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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 569x637, 1516489219081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6759646 No.6759646 [Reply] [Original]

>Pay your taxes goy, we have illegal Mexicans who need your $185,000

>> No.6759689

>Kicking out high IQ immigrants
Special kind of stupid. But my all means do it.

>> No.6759694

Ok... so since when is it legal to be undocumented? I don't necessarily have a problem with it but I thought this was illegal?

>> No.6759717
File: 39 KB, 438x438, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i wont leave this dying shithole once i make it and take all of my money with me

>> No.6759768

Nothing to see here goy go back to your XBox

>> No.6759802

This dude is probably smarter than u

>> No.6759814

That's a nice way to type criminal but alright.

>> No.6759833

California even lets felons and foreign invaders vote in US elections.

>> No.6759856

>3.6 gpa
You know the entire reason she got a single scholorship was the color of her skin.

>> No.6759857

>all immigrants are illegal
nice IQ bruv

>> No.6759886

>high iq
> 3.6gpa
> why not 4.0?

>> No.6759893

>high school
>3.6 gpa
>not even top 50 rank
>high iq

>> No.6759897
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>> No.6759909

I know this is bait but
>3.6 gpa
Immigrants are meant to pay their dues in the fields for three generations before considering school. Also, we're giving him six figures for nothing

>> No.6759913

>high IQ

>> No.6759938



come on dude

>> No.6759942

3.6 and getting scholarships.

What a fucking joke.

Have fun working at McDonalds.

>> No.6759947



The reading comprehension of people on this board is terrible.

>nice IQ bruv


>> No.6759959

jelly op?

>> No.6759967

Dude I dont care about immigrants if I dont get ducking taxed to pay for them they can come here and pay the same rate as citizens doesn’t bother me as long as fucking bully dyke senators and plumped aren’t using it as a excuse to be making hand over fist off of taxing me

>> No.6759977
File: 258 KB, 421x272, Screen_Shot_2016_03_24_at_1.40.41_PM_lg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luanda here I come:
>No Jews
>No Muslims
>Totally Christian
>Nice Feudal system where all the wealthy White Europeans, etc live in the beautiful city on the coast while rest of population lives on less than $2 a day.

>> No.6760005
File: 53 KB, 1024x518, 1516311976041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread is obviously about "undocumented immigrants"
Aha! He forgot an adjective, I've won!

This thread is obviously about taxes being given to illegals but I'm glad you've decided to point out syntax.

>> No.6760012

you don't need an SSN to pay taxes. they also pay taxes they buy anything from the store... every transaction... feels like people just block shit out of their mind to fit their perspective

>> No.6760096

Fake news.

>> No.6760115
File: 2.35 MB, 2973x2961, 4C3062F4-8BAE-42AE-B5BF-117A40AC4384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>illegal immigrants pay 40% tax

>> No.6760144

"undocumented" is codeword for illegal alien

they dont pay their "fair share" of income tax.

>> No.6760148
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>> No.6760155

Mexicans had this land for hundreds of years and didn't do shit with it except make some clay huts and some roadside pottery. I can't imagine how it was so easy for the white man to conquer them. Not as butthurt of a people as the Jews but still pretty close.

>> No.6760186
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"Undocumented immigrant" is lib-speak for border-hopping beaner leaching off of us.

>> No.6760208

i hate illegal aliens as much as the next guy but are you fucking retarded?

>waaaahh jews
oh yea, sorry about your mental problems

>> No.6760213

>you're a criminal because your parents brought you over illegally and you didn't prevent them from doing so at age 5

>> No.6760224
File: 94 KB, 607x697, shitsfuckedbrahs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have half hispanic relatives and non white people i know from school that go to 40k a year colleges for free and they had worse gpas than i did in high school
>tfw i had to drop out of cc cause i was too broke to afford it a couple years ago

>> No.6760228

its 37% if you make 500k a year or more. its 12% if you make 9.5k-38.7k a year, which most americans fall under. get informed before you get socially lynched for your bigotry after you slip up one day

>> No.6760231

>have to do business in California
>50% of Cali corporations get the veil pierced by fucks like this

>> No.6760232
File: 191 KB, 477x768, 1406402698709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up the Immigration Act of 1965. Look at who the authors are. Really makes you think...

>> No.6760238


Not the entire reason, if she got a 1.0 g.p.a.and didn't receive those useless high school rewards, someone more qualified would've gotten it. a 3.6 g.p.a. is a joke, bottom line, but those scholarships may have been searching for minority candidates anyway. therefore, it's a combination of the two.

get over it you entitled piece of shit. life's not fair. you're not a victim of this, you're a victim of your own mind which makes you feel inferior to this showboating youngster on twitter. how low does that make you feel? everything you have done has led you to the point of feeling inferior to some 18 y.o. girl on fucking social media. jesus fucking christ. a more worthless piece of shit is hard to come by than you. all you fucking young limp-wristed dudes are heading to nowhere but misery with your fucking entitlement problems. You have an issue because you believe life should be fair. well it's fucking not. get used to it. your fucking complaining will never change that fact. You're just going to sit at home, living with your parents, building your world-view as having you in the center of it, with no humility towards the fact that you are creating your own pain rather than young girls on social media. so fucking smart you are, you all think you're fucking geniuses when you blame others for your own shit.

gunna die as useless as u came into this one.

And yeah i'm a white dude.

>> No.6760244
File: 21 KB, 500x500, 1514358490763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to be that guy, but isn't this more fitting for >>>/pol/?

>> No.6760250

a lot of people here are afflicted with that specific mental disorder, the amount of conspiracy nuts from /pol/ is mindblowing

inb4 that collage with made up quotes gets posted, to (((prove))) that the jews are behind all the bad things

>> No.6760261

cus you fuckin didn't try. man the fuck up and do something with your life instead of blaming others.

>> No.6760269

You aren’t wanted on this board
Please go back

>> No.6760270

Jews aren't white, dreidel-nigger.

>> No.6760289

some strong indicators that you're dumb:

you assume gpa as a metric is equivalent across different schools

you assume scholarships are all funded by taxes (??)

>> No.6760292

ICE his ass. also 3.6 in HS, LMAO

>> No.6760294

OP's pic looks like it's talking about the guy.

>> No.6760301

The discord pump group that is unstoppable,,..

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6760319

>doesn't apply for scholarships
>doesn't write any essays or put any effort into the scholarship steps
>says fuck school and thinks it was cool, but years later regrets it
>looks at his other successful relatives and gets mad cus he didn't make it

fuck off

>> No.6760321

imagine being this poor

>> No.6760332

>paying unavoidable taxes is an accomplishment
The mind of a genetic fuckup

>> No.6760334
File: 240 KB, 714x400, 594bfbb4b00c077635fab8873549f770-714x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you just said makes literally no sense. You basically just threw shit at an electronic canvas and failed miserably. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.6760355

not to mention the autistic assumption that paying a provably smart kids scholarship is "for nothing", when that kid is obviously gonna go on to produce more economic value in his lifetime than the low iq /pol/ incels that plague this board

>> No.6760367

> 3.6 highschool gpa
>high iq
I know this is bait, but cmon. 3.6 gpa is fucking below plebeian.

>> No.6760390

>listening to the cuck ramble about white privilege is “producing economic value”
Have you visited a college campus recently? Absolutely disgusting

>> No.6760408

this shit is facts.
anons get your shit together and go out in the world and do something before you wilt away from hate.
>btw no normal person hates something 24/7.

>> No.6760418

It's cool guys. They always major in art anyway.

t. Chi

>> No.6760426
File: 75 KB, 899x720, tumorbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fifty years old and highly educated (yeah, I'm on 4chan)...Read lots as a child, especially science and history. One thing I would always wonder as a child is 'how did all these empires collapse?' Rome, Portugal, Mongol, Nazi, etc...all of them. One thing that shows up time and time again is rot from within. So few were brute force subjugated (some were though)...most became weaker through not observing more traditional (conservative) values of their previous ancestors, opting for 'progress'. Progress has made this world somewhat easier, but it goes to far and no one seems to care.
Nations of laws become groups of peoples and that is what is happening right before our eyes....only thing is there ain't no more free land to conquer. Gonna get worse before it gets better.

>> No.6760447

were these state schools? Is there a source that the tax money went to his scholarships?

>> No.6760470
File: 77 KB, 720x338, Title_24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

College degrees aren't worth shit anymore. They mean nothing. Why do you think they're suddenly letting brown people in? They're basically lining them up to be future debt slaves. And they're dumb enough to think it's gonna give them a bright future.


>> No.6760475

no more land to conquer, but theres people and cultural dominance.

>> No.6760477

it's absolutely insane when neets watch some youtube videos and actually convince themselves that the majority of college courses/majors have anything to do with SJW propaganda, legitimately end your life if you fell for that meme to the point where you think higher education isn't valuable desu

college education is actually necessary to become something like a lawyer, doctor or pilot, you know this right? unsubscribe from Sargon of Akkad and go to a real university some day, you're being lied to online

>> No.6760481

Hey guys can we keep the /pol/ talk in /pol/ where it belongs?
No one outside of your containment board gives a shit. Anyone arguing with you here is just doing it for giggles.
So get gains or get the fuck out.

>> No.6760510
File: 139 KB, 1279x712, trump anime hat poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She earned it you braindead polweenie inbred. Also most of those scholarships are private, not paid for by your tax dollars. She will go on to contribute more to our country than your white trash lardass ever will.

>> No.6760525

>Said the high-school dropout

>> No.6760528
File: 153 KB, 800x593, richlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying you know my life

i can assure you i did more than them. and theres a lot of stuff thats way worse that has happened but im not going to go down that rabbit hole because im trying to stop drinking. but dont worry it wont be long before i will have fully made it

>> No.6760547

Illegal immigrants collectively provide far more value to society than /biz/ posters.

>> No.6760549

If a white American couple goes to Mexico and has a baby does that magically make that kid a Mexican. No that kid gets booted like in every other country. I hope Jose stabs you in the neck.

>> No.6760552
File: 84 KB, 675x900, 00V0V_8tGC0jWgYHi_1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahaha gringos mad? we are taking all your money and your white hoes

>pic related a white slut ive been banging

>> No.6760561

>College degrees aren't worth shit anymore. They mean nothing
So you're telling me I can become a brain surgeon, rocket scientist or supreme court judge without attending university?

>> No.6760588

Lol, Texas A&M-Commerce. I went there, you can go there for the next 30 years and not spend 185,000

>> No.6760595

Irrelevant point. The parents should be punished for breaking the law with deportation - thus any dependent should stay with their family.

>> No.6760600

Dude my physics lecture literally started with an apology for being a white male t. Ivy

>> No.6760605

Back to plebbit, soyim.

>> No.6760607

>made up

>> No.6760610

nor does it make the kid a criminal you ugly fucking retard lmao

>> No.6760613

I double-majored in Accounting and Finance and also taught myself several programming languages but thanks.

>> No.6760614


just blame the jews

>> No.6760615

you can. you just need a lot of discipline which few have.

>> No.6760640

I can nearly guarantee that those were not public scholarships. They were private scholarships. If someone, who is most likely white, wants to create a scholarship for illegal immigrants then they should be allowed to.

>> No.6760648
File: 807 KB, 1280x720, 1454260485518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so easy to stop the minimum wage fast food worker who's bitter and jealous that he dropped out of high school.

Instead of avoiding thinking about your poor life choices and trying to comfort yourself on a mongolion yurt patching forum, you should try to change your life for the better. It's not too late, anon.

>> No.6760654
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>you can

>> No.6760655
File: 177 KB, 1024x682, whitesupremacistlarping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enforcing rules autistically even if we know we're kicking out high iq people
why do you hate growing the economy?
>an anecdote that would be irrelevant even if I could believe it
fat one is you

>> No.6760660

No, it just makes him the offspring of criminals, and a leech.

3.6gpa and a huge stack of scholarships. Whata fucking joke.

>> No.6760692

no wonder she has to degrade herself mating with shitskins with that face KEK

>> No.6760710

those scholarships were not going to you buddy if it didn't go to him.

>> No.6760724

If these are the polkiddies willing to go out into public, imagine how fucked up looking the rest of them are. Oh dear...

>> No.6760726

No one wants to send the kids to jail you subhuman garbage.

>> No.6760731

true, made up isn't entirely accurate. the Noel Ignatiev quote about suicide wasn't made up, it was deliberately taken from a satirical (yes, fake) interview. he never said anything like it obviously, but I guess it wasn't technically "made up". good point!

>> No.6760738

People who work in fast food contribute more to the economy than people who take on debt to attend university

They don’t add a lot, but they actually provide a service, unlike people listening to cuckleberg talking about literally nothing for 10 years

>> No.6760774

literally every odd kid from every school and district grouping up from their parent's basement to circlejerk

>> No.6760784
File: 407 KB, 1000x3000, 1516387400718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep crying noseberg

>> No.6760788

Fuck you nigger go back to plebbit if you're a nigger spic lover you pajeet

>> No.6760790

>look at me I'm a self flagellating cuck advocating for my own replacement. I'm so virtuous!

>> No.6760793

>high iq
>3.6 gpa
pick one

>> No.6760800


lol just kys dude, you're retarded. We dont want your genes in the white race, just take one for the team and off yourself

>> No.6760806


Retards think scholarships actually cost the school full price.

The real cost is probably around the $20k mark.

> Inb4 muh opportunity cost

They more than make up for it in tax deductions and marketing.

Also, siding with the jewish educational system that puts you 6 figures in debt before your first real job.

Stay mad, burgers.

>> No.6760811

>The average Mexican man weighs 165 pounds and stands 5 feet 4 1/2 inches tall, while the median figures for Mexican women are 151 pounds and 5 feet 2 inches, according to a study released by a group representing Mexico's clothing industry.

See, I know you want to think that you're getting under someone's skin. But you're not. Mexicans are objectively inferior to white males and we know it.

>> No.6760825

no they don't. a robot can do your job, for monthly maintenance the owner can do themselves.

>> No.6760827

People who take on debt to attend university usually work in fast food while studying.. Or sometimes shortly after they finish lol.

But hey those kids taking on decades of debt to become a doctor or scientist and further the human race are just fucking leeches right. They are totally worth less to society than burger flippers that drop acid every weekend.

Fuck off.

>> No.6760834
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>> No.6760858

this animeposter has the answers

>> No.6760874

way to move the goalpost, fatasses


the easiest way to tell that you're insane conspiracy nuts is that you're willing to extend the conspiracy to whoever you're talking to if they disagree with you. we're all jews, correct the record trolls, and soros shills, unless we're low iq nazis

but thanks for sharing some quotes from 50 BC with me, really made me think

where did I advocate "my own replacement"? who is replacing me? I'd like it if brown people replaced you specifically though, any day of the week

>> No.6760880

>Not enjoying your youth in education and learn as much as possible while having dorm parties every other day before you join the workforce and slave away your ass for 40+ years.

Student debt is mostly a problem in the US. Good thing the US is not the only place on earth.

>> No.6760899

are you really doing human pseudo science? i thought we left that back when you tried that skull thing on black people

>> No.6760907
File: 11 KB, 407x286, 1516311200337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We should only enforce rules when it's good for us

Holy shit. Fuck off you paste eating retard. Rules are what separate us in the States to shitskins in South American and Africa. If you don't want to follow them you should join the like-minded people in those continents.

>> No.6760912

Sounds awful and depressing

>> No.6760920

You're missing the point. These are highly specialized fields. Colleges would be pretty tiny if they were composed of only these type of high profile majors. That's why basically the other 90% of the student body is being scammed.

>> No.6760921


Since "undocumented" is a euphemism for illegal immigrant.

>> No.6760924

t. cringe soyboy

>> No.6760930

Yes actually they are. I’m sorry that this triggered you, but don’t you have a lecture to go attend? The “burger flippers” will be making overtime to support themselves and their society, because they realize that the egotistical narrative of becoming “duh important science man” is a trap to get stuck in debt, as well as an easy way to waste 10+ years of their youth. Enjoy your life retard

>> No.6760937
File: 399 KB, 839x768, 849846793634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be poor
>get college grants for being poor
>gpa drops below 3.0
>get paid more to stay in college
why get a job when they pay me to liberalize

>> No.6760961

>Nonwhite detected.

>> No.6760962

>we should only enforce rules when it's good for us
are you literally retarded? how could you possibly disagree with that assertion? how absolutely autistic do you have to be to advocate for something you know to be bad for you because you want to pathologically follow the rules? /pol/tards are so mentally ill it's actually mindblowing

>> No.6760968


holy fuck dude I hate illegals and want them to go back but I just want proof that it's taxpayer money going to this spic rather than scholarships from donations or endowments

>> No.6760969

why would i be in debt when i got my gains from crypto? you really a retard huh?

>> No.6760970

>insane conspiracy nuts

Hmm. If only there was a way to find out whether these people are indeed breaking the rules.

>> No.6760977
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1515921605749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iq linked to gpa

>> No.6760990

Haha you're so terminally cucked at this point, you might as well just neck yourself and give your assets to an "undocumented". That'll really prove how virtuous you are.

>> No.6760995

Just wow... People are actually this deluded.
A doctor pays more tax in one month than the burger flipper does in an entire year :^)

>> No.6761004

>imagine having this saved in your computer

>> No.6761011

What's wrong with bringing his expertise to better Mexico?

>> No.6761025


>> No.6761026

Height is a pseudo science? 50% of your male population is at or below 5foot 4. That's pathetic. There isn't some pseudo science at work here, you're population is comprised of manlets. Is it unknown to you that women prefer taller men?

>> No.6761038

I don’t work in fast food lmao
Please fuck off back to Mexico
By the way, there’s a reason why communist countries ie Cuba have a higher rate of doctors and other highly educated specialists. Universities function as statist indoctrination camps and are almost entirely funded by taxing and leeching off of people who actually create wealth. So yes, doctors and lawyers are literally scum and in actuality know very little about the realities of their respective fields

>> No.6761050


Lol we are leaving and all you can do is FUD. You kikes really thought we were just going to let you fuck us forever.

>> No.6761053
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pic related, you

irrelevant to what I said, "insane conspiracy nuts" was referring to the jew conspiracy + implying everyone who doesn't believe in it must also be a jew, that's mentally ill logic

you've gone off the deep end dude, at this point you're not even saying anything coherent. i am "terminally cucked" because I'd rather have a productive brown person in my country than a mentally ill virgin neet - hmm, how incredibly Social Justice Warrior of me

>> No.6761055

im not mexican. your generalizing people which is a nono.

>> No.6761099

Yep, after 15+ years of siphoning wealth from people who actually engage in free enterprise. Also, you have to be a literal brainlet to work a dead end job in retail for more than a few months. I.e, someone who is stuck studying and can only work part time.

>> No.6761100

>I don’t work in fast food lmao
Yet youre so defensive of the underachieving bums!

>> No.6761141

>Tyrone robbed a bank and shot the clerk on the way out
We shouldn't punish him! His IQ is 130!

>> No.6761157
File: 40 KB, 1650x138, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at 5.18.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally reads it off fox news
>what a fuckin cuck

>> No.6761160

5ft9 manlet
Summer in barcelona
Mexican chicas from some exchange progamme jump on my dick like crazy blubbering how tall and handsome I am
4000% keks

>> No.6761163

I’ve worked in it before, it’s a quick and easy way to make some money before moving onto something else. You know, most people who actually have high paying corporate jobs start with a low paying job, not an unpaid internship or being cucked in the classroom.

>> No.6761175

I smell a jew roasting

>> No.6761181

i've never encountered anyone this stupid before. obviously if the guy is a criminal then we WOULD enforce the rules, because in that case it's good for us to do so. do you know what the word "good" means?

>> No.6761186

>having murders is good for society
the fuck

>> No.6761189

>set aside billions for brown people
>brown person gets said money

Wow, I'm impressed

>> No.6761191
File: 46 KB, 480x480, mcdonalds-now-hiring-losers-09-01-2009-013108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burger flippers are worth more to society than doctors and scientists because this is how I deal with being a worthless piece of shit drain on society

>> No.6761205

I didn’t think I’d say this but we really need a bigger /pol/ presence on this board. Presence of statists and illegals really makes me concerned for the future of this place. Ok faggots, I have actual work to go do now (some of us have financial responsibilities and don’t get to leach off of society)

>> No.6761207

yes we need fast food workers, thank you for sacrificing yourself so i can have a higher tier job.

>> No.6761209

>3.6 GPA
>rank 70

Do you illegal immigrant apologists realize these are not good stats. 3.6 is less than an A average, rank 70 is fucking atrocious and makes the 3.6 look even worse. National Honor Society is a complete joke, they let anyone with a pulse in. He literally got those scholarships cause his shitty stats is considered god-tier for Mexicans, that should tell you how inferior are. These are community college stats for an Asian but he would probably commit seppuku if he was this bad at high school.

>> No.6761211

Jew-conspiracy shit is retarded. Don't lump me into that shit.

>> No.6761217

>High IQ

>> No.6761220

Are you implying that black basketball players, who are more muscular, rich, handsome, and athletic than you are superior?

>> No.6761225

Reddit, they're not sending their best, folks. They're cucks, they're contaminated with estrogenic compounds. Some, I assume still have a trace of male sex hormones in their system.

>> No.6761281

that wasn't the intention of that comment, I was pointing to your comment as being the one calling the kid a criminal, when the other guys moved the goalposts saying "ok maybe hes not a criminal but...", didn't mean to suggest you were in on the jew conspiracy, that was meant for the guy who posted a picture with some quotes about jews

>> No.6761283
File: 1.51 MB, 957x718, 1516146736166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the soyboys arguments itt

>> No.6761285

Have you ever met a nigger before?

>> No.6761287

>enforce the rules
No you fucking wouldn’t. You people are as mentally ill as the Swedes who literally don’t enforce the rules and let Abdul get away with serial rape because the poor refugee dindu nuffi its a different culture. Same shit with illegals and niggers here in the US. That’s why you lose.

>> No.6761288

This post is how the economy works retards, you don’t magically get high paying jobs because of muh IQ. It’s all a ponzi and you will be flipping burgers in the beginning, like it or not. Only difference is whether you’ll have a gigantic chip on your shoulder because of “muh too smart” or you’ll get it finished with quickly and be able to move onto management and then corporate. Bye for now

>> No.6761290

im not jewish. but i draw the line when i start generalizing humans. y'all need some help before you guys get socially lynched. especially with the social media presence around now a days.

>> No.6761328

> >enforcing rules autistically even if we know we're kicking out high iq people
why do you hate growing the economy?
They are hostile enemies. Their ethnocentriscm, destruction of social capital and democrat voting practices counter any IQ benefits.

>> No.6761343

They use public services, welfare, SCHOLARSHIPS, and contribute disproportionately to our crime. All this costs money. Illegal immigrants take more than they give. This is not debatable. Even if they get a job they undercut American workers because they can send the money back to their shithole country where people can live off $1 a day.

>> No.6761348
File: 19 KB, 181x278, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They control your mind faggot.

>> No.6761352

The absolute fucking state of the soyim.

>> No.6761369
File: 40 KB, 500x680, 4cde0654011e772b3b3869fd7a96dfd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, i don't secretly resent them and act weird around them. thats why they don't dislike me and i don't hate them.
>this is you

>> No.6761372

We need less of a /pol/ presence on this board. We've gone downhill since bitcoin broke 3k and you all started flooding in.
Read the sticky cunt, no polshit talk. Now fuck off back to your containment board and stay there you underage rthedonald refugee.

>> No.6761376
File: 90 KB, 1080x720, kekistan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you in pic

>you: you must ALWAYS enforce the rules
>me: nah, only when it's good to do so
>you: actually, you wouldn't even enforce them when it's good to do so, because of some memes i read online about sweden
nice IQ, strong argument

>> No.6761393

Most American high schools have hilariously low standards. 3.6 GPA is laughable, especially considering he probably attended a shitty inner-city school. There's a reason he doesn't disclose his ACT or SAT scores.

>> No.6761405

>thats why they don't dislike me
That's what cuck whites in Haiti thought before being massacared

>> No.6761412

Being here illegally makes them criminal.

>> No.6761424

>you guys get socially lynched. especially with the social media presence around now a days

what a cuck LMAO
you should leave the twitter/reddit echo chamber from time to time

>> No.6761427

maybe if we didn't spend 54% of our federal spending on the military. why do you all look at the microscopic and not the macroscopic? zoom out you fuckin retards

>> No.6761449

>They are hostile enemies.
>Their ethnocentriscm
that's you, not them
>destruction of social capital
>and democrat voting practices
that's better than voting republican though, obviously
nice autistic definition of the word criminal, a 6 month old baby is now a criminal if their mother is here illegally. keep up the common sense, my man