified this is going to crash

>> No.6763452

I really think we can hit $60-$120 by May/Jun. People tend to under predict these days. Crazy shit happens all the time.

>> No.6763455



>> No.6763466

No, but I study maths

>> No.6763488

Sell you short-sighted fuck

>> No.6763500

Good idea. That should put me at ease.

>> No.6763531

>tfw you sold your bags upon hearing that nothing was going to happen for a full month thinking you could easily buy it all back and then some early feb but those so-called bags don't even have the decency to trade sideways for a few weeks and just keep steadily creeping up

If btc doesn't go over 16k before the rebranding I'm going to fucking kms

>> No.6763593

damn im suprised one of u fuckers had the balls to show ur face again,. thanks for the cheap bags taTA

>> No.6763668

this is why you'll always be poor

>> No.6763690

yes you'll be able to afford a walmart mouse for your pc soon enough

>> No.6763778

sold 100k thanks

>> No.6764011

You have seen.

>> No.6764054

You have seen.

>> No.6764088

cck is that you

>> No.6764154

yeah nigga its me.

>> No.6764205

This shit about to pop off right now TA memes aside

>> No.6764212

lol. I put all in to ven and made 2% swing trading and got out just before the crash. even scarrier is that i udually don't sell at a loss. i just hold and wait until i see a profit.

i would be in the shitter right now had i not sold when i did.

>> No.6764267


>> No.6764312

What crash are you mongs talking about?

>> No.6764405

anyone else worried about the ceo of this coin being seen screaming at a market vegetable stand?

>> No.6764618

yeah I saw that. I also heard he picked up a cucumber and started calling it jung lee. Really weird stuff. Especially considering his attire.

>> No.6764740

> the crash

>> No.6764761

always go long on autist devs

>> No.6764778

>touches stoploss
>rockets back up

>> No.6764812

Did you guys hear the CEO of this coin is literally the antichrist, following up on an ancient Bulgarian prophecy of China taking over the world with their one world currency “Thor” bringing upon Ragnarok of the digital age. Yea I heard that from my dog, he speaks funny when the shrooms kick in.

>> No.6764815


>> No.6764827

Fuck it's already back up, stop fucking mooning

>> No.6764958

You know that uneasiness inside when you sleep on ven. You've always known it. The red flags. No whitepaper. That little voice telling you it's too good to be true. Be prepared to lose.

>> No.6765155

why do we let faggots on this board?

I get some of the best sleep knowing that I am 100% in VEN.

>> No.6765618

Already 2x
Very chilled for 5-10x

>> No.6766426

This isn't a very fun slide

>> No.6766586

The only unease a person should feel about VEN is that they didnt get enough. Chinese government alone will keep it above 7.

>> No.6767126
File: 717 KB, 1000x581, 1483582729256[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ is bullish, good. Dump it.

>> No.6767147

Half of /biz/ is still accumulating. A dump would be welcome.