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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 256 KB, 1024x686, 7507D10C-93CE-4332-88F8-464742B2BB60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6739015 No.6739015 [Reply] [Original]

Is ChainLINK and /biz/ the same as Trump and /pol/? Do you believe in meme magic?

>> No.6739097

As shitty as Trump is, at least he won SOMETHING. ChainLink has no future potential with these shitty devs.

>> No.6739121

fuck chainlink seriously

>> No.6739157

fucking rekt

>> No.6739190

Nope, Trump is real.
VEN is our Trump

>> No.6739414

Trump has been fairly clear on his view on taxation, immigration and "political correctness". All three (especially the latter two) appear to be aligned with the consensus on /pol/.
ChainLINK appear to have one of the most promising cases for real life application, It has a fairly low market cap, and the team behind it seem to be entirely indifferent about the actual price of chainlink; but go by the mantra that "the product will speak for itself".
The first two, are almost identical with the consensus on /biz/, when considering what to invest in.

So i'll say that there are some similarities, it has however nothing to do with memes or magic.

>> No.6739515

>he actually thinks LINK can do things

Dude it is a fuckibg scam

>> No.6739531


>> No.6739556

Meme magic takes two tries. First Ron Paul (failure), then Trump (success). First DigiByte (failure), then Chainlink (success).

>> No.6739566

If it was a scam, then the team behind it are the most incompetent scammers on the planet.

>> No.6739578

>He thinks link is a meme


>> No.6739610
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>Is ChainLINK and /biz/ the same as Trump and /pol/? Do you believe in meme magic?

these digits say yes

>> No.6739626

I actually think LINK threads have more magick digits than other threads.
I think /biz/ is onto something, same way as /pol/

>> No.6739627

Unironically, yes and I will tell you why.

The concept of memetics was originally introduced by Richard Dawkins in his book "the selfish gene". Essentially, he posited that ideas and concepts are subject to the same mechanics as genetics in the way they "reproduce" and spread throughout cultures. Memes are essentially just ideas and ideas have to go through a natural selection process that determines whether the components of the idea are fit for survival and propagation.

Consider 4chan as an environment in which ideas are naturally selected. 4chan's platform is a uniquely harsh environment where only the especially fertile ideas are able to survive - posts only last 2 hours tops, there's no upvote/downvote system or identification that is tied to an idea's introduction. These two components are

ah fuck it i'm not writing the rest but trust 4chan.

>> No.6739648
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>every coin I missed out on is a scam

>> No.6739691

good post

>> No.6739775

Write the rest please.

I need this.

>> No.6739819

I enjoyed your post even though you didn’t finish it

>> No.6739842
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>> No.6739895

found the redditor

>> No.6739969


excellent post

>> No.6740092
File: 502 KB, 1000x1000, bigmac_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't own link, I just like link memes. Why I would buy it? Shadw forked days ago. Sir Gay betrayed you and run away with Jason Parcel.

>> No.6740097

I'm fleshing this concept out further and I'm going to publish it soon. You guys will get the memo

>> No.6740237

I actually want to hear the rest, this is a good post

So basically 4chan is the surface of venus so far as memetic environments go, and only the roughest toughest most bulletproof ideas can withstand the furnace blast of post ephemerality, FUD, and random wojak noise that permeates the site.

Compared to most other places on the internet where posts are permanent, where selective pressure is way less. It's kind of like the difference between oral history and written history. Any retard can write their ideas down and they'll stand the test of time because the medium is durable. Doesn't mean their ideas are worth shit. Meanwhile oral history has to be passed down again and again, and if the idea doesn't ring true to anyone during that chain of succession they'll ditch it and the idea will die.

>> No.6740462


I was a /pol/ack from early 2013 until right after Trump’s victory. It was amazing watching Trump’s rise from being a complete long shot to winning the presidency, /pol/ was behind him every step of the way. I see the same with LINK. We begin as a laughing stock and nobody takes us seriously, but it only makes the inevitable victory that much sweeter. Meme magic is real. Nobody but /biz/ knows how successful LINK will become just like nobody but /pol/ knew that Trump would win.

>> No.6740521


More or less you're on the right track. An important part is to understand that just like in genetics, the things that survive are not necessarily the best "logically" but for whatever other indeterminable reason they are the ones that experienced reproductive success.

Take pepe for example I mean what is it about pepe that we can't fucking drop - consider the amount of reproductive memetic strength for pepe to get posted every day so so often. Every meme-like post on 4chan could be the next pepe but because posts disappear so fast the majority of them die. For whatever reason, the attributes of pepe make it especially powerful in terms of reproduction. That intangible quality that allows pepe to have completely enchanted those who have been exposed to it.

Now think about chainlink and how it seems to display those same qualities! Possibly even in a harsher environment (/biz/ competitive vs. /pol/ already groupthink). It's worth investing in chainlink for this memetic quality ALONE.

Couple that with the actual strong fundamentals and it's a certainty that chainlink will be successful, provided the team is able to produce the product they envision.

>> No.6740526

>posts only last 2 hours tops
interesting, PR experts estimate life of an average social media post at about 2 hours

>> No.6740628

exactly this anon, its like how we all refer to every single one of each other as anon and hate tripfags, same reason we hate reddit, why most of us are NEETS, and hate college too, this is a true battleground of ideas, and only those most powerful will remain

think about how many memes have started on 4chan and permeated the rest of the world, how /pol/ helped get trump elected and their real world battle with shia le boof, and i unironically only invest in /biz/ memes and it has been quite profitable

its some weird metaphysical bullshit, but trust 4chan, your intuition, and the memes

>> No.6740695


The difference is that those posts are not just "naked" ideas. There are other variables that affect the likelihood of reproduction that don't reflect that inherent fertility of the idea alone - if a pop culture icon presents an idea then it is likely that the identity of the poster is to blame for the subsequent propagation rather than strictly the idea's fertility. Same concept for upvotes/downvotes, top posts, all the different external variables that artificially affect an ideas' reproductive strength on other platforms.

>> No.6740710

Link in 3-4 years will be worth over $100.

Trips confirm

>> No.6740797


>> No.6740811
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Yes Trump and link fanatiscism is eerily similar

>> No.6740860


Outstanding post

>> No.6740868

Link is the supreme erc20 token

>> No.6740885

those are not trips

$100000 EOD

>> No.6740991
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>> No.6740999

atleast Im green

>> No.6741053

i mean i guess you got trips in the end so that still works. haha r-right?

>> No.6741102


>> No.6741145
File: 49 KB, 1093x615, compey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to be eating comped sushi courtesy of link dividends for the rest of our lives

>> No.6741200

since we already ceased pretending we're retarded for a few minutes I will tell you something. One of the most important factors for creating a meme is a large group of people has to be familiar with an idea. So "hey vsauce, Michael here" is guaranteed to be memed because millions of people hear this simple phrase over and over again. So a funny way for social interaction is to make a joke about something we can collectively refer to ( = meme). This is why I think meme magic will work for Link. It is controversial because some people think it's a failed project and some people think it's the future so it's guaranteed people will discuss it. And if they discuss it they'll make memes about it. Sergey couldn't possibly afford the amount of ads these memes are equivalent to. You saw what Trump did? He said controversial things on purpose to get hours and hours of media coverage. There's probably less than 50 people shitposting about Link here every day but it already feels like it's the 'hot crypto' everyone is talking about.

>> No.6741288

mf... I only invested in chainlink because I believe in meme magic

>> No.6741353

me too but it looks like my blind retarded trust is paying off kek

>> No.6741429

So Hitler actially did nothing wrong, since that idea survived on 4chan?

>> No.6741448
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>> No.6741546


>> No.6741624


You must have missed this so I will help you:

The memetic fertility is not a reflection of an ideas logical strength - just like our genetic manifestations are not the best ones that we could have evolved to have.

If genetic reproduction always made sense rationally - why didn't we evolve to be strong mega smart never depressed etc. etc. For whatever reason the way we evolved is just what was reproductively the strongest way, not a reflection of what would have been "best".

Same concept applied to memetics. Essentially, Hitler did wrong but the ideas are contagious as fuck.

There is a lot of writing to be done to explore all of these things like I said I will try to write up a more comprehensive thesis and I'll let everyone know when it's done.

>> No.6742032

Let me destroy your logic here. By your logic the Bitconnect Carlos should bring success as well.

>> No.6742398


>by your logic

No, you're reducing an elegant explanation into something one dimensional so that you can knock it down. Fundamentals must be inline as well for a meme to have long term staying power. Obviously Bitconnect had enough meme potential to blow up in value but it couldn't last because it was fundamentally worthless.

>> No.6742443

expain to me why Trump is shitty. Pro tip you cant.

He's done more in his first year than obama in his entire 8 years. Trump will be the greatest president of all time

>> No.6742475

Bitconnect was also elegant until it became one dimensional.

>> No.6742518

>expain to me why Trump is shitty. Pro tip you cant.
Please go back to the_donald.

>> No.6742534

Another factor that was mentioned before, is the magnitude of the effort put into both the shilling and FUD memes. It's not so much how much something is shilled or FUD'd, but rather the amount of effort that is put into the shill or FUD.

This was very much the case with Trump, as well with link. Look how effort is point into the FUD memes. And look how much effort was put into the AssBlaster posts. LARP or not, that is on FBIAnon levels of shilling.

>> No.6742546

Sure feels like /lit/ in here

>> No.6742560

But also how do you identify fundamental value in case of LINK compared to fundamental value of lets say Bitconnect.

>> No.6742619
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Found the jew

>> No.6742703
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Link will succeed
Green ID confirms

>> No.6742723





>> No.6742769

ChainLink = Jew scam

>> No.6742840

I tried to trade link to accumulate, fucking lost 200 linkies wtf im such a brainlet and poorfag, only 2k links left

>> No.6742848


I'm going to assume you understand what LINK is and why it's useful because I don't feel like typing all that up, but BitConnect promised its users ~1% profits everyday if they "loaned" money and relied on an aggressive marketing campaign to bring in money. It was unambiguously a Ponzi scheme to anybody who was familiar with the concept.


>> No.6742896


How so? Seemed to me like it was a Ponzi scheme from the beginning.

>> No.6742941

I've had the same thought.
I didn't buy the dip though and I only have 670 linkies.
I bought at previous ath and held.
I'm going to be a wage cuck forever :(

>> No.6742983

>he hasnt researched Hitler
what are you doing on 4chan

>> No.6743004
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we LINKies are gonna get everything comped. believe me.

>> No.6743055


>> No.6743165

>4 Chan is a network of people that can critique each other without reputation interfering
>Communication is more honest beacsue of this
>over time this allows the network of people to make more and more correct postulations
>at the same time inside jokes are developed and layered
>memes evolve into esoteric symbols that are exclusionary to people who do not initiate themselves into the culture
>you cannot understand what is being truly said here without basically immersing yourself into the culture
>this forces you to take the redpills of the particular board
>more new members of the secret society
>memetic feedback loop grows until it gets too big and diversity of meme propagation produces memes that no longer adhere to old structure
>this happens when memes become too abstract and stray far enough from the original formula that the uninitiated can participate in meme development.

Biz has 1-2 years left at most. It's going through the same cycle as POL.

>> No.6743218

They're both equally as cringey

>> No.6743227

>saw it at 1.13 earlier
>knew I should have sold
>back at 1.05
>could have made 10%

>> No.6743289

Some quality posts here. Thank you famalam.

>> No.6743475



i can't quite put my finger on it but something about the use of this word makes me want to gauge out the eyes of whoever said it with my thumbs

>> No.6743739

ITT: linkies stop fudding for one second

>> No.6743790
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Mfw the incessant fudding here has probably resulted in at least one person actually believing this

>> No.6743822

I have just wanna trigger some cucks.

>> No.6743858


>no rebuttal

>> No.6743896

>more mqgix digix
If this is true, then it's solely due to the utter fuckton of threads made each day

Remember preSibos? Link threads everywhere, one or two shitcoin threads on the front page, all else was LINK

>> No.6743962
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sold my links for mincoins.

discord gg/XzF2mCa

>> No.6744030

I fucking hate those impatient whales. If they could only just wait and hodl for a day our growth rate would be double. But noooo 1 cent up? Time to trade and fuck it up down 10 cents.

>> No.6744056


>> No.6744080
File: 33 KB, 363x391, Screenshot_2018-01-20-19-18-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch and learn

>> No.6744186

I have a large amount of money and time invested in Chainlink and participate in heavy funding. People that don’t see the use cases and potential of Link don’t deserve it.

>> No.6744244
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Lil tiny ass guy

wassup my lil nigga shieeettt

>> No.6744248

Because you know they make people cringe but you can't accept it.

>> No.6744255

Funding=fudding. Sorry sir.

>> No.6744418
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sh-shut up whale! im trying my best okay??

>> No.6744529

Bro, you sound smart as fuck
Going to read this book. Thanks for the tip

>> No.6744542
File: 32 KB, 640x400, 1506651102342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all good my lil nigga we all gonna make it

keep bein you

>> No.6744552
File: 49 KB, 1079x1121, Image 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope u didn fomo in
We're goin back to 20c
Get ready

>> No.6744607

No. /pol/ was for the most part aligned behind Trump during the election and everyone was effectively working together to create the meme majick. At least 75% of /biz/ thinks ChainLink is a pajeet scam

>> No.6744629

B-but c-cup and h-h-handle

>> No.6744669

Cup n handle was intended to lure u in

>> No.6744745
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>> No.6744757

I've been in since october

>> No.6744787



>> No.6744791

>shitty devs
They were the only outside crypto devs to score a PoC with Swift, eat shit faggot.

>> No.6744813

That doesn't mean you wouldn't like to buy more LINK

>> No.6744861
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>> No.6744921


no i think it's that "cringey" is a completely banal and middlebrow term used by dullards to describe anything that is low-brow or high-brow. it's the tell-tale mark of someone without any aesthetic sense

>> No.6744926

If you hodl, you render market easier to manipulate.
Y do you think AB shared that inside information? Out of pity for you? No, he just wants more LINK as anybody else

>> No.6744937

No, It's like neutral milk hotel - ITAOTS on /mu/

>> No.6744983

or SS on /fit/

more than 50% of the board hates them, but the spammers are relentless

>> No.6745026

Sure but after i held CL through it losing around 85%~ of it's value since my initial purchase i'd rather wait for better opportunities to buy and accumulate more LINK by making money through shitcoins and buying when it's low

>> No.6745070
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>> No.6745089

that is sadly true

>> No.6745140


>> No.6745210
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>implying I didn't participate in the false flag Clinton meme myself

>> No.6745219

Please teach me, senpai. How much did you make on that trade btw? Like 20 cents?

>> No.6745231

>At least 75% of /biz/ thinks ChainLink is a pajeet scam
its working my fellow linkies. keep fuding this shit keep the normies out.

>> No.6745239


>> No.6745248


>> No.6745312
File: 194 KB, 2125x549, oct (31).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold this pump way too early, biz
Pls, give me your balls for 1 day, so I dont fomo in too early

>> No.6745444

No. ChainLink will live up to the hype, Trump was just a ZOG stooge LARPing as a nationalist.

>> No.6745457

Yes the selective criteria for 4chan is much harsher than Reddit. All anonymous and no upvote/downvote. On 4chan the idea has to survive on the basis of anonymous replies - there's no virtue signalling or censorship creating artificial selection

>> No.6745473
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>> No.6745547

Reminder that you're never getting a wall.

>> No.6745581
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fascinating. LINK truly is going to make us all rich due to natural meme selection pressures.

>> No.6745608

Have you seen Jordan Petersons Metaphysics of Pepe?

>> No.6745657

XRP is Hillary
Chainlink is Trump
Jeb is Bitconnect

>> No.6745692
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The handle is coming along beautifully, the fuck are you stuttering about.

>> No.6745702

You would literally have to be retarded not to be all in LINK.
This coin was never meant for us lowly bizness men.

In development behind closed doors for years, no news to suppress price. One day soon, this is going from 10x+ in seconds.

>> No.6745715
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>> No.6745752

Good luck swing trading this.

>> No.6745795

It will crash when the shadowfork goes public

>> No.6745836

even hillary is better than xrp. xrp is like jerry brown. just absolute peak cuckery

>> No.6745873
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>> No.6746023

7 cents. Fees cucked me.

>> No.6746214


>> No.6746286

you post like a guy that isn’t getting paid phatttty by those LINKKKKKK gains, faj

>> No.6746328


i took a shit and went to bed and woke up in the green 30%


>> No.6746427

Unironically yes. How new are you?

>> No.6746450

was thinking more 1000 EOY

>> No.6746461

Link is a bitch to swing trade. As soon as my stack is up to 20k I'm not touching ever unless it's to top it up.

>> No.6746501

dannnnkkkk linnkkkkkkky get it hotttt

>> No.6746610


I’m not even checking blockfolio anymore because my erection tracks the handle in real time

>> No.6746802


>He doesn't know FBIanon is a LINK whale

>> No.6746808

when is this shitcoin finally going to moon? every time it gets close to 10k sats it crashes.

>> No.6746877
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Who else is ready to claim >>6777777 in the name of LINK?

>> No.6746878

pajeets are fucking cucks lol


>> No.6746888

>Hitler did wrong
True, he should have gassed the kikes. We won't make the same mistake next time.

>> No.6746923

could someone link me to the swift api pdf that AB was talking about earlier in the week?

>> No.6746946


I had the same reaction. It's because people who use it are banal in speech, have infantile/pedantic opinions and lack any form of actual argument.

>> No.6746998
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Trips of truth

>> No.6747039
File: 65 KB, 894x894, 1105D47E-A724-4F88-A107-74E5E77FA013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. The blockchain cannot lie.

>> No.6747064




>> No.6747146


>> No.6747206

Checkered :)

>> No.6747229


when everyone calls you a faggot it's not because they're part of a hivemind, faggot. it's because you're a faggot

>> No.6747291
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>> No.6747293


Yes, he wasn't ruthless enough and too kind to ZOG England at the start of the war, but overall he dindu nuffin wrong.

Where do you think you are? Chans are where you go to find the truth of a certain subject that only free speech, free exploration allows. While that same free speech means theyre prone to attack, you can always find the truth in the consensus.

>> No.6747401

Holy shit this thread is pure delusion and fanaticism. Chainlink is literally an abandon project you retards.

>> No.6747443


It's a self-deprecating joke, cockgobbler. I agreed with/mirrored your opinion. Check IDs before you fly off the handle, senpai

>> No.6747477


oh lol my bad

>> No.6747550

>hitler did nothing wrong also buy link
Contain yourselves, men. Trying to retire over here.

>> No.6747620

Somebody better tell sergey before the bitcoin superconference or he's gonna be really embarassed.

>> No.6747668


The Selfish Gene is an all-time great, legitimately life-changing.

>> No.6747801


We have to have intelligent conversations sometimes or else we will actually begin to retard ourselves from constant shitposting. I enjoy a healthy mix.

>> No.6747850

Keep up the good work, kind sir.

>> No.6748079

I know most of his followers are reddit-tier cancer, but the guy himself says some good things. His twitter is often pretty shit though.

>> No.6748113
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>> No.6748139

at least you are honest to yourself, you will make it.
people underbid ad overshoot psychological marks, set e.g. buy at 142 and 196

>> No.6748226

> bought LINK to meme with the boys
> it's gone +45% since then

Thanks bros. anyone not on this hype train is missing out

>> No.6748278


Or before he presents alongside the DocuSign Co-founder at South by Southwest.

>> No.6748320

Or when he announces the partnership with Swift and that chainlink is going to be used at 11,000 banks. TO START WITH.

>> No.6748360


He's a faggot coward without enough stomach to go the whole way. Try Jonathan Bowden.

>> No.6748415


I voted for trump but that's a woke as fuck post desu

>> No.6748424

I’ve had this thought so many times

>> No.6748436
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 1516161350021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im about to put my buttcoin on LINK

>> No.6748507
File: 298 KB, 809x1694, Screenshot_20180117-162013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assblaster said buying Link now is like buying oilfields before cars were invented

>> No.6748599

In the current social climate he is a voice of reason that the average Joe can get behind. If he were to go harder at it, he would have less of an effect and would only increase polarization. In the greater picture, his lack of spine works to society's benefit.

>> No.6748619

Trump vs Hillary
Chainlink vs a lot of good coins.
Not similar situations

>> No.6748663

Can you name few good coins?

>> No.6748676

Yep. Most of biz had yet to cotton on to how valuable these big mac tokens are.

Of course something like this would be kept under wraps as best as possible.

The game is to transfer the money from the normies, not the other way around.

>> No.6748779

Let's say all the conspiracies are true and LINK hits 100 eoy.

How much passive income would 10k linkies provide?

>> No.6748805
File: 64 KB, 430x430, ciri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AssBlaster still hasn't paid that one anon 100 LINK yet.

>> No.6748840
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>> No.6748870

it depends on which node you stake your linkies in. it would have to be a node that provides valuable data and a lot of people want to pay linkies of their own to access it.

>> No.6748901

Stfu you fuckin libtard. Soyboy faggot can't wait until your pathetic soft body isn't enough to satisfy your wife so she hires a black dude to fuckin rail her

>> No.6748936

thats not the real AB tho

>> No.6748959

Maybe biz shouldn't have tracked him down and hounded his twitter etc

>> No.6748997

700-800 Linkies/month. Kind of making up the number, it wouldn't exactly run like a traditional node and the demand for smartcontracts could change things.

>> No.6749020

What the heck

Anon I don't into computer hacker stuff

Will I still be able to find a good home for my linkies?

>> No.6749055

Probably a fuck of a lot more than we are even guessing at. The value of LINK is going to be more than $1000.

>> No.6749155

>7-8% returns a month
>nearly 100% a year

Fuck off you brainlet. Returns for these sort of things if it's anything like other staking systems are like 1-10% a year faggot. If you're gonna pull shit out of your ass at least have some sort of knowledge of what the fuck you're talking about. God I fucking hate brainlets.

>> No.6749158

yes, it's all done via smart contracts. you just send your linkies to an address and they'll make passive income for you. you will send them 1 link to a smart contract address to get your linkies back.

>> No.6749196

link isn't like other staking systems.

>> No.6749222


I agree that he's a good gateway, though also runs the risk of being a gatekeeper, but he doesn't deserve praise from people around here, since he's a total cuck when it comes to the JQ or race questions. There are men of much higher caliber that deserve our praise over Peterson, which is why I plugged someone like Jonathan Bowden.

>> No.6749278


All banking, transfer, contractual and staking systems are incredibly inefficient, expensive and slow. It's only logical that a better system will have higher returns despite operating cheaper, overall.

>> No.6749402

that sounds like a pajeet scam

>> No.6749414

Sometimes I wonder how different things would be if Ron Paul won

>> No.6749545

>no argument or reasoning
Ya blew it

>> No.6749574

>1k linklets lying to themselves that they'll never have to work again because they'll double their link every year!

I'm calling it now, 5-10% a year. Still very good, unless you're a linklet.

>> No.6749641
File: 18 KB, 300x167, D11D6919-C2DA-4174-B7F3-615452972FE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should think the only factor affecting an idea’s reproductive fertility is the post digits

Like these

>> No.6749766

More like /his/

>> No.6749923

>tfw linklet
i won't accumulate enough before it gets expensive. feels bad.

>> No.6750002

Are there enough wallets with massive amounts of link to justify the theory of there being a financial elite backing the project?

>> No.6750331

I'm not going to argue shit, look at staking systems here, make up a number.


>> No.6750350
File: 581 KB, 600x600, 1506918648160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey provides

>> No.6750390


I accidentally mentioned LINK to a UBS investment banker/fund manager. Who fucking knows what he did with the info.

>> No.6750441


fuck off street shitter

>> No.6750641

will link reach 80$? my friend said it will.

>> No.6750787

He probably thought that you were a retard.

>> No.6751187

Always looked like a ponzi scheme just like trump running for prez always looked like a ponzi.

>> No.6751261



>> No.6751663
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>> No.6751718

10% would be a dream, so I guess 5%

>> No.6751850
File: 44 KB, 657x527, 1516473037803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you hold 10k link at 10% should be more than $1,000,000. Sounds good to me.

>> No.6752185

What did he mean by this?

>> No.6752262

It wasn't the real assblaster though. He said he would make a post tomorrow with the right tripcode but he didn't.

>> No.6752532

1. He all but culled the EPA to the point where it is just there for show. My great-uncle worked there for 20 years and was moved to a job which although pays the same, he is basically twiddling his thumbs for 50/hour. He quit and moved back to my home country and now lectures at a University here and makes much less. He says the department is full of people like him who are payed to do nothing but maintain an image which is a complete waste of tax money.
2. Ajit Pai has removed NN through the FCC. If your a drumfpdkin, you think this hasn't changed a thing. This is because the average drumpfdkin has the attention span of a goldfish and is too young to remember the 1996 telecommunications act. ISP have been conglomerating for the past 20 years (50 major ISPs then and 3 major ISPs now with the smaller 2 trying to merge). Just because all the ISPs did not immediately fuck you, doesnt mean they are lubing up lmao.
3. The tax cuts disproportional help the rich while seemingly helping the middleclass but once you take into account deductibles and social infrastructure reduction, the poor lose out.

You will no doubt not change your mind because that would mean you are to blame for your countries demise. That is okay, no one expects you to see the chain around your neck as americans can only see the physical. Never mind that average wages has in no means kept up with inflation and you are bound to the land like a serf.
>inb4 shillary is worse!
Hillary is just as bad and the other side of the coin. Both had cabinets filled with (((vermin))).

>> No.6752774


He's likely just another zionist shill. All the stuff you write about is mostly fluff. What matters is war and immigration in the grand scheme of things, and it looks like he's a sellout on both these fronts.

>> No.6752974

Yes, in the end the monopoly on violence held by the US is the most important aspect and needs to end because it is just the military arm of the zionist nation. tbqh nuclear war might not be such a bad solution.

>> No.6752987


>EPA is good
The EPA has done nothing but cause congestion to improving our abysmal infrastructure, caused our resource extraction to be cost prohibitive, actually DAMAGED natural resources in their attempts to save (see CO river), causes tens of millions of dollars of produce to go to waste every year (everyone in AG knows this)...jesus, i don't have all day for this. Nixon pretty much killed american industry by creating the EPA and buddying up with China (thanks to globalist Kissinger)
2.This requires little to no response as it is BS - the only thing removed was a provision from 2015 - nn is good NN (obama) is bad. Your ISP logic is about as bad as .gov going after Microsoft for antitrust. Apple would not exist, nor Google and all the inexpensive products they produce if not allowed to grow, naturally. Also, ISPs pay independent network/line-layers all over the country. They do not own every single node or the lines running to them. There are 50 different companies in NYC alone that laid the lines that ISPs rent - and NYC is not unique
3. This implies that nobody in the middle class has investments, will benefit from investment, etc. Everyone from the poor to upper middle rely on their 401k investments - reducing cap gains, removing itemized deductions for super-wealthy and cheapening the dollar attracts foreign investment - securing wealth and retirement. Why the fuck are you even on /biz/ without understanding this?

>> No.6753297


>> No.6753408

1. EPA is the conservative force needed in every country to slow down natural destruction. 50 years ago you could swim in most rivers without danger, now over 40% are too polluted to swim in. EPA has always been underfunded and ineffective but atleast they try.
2. I'll make it simple for you. Would you be happy with the mail service deciding whether or not they should route the mail you sent after youve already payed them? Should they be allowed to go to the recipient and say "if you want your message for anon, you have to pay us"? Why would you let ISPs have this power but not the postal service.
3. Vast majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck (80%) and most are indebt. The national debt in america is held mostly by individuals. Do you think these people are forward thinking and have set up there 401k? Do you think that maybe those with far more will gain more from investments than the poor?

>> No.6753502
File: 88 KB, 500x500, 1516413110978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I bother, you obviously like being cucked by your (((overlords)))

>> No.6753819
File: 23 KB, 400x426, 5d11a94cbe575d83f354aa0b62871630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy 1735 LINK
>swingtrade myself up to 1840
>sell and go do stuff waiting for dip
>it goes over 8k from 7k
>lose over 200 links

lmao I stopped swing trading this. sold 5k XLM to buy more link just now, I mean fuck this I'm just gonna hold. Been holding for a while now but this last little tiny burn got to my head so much that I just fomo'd and leave it by.

>> No.6753876

50k link from ICO.

this isn't a traditional staking system. link nodes don't mine or do PoS. they take in fees. the amount you can make on fees depends on how popular the system is. stay poor :^)

>> No.6753927

>retards who still think Trump is a meme also think LINK is a meme
really makes me think

>> No.6753943

You are a gentleman and a scholar. Please continue with your post and please tell us if you hold a position in Link.

Seems you have a high IQ, I dare say you hold a large position in Link. Are you Assblaster?

>> No.6754019

Jason Parcel? He’s Rory’s dad. He’s got a problem with Sergey because when Rory and Sergey were friends when they were younger, Sergey used to raid the cupboards and eat everything in the house. It cost Jason Parcel a lot of money to replace all the food Sergey used to eat. The final straw was when Sergey was staying at Rory’s one night and stole his car when they were 15 to sneak out to a McDonald’s drivethru. Rory’s dad Jason thinks Sergey is a bad influence on his son and does anything he can to stop them being friends or working together. Why do you think we haven’t heard from Sergey in so long? Jason Parcels has been staying with Rory and Sergey has been in hiding shitting his pants.

>> No.6754070

If you don't unironically believe that the holocaust didn't happen but should have then you are too new to make it

>> No.6754114

please go back to /lgbt/ you worthless husk

>> No.6754148

It's already happening. Look at the shadow fork meme. It's clearly not the same type of intelligent, meaningfullly layered FUD as before. It's now just the equivalent of reddit fags making a chain of movie references. No veiled truth, no redpill beneath the retard exterior. It's happening all over the place here. Biz is dead sooner than you think.

>> No.6754158

Sergey has punished you for your insolence
You have been spared this time, don't make the same mistake again

>> No.6754237

Yep. Assuming this is going to be as popular as expected (it is and has been years in the making) we might see $10,000 or even $100,000 per link one day.

>> No.6754276
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>> No.6754506


I welcome it. Earth needs a purging period.

>> No.6754584

>hates trump
>hates link

Enjoy being poor, seriously.

>> No.6754670


/biz/ ain't dead yet. There's still a good number of decent anons around. We just have to get rid of the cancer, and the best way to do that is nigger/jew hate. They can't stomach it.

>> No.6754837


>> No.6754969


>> No.6755253

i cant tell is that like dark green or grey?

>> No.6755423
File: 348 KB, 429x496, Tin Tin Link Stronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are idiots if you think LINK isn't going to retrace back to sub 80 cent levels

>> No.6755481


Ehhh, it might. When does it go live on Huobi?

>> No.6756228

listing on Huobi doesn't mean shit
all the magic happening on binance
with the btc up trend link is doing not so good actually
should be around 1,2-1,3

>> No.6756743

well done

>> No.6757038


Who cares, though, we're in LINK for the long-term. I've been in since pre-Sibos and bought more when it dipped heavily last week.

>> No.6757435

the full post is in another thread somewhere. just copy the text and search for it in google with quotes around it assuming its indexed

long story short: if a meme survives for a long time on 4chan it is due to pure unadulterated survival of the fittest and whatever idea it represents is strong and agreed upon by many

long story even shorter: if you've been on biz more than a week and dont own a substantial amount of link you should kys

>> No.6757738
File: 477 KB, 450x653, brightknife beats shadowfork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast, kid.