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6746247 No.6746247 [Reply] [Original]

biz bros do yall got girlfriends? do they know about your crypto gains? i told my girlfriend and she supports it heavily and even has some herself.

>> No.6746273

Doesn't really care too much, jokes about how I have tons of 'nvirtual money'.

>> No.6746289

No of course not or else I wouldn't have clicked on this shitty clickbait thread.

>> No.6746337

trying to get my gf to move from robinhood to shitcoin, idk if thisis a good idea

>> No.6746370

Yup, told her and she's into it. People who aren't telling their significant others about their gains don't know how to be in a functioning relationship and are probably afraid of their girlfriends like the betas they are

>> No.6746402

yes she knows and she gave me fiat for me to invest for her so basically it's mine mwaha have ur private key or no coins biatch

>> No.6746515

had some bad gambling issues year or two ago, was hiding that shit from wife for long time but started to spiral hard until I man'd the fuck up and told her about it and how much shit I was getting us in, she helped me through it and we soldiered on, fast forward to now, we have some money saved up and I have been interested in crypto (I'm an IT geek) f0r long time to ally decided to suggest we put some money in and she agreed and is supporting my endeavours, if I diddnt tell her I would be likely gone all in on some shit coin and lost everything in a week, she makes me smarter

>> No.6746575

If only I had put the money I lost gambling into shit coins instead... if fucking only

>> No.6746577

I told her about my gainz and she's proud of me but she remains sceptical since its still a new thing.

>> No.6746625
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She knows it. And she has $550 worth of Qtum and NEO herself. But we don't normally discuss about it though because we always disagree and FUD each other kek.

>> No.6746626

thanks for reaffirming my decision as a sound one.

>> No.6746685

Mine told me it wasn't a real gain until it was in my bank account. Just took out 12k from an original 2k investment, and still have another 23k in unrealized gainz sitting comfy. Life is good.

>> No.6746691

applaud you for your honesty w/r your weaknesses and choosing a good mate who can help regulate your choices.

>> No.6746719

Never reveal your power level. Say you make 7-8 figures, you don't think that will change things? Not gonna try and get the ring and a ticket to lambo land?

>> No.6746769
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my asian wife convinced me to go all in on ETH when it was $25. Bless their greedy genes.

>> No.6746821

Yeah my girlfriend knows. It's the only person who takes an interest in my success. Doesn't care if it goes to zero, is excited when we moon.

My friends just ignore my advice to buy and then don't text me back when I reply to them when they ask how it's going and I tell them well. Fucking pisses me off how anxious normie faggots are, take the fucking risk or fuck off asking me to make yourself jealous.

> only gone from $300 to $120k but it's enough to make people hate me.

>> No.6746828

Ye same here. Additionally her father lost some cash in stock market years ago and when she told him about my investment he procceded to shit on crypto how it's going to dump and so on

>> No.6746837

Cheers, was pretty dark times and still hard to look back on it, do my best to just look forward instead

>> No.6746863

I've been with her for 4 years I used to tell her about my gains until I found out she shares this with her friends so I stopped telling her. I've also tripled my stack since that time.

>> No.6747176

I sold half my stocks and put it in crypto. My wife knows and is skeptical but she also trusts me not to lose it all. She understands that I'm the breadwinner and I'm in charge of my households finances. Crypto is our house fund.

>> No.6747300

Got my gf ETH at $80 and BTC at $3K. She's even bought the dip on various occasions.

>> No.6747339

Even if I didn't I wouldn't tell her anything because I'm not a fucking retard.

>> No.6747359

this. sick and tired of all the "muh all girls are sluts ur girl is worthless probably cheating will rob u blind!!¡11!"

>> No.6747363

Asian gf knows I'm into crypto, that's about it. Bought ETH @ $10 and have been buying/diversifying ever since.

>> No.6747394

this thread is truly an embarrassment to the website

>> No.6747407


Btw you're a fucking idiot who hasn't learned this lesson the hard way.

>hur dur this girls different and I'm in a real healthy relationship

Yeah that's what everyone thinks.

>> No.6747459

stop getting with good for nothing whores if you truly feel that way. that's your problem. stay sad and lonely faggot

>> No.6747472

Do we all have asian gfs/wives?! Don't let your memes be dreams.

>> No.6747546

I told my girlfriend I made 30 ether on a trade yesterday and all she said was "nice job". I feel like she didn't even care enough to look up the price

>> No.6747687
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That's the dream

I don't have one now, but I'll probably go to Asia and get one

>> No.6747723

>He thinks it's a meme.

>> No.6747738


Cant. The stress makes it impossible for me to sustain an erection. Even with viagra.

Broke up with a legit 9/10 asian because of it. She was really sad, but Im not going to ask some chick to hang around while I obsess over this.

Making 20k a month september...but I cant fuck. I will do it for a year, hopefully grab a huge trade to put me into "making it" range (ven might do it with the stack I have), then I will consolidate everything into logistics coins and take a 6mo vacation to get my dick working again.

>> No.6747759
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Mine is from philippines actually. I handle all the crypto stuff, I just ask if I can take out huge sums of money to invest. Mostly in ETH or Link.

>> No.6747786

Just have a trap fuck you, if you can't have an erection doesn't mean you can't take it in the ass

>> No.6747798

Asian chicks usually don't care about sex that much. You let a good thing go for nothing.

>> No.6747810

100% worth it.
I've dated whites, latina (never blacks) etc.
Nothing got me off as much as asians.
If you end up with a girl who still has traditional values, you're good to go.

>> No.6747840



Trade up for a better model when you make it. Flips make awful wives unless all you want are children and shitty food.

>> No.6747860

you settled for a chink and actually think you're happy lmao kys

>> No.6747878

How so?

>> No.6747897


She was insanely hot, but also needy as fuck for attention and constantly blamed herself when I wasnt in the mood for sex.

Had to let her go.

>> No.6747909

Yes, she saw me turn my initial investment of 4 k into 120k and has now given me her life savings to invest lol.

>> No.6747954
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>gf bragging thread

You all deserve to die

>> No.6747975

They're at the bottom of the Asian tier, with vietnam and thailand.
Korean/Japanese Top Tier

>> No.6747979
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>> No.6747986

Oh also oddly enough she is Asian as well, even though I didn't consciously try to find an asian gf, she actually approached me on an online dating site first and asked for my number lol.

>> No.6747994


They are pretty dumb and self hating, and universally have parasitic family members. Maybe he got lucky and found a flip that didnt have brain problems though. Could be since she shilled him eth at 25.

Basically they are more childiah than usual for women. Partially endearing, but annoying in the long term.

>> No.6748016

Are you planning on having children?
>average IQ of Philippines

>> No.6748031

Got her to invest in ETFs instead. She’s a poor student and shouldn’t invest in anything with that much volatility.
>even though I’m a poor student with 50k in crypto

>> No.6748082

My qt gf has 2.4k LINK lol

I suggested she diversify her portfolio a bit, she bought BTC at $300 and has mostly hodled

I hope that LINK will be good to her if we broke up. She knows about my gains but would never make any claim on them, that’s what her own stack is for.

>> No.6748089


You have to take the shotgun approach with flips. If you knock up 10 of them, maybe one or two of the kids wont be borderline retarded. Its the only way.

>> No.6748090

Told mine about trading coins, she didn't understand it, and we don't talk about it. I am so glad. None of my friends knows about crypto, when there's crypto talk I act as normie "huh litecoin seems good, I wish I had some, gehehehe, but I am broke"
I like it this way

>> No.6748137

I'm a 26 year old virgin, so no, I haven't told my imaginary girlfriend yet.

>> No.6748235

Grew up first generation Filipino. Filipino people are fucking awful people. I'm so glad I married white.

>> No.6748293

I only want to be rich because maybe it will fill the void I feel inside me at being 30 and never having had a gf.

I don’t think it will work though. I hate myself and nothing will ever stop that.

>> No.6748339
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>He didn't buy his wife using Eth
I spit on you

>> No.6748355

Yep, we're all in VEN

>> No.6748399

>throwing away your genetic legacy for a lifetime of hedonism

>> No.6748432
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source on the semen succubus?

>> No.6748437
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>> No.6748483

Go to Asia if you're white, I have had success on Tinder there.

No matches back here in California, lol

>> No.6748511

>no havent told her. she is horrible with money, and we are struggling.

>> No.6748525


>> No.6748529

I make all the money in the house. What the fuck business is it of hers what I'm investing in?

>> No.6748538


>he doesnt want to make cute hapa babies with his adorable japanese wife


>> No.6748564

Use this technique every day, as often as you can:


Audio courses can be found "elsewhere''.

I don't know what you believe, but you can use this to surrender your ego to God and all he self hatred that it holds. It is a modern day version of the Pathway of Negation.

I have personally got rid self hatred, anxiety etc so can promise you that it works. The more work you do the quicker you will see the results.

>> No.6748569

gg to any gainz you might be making, all you young anons follow this dumbasses advice at your own peril
you’ll see what I mean in a few years

>> No.6748581
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Korean gf. Obviously knows because I have monitors running with prices.

learned what my holdings were about 8mos. ago and set up her own "fun money" account that is 80% btc 20% eth. She also stopped teasing me about my obsession now that I can buy a fucking house with my meme coins.

She doesn't follow prices closely but knew to tread careful during "Muh bubble crash" last week because it made MSM normies news.

>> No.6748601

If you want to contribute to the future mongrel slave race then by all means go for it, degenerate.

>> No.6748631


You can reveal your "power level" if you're not an autistic fucking beta bitch.

>Reveals power level
>Not going to get married, girl understands that. If she ever starts having a problem with it, I move on.
>People change because I have wealth? Start acting like I owe them something? Distance them. Make new friends.

It's not that fucking hard. I'm fortunate enough to have a girlfriend and friends that haven't really changed.


Just be a fucking man and you'll be fine. If you decide to get married, make sure beforehand you legally protect what is yours if things go south. Nonnegotiable. Can't come to an agreement, move on.

That being said, if you love a girl treat her to nice things. Just make sure its on your terms.

>> No.6748632
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Yep I went all in to buy her. I don't really have much left but she was the only reason I got coins in the first place.

Some anons here were upset when I cashed out but I was actually lucky seeing how I did so before the crash

>> No.6748636

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.6748641

>falling for the 'God' meme
kys retard

>> No.6748644

What exactly would a white person do in Asia?

Teach English?

>> No.6748654

You couldn’t just go down on her every once in a while? C’mon man

>> No.6748673


Get things off of the top shelf for everyone.

>> No.6748686


Please, you are already a mongrel and more than likely come from peasant blood. Your skin color isnt special, and neither are your genes.

>> No.6748717

been in since august. gf didnt think much of it at first until i downloaded blockfolio a few weeks ago and she saw the $30k+ usd value. she's always been supportive but she really cant say shit now that she knows im doing decent.

>> No.6748731

The abstraction of God in the back of people's minds and in society has been replaced by the Rothschilds with the abstraction of government. Governments are spoken about as if they are entities. These entities are able to suck the wealth out of nations through inflation and interest rates. The concept of God acts as a shield against corruption in the highest levels of society and the elites realise this.
>"do you believe in god?"
>I act as if I do

>> No.6748738

If you need moneys, sure. I wouldn't need to do that.

>> No.6748752

>stick your head into that woodchipper anon, what, you're not a coward are you?
>you're a beta if you don't tell your gf everything
>only alphas need permission from women to do something

>> No.6748758

never had one..whats the secret?

>> No.6748763


I did that. I love eating pussy, but she needed to be creampied on the regular or she would get fussy.

Its a filipina thing. They will have an emotional breakdown if they dont regularly get filled with sperm. Not kidding wish I was.

>> No.6748770

When everyone is the same, everyone will be controlled the same.

>> No.6748820


Just because some of you are incapable of standing your ground doesn't mean everyone else should make the same mistakes you did. Don't jump into a fucking marriage without clearly defining the terms like a fucking idiot. You can have an honest and open relationship without being a bitch and losing your leverage. You should want to share the happiness with the person you're with. If you aren't, why the fuck are you even with them?

Healthy, open, honest, giving relationship =/= Marrying her and giving her access to all your assets.

>> No.6748869


Meaningless platitude. Whites have already comitted genetic suicide by allowing lesser races into their nations.

Its already over, and the war was lost likely long before you were born. If preserving your skin color is your ultimate goal, then consider this timeline doomed.

>> No.6748875

That’s a shame, I believe it though

Better luck next time my friend

>> No.6748878

God it nonlinear and beyond conceptualization.
We cannot ''prove'' something if it corresponds to an infinite scale. It is beyond all techniques and units of measurement.

Sit and mediate for a few years. When you start experiencing love, bliss and perhaps even states beyond that there will be no doubt left.

>> No.6748927

God this thread is reddit central fuck all of you people, you don't deserve crypto you are all too fucking stupid I hate all of you I hope you lose everything and your gfs pop out a black baby you fucking cucks.

>> No.6748938
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Honestly, how can white women compete?

>> No.6748968

Is $30k decent though? Like how does it compare to the average person? I was at $80k before the crash and now have just been sideways at $37k and I’m depressed

>> No.6748982



>> No.6749010

Exactly. She trusts me to make good decisions. I do a lot with my money that I don't have to run by my wife haha. Fucking cuck. Stop projecting. I bet you'd have to talk to your wife before you buy a car too.

>> No.6749035

I'm glad you're getting your life turned around but honestly if you have a gambling problem, you're not gonna make it. Put it all on Link and and go live your life for a couple years

>> No.6749050

I'm afraid you've been whipped around by girls for too long in your life that you can't think straight. Telling someone about your wealth doesn't mean you fucking owe them your wealth. You DO understand how to tell a woman no, don't you anon? Or are you a beta bitch that thinks if your girlfriend asks for something because you're rich you HAVE to give her it? No anon, that's what a BITCH would do. Are you understanding now?

>> No.6749087

its all relative. imo, im holding on to a $500k portfolio atm. idc what the short term prices do

and bro, if you had $80K before crash, and its only back to $37K, you might want to consider your holdings. sounds like you got a stack of moonboi shitcoins

>> No.6749129

You went from a 30k portfolio a few weeks ago >>6748717
and now you're at 500k? nice

>> No.6749241

nah, i fucking wish. im saying my holdings are currently worth $30k+. but, i think in the next 6mo-1yr, it could be upwards of $500k. lot of variables in there, but i think its possible

>> No.6749313

On this note, I'm right there with you man. Never ran any financial decision past her. It's my money, and she understands that. I imagine
don't understand how to be open, honest and giving while making sure it is on their own terms. Because they're paranoid little betas who don't know how to navigate through life without getting fucked over. Probably all got manipulated by women at some point in their lives. Cucks.

>> No.6749336

Have a wife. She doesn't know yet but I will tell her when my gains are sizeable. She will be mad I am gambling when money is tight, but she can't complain when I have enough to pay off our cars and debts.

>> No.6749861

>Telling someone about your wealth doesn't mean you fucking owe them your wealth
your roastie, her (((lawyer))), and the (((judge))) will strongly disagree with you on that point, mate.

>> No.6750329

my Korean gf feeds me crypto info from Korean sources, but she refuses to invest into it herself. which is cool, she has her money, i have mine.

>> No.6750458

Are you literally this stupid? Dating someone doesn't mean you owe them your money. In some US states if you live with them you might owe them some of your assets if you split up, which is why you do fucking research before making a big move like that. If it is not in your favor to move in with her, you don't. She has a problem with it? Move on.

It's called thinking ahead and not being a beta bitch. Do you understand this concept anon?

>> No.6751033


How does Tinder work there? You actually have to go on dates with them?

>> No.6751391

Yes she keeps trying to get me to sell. SHE WANTS MY GAINS

>> No.6751489

>how's it going?
>I made $120000

I think they just want to know how you are.

>> No.6751923

... oh

>> No.6751951

Yeah she’s a Chinese hottie

>> No.6751960

Have a chinese girlfriend. She's quite successful herself and supportive of my crypto gains. She even tells me not to sell and taught me patience in the markets. Biz does really love their asains

>> No.6752107
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asians are pretty much just slant eyed jews which is why most of asia hates actual jews. they hate the competition.

>> No.6752557

I'm a college student with $110k in crypto, and have a girlfriend. Her family has money but she doesn't know how to manage money at all (most females don't, no surprise there). She gets $200 every few days from her dad, and spends all of it. I take her out to dinner, on dates, etc, buy her things, and she feels bad about it. I think if I told her about my gains it would change our relationship irreversibly. I don't think telling a girl about your gains is worth it.

I mean, what problem does it solve? So she "likes" you more? Yeah, but only because of your money. Plus, she'll feel less special when you take her out for dinner. It doesn't help anything. It does the contrary.

>> No.6752718

She sounds immature. If she can't handle the knowledge of you having money without acting like a fucking retard, she doesn't sound worth it. The up side to telling your girlfriend is that you get to share the happiness of your success with someone. That's a huge part of being in a relationship in the first place, sharing happy moments with each other. I guess if that isn't appealing to you, then don't do it. But being afraid of doing it based on her personality is a bad sign imo.

>> No.6752826

It's not really about her specifically. It's any female. Once you tell them you have money, does that not inherently change the dynamic of the relationship? How do you know she's staying with you at that point for you, and not for the nice things you buy her? And wouldn't that knowledge also come with her expecting you to treat her with more and more things?

I don't know. Maybe I have trust issues. But females are inherently not to be trusted...

>> No.6753024

get a stake of her family money

>> No.6753203
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You have a glorious chance to be Will.

>> No.6753322

I told my girlfriend, not much has changed. I spoil her the same amount (which isn't too much) as I did before my gains. She hasn't asked for more, and even if she did (which I doubt she ever will) I would tell her no. I'm not looking to blow all my money on pointless shit. If it ever turned into a problem, I'd leave her.

You shouldn't be afraid of how the relationship will change, because you shouldn't be afraid to leave her if it changes in a way where you aren't comfy anymore.

I think you'd be surprised that if you stand your fucking ground, it'll work out. If anything, it'll solidify your dominant stance in the relationship if you are smart about your life choices (don't fucking marry her without protecting your assets. You shouldn't have to hide this either). Be the an open and honest man, not a child that hides things and gets played by women.

>> No.6753325

The thing is, I'm not a cheap piece of shit like that guy. He sounds autistic more than anything.

>> No.6753334

Never speak to girl about crypto. The great thing is she keeps my mind off crypto otherwise I’d be a fiend, I’ve made 150k in 4 months, trying to get to a mili tho. Have never even mentioned the term bitcoin around her

>> No.6753478

I don't know. Don't you think you open yourself up to being played if you do reveal it?

On the other hand, I see your point. You could tell her, and see how she takes it. If the relationship changes, you leave her, and luckily you found out early enough before getting married.

Do you say exact numbers? I still don't see what it accomplishes. I mean, how has revealing your gains helped your relationship?

>> No.6753511


Not even what that means really. Power level is a catch all term for social strategy, which you clearly lack. So I guess revealing your power level when you have no power is fine.

>> No.6753525

Last december my gf gave me 1500 bucks and I turned it into 25k. So yeah she sucks my dick a little more now

>> No.6753573


the woman here has a point though, she should have just been way more open about it instead of immediately breaking up with him.
Now we know why women nag, although I think it was an okay move for him too because if she breaks up that easily clearly she doesnt care that much about him specifically. It was just another guy she dated and who the hell wants to be nr. 5 mr. "good enough finally"

>> No.6753784

>i'm breaking up with you because you don't have a lot of money
>no wait I have a lot of money! I'll give it to you!

This is what you want to happen?

>> No.6753846

And people call you beta for saying this...
Let me break it to some of these emotionally retarded frogs
Making yourself slightly vulnerable to the person you want to share a life with is what makes a relationship actually meaningful. People calling you beta are probably the same souls that supress emotions until they come out in a post on /biz/ about how they're depressed fags.

>> No.6754105

I'm not worried about getting played because I'll never put myself in a position where she could fuck me over. Even though I love and trust her, there's no point. If I can't get married while protecting my wealth in the worst case scenario, I'm not getting married.

I'll tell you one thing though, I'm not going to get married and hide a huge fucking part of my life from my wife. I'm not even going to be in a relationship and hide this large of a part of my life from her. That's how a child would go about it. Betas, children, the weak; they hide things. They fear things. They avoid things.

I give her vague numbers, considering the fluctuations in value. I made fucking money and I'm going to share it with my girlfriend because it feels fucking good. A large part of relationship is sharing experiences with each other. I plan on surprising her with a vacation if I reach a certain milestone. Actually using these gains to have fun with my girl instead of keeping it all to myself in secret for the rest of my life.

>> No.6754410

Appreciate the input. Mind if I ask your numbers?

>> No.6754826

Not going to say figures, but enough to where I'm an outlier in my social circle. Take that for what you will

>> No.6754888

And np anon, good luck

>> No.6755036

Have azn waifu, she didn't believe in my magic internet money at first, but then she saw my gainz and told me to buy more. Even got her to buy to some litecoin for herself back when it was $48.

>> No.6755127

Yeah, I go on dates with them after they match me and message me. Then I take them to love hotels.

>> No.6755537

Met a cute Chinese international student at my uni. We've been together for a year now but she's gonna have my babies someday. She supports me no matter what. Comforts me when my portfolio dips and celebrates with me when I moon.
It's not a meme anon.

>> No.6755660
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>Almost everyone here has a Chinese girlfriend.
What the hell is going on

>> No.6755790

OP here glad most of us understand that sharing good news with your loved ones are important. My girlfriend and I share everything with each other and crypto has really made our lives that much better by offering a chance to make substantial amounts of month. Hell we'll even be able to buy our very first house in a couple years (22M and 18F). Happy to read all these nice stories about your significant others anon! Cheers

>> No.6756196

Nope. I'll wait until I can surprise her when I buy a house and move finally out.

>> No.6756419

As someone who hasn't posted in the thread yet I'm moving to China next month