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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 512x512, black-pigeon-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6745120 No.6745120 [Reply] [Original]

The /pol/acks are coming..


>> No.6745155

this board is mostly /pol/

>> No.6745192

Black Pigeon Speaks is a good content uploader.

>> No.6745205

not its not stupid nigger. I'm from /fit/ and /g/

>> No.6745237
File: 66 KB, 700x1000, Ma6k8NXILmoO2I4hiqfIfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so while id be pretty sad if this cryptobubble popped and i lost everything, the only solace i would take is that a large amount of nazi scum would end up taking their own pathetic lives

>> No.6745296

Nazi scum?

>> No.6745352
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>> No.6745362

womencoin investor spotted

>> No.6745372

which are also /pol/, how new are you?

>> No.6745390

It is tho. Long ago there were popular trannies posting here, but a lot of ex/pol/ tired of Trump came here and there's been another new wave since December that's closer to reddit.

>> No.6745396

nazi scum here, already cashed out $200k stay booty blasted

>> No.6745403


>thinking nazis ever kill themselves.

>> No.6745422

> coming

Implying we aren't already here
Implying the alt right doesn't run on crypto

> yes goy the nazis are going into crypto best sell all your holdings now

>> No.6745436

not even close

>> No.6745450
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>kike-like typing detected
You sound upset, Moshe.

>> No.6745467
File: 31 KB, 1000x600, C3ED58DD-C34E-43A6-904C-C39E95AEF197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome brothers

>> No.6745476

Hitler killed himself -_-

>> No.6745484
File: 1.21 MB, 498x280, 29359D90-3244-4970-BA97-D16F4B9BCC36.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/x/ here

>> No.6745536

>bitcoin is not used by drug dealers
retard alert

>> No.6745595
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>black pigeon speaks
as a /pol/ack I am personally offended

>> No.6745634

>admitting this uniroincally

>> No.6745638

/pol/ was already here

>> No.6745684

i thought BPS was actually pretty /pol/ while Sargon is the r/The_Donald cancer

>> No.6745707

>>Hitler killed himself
>he believed the jew's lies

>> No.6746177


>> No.6746205

/pol/fit/g/tv here.

>> No.6746385


/b/ -> /pol/ -> /biz/

This is the normal progression of any white male

>> No.6746506
File: 66 KB, 318x271, 20171224_094349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/b/ -> /pol/ -> /biz/
>mfw this actually was my progression over the years

>> No.6746561

Dude, what the fuck. We've been here for an eternity.

>> No.6746567

>being this Ass-Blasted

>> No.6746660


Part of the greatness of our time is the perception of isolation, but in reality we've been here for one another the entire time.

>> No.6746734

>/b/ -> /g/ -> old /biz/ -> /pol/ -> new /biz/

Truly the state of newfagdom

>> No.6746746

You missed /fit Mr."male"

>> No.6746767

/b -> /fit -> /pol ->/biz here

wish I found /biz earlier, have been like 8 months now tho lol

>> No.6746831
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>reddit spacing

>> No.6746942

Wow didn't know he was an idiot that knows nothing about what he talks about...

>> No.6746975

True, but im also /fit/ and /tv/.

>> No.6747025

>/b/ -> /pol/ -> /biz/

Classic. But we will all finish on /hc/

>> No.6747047

I dont have a problem with /pol/
Its their patreon whores That piss me off
E celeb holocaust when

>> No.6747087

/fa/ /tv/ /mu/ /his/ /int/ here

>> No.6747122

I hate kikes and all that, but only an idiot mixes up money-making with ideology

>> No.6747149

/pol/ack here

>> No.6747230

Not soon enough, isn't it sad how YouTube used to be an alternative to celebrity culture obsessed television. Now it just cultivates it's own brand of that fucking tripe. Not sure I'd even be upset if YouTube shut down at this point, well minus losing all OLD quality videos posted close to a decade ago now.

>> No.6747290

This, they poured in after the election.
Alright, but that doesn't change the fact that /pol/ has a strong presence on this board.

>> No.6747331

Nazis may not like diversity in their countries, but I'm fairly sure they're smart enough to diversify their means of income.
Thanks for the concerns though.

>> No.6747341

Tits or GTFO, roastie.

>> No.6747351

How else can anyone on the right make a living though? You can't get official employment, youtube wont monetize you, self-employment via patreon is the only feasible option. Anyone criticising that is doing nothing but attempting to silence any right wing public figures.

>> No.6747369
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>> No.6747393



>> No.6747448

/gif/ reporting

>> No.6747456

>old /biz/
what old /biz/, /biz/ is practically in the womb

>> No.6747491

we're fallowing the rabbit hole

>> No.6747514

that isn't plebbit spacing, tard

this is plebbit spacing

when faggots treat every sentence like it needs to be it's in paragraph

like they're texting

it's a very distinct and visually obnoxious way of formatting


>> No.6747517


Fuck you, kike. /pol/ is trash.

>> No.6747542

and it's beautiful

>> No.6747559

Black pigeon speaks is a Jewish piece of shit

>> No.6747589

/b/ -> reddit -> /biz/ here

>> No.6747619

fuck off to your containment board, you confirmation biased dumbos having nothing to do with gains in business

>> No.6747636

newfriends can't force a triad

▲ ▲


>> No.6747709

>everyone is equal
lmfao, shouldn't you be at the woman's march today

>> No.6747791
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I don't want to be a meme, but I can't argue with the end results.

>> No.6747809
File: 329 KB, 976x1010, biz-woj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here from /pol/ in November.

>> No.6747864
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> /b/ -> /a/ -> /v/ -> /pol/ -> /biz/
Deal with it.

>> No.6747978
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>> No.6748038
File: 198 KB, 937x705, smug booth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/k/ -> /int/ -> /his/ -> /fit/ -> /biz/
>mfw told to go back to /pol/ just for my right wing beliefs on the reg

>> No.6748093

/g/ and /bant/ here you fucking frogposting poltard

>> No.6748141

> r/millionextreme, r/the_donald, /pol/, /biz/

>> No.6748209

Kek, you can't be this stupid. He escaped to Brazil.

>> No.6748260

Yes, and the Earth is flat, and the Hollohoax never happened

>> No.6748288

Sad to see so many lefty faggots here. Make sure to shill them shit like bitconnect so they remain poor. The left is pretty retarded. Like dumb niggers.

>> No.6748405
File: 21 KB, 645x773, 4920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poltards: low iq beta insecure cucks

that's not the problem, the problem is that they bring their retardation here. They are incapable of understanding that we are here only to make money.

>> No.6748478
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Reporting for duty.

>> No.6748587

Well you certainly seem to have a persecution complex like someone from /pol

>> No.6748650


>> No.6748833
File: 199 KB, 770x712, politics via deathg rips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outed again

>> No.6748842

/fit/ I want to look like a statue not a nationalist

>> No.6748887


>> No.6748937
File: 150 KB, 380x228, erdogan-bayonets-and-moderate-islam-e1466976340810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is /pol terrorism here
Im a commie now

>> No.6749082
File: 20 KB, 455x643, breker statue no homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to look like a nationalist statue

>> No.6749134

>yfw they blame getting destroyed by daytrading on the Jews

>> No.6749308

Most of /biz/ is /pol/.

>t. /pol/tard with /g/ tendencies

>> No.6749349
File: 146 KB, 664x475, 210e28cd680ff180cba7c546a2bfaa0c188d0d55e0fa65a0547953fadbe51451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see /pol/ and Nazi used frequently to describe straight, white males... and I think to myself: "what a wonderful world."

>> No.6749424

Wrong. You’re just a very loud and annoying minority that fomo’d into BTC after 10k.

>> No.6749876

its not about them being racist or anything. i often visit /pol/ myself. its about them shitposting and bringing politics into here

>> No.6749959

Or leans that way.

>t. fa/tg/uy with /pol tendencies

>> No.6750052

I'm fit af but /fit/ is a shithole board full of preening brainlets.

>> No.6750104

Oh sweet, another elegan/tg/entleman. What do you play, good sir?

>> No.6750189

/fit/ and /pol/ here

People tend to forget that /pol/ started out as a mostly libertarian board, with a tolerance towards nazi's and fascists. The quality went down during the American elections

>> No.6750636

I've actually seen a few fa/tg/uys here, I'm one myself as well. No surprise you'd find them on /biz/, a lot of /tg/ hobbies can get pretty expensive.

>> No.6750771

Faggot we were here way before you, bet you don't even remember NIGGERCOIN or the Bancor ICO

>> No.6750792

>/b/ -> /mu/ -> /fit/ -> /lit/ -> /sci/ -> /fa/ -> /biz/

the path of the patrician

>> No.6750821



>> No.6750895

/fringe/ /pol/ /his/

Already jacked, /fit/ is for faggots

>> No.6751270


>> No.6751426

Honestly, I wish this board would cool it with the racist stuff.

I like a lot of the memes. And I come here to learn about coins and moon-missions before anyone else knows about them. This board has a lot going for it. But the racist stuff is just such a turn off.

For instance, there was a thread where people were talking about XLM, and were trying to have a technical conversation about possible price points it might reach. Then out of NOWHERE someone comes in talking about how all niggers should be sent back to Africa or lynched in the streets, how all muslims should be burnt alive and their women taken as sex slaves whose mongrel offspring should be drowned in a lake, and how all Indians are hairy, rancid-curry-smelling street-shitters who are good for nothing at all but stinking up elevators when one is unfortunate enough to have to ride up one alongside them.

We need to stop with this racist stuff! I'm okay with any talk about genociding those greedy, big-nosed cuck pedophiles known as kikes, literally gassing them and after burning them sending their ashes on a rocket into the sun so that no trace of their polluted genetic line will any longer be discoverable on the face of the planet, but all the other racist stuff really has to go!

>> No.6751508
File: 34 KB, 500x684, maggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6751531

>I come here to learn about coins and moon-missions before anyone else knows about them
>the racist stuff is just such a turn off.


>> No.6751547

we were already here, why do you think the memes got so good

>> No.6751588

With a bit of /fit/ in the mix

>> No.6751608

I think it's more thay people realized that certain groups are incompatible with libertarian principles and such a nation is hard to sustain, its unnatural - thus requiring one rule for your own people, or those that are capable of maintaining the values, and one rule for others.

>> No.6751686
File: 537 KB, 1127x681, AltWoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this board is mostly /pol/
It has been /pol/'s treasury department for at least six months.

>> No.6751787

/pol/, /biz/, /fit/ holy trinity.

Disregard Jews and thots, acquire gains and crypto.

>> No.6751854

>soyboy detected

>> No.6751921


>> No.6751948

Hitler didn't even kill himself. Keep dreaming soyboy.

>> No.6751971

/fit/ /pol/ /g/ /r9k/ /biz/

>> No.6752071
File: 811 KB, 1042x678, GeneticGrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>certain groups are incompatible with libertarian principle
Individualism is a cultural phenomenon derived from innate and unique neural genetic characteristics of Europeans.
No other culture in the world in the history of the world has given two shits about liberty and freedom.
Only western civilization and a couple of prior closely related cultures (Pagan Roman/Greek/Celt/Norse/Slav) ever even mentions these concepts let alone tries to achieve them.

>> No.6752213
File: 360 KB, 777x437, Antifa_with_Israel_banner_close_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm over here.

>> No.6752483
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>Op thinks he can get rid of pol

There is no escape from the truth

>> No.6752511
File: 3.06 MB, 1413x2980, thepillblockspairbonding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ was libertarian
So basically white men
white men who got pushed and therefor awoken to the reality of the situation.
It is the same people who changed their thinking based on facts with some new faggots who got woke elsewhere. You got to know that.

>> No.6752513

I personally think it requires IQ more than anything - the capacity to understand abstract values and the self control to serve them at immediate personal sacrifice. I would think a liberal society would be possible with east asians as well as whites.

>> No.6752628

fit is full of cucks and trannies desu. gas yourselves.

>> No.6752704

You're goddamn right.

>> No.6752779
File: 599 KB, 500x500, 1515551302775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ark will fuel the 4th Reich, get ready faggots.

>> No.6752802

/pol/tard here

>> No.6752809

>being this naive
Politics and business are intertwined shitstain. The rich use politics, connection, media and division to profit. Don't disregard truth just because some low hanging fruit are there for the wrong reasons.

>> No.6752879

/pol/gang werd upp

>> No.6752898

/pol/ in itself is not a problem. It's the way they make everything about blacks and jews. They suffer from being too reductionist and simple minded.

>> No.6752933

Fucking this.
You may not like it but this board is the peak of homogeneity.

>> No.6752978


>> No.6753007

That's mostly memes, a lot of discussion is about leftist ideology, anti-western motives manifesting in various causes. People might talk about marxists, postmodernists, anti-enlightenment groups as a way of explaining events. Ultimately posting about nigger activity or jews is fun.

>> No.6753028

Both are degenerate faggots that have nothing to do with /pol/, rightwing politics or the survival of our children.

>> No.6753041

>That's mostly memes
No, it isn't, you Jew.

>> No.6753113

Fuck drumpf and fuck white people

It’s HER turn

>> No.6753239

Only /biz/fit/pol/acks will make it.

>> No.6753247

I mean the low tier posting is humour, not every thread has to get to the bottom of modern politics. That said whilst im /pol/ im not anti-jew, their ingroup preference and sense of superiority mean they often work against whites but i think they are more than capable of living in a decent western nation. We would just have to reinstate white and western pride to immunize against home grown groups who hate us.

>> No.6753262

Any board go full /pol/ if you mess with their hobby.
Even /jp/ briefly became /jpol/ when one of their Virtual Youtubers called a black videogame character a gorilla and got her video deleted by youtube.

>> No.6753288

> im /pol/
> im not anti-jew
you're not /pol/, you're just a jew loving shit.

>> No.6753350
File: 83 KB, 632x629, 1500000842454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sp/ here

>> No.6753393

no now go suck some nazi cock

>> No.6753493

The future belongs to us. Last warning.

>> No.6753517

Im essentially an ethnonationalist and believe in genetic hierarchies. I just dont think jews are inherently bad, they've created a lot for the west and are smart and law abiding. Their nepostism is the main issue.

>> No.6753564


>> No.6753629

>I just dont think jews are inherently bad
because you're a jew loving shit.
> they've created a lot for the west
they've been pushing open borders, mass immigration and racial integration for at least 1,000 years.
> law abiding
if they don't like laws they just change them
> Their nepostism is the main issue.
and it's NEVER GOING AWAY. EVER. They don't like you, never will, they actively HATE you. You're a sick fuck for still wanting to try to get them to like you.

>> No.6753688

Only the normalfags are

>> No.6753886

I know jews who dont identify with it at all, even some who have married and aren't raising their kids jewish.

I acknowledge a lot of jews do hate the west and whites and go out of their way to corrupt and work against them. But it isnt something inherent in them, we allow a narrative of western guilt and inferiority to thrive allowing these groups to hate us. If we addressed that, and those who work against us, other groups wouldnt be such a problem so long as they dont have any inherent flaw. Therefore i think jews arent some eternal enemy. It's not about making people like me, its that i want a fair and free society composed of the best of humanity, being the smartest essentially.

>> No.6753984

pol is full of cucks and trannies desu. gas yourselves.

>> No.6753999

>tfw you're only trying to make money in crypto so you can fund White ethnonationalists in local politics

I just want to see the White man burn the world down.

>> No.6754059

>There are people who still don't know that Satoshi Nakamoto, is Adolf himself living in Patagonia.

Bitcoin is the third biggest victory of the Reich in Exile. First is creating the biggest concentration camp for jews, named Israel, second the creation of the EU.

>> No.6754142

> I know jews who dont identify with it at all, even some who have married and aren't raising their kids jewish.
Secular half jews uniformly hate whites.

> allow a narrative of western guilt and inferiority to thrive allowing these groups to hate us
They've hated us from the point of first contact to the present day.

What is it? You find Scarlett Johanson attractive? Is that why you are obsessed with wanting to get people who hate you to like you?

Go ahead and keep up your masochistic love crush with Jews. You're not convincing anybody else though.

>> No.6754181
File: 695 KB, 1211x686, Loss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greeks have a ton of written history and written myths and in it they have tons of references to freedom and liberty.
Jews who arguably have high IQ have none of that in their written history of myths.
There is no long speeches by the Jew equivalent of xenophon appealing to free men to come together to fight for the common cause of their survival.
Speeches that presuppose the free state of the men he is trying to convince.
And this thread of presupposition of liberty runs through the history of all the cultures I mentioned.

There isn't a chink equivalent in their history either.
Do high IQ people create comfy societies and civilizations?
Yes. By all means.
But they are not libertarian in any sense of the word.
And like say Japan which has a liberal democracy that was put upon them after they were conquered by the US live under the cultural forms imposed upon them can and do create a comfy society under it.
But they did not create it
Nor do they particularly abide by it.
They still hold strongly to their duty and shun shame from their peers.
Don't believe me? watch an anime. How many anime dwell on freedom and liberty? I can't think of one. In contrast i can think of a dozen shows about a hot headed youth fighting for recognition who gets his nose bled all the time until he changes and directs his fighting to protect the community and only then gains the recognition he seeks.
And it is all held together under a very strict homogeneity of culture of people.
They don't have 60 million spics fucking everything up. So the fragile steady state is easy to maintain.

>> No.6754444

I know secular jews who could not care less about being jewish, will make as anti-semetic jokes as much as anyone and are genuine, normal people. I dont deny there is a jewish cabal who hate and work against whites but its not a natural jewish biological quality as far as i can see. Their religion is anti-white but thats why i specify secular jews.

>> No.6754608

The possibility that other mental attributes are required to maintain a libertarian state does interest me - why have asians always formed a low freedom, low human life value society? Is it down to their history or something neurological? If the latter then it would preclude them from the nation, but i can see it just being the history.

>> No.6754627

>I know secular jews who could not care less about being jewish, will make as anti-semetic jokes as much as anyone and are genuine, normal people.
Is that supposed to mean something? Sarah Silverman has made antisemitic jokes. You're unbelievable, man.
> but its not a natural jewish biological quality as far as i can see
From the time of first contact.

>> No.6754796

Well christianity grew via converting jews at first, hardly unanimous animosity from day one.

As for the first point if there is a jew who is secular, doesn't work against whites at all, makes denigrating jokes about jews, then i would feel safe believing they are absolutely normal and no problem at all.

>> No.6754927

>hardly unanimous animosity from day one.
From day one.
> if there is a jew who is secular, doesn't work against whites at all, makes denigrating jokes about jews, then i would feel safe believing they are absolutely normal and no problem at all.
1) There isn't such a jew.
2) Regression to the mean would ensure that the children of such a hypothetical Jew would immediately revert back to wanting to genocide whites.

>> No.6754942


That's not really true. /pol/ started becoming a lot more jew-wise and open to National Socialist/fascist ideas when TGSNT hit the internet in like 2013.

>> No.6754956
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>> No.6755002

Daily reminder 98 percent of /pol/ fags are from /r/the_donald and only.came here around 2015-2016

>> No.6755031

Gosh some people are actually this far gone.

>all jews want to genocide whites because its a genetic trait
Is this seriously what I'm reading?

>Regression to the mean would ensure that the children of such a hypothetical Jew would immediately revert back
Holy fuck dude how can anyone be this retarded.

>> No.6755051
File: 940 KB, 1151x671, AboutRace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are asking why Asians are not white.
It is not the Asians who are weird
Their low liberty quotient is the world standard.
it is whites who are weird compared to the rest of the world.
Look i am guessing you are white.
And by being white you give a shit about it.
The rest of the world does not and nor will they ever.
I personally think it is beautiful and unique and needs preserving.
But you got to realize it is also uniquely vulnerable to to Jew tricks.
They will use white's innate love of liberty like a wedge to destroy you and every white person on the planet.
What about the goatfucker's liberty goy
What about the poor nigger's liberty goy
What about the Spic's liberty goy
What about the pajeet's liberty goy
and on and on until it is all given away to people who give two shits about it and will throw it away once gifted to them.

>> No.6755057

Regression to the mean is a real thing, jew.

>> No.6755165

Yes, but there is absolutely zero way such a thing is applicable to what youre talking about. At all.
Youre straight up crazy dude stop spending so much time on /pol/ and get some fresh air, its not healthy for you.

>> No.6755276

>but there is absolutely zero way such a thing is applicable to what youre talking about
Political views and personality traits are heritable. Ethnocentricity is heritability. Non-ethnocentric Jews are outliers and their offspring will not share their traits.

>> No.6755331

I know jews like that well, also regression to the mean hardly applies to learned behaviour.

>> No.6756089
File: 993 KB, 1318x689, Trotsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers chimp out
Birds sing songs
Beavers build dams
Kikes subvert their host nation.

Also Jews are inbred. Of all the people in the world to most likely adhere to their genetic political views, culture, personality etc with little variation it would be the congenitally diseased and insane inbred Jews.

>> No.6756183

reporting in

>> No.6756454


this guy knows

>> No.6756511

Where do you think pajeet memes came from?

/pol/ has been a majority here for a while, get used to it nigger

>> No.6756528

Polocks are so fucking low iq. A true embarassment

>> No.6756662

/biz/ has pretty much given up, and is overrun much of the time by /pol/'s cancer. Some other boards are the same, but there are some who will still tell them where to stick their brainwashing if they so much as try and get a toehold.

>> No.6756678

Can confirm.

>> No.6756704

no one is ever /pol/ enough. it's like an unachievable ideal n shit

>> No.6756886


Doesn't matter if you know some nice jews. I know some too. Overall they are still cancer to their host nations and must be dealt with. You can't take on meta issues by judging at the individual level. You only lose if you do that. You have to group them together, whether it's "fair" or not. Most jews are just meat shields for the truly fucked up kikes in power, but they'd still go out of their way to defend those kikes if you called them out.

Do you see how many whites will slander their leaders if they fuck up, say Bush and the Iraq war? Now how many jews would do the same if you exposed international jewry to them? Maybe 1%, is what I would guess - and that's why you have to group them all together with the word "jew."

>> No.6756960


No one with a brain likes jews or nigger behavior in general. You don't have to be from /pol/ to know this stuff.

>> No.6757847
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not even wrong tb h

>> No.6758132

/pol/ is for literal brain dead retards, it's mainly the newfag /b/ crowd that lives there now.

Been on 4chan since 2006/2007 and have only gone on /g/ /mu/ /tg/ and, when it was introduced and a little after it was reintroduced a second time, /r9k/.

/pol/fags are fucking cancer. Fully disagree with most of the shit they have to spout. 4chan was better when it was shitchatting and /ronpaul/.

>> No.6758192

4chan is mostly /pol/, look at the traffic.

>> No.6758219


/pol/ is right about jews being horrible, liberal ideology a force of destruction, and that whites will be minorities in their own countries in the coming decades. This kind of stuff is not up for argument, though I agree with you that most of /pol/ nowadays is cancer.

>> No.6758334

I won so fucking much money betting money on trump winning. Thanks /pol/

>> No.6758480

Agreed. But libertarians on /pol/ never were off the open borders type. They're all Hoppean libertarians that want to close the borders and keep their nations homogeneous

>> No.6758552

/mu/ reporting in SIR

>> No.6758686

>not up for argument

You'll come round to whatever edgy ideology is in fashion next.

>> No.6758701
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It get quite fucking annoying when every thread divulges into a racial or political debate.
Not everyone gives a fuck about your gay arse politics, that's what /pol/ exists for

>> No.6758798
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/pol/ will save you from damnation and bring you many riches senpai

>> No.6759053


Jewish power is not debatable. It's a matter of public record who owns what, who was behind such and such policies, who does what with their power. All this stuff is easily provable with a few sites that track those in power in the West, and you can cross-reference the ethnicity of those people through multiple other searches if you're doubtful. That jews were behind most liberal ideas is also easily tracked in Culture of Critique. Replacement of whites in their own lands is just a simple matter of birth rates + incoming third-worlders and their birth rates.

I don't care much about ideology at this point, because I think shit is fucked at this point regardless of how I feel, and now just focus on accumulating wealth/resources to sustain myself and my family the best I can.

No one here is being edgy but you.

>> No.6759364
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>3 boards
newfag tier

>> No.6759381

Nigger we’ve been here since you faggots kept shilling is about ETH. Fucking ARK was /pol/‘s coin until it shit the bed. This is /bizpol/ now. /bizraeli’s/ get the oven.

>> No.6759430

Majority of /biz/ is ex /pol/ users

>> No.6759435

pol is cancer ever since it deviated from libertarianism, even if only ironically

>> No.6759437

Yes yes whatever you say. Just go talk about that in /pol/ that's why that place exists.

>> No.6759447

/b/ > /v/ > /vg/ > /g/ > /pol/ > /biz/

Been here since 09. I occasionally go to /a/ to shitpost though. The other boards are too slow for my tastes.

>> No.6759484

>This kind of stuff is not up for argument
Then stop talking about it. Yawn.

>> No.6759490

Oh and the /tech/ board until it got nuked

>> No.6759554

pick one