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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 81 KB, 1229x1160, 1516471424908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6749420 No.6749420 [Reply] [Original]

>on no fap
>semen demons constantly posted here
>21 hidden threads


>> No.6749527
File: 203 KB, 1080x1350, allisoncalvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you gay anon?

>> No.6749570
File: 12 KB, 236x229, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For FUCK sakes anon masturbation is bad for you, Porn is destruction


>> No.6749585

nofap is a meme. does literally nothing

>> No.6749602
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>stop trying to steal my brain blood


>> No.6749615
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>> No.6749651

Obviously haven't tried it

>> No.6749653
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>> No.6749692
File: 118 KB, 890x870, 1506643864006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay strong my dude, just promptly hide the threads instantly

Even if its niggers like this
>>6749615 >>6749653
who only post a face shot, just fucking hide it all

>> No.6749708
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>> No.6749733
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>> No.6749756
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>> No.6749817
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Be gone satanic poster, be gone you heathen

Repent and be baptized!

>> No.6749846
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This girl is not asian. I can't cap to this shit.

>> No.6749852

Stop blaming others for your weak will.

>> No.6749901
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>> No.6749919
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Can we not work together to become healthier together as a board?

Porn is death of the soul

>> No.6749995
File: 390 KB, 954x717, 1494380659103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to go through a reboot phase, which you only need to do once, however it does take a while (at least 90 days). I'd recommend laying off /biz/ for a while, especially when there's a crash occurring since that's when most of /biz/ dumps some of their worst porn cache since they need an escape from "reality." Once your brain reboots successfully, you can come back gradually like I am now.

Rebooting basics: https://yourbrainonporn.com/reboot_your_brain
Intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oFVOJf0TzY

>> No.6750020

Pics of women's faces is not porn.

>> No.6750069
File: 400 KB, 958x710, 1490835204514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, this isn't NoFap since NoFap is based on pseudo-science. YBOP is based on academic studies that prove the damaging effects porn addiction has on the brain. I've been porn/masturbation free for about 3-4 years now and I'm perfectly fine.

Brain Studies on Porn Users: https://yourbrainonporn.com/brain-scan-studies-porn-users

>> No.6750124
File: 151 KB, 445x447, 1509926435177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Anti porn anon

Keep being you my dude we can all break free from the chains of porn

>> No.6750171
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>> No.6750232

Define porn addiction... Everything in moderation.

>> No.6750272

porn is bad sure but pictures of hot chicks aint

>> No.6750292
File: 77 KB, 813x605, St-Felix-Oprah-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you guys ftituck oprah?

>> No.6750335
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Porn binging is not the same as porn addiction. You can still have porn addiction, and yet not binge on porn. Fact is, if you need to look at porn (i.e. you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms from porn), then by definition you have porn addiction. Rebooting your brain will effectively normalize your brain so it's not hard-wired to get dopamine rush from porn/masturbation.

>> No.6750397
File: 330 KB, 954x699, 1485075141787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a moralist stance that I'm taking, I'm simply providing the facts and men have a right to know what porn addiction is doing to their brains. Everybody has a decision to make and the choice is yours, but everybody does have a right to know.

>> No.6750421

Literally nothing wrong with porn or fapping. Reported benefits are confirmation bias to the extreme. Community is either made up of:

>In denial pedos and people with fucked up fetishes like rape or death porn who think everyone is fucked up like them therefore porn is evil

>Depressed losers who are seeking some magical cure-all that will whisk then out of their miserable state (hint: it won't)

>Morons who believe everything they read on the internet is true and there's no way these people who report miraculous effects could possibly be lying or completely wrong about the true cause of their "transformation"

>> No.6750439
File: 159 KB, 600x821, 1516071819772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets be honest anon, they all have that 'look' and I guarantee you it triggers a ton of guys here, even subconsciously, to look at porn

>> No.6750493
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>> No.6750497

Binge on porn? This isn't Netflix. Do you guys watch for the stories? Also, I don't get the dopamine rush, just the rush from my penis tip.

>> No.6750501
File: 51 KB, 570x761, 1505590583096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disinfo, be gone heathen

>> No.6750537

I see you belong in category #3.

>> No.6750538

are you religious?

>> No.6750584

>21 hidden
Thats nothing kid. come back when you have at least 60 filtered

>> No.6750593

A mod told me that for some reason /biz/ reports posts the least. I guess they are too busy on crypto to care about it enough to report.

On the other /g/ is more likely to ignore porn posts.

>> No.6750606

>porn addiction
>picture of hot girl

you're losing me
I agree with porn addiction and effects on the brain, but I see hot girls as the lesser of 2 evils

>> No.6750609
File: 271 KB, 640x473, 1498078095823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't provided any scientific rebuttals against porn addiction has on the brain, you've only provided ad hominem attacks. You're right in breaking free of porn addiction won't automatically make you a superman, but at least you won't have porn addiction. Meanwhile there are studies linking porn use or porn addiction to various ailments: https://yourbrainonporn.com/studies-reported-relationships-between-porn-use-or-porn-addictionsex-addiction-and-sexual

>> No.6750649
File: 230 KB, 887x660, Don'tGiveUp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fapping to motionless 2d pics of 3d THOTs come upon on 4chan threads.
Does this even happen or is it just a meme?

>> No.6750663
File: 215 KB, 602x452, main-qimg-be24b0f4efbb9d4a8de8dce1aa9ddddf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you

>> No.6750672

its annoying
and its only posted as a way for pajeet shills to lure in teen boys to buy their shitcoin

>> No.6750722
File: 265 KB, 637x475, 1487143055299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going back to your original argument, there is no such thing as "porn in moderation." If you need to look at porn, you have porn addiction by definition. I invite you to learn more about the effects porn has on your brain, this YouTube provides helpful information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oFVOJf0TzY

>> No.6750809
File: 208 KB, 637x482, 1496737881809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with beautiful women, but if it's affecting you in a negative way then at least you have a right to know what porn addiction is and how it's affecting you. In fact, there are studies linking porn use to poorer mental-emotional health & poorer cognitive outcomes: https://yourbrainonporn.com/studies-linking-porn-use-poorer-mental-cognitive-health

In short, sex sells. Especially if you are addicted to pornography/masturbation.

>> No.6750861


Thanks for this.

>> No.6750887

who is this thot

>> No.6750945

No I don't believe you understand the definition of addiction. I don't NEED to look at porn. I ENJOY having access to tiddies and vagene at the push of a button. That makes me hetereosexual, not an addict.

>> No.6750970



No wonder my bullshit meter goes off the rails whenever nofappers are present.

>> No.6750979

anime is far more addictive and desensitizing than porn

so is 4chan itself

kill yourselves

>> No.6751024

>not even listed in the DSM, the most retarded medical """"authority"""" ever published

>> No.6751039
File: 563 KB, 953x706, 1506980646145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't NEED to look at porn. I ENJOY having access to tiddies and vagene at the push of a button.
But you just described porn addiction. Don't kid yourself, I had the same problem so I know where you're coming from.

>> No.6751094
File: 249 KB, 954x715, 1504257589590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YBOP compiles studies on porn addiction and masturbation. For example, here is one of the studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15140364

>> No.6751163
File: 120 KB, 500x312, 1486616417181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is a result of HOCD, basically this is for heavy porn addictions whose porn tastes morphs into something else so they can further hit that dopamine high they couldn't get from regular porn.

>> No.6751210

Correction: hentai which is anime porn

>> No.6751222

Again, you have no idea what the definition of addiction is. I don't NEED chicken, but I still enjoy fucking eating it.

>> No.6751265
File: 269 KB, 695x714, d561173c2a78d9b4e6f16b9b3becb44c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've quit smoking i shit you not nofap is harder than quitting smoking.

>> No.6751285
File: 1.11 MB, 1431x1080, 1494774001865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I will say is, the first step towards recovery is to admit you have an addiction. Good luck.

>> No.6751365
File: 59 KB, 300x284, 1486199169737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to identify your triggers during the reboot phase and eliminate them for the medium-term. Remember that you are hyper-sensitive during this phase, so don't think you'll be this wired for the rest of your life, your brain will normalize at some point (at least 90 days).

Rebooting advice & observations: https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/rebooting-advice-observations

>> No.6751374

90days is a meme
I went nofap for over 120days and it felt the same as day1. The cycle restarts, it doesn't stop.

>> No.6751422

It's just funny how pathetic you are. I'm glad that you got your degenerate porn addiction under control an the skin has started to grow back on your penis. Good job anon.

>> No.6751433
File: 872 KB, 1433x1080, 1486504504167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I said at least 90 days, it is usually much longer than that but you only need to reboot once if you do it successfully.

>> No.6751479

nice backtrack

>> No.6751546


I wanna fuck a 2B cosplayer. Hnnnnnghhh

>> No.6751610

this has got to be the dumbest fucking cult like psuedoscientific shit the internet has come up with

it is literally the internet version of "vaccines cause autism"

>> No.6751758
File: 1.76 MB, 322x175, 1516472709940.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only masturbate on weekends usually. One of the reasons I do it is actually so that the masturbation sessions I do have are better. Bigger loads, longer orgasms, pent-up sexual release. Quality over quantity. I don't know why some faggots masturbate multiple times every single day, or feel the need that every time they get a boner they should masturbate. It must be compulsion. They don't know how to experience or handle a little arousal/titillation without resorting to draining their dick. I don't even know how those people find the time masturbate constantly. I suppose I am in some sense practicing delayed gratification. Sometimes I get nocturnal ejaculations too, especially when I've decided to not masturbate in a while.

>> No.6751773
File: 361 KB, 956x664, 1486199736727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a paradigm shift and it's difficult for newcomers to accept this but once you look at the facts then you will realize this all makes sense. Also, I have to call you out on your accusation that this is "psuedoscience" because there are numerous peer-reviewed studies by universities and governmental health organizations across the world that prove the effects porn addiction has on the brain: https://yourbrainonporn.com/brain-scan-studies-porn-users

>> No.6751915

everything causes neuroplastic change you gigantic fucking giganigger

you have neuroplastic change by
>using 4chan
>or using reddit
>or using google
>or listening to music
>or watching tv
>or driving
>or working
>or anything that isn't fucking sleeping which only enables the neuroplastic change during the day

you colossal fucking pieces of garbage

>> No.6751975

shibboleth of both shitcoins and cults

>> No.6752014
File: 415 KB, 637x482, 1506356387403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely agree with you, but porn addiction is unique in that it hits our primitive brain, basically hijacks our reward circuit, hence which is why marketers say: "sex sells."

>> No.6752095
File: 519 KB, 949x704, 1506982073600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a paradigm shift because a vast majority of men are addicted to online pornography, this is no secret: https://yourbrainonporn.com/garys-tedx-talk-great-porn-experiment

However, unlike coins and cults, this is based on scientific facts.

>> No.6752131

No Fap has been around since the beginning of time. All the ancient cultures, esoteric traditions are familiar with it.

Do you know how much energy it takes your body to create litter machines that carry your exact DNA to a woman's eggs? Do you know the sophistication of it? How much of your bodies vital resources are being used if youe constantly having to create these machines?

No Fap, no porn...

Porn is being propagated by the elites to keep us down, sick and listless.

>> No.6752255

If she keeps losing weight, sure

>> No.6752282
File: 569 KB, 957x715, 1504259262220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to tell you what to do you with your life, that's your decision. All I'm here is to deliver information because men have a right to know. I wish when I was younger, somebody would've taken the time to educate about this issue. Regardless, we're not here to condemn or to shame you, there's no shame in stopping an addiction and we are here to help. You are welcome to reach out to us anytime.

>> No.6752785

I know what you mean. I love this forum but hate people posting all the women pics. If I want to see that, there are already other forums for it.

I’ve tried kicking my porn addiction but it doesn’t help coming here. I wish I was mod so I could clean it up.

>> No.6752833

It will fall on deaf ear anon, live by example.

>> No.6752884

whos us? quitting tobacco is easier, not taking adderall is easy, but no fap is a different animal

>> No.6753025

Fapping takes so much energy out of me,.
I can't do anything production after I fap, usually for at least 24 hours.
I hate it.

>> No.6753036


>> No.6753090


fuck I hate biz so much
just broke down and fapped today, I just couldnt take it anymore
fucking biz is ruining my life I was on a nofap streak for weeks

>> No.6753094
File: 1.24 MB, 1360x768, 4531233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but you don't love me anymore op?

>> No.6753155


>> No.6753278

Just use werk tyme 4chanx. Harder to browse/ kills /biz/ experience but who gives a fuck

>> No.6753309

Yeah exactly, don't be a losercuck who will end up depressed/suicidal from fapping so much to pixelated images

>> No.6753320

Same bro I hate some of these fucking faggots

>> No.6753342


Lold @semen demons

>> No.6754131

Seen all the nudes here lately but i refused to fap and yeah it pissed me off.

Need to build your willpower, there's also setting link at the bottom right of the biz board that lets you filter and censore all thread images. Basically Biz without images, kind of boring and a hover feature that lets the image to pop up in larger size when you hover your mouse cursor to see what it is

>> No.6754194

Well its a good thing that every thot on the planet is cosplaying it for easy praises and money from faggot nerds like you

>> No.6754317

how new are you

>> No.6754373

>not asian
into the fucking garbage

>> No.6754443


I wish the mods would ban lewd pics here
this is a business forum for serious business men goddammit not some board for porn pictures!

>> No.6754728

Nice placebo
After 5 days of nofap you’ve lost all benefit.
Immediately after ejaculating your T levels drop lower than the baseline, and peak out after the third day of nofap.
After that they gradually regress to the baseline and don’t jump anymore.
All you’re doing is getting average T most of the time. A daily fapper has low T most of the time.
To maximize time spent with higher than baseline T you’d want to fap every 4 days or so, which expedites the gradual drop and gives you peak levels one or two days a week. One or two days spent lower than baseline, and time between these spent near the baseline.

And honestly it’s hard to watch you guys deprive yourselves this way.

>> No.6754875


good taste my man, white roasties can't compete

>> No.6755006
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>> No.6755095

i second this anon
it's not the fapping, but the porn that fucks you

>> No.6755149

fuck no fap, it's no porn
fap as usual, just use your imagination or real pussy and it's fine

>> No.6755243

underated post

>> No.6755993
File: 451 KB, 1907x2074, 1491064143161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck porn

>> No.6756262

Not really, kodomo no jikan was shit.