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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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674937 No.674937 [Reply] [Original]

All women care about is money

>> No.674964

*tips fedora*

>> No.674979

So do I

>> No.674995

If women cared about money they wouldn't spend it freely on stupid shit like Gucci handbags and starbucks

>> No.674997

>Women. Ammirite?

I fucking hate this board most days.

>> No.675001

And height.

>> No.675038

I'm a man and all I care about is money.

Explain to me why I'm wrong.

>> No.675078

we're on a board where the whole objective is money, and the demographics are 100% male, so what would that tell you ?

If you want a fedorapost, women don*t care (as much) about money as in "making money" (see career choices), they care about money as in "having money" (to buy shit with).

The fascination with merely watching "numbers go up" is almost solely the domain of male autists

>> No.675126

For me it's all about how good i fuck them

>> No.675142

>The fascination with merely watching "numbers go up" is almost solely the domain of male autists

and dubs. sweet sweet dubs.

but I think you are right. my wife just cares about us having a shit ton of money in the bank. while i just want to see GAINZ.

>> No.675176

Poor fag here.
How much money do I need in a brokerage account before I can get a girlfriend?

>> No.675182
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I don't believe in money, but a man could make him a killin'
>vid related, alan jackson, you massive faggot

>> No.675198

At least 500k. Any less and you may as well kill yourself.

>> No.675309

Just get a hooker 2-3 times a week.

It'll cost you less in the longrun than a girlfriend or wife.

>> No.675321

>a wife will cost u $300 a week


>> No.675327

When she inevitably divorces you and makes you pay child support for children you didn't even want and takes half your things it will cost way more.

>> No.675334


>> No.675363



Don't feed the spergs. /biz/ is already shitted up by people pretending to be paper traders and such on a daily basis, we don't need r9k moving in as well.

>> No.675388

Come on you don't seriously believe that :).
They also care a lot about how well Mr.Johnson can perform.

>> No.675389

In the same way we only care about her looks and sexual performance - yes

B-but... don't you believe in love?

>> No.675392

a fuckbuddy costs nothing

>paying for sex

>> No.675489

It's not the money they care for itself, it's the status and security money brings

>> No.675515

But that would require these retards to actually have social skills.

>> No.675527

It's opposite in my relationship.

My girlfriend basically works for me, and I try to motivate her to do better by asking her to think of things she really wants that we can't afford yet, and her usual answer is she just wants enough to feed our pets and live.

I on the other hand, keep a Lamborghini tab open on one of my monitors. It's my first goal, and I will cry when I drive it off the lot.

>> No.675540


:^) surely that Will happen

>> No.675546


all men care about is sex.

If a woman will:
a) fuck me right
b) love me right
c) cook and clean

I will marry her right on the fucking spot. Is this so hard to find?

Women objectify men for power, and men objectify women for sex. It is no different, and each force is equal and opposite to the other.

Welcome to the world anon.

>> No.675552
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>> No.676229

>I on the other hand, keep a Lamborghini tab open on one of my monitors. It's my first goal, and I will cry when I drive it off the lot.
If you do this, you will never drive one.

>> No.676754

>pretending to be paper traders

lol what?

is this a meme?

>> No.676783

Men care about sex. To have sex with as many women as possible to plant their seeds in as many places as possible. Men evolved this way to ensure their genes will spread and to perpetuate the species.

Women care about being provided for, for herself and her child. This includes money, status, fame, resources, etc. Anything to ensure security and a future. Women evolved this way to ensure their genes will spread and to perpetuate the species.

Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but as a biological aggregate, our species generally adheres to this. Of course this isn't relevant in a civilized 2015, but, millions of years of evolution trump the mere decades of cultural change.

>> No.676787

But what they said is true.
Women love shopping more than saving money.

>> No.676810


well well said.

This guy nailed it perfectly.

We have our "equal workplaces", and "sensitive men", and "progressive ideas" but more than anything else we are still cavemen and cavewomen.

>> No.676944

It is relevant in a 'civilised 2015'. Civilisation is not about escaping nature, rather it's about accepting it. It's just that there are two distinct concepts to which the word refers; one is the orderly aspect, and the other is the disorderly aspect of nature.

The polarisation of the sexes (and therefore OF the genders (i.e. not the other way around specifically because gender IS reducible to sex)) is of the orderly aspect of nature, so civilisation would thus be, in this direction, a matter of accepting that this is simply the way it (already) is.

>> No.676962

Probably more.

>> No.677091

>and the demographics are 100% male, so what would that tell you ?
men want to make money, women want to take money

>> No.677425
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>> No.677427
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I'm 6ft though so I should be fine here.

>> No.677484

The love of money is the root of all evil.

>> No.677623


>> No.677639
File: 13 KB, 500x330, Fail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was posted all over /pol/ during our daily women hate thread. I have some more if you want, NSFW though...then again it's just dots

>> No.677644
File: 357 KB, 1287x648, File.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then again I've never seen a Janitor do something on /biz/...do we even have a mod?

>> No.677651

Put them in an archive and upload somewhere?

>> No.677670
File: 765 KB, 1001x1001, 1421115247759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.677934

How's your high school philosophy class treating you?

>> No.677973

Getting married when you have tons of money is a really stupid thing to do.

>> No.678113

Is not 100% male you Zimbabwean

>> No.678153


>She does it for free

The whole FWB thing is just a sitcom trope, it doesn't actually happen in real life.

Guys, can we talk about how to get non-hooker girls to fuck for cash. There is that sugar-Daddy website but it looks like a scam. I've been asking my tinder matches if they will make out with me for 200 euro just to ease them into it but I've gotten no results. Does anyone have experiences?

>> No.678298


women dont care about making money
only about spending it

>> No.678335
File: 60 KB, 540x614, Snoop Right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.678374

You sound like a gutless little bitch. Enjoy being a failure in all meaningful aspects of life squirt.

>> No.678385

>Is this so hard to find?
yes. I suggest you look into mail order brides. Find a girl from a country that still has traditional values. I suggest Russia or Ukraine, they are all gorgeous too. These women hate the men in their home countries. The divorce rate for these types of marriages is about the same regardless. I am thinking about doing his later in life if I can't find a woman that is good wife material.

>> No.678481

Why would you get a bitch for wife?