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672332 No.672332[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone made a neo nazi dating website? Serious question

>> No.672346

the people that would openly associate with one would be making joke accounts or be piss poor. not much of a market worth tapping.

>> No.672348

I registered on a dating site specific for asspies many years ago. I remember the place was full of weirdos... including very bizarre weird girls..

it was called autist affection, or asspie affection or something like that

>> No.672354

none that i know of but i didn't think about it until this point. wouldn't be surprised if it did.

i did laugh when you told me the idea.

>> No.673552

Are there that many to make the site worth it? Put up a temporary website and advertise it on 4chan

>> No.673565

Hyperbole aside, why is there blackpeoplemeet, j-date, etc, but no white people meet?

>> No.673590


Let me start this off by saying that I'm white. Let me also say that racism doesn’t work that way. If a person of colour tells us we look like mayonnaise or that we’re weird as fuck because we don’t use wash cloths, that’s not racism. There’s no built in oppression there. That’s just commentary. Being mocked isn’t being held down. It isn’t being systematically deemed “lesser” by an entire group of people over years and years and years. It’s not based on anything. For racism to work (for want of a better term) there has to be that oppression. That’s why white people are so good at being racist.
Also, white people being called out as racists isn’t racist. A person of colour saying “White people ruined hip hop” or “White people always steal pieces of our culture” isn’t racist. It’s the other way around. Iggy Azalea is racist. White people trying to pass durags off as high fashion is racist.

>> No.673592

take your tumblr nigger racism rants and fuck off, nigger lover.

>> No.673596


Because white people don't go on back page and see "NO WHITES" on 50% of the pages.

>> No.673598

Not that I have found, but fuck me if that isnt an idea. Certainly wouldnt be as acceptable as Jdate, but then again, that is the point isnt it

>> No.673599

because looking for prostitutes on back page is the same as a dating website. you can't be that legitimately retarded to even try to make that comparison, can you?

>> No.673605
File: 235 KB, 460x460, aOyZKOv_460sa_v1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, my name is Ernest. Born and raised a true Christian. My favorite book is "Mein Kampf" wrote by the Man Himself (Peace be upon Him).
my favorite hobbies include shooting my guns, preferably on a black target so I can see it on a distance.
If you have in your heart God's will then please leave me an emoticon

>> No.673612

...and you just got 200 inbox messages in the span of 25 minutes

>> No.673633

You'll end up with a dating site populated entirely by men. Not that many women interested in that kind of thing.

>> No.673723

while white chicks are less likely to identify as neo-nazis or KKK or just racist, many of them still have these beliefs. they're just afraid to admit it to themselves. just look at the reply rates based on race that okcupid puts out, they're fucking beautiful and they really put all of that "once you go black" horseshit in perspective.

>> No.673764

not sure if trolling or...

Do it, only you should take the neonazi out and replace it by some euphemism for "white".

Like "nordic dating" or "protestant dating".

I can tell you there are enough women who like to be on the right side of life.

>> No.673900

Nice copypasta

>> No.674621

who doesn't use a washcloth?

>> No.674629


>> No.674640

This would be funny if there werent actually people that believed this. I had a black guy tell me once that black people cant be racist. The fact that he said it so seriously stopped me from laughing because at first I thought he was joking.

Obviously white racism still exists. All you have to do is browse internet boards to see that. Lets not act that white people are the only ones capable of being racist, however. Thats like implying white brain structure and thought patterns are fundamentally different than any other race which is racist in of itself because it implies superiority or inferiority.

>> No.674649


Racism is basically tribalism, and tribalism is encoded in our behaviour.

But there's a difference between being a racist and being a rude cunt - that's called discrimination.

It's OK to be a well educated racist, but not OK to discriminate due to race in a meritocracy.

>> No.674657


I worked for Zoosk for a short period.

If you want to make $$$. Start a website for black women, targeting white males for marriage.

Go to any dating site. One of the largest under-matched markets are black women.

Black women peruse higher education at a much higher rate, something like 65/35 female/male ratio for college educated blacks.

There are alot of educated, professional, working black females that can't find decent husbands.

Truth is, there just aren't enough quality, educated black males for the professional black female population.

Not trying to be racist. Just observing what's happening in the market right now.

>> No.674678

guys don't want black girls, website wouldn't work

>> No.674767

>Are you white
>Are you >tfw no gf
>Join whitepeople.com, the premium site for humans

>> No.674773
File: 705 KB, 160x250, tumblr_inline_mtigw79yWg1rjqfgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this...plus it would be filled with white niggers (skinheads) . They are the white nigggers n they dont know it.

>> No.674809
File: 879 KB, 245x400, 1371755811962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i would consider one if she looked like this

>> No.674812

that's a guy.

>> No.675032


But that's where I see a HUGE market opportunity.

You have a huge market of undesirable products that are willing to pay you a premium to market them. If you're a great marketer, you could make a mint.

Use bait & switch. Market to loser white guys that they can latch on to a 'sugar moma'. Put up lots of fake ads of professional men seeking black women.

However you drill, there is $$$ to be tapped in these wells...

>> No.675129


Oh my god, I was exemplifying that EVEN PROSTITUTES, are exclusive when it comes to minority races, let alone doing it for free. I obviously alluded to the fact that women are racially exclusive in general and that white people have a clear advantage. You are an oblivious fucking moron and I advise you order a helium tank.