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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6750788 No.6750788 [Reply] [Original]

New in either two hours or six. It's a China based announcement so it's going to be early Shanghai time or around noon there.

Hang on to your fucking asses.

>> No.6750815


>> No.6750820

wha....what if it's bad?

>> No.6750854


>> No.6750917

Good or bad?

>> No.6751086

You have seen.

>> No.6751129

This coin is going to fucking overtake bitcoin in a year mark my words, rank 40-21 in a few days

>> No.6751184

releasing an announcement on a weekend?

>> No.6751286

They've done it before. Sunny doesn't give a fuck. Based as fuck.

>> No.6751405


large amount of that because bitcoin shit itself, and VEN just hung in there real well

but, I believe

>> No.6751712
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>This coin is going to fucking overtake bitcoin in a year mark my words

>> No.6751756

>a blockchain with real world use and corporate/government partnerships
compared to
>well... you can send money to other people... it costs about $20 and takes several hours

>> No.6751768



>> No.6751769

damn this shit dumped since this morning. how low is it going boys?

>> No.6751824

100 VEN is all I have. Will I make it?

>> No.6751832

It’s going to 12-15 then retrace back to 12-15.

Look at ETH trajectory when it started. Good luck with dips.

>> No.6751839

Japan announced they will becoming out with their own crypto.....MUFG,,,,seriously
>heey muuudaaaafffffgggggaa

>> No.6751861
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state of /biz/

>> No.6751893

If you have strong enough hands. ;)

Funny how easy people think HODLing crypto is. You’ll earn your money. It’s hard as hell.

>> No.6751911

i think it'll go down to $8 and then back to $8 maybe even $9

>> No.6752005

I'm not letting go of this VEN. It's the one stack I won't touch, incubating for eternity. I'm truly curious how far this chink coin will go.

>> No.6752061

It's basically where it's at before the crash.
>tfw bought in at crash..idling at +54%

>> No.6752083

40000 ven, if this coin doesn’t make me a millionaire I’m just not meant to make it

>> No.6752120

This is your Amazon, your Facebook, your Tencent, your Apple, your Microsoft, your IBM, your Genera Electric, your AT&T, your (enter game changing entity). Don’t fucking blow it.

>> No.6752187

Shit, you’re a millionaire in spring. Congratulations. 10 millionaire is your real goal now. Do you have the moxie to HODL?

>> No.6752264

Only if you give me 10 VEN. Its called kindness blessing

>> No.6752374

Ohh you moronic deluded idiot :-D
You made my day

>> No.6752435

You have no idea what Vechain even is.

>he still thinks it’s RFID chips
>he probably holds Walton

>> No.6752442


Sink that in: VEN is a guaranteed 10X. The only possibility it doesn't happen is if the world ends.

The 5x you need will come in less than two months.

>> No.6752539
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>> No.6752653

> he has 40k VEN
> that is worth 320,000$ right now
> 10x means 3.2M
learn math before you try to trade

>> No.6752680

Its a guaranteed 100x my friend. I’ve only said that about a few coins in my 3 years.

ETH at 10
XMR at 5
VEN at 10

NEO excluded because now I wonder if its simply overhyped LISK.

>> No.6752701


the funniest thing for me is how Reddit gets upset about the CCK posting things like "pajeet" or "street shitters" here because it's racist


>> No.6752754


1000 EOY, in 2019 the flippening is going to happen.

>> No.6752769

Reddit got on board with Walton so hard that they have cognitive biases that prevent them from making millions by shutting the Fukk Up and accepting facts.

>> No.6752778

>overhyped LISK
Elaborate please. NEO has its own solid fundamentals, don't compare it to LISK.

>> No.6752810

he is a redditor and should fuck off back there instead of forcing his followers to come here

>> No.6752835

I can’t disagree.

Breyer buys ETH, and then only buys VEN. Hedge, or did he find something bigger?

>> No.6752899


10000 end of year, good sir. tobacco blockchain bring many riches.

>> No.6752961

If this happens, I will find you and serve you the best fucking german beer in the world

>> No.6752976

LISK has strong fundamentals. I didn’t say NEO sucked. It’s great. However, smart contract use cases require some divination at this point, especially when enterprise is going to have to develop THEIR OWN shit on these block chains. Hand them keys say “ok, here you go, develop away.”

NEO has grown exponentially with the idea it was the “ethereum of china” and that it was the chosen ONE of China. We’re learning this was a miscalculation. Perhaps it will have a role that we are not seeing, but the fact they went fleeing to seek devs with MS tells me they know they have a long way to go.

Meanwhile, Ven gets unveiled as partners with half the world, all of which terminate in China. They have developers who seek to solve problems FOR enterprise, not the other way around. “Tell us what YOU need, we’ll tell you what we can do to help you fix it.”

Hopefully this is why NEO is looking for devs. They need to build solutions not wait for enterprise to build them.

>> No.6753005


thank u sir

>> No.6753066

Just wait when it gets to 5k, 10k, 30k, 60k, 90k. Hodling is hard af.

>> No.6753112

if the chinese government is building an exchange on the VechainThor blockchain this might actually happen

but definitely 100 end of Q1
probably around 400-500 EOY

>> No.6753136

This is my best guess as well, in a world of guessing.

>> No.6753209

I should say i’m Biased.’

I’ve pumped my life savings into Vechain, and continue to pump money in every chance i get and will all the way to $10-20.

>> No.6753225

all in!

>> No.6753232

>but definitely 100 end of Q1

would be stoked with 50

>> No.6753267


My fear is that there's so many whales with hordes of VEN and they'll dump their bags @ 50 and 100 causing the price to stagnate maybe.

Can you tell me the history of Ethereum during big milestones like that?

>> No.6753289


>> No.6753314
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100x is a lot, but I can't say you are wrong.

>> No.6753319

Lol those buy walls have gotten ridiculous

>> No.6753356

That would make all node holders multi millionaires, crazy

>> No.6753388

Ethereum as lower circulation supply, and no masternode lockups, far more circulation.

We have a more mature market now, and the whales who actually want to dump VEN are almost dumped out, by accounts i have heard (some track TX / addys).

Remember, partners need to hold VET to generate THOR. I think the price of THOR is likely to be a lot more volatile than VET.

Then node lockups.. we don’t see VEN dumps. The last BTC dump the only dump we really saw was from gamblers trying to jump to tether and then back.. Some got burned badly.

Sure, people will take profits. There will be hordes of buyers. Wait until the sophisticated investor crowd looking to dip into cryptos with less risk realize that Vechain is exactly what they DIDN’T REALIZE cryptos were about. This shit is going nuclear.

>> No.6753417

>all in on VEN
>need to get more coins to acquire more VEN
>no more fiat
>last resort
>referral links

help a venlet out

>> No.6753458

I have friends at the giant corp i work with who shit their pants when i tell them cryptos are more than fucking litecoin. As soon as they hear there is a “use case” blockchain with partners they ask how they can buy. It’s that quick.

>> No.6753474

I'm curious what the price of Thor will be at, maybe similar to Neo/Gas?

>> No.6753475


The problem is that Ethereum has thousands of projects that get built on it. It has so much value because it's a platform that's used by companies to make projects worth billions of $.

VEN on the surface seems like something used by enterprises. Adoption won't be for buying and using it (Like for example buying ETH to buy some ICO) but rather as speculation or selling it to enterprises.

That's why I find it hard to believe it can ever hit $1000.

If VEN can do the enterprise shit and become a blockbuster smart contract + token platform like ETH then I can see it reaching $1000.

I love the enthusiasm I just wanna be realistic. I've got 1k VEN I hope I can make it boys

>> No.6753547

Yes, it is announcing dAPP + smart contract support as part of rebranding. The push will be lively.

>> No.6753549
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Go on, I’m almost there
t. 35k VEN holder

>> No.6753572


omg omg omg


>> No.6753595

I just want to have 10k for a strength node

>> No.6753651

Those enterprises will pay massive fees for enterprise solutions. VEN is already getting paid! This ain’t just an ICO launchpad or crypto kitty bulllshit. They are going to the great beyond in blockchain and will secure a monopoly. Metcalfe’s a bitch.

This is bigger than ETH guysth. Once i realized that I went all in.

>> No.6753693

gather round,
i'll tell you a brief history of antshares
ans rebranded to NEO when BTC forked in august.
shit went from around 6 to 20, 30, then 50
then china cracked down on icos in sept, neo dips with everyone else back down to 25-30 til december, climbed up past 100 and touched 200 at some point. at $150 now.

so even if you bought at the ultimate ATH back in september before china swung their commie dicks around, if you held you're still up.

6-150 since august, but this time the chinamen are backing. this is life changing shit, don't worry and hold for long enough, you'll make it.

>> No.6753695
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lol walton already had this kek , ven mainnet delayed to june after WTC comes out, don't worry ven bro wtc and ven going to swap again market cap wise

>> No.6753710

It’s already confirmed it’s a smart contract platform ya dingus

>> No.6753779

When Walton stop negotiating with affiliates and actually gets a deal with a Maersk or DNV or hell any one of VEN’s partnerships, I’ll consider buying back the position I sold.

Nah, Metcalfe says that it won’t matter, anything WTC does VEN will 10x.

>> No.6753825

Hard to say, guesstimates are 25% of VET. But open market, it will depend on demand. I expect it might be much higher than we suspect.

>> No.6753826


>> No.6753893

Will I make it with 1k VEN?

>> No.6753915

should I drop my LINK to buy more VEN?

>> No.6753930

we're all going to make it bor

>> No.6753948

Of course, are you man enough to HODL through the bucking bronco ride of crypto?

>> No.6753969

50% in ven already
the moment it dip my ETH goes into ven


>> No.6754095

Thats not very smart anon.
Then again, Im all-in in Ven too so yeah

>> No.6754101

VEN or ICX, thats the question.

>> No.6754182
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>mfw when VEN crash and burn

>> No.6754188


Didn't do my research, clearly. Lol. My knowledge only came from /biz/ posts about VEN.

>> No.6754210


Icx until end of feb when Mainnet and summit hype moons it then all in on ven.

>> No.6754299

>mfw I cashed out 75% of my crypto and are going to travel for 6 months and don’t really care

>> No.6754347

Problem is, VEN rebranding is 2/26, gonna be super hyped all month, starting 1/24 when the DNV event blows minds . Hard to say. I like ICX, just feel its a notch below VEN because, well, CHINA is CHINA. ICX is easy money tho.

>> No.6754399

lol deluded chinks

>> No.6754717

I got 507 and I will sell half my stack just before the rebranding to rebuy the dip.
Now this is a calculated risk and after the rebranding it could shoot up, see ANS/NEO or it could dump as day traders will want to move their profits elsewhere.

>> No.6754720


That’s true - honestly I’m 30 NEO/VEN/ICX so I’m not all in myself.

>> No.6754828


how much we dipping on the 26th after the event, when people sell the news?
could be a good time to get more

>> No.6754853

I hope so anons I really do

>> No.6755096

been wondering about this, when you talk about "sell the news" - don't people take future knowledge into account? seems like rebranding and THOR generation are well known, aren't these priced in?

>> No.6755474

NEO is the bones of the reputation system from Black Mirror. Companies that want to interact with that are going to have to pay to play.

No other crypto is positioned to realize that level of dystopic fuckery.

>> No.6755762

Before the rebrand, It went from 1.50 to 14.00 then crashed like any pump and dump. The rebrand was the first time I saw /biz/ buy the news. Vechain will be the same.

>> No.6755765
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He's right though, bitcoin is practically useless. It's a nice thing to have just because of the hype behind it being the main crypto but it really is useless. Sending a payment and then paying fees on top of that defeats the purpose of an actual price.

>> No.6755828


>> No.6755887

40 mins

>> No.6755900


I feel like the next announcement is already priced in
The rebrand probably is to a smaller extent

What I could see happening, is a dip right after/during the event, no matter the announcements, followed by a very quick recovery if the news is dope as fuck, or maybe a slow cooling period if it's a bit lackluster

we'll know what's going to happen early march imo

>> No.6756013

they said the same thing when ANS was rebranding to NEO

>> No.6756088
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How fucking retarded are plebbers?

>> No.6756136

I'm buying the dip

>> No.6756161


they're too fucking sensitive and lift their noses at price discussion, like they aren't in it to make money

>> No.6756163

ANS rebranded three letters thought VEN is only rebranding one letter

>> No.6756181

Thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.6756182

it's Sunday tomorrow, lad

>> No.6756209

>he doesn't work on sundays
not going to make it

>> No.6756219


Its fucking hilarious but sad. Like do they really think that copy pasta is trying to induce FUD? what kind of earth would someone sell their VEN after reading that. steaming retards.

I have a node, but i LOVE trolling the fuck out of that place

>> No.6756251
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poor here, am i going to make it with 45 VEN?

>> No.6756284
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Ask this question in ONE MORE THREAD ANON

>> No.6756320


>> No.6756364
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>priced in

>> No.6756456

easy money thank you chinese

>> No.6756485

that is 45 million EOY

>> No.6756491
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>not owning your own business and working 4 days a week

>> No.6756560


pump it

>> No.6756730

Are you swing trading to get to 50k?

>> No.6756958

>in either two hours or six

>> No.6757138

you'd make it with 45 but not 44.955

>> No.6757236

Anyone else very skeptical of a chink coin? The more I look into it the more I like it but the Chinese make me weary. Debating selling some of my other Alts and putting a few hundred into it.

>> No.6757242

would you like to help me with 1 VEN then?


>> No.6757498

girl name?