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6750149 No.6750149 [Reply] [Original]

You joining the presale or staying a faggot?

This is everything COSS wanted to be but can't cos they are fucking retarded

CoinMetro has 30 man team, Coss has 2
CoinMetro will have FIAT before Coss even though they haven't launched
CoinMetro's team has done this before with Forex while Coss's CEO left because he doesn't like the startup life

Signup and join the presale by using the code 2DAMOON , also a 2.5% token bonus http://coin-metro.info

>> No.6750304

Already ballsdeep

>> No.6750580

Comfy with 100k COSS

>> No.6750732

Good for you with your $20 a week faggot

>> No.6750806

Carry on shilling your exchange that isn’t up and running yet before you talk about how much better it is

>> No.6750836

Aren't you the same retard as yesterday?

Didn't we all already come to the conclusion that coinmetro and coss have nothing in common? You're comparing two random coins. Coss has dividends, coinmetro does not.

However, coinmetro does require you to buy their shitcoin, which they then take back as a transaction fee every time you trade. Fuckin retarded. And how is this different than any other exchange, aside from being 4 years late to the game. I'll stick with my BNB, KCS, and COSS.

>> No.6750891

Because other coin exchanges you can't buy for FIAT, so carry on getting scammed from Coinbase

You call COIN and shitcoin but not BNB? Why is that?

>> No.6751031

Just to note in telegram yesterday they said referral system has not been decided yet as with fiat exchanges theres a lot of different laws for rewarding you a % which Kucoin and Binance do, explains why Coss has such a shit referral bonus (only 10% off your own trading fees)

>> No.6751275

Referrals make fuckall anyway unless you have hundreds. 20% of 0.2% doesn't sound good especially when you consider most referrals are fucking pajeets trading $10 a week

>> No.6751357

Top guys on Binance make $1mil a week

>> No.6751410

Do proper research pleb boy, FIAT is miles away.

>> No.6751540

>FIAT is miles away.
Yeah, for Coss

>> No.6751687

you do not have to use their coin, it will auto change the fee into their coin and put in a market order for whatever your fee is.

>> No.6751798

Yeah, because the whales referr each other. You won't be so lucky

>> No.6751917

Are there any buybacks? That sounds like an unlimited supply

>> No.6751986

https://go.coinmetro.com/?re fId=5a5a93437edf7210aa115504
10% bonus coins

>> No.6751997

It's a fixed 2.5% you spastic

>> No.6752104
File: 57 KB, 480x451, 1495421854358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op you fucking snake.

>> No.6752152

they burn a percentage of every fee, and will be setting up a fund to stabilize the market.

"(b) In order to create a strong long term value proposition for COIN, we intend that 1%, 5%, 10% or 33% of each fee payment will be burned. As usage of the platform accelerates, the availability of the COIN token will diminish, thus decreasing supply and helping to maintain a competitive economic model for COIN.
(3) We intend that holders of COIN tokens will be offered discounts on fees based on their overall COIN holdings. The more COIN they own, the higher the discount will be. This will likely incentivize clients to buy and hold COIN, further reducing the available supply. NOTE -This is part and partial to the LIFETIME discounts offered to our pre-Token Sale and Token Sale contributors which are not based on their total individual contribution. "

>> No.6752155

Want to, but only available for amerilards.

>> No.6752211

It's open to everybody, including the US even if you aren't an accredited investor

>> No.6752375

Fucking cheeky git

>> No.6752448

Tentatively, they will refund if they do not get permission for non accredited investors.

>> No.6752622

Immediately or will it take some time?

>> No.6752686

It would probably be at the end of the regular sale as I believe they are currently going through the motions, so I wouldn't go in on the flash sales as an amerio bro since you don't want your eth locked up I would imagine.

>> No.6752949

Longer you hold, more the value goes up

>> No.6753079

I thought the website was pretty so I bought 2k

>> No.6753082

thanks for the bonus coins OP

here's mine
https://go.coinmetro.com/?ref Id=5a62b400589c124f7b1983b4

>> No.6753161


Just bought some through yours! How about paying me back ;) CoinMetro.co

>> No.6753175


>> No.6753195

https://go.coinmetro.com/?ref Id=5a63be7c589c124f7b19a482

Use this link. Remove space

>> No.6753233

will do, thanks :)

>> No.6753269
File: 203 KB, 349x491, FkjxNfT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these faggots are lying about using my code! MMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM

>> No.6753436
File: 12 KB, 478x158, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it takes awhile to show up, but yeah same thing has happened to me

proof it does happen. it's literally free money for everyone, not sure why people don't do it

>> No.6753468

I'll invest a bit

Here's my link if someone wants to be kind to a fellow anon (remove space):

https://go.coinmetro.com/?ref Id=5a63b8d5589c124f7b19a396

>> No.6753490

Same. 8500

>> No.6753540

Yeah really well done, thats why I'm also investing into Dadi even though all the FUD

>> No.6753634
File: 131 KB, 2048x833, chad_hominem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a good write up on Hacker Noon:


>> No.6753724
File: 89 KB, 532x908, lakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you found this useful, use this for a 2.5% bonus:

https://go.coinmetro.com/?ref Id=5a62b400589c124f7b1983b4

>> No.6753735

thank u b brighton but researchings for faggots.

Pretty website makes me invest

>> No.6753928

90 days of vesting no thanks

>> No.6753944

https://go.coinmetro.com/?ref Id=5a442d9e935feb06cc038e84

(remove space)

Post a pic for proof you used code (the amount bought so I can verify on my end once I get th ebonus in my dashboard) and your eth wallet address and ill send you 1/2 of the bonus I get back as eth.

>> No.6754020

shooshoo faggot

>> No.6754075

Read roadmap and whitepaper.

Don't just buy coins for buying.

That said, can't really go wrong with exchange ICO's atm. There's always place in the market.

>> No.6754155

Exchanges are always the safest bet, while theres more and more coins reducing chances of specific coins mooning, the exchange volumes are always going up

>> No.6754247

In all seriousness what is with dipshits comparing Coss or kucoin to things like this, or BNB, or SGR, or bibox, or coinlion, or literally any other token that doesn't split revenue?

These are two entirely, ENTIRELY, different types of tokens.
Fucking brainlets Jesus Christ

>> No.6754349

Dividends are fucking retarded, who wants wants to earn 8% yearly on their investment on a marketplace that might explode next year, it is fucking retarded and not even 50% back a year is worth it. You make much more putting money into any other coin

>> No.6754462

You do realize you get the best of both worlds with things like kucoin or Coss
Direct gaurunteed revenue from exchange volume, and token value appreciation (like 99% of crypto)
You just get normal investment gain, and then free fucking bonus money.

It's objectively just more passive gains, with the original "this might go up in value" gains.

>> No.6754566

But the whole point of it appreciating is due to anticipation of exchange volume increasing. But theres a fuckload of more exchanges hitting the market which makes Coss for example redundant, with how slow that exchange is, it'll never get to a point where the returns are reasonable for the price you pay

>> No.6754601

with the presale almost over is there any benefit buying now versus in a month?

>> No.6754642

lower price now

>> No.6754676

I just threw 1 eth whatever

>> No.6754829

Not true, you will actually get a lower price if you wait that the pre ico is over

From whitepapper:

During the period of the Token Sale, the price of each COIN will start where the pre-Token Sale left
off up to a maximum initial price of EUR 0.11 per COIN if all 50 million COIN were sold out during
the period of the pre-Token Sale.

>> No.6754833

This is gonna be the next coinbase

>> No.6754882

Yes and its already starting initial price was 0.03 and now 0.11 and max is 0.15

>> No.6754960

Only if you bought very early from 0.03 to 0.11
If you buy now you don't have to hold.

>> No.6755067

Only the 0.03 and 0.05 tiers have a vesting period. Those who bought at 7 or 9 cents will have access to their tokens immediately.

>> No.6755072

Yeah so as soon as it's over 0.11 there's no point buying into the pre ico.
IMO train is missed already, price is too high. I would have picked some at 0.03 for sure

>> No.6755124

Lets hope not, Coinbase is a shitfest

>> No.6755273

Lmao why do you say that? You think a token that reduces fees on an exchange that’ll be one if the biggest will max out at 0.11?

>> No.6755694

Thats fucking decent, is this common in ICOs?

>> No.6755807

Most respectable ICO's have something like that in place to prevent instant dumping of the coins, which would have a negative impact on the reputation of the coin.

>> No.6756041

Will bare that in mind when looking at future ICOs

>> No.6756539

Crypto has made me so retarded, I chuck eth at all icos even if it looks like a shitcoin

>> No.6756624

Coss is incredibly close to fiat, you're dumb, pajeet

>> No.6756836

From an exchange that leaves 30mb image files on their homepage that makes the exchange unusable? The most basic shit they can't do

>> No.6757013

Coss is close to dropping into the grand canyon with 2 drinking straws and an empty condom wrapper to escape with..

Anyway your website showed up on the Coinmetro telegram OP, careful as theyre looking into the website due to its similar name.. prepare to have your tokens returned or not.. I dont really care.

>> No.6757131

Cheers for heads up geez, not too bothered if that happens as its maybe 100 euros worth

>> No.6757243

A functional exchange in Singapore with a full compliance team working on fiat

Enjoy holding coinmetro ico bags til April tho

>> No.6757404

Enjoy holding Coss bags trying to convince people its a good idea

>> No.6757542

I'm convinced this OP is a subtle COSS shill. I saw this same shitcoin thread last night, and since OP invited the comparison I DMOR and then bought some COSS. Thanks, OP.

>> No.6757570


>no dividends

no thanks

>> No.6757576

Why are people comparing this to the Coss piece of shit? Just look at the difference in sites

>> No.6757614

Then there is no hope for you retard

>> No.6757629
File: 110 KB, 749x697, 1510779559087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atn: Do not visit http://coin-metro.info despite it being redirected.

Side note this coin has a lot of potential.

>> No.6757656



no one wants your shit exchange that gives nothing back. The only way to bootstrap a successful exchange is to pay significant dividends.

>> No.6757851

>no one wants your shit exchange that gives nothing back.
And how much are you getting back from your Coss tokens? You've probably lost money you fucking cuck

>> No.6757932

A lot, and will increase as volume does.
The fee split is public information so feel free to stop asking dumb questions

>> No.6758008

>coinmetro dude doesn't know how to 4chan
>clearly not /ourguy/

>> No.6758088

>A lot,
I meant you, personally. Feel free to screenshot your block reward on Coss

>> No.6758277

How much in dividends have you gotten from coinmetro this week?
You're an idiot.

>> No.6758447

The whole point of Coss is for the dividends which makes it a shitty investment because you get fuck all from an already failed exchange

Wheras with COIN regardless of exchange volume you'll save a fuck load on fees. See the difference? You'll never make the money back whereas I'll be saving from day one even if I decide not to sell

>> No.6758541


more than ill ever get from shitmetro. when coss explodes ill be making a wagecucks living off a stupid ass coin. off a tiny 3k investment. Chump change.

meanwhile you can hold your shit coin and double your 200 investment and then cash out and buy a few extra tendies.

theres no way the amount you save on fees can out pace dividends under any structure. you are an idiot.

>> No.6758802

>theres no way the amount you save on fees can out pace dividends
You can if it is Coss dividends

>> No.6758821
File: 75 KB, 645x729, d27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit why are you hating CoinMetro?

I hold both COSS and XMC.

Can you fuck off literal autist

>> No.6758907


cant sorry. You are kidding yourself because you dont have the funds to get into coss now at a meaningful level. So you are trying to find something you can put your measly 100 bucks into and have it explode.

It just aint happening newfriend.

>> No.6758969


because there is nothing special about it. its got nothing.

>> No.6759081
File: 50 KB, 262x363, 1262147765977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. At the current price, there's no way the coin can fail unless the site itself just doesn't release. Given the amount of effort they put into designing the site so far, I find it hard to believe they'll just give up and not deliver. This is a super safe and comfy ride. Put in however much you want, you'll surely make it back even if this doesn't moon. I'm a poorfag and I put half a paycheck into it.

>> No.6759120

Coss dipped under 1 dollar. What now.

>> No.6759250

It's definitely happening, their last website is a great success

>> No.6759517
File: 1.80 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20180114_175419_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Op for the bonus.

Here’s my link, future HODLers can use this for 2.5% bonus:
https://go.coinmetro.com/?ref Id=5a62b400589c124f7b1983b4
(remove space)

>> No.6759654
File: 104 KB, 880x535, 87687687686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling someone retarded

>> No.6760219

Literally untrue, nice FUD tho

>> No.6760668

if no one uses the exchange their is no dividends bb.. what don't you understand? If you like COSS go for it man, all these exchanges are the right direction IMO, need lower fee fiat paired exchanges, whether the fees are a rebate through dividends or through straight up savings in cost.

>> No.6761604

If these guys pull off what they plan to do this will be huge, leverage, lending, crypto EFTs, decentralised exchange, instant fiat(via credit card as well).
This is will be the moon mission of 2018