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6734658 No.6734658 [Reply] [Original]

why is the binance listing taking so long? It's been two weeks already

>> No.6734753

it's not a erc20 token like 99% other listings

>> No.6734768

they just fixed the node issue 2 days ago, give 1 more week

>> No.6734798
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They need to setup a super computer so they can process transactions in reasonable time. Thats if their node doesn't desync first. But don't worry they're working on it and the technology isn't inherently flawed and unfit for mass adoption.

>> No.6734852

the exchange has to do all the proof of work
XRB is great for p2p, but when 1 node has too much volume shit happens

>> No.6734884

Because Binance only allows one scam coin at a time. We have TRX already. Thanks though Rajesh

>> No.6735033

Bitgrail is now blazing through the transactions with only one Italian guy managing the exchange IT side.

>> No.6735128

Lol u guys realize binance is getting their servers ready for xrb.. once this releases I’m very confident it will crash binance because everyone has been waiting to buy it on binance rather than all these other shitty exchanges. Xrb is the only top 20 coin on CMC that is inherently not listed on binance yet and it was able to compete and overtake other coins that were already listed for a long ass time Eg OMG , XVG list goes on. ATH was around 40 bucks and it will go over that just watch

>> No.6735221
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Its a low volume exchange who cares. Accepting XRB is an open invitation for DDoS attacks on exchanges. Forcing the exchange to do the proof of work is slow, exploitable and not scalable. Cute tech, impractical in application.

>well the exchanges should devote hundreds of software engineer man hours trying to solve these issues so they can accept my flawed shitcoin

>> No.6735224

Look at link/req/omg/xvg all these are going sideways and they are already listed on binance. XRB is gonna go super Saiyan goku once it taps into the asia’s Demographic. Right now only the west know about xrb

>> No.6735226

At this point, Binance will definitely pump RaiBlocks. Not only normies will start to buy the coin, but whole Asia will suddenly discover Rai.

>> No.6735292

You guys are retarded. This shit will dump.

>> No.6735294

Exactly if your not already 25% or more into xrb, your making a big mistake.. coulda bought at 15-20 dollars. It’s gonna double once it’s on binance. Hop on it /biz/ before it’s too late SRS

>> No.6735326

Listen to these suckers talk about binance as if it represents the "asian market" when only a tiny minority of its users are actually Asian (e.g. 3% Chinese)

>> No.6735328

So you are saying that you are smarter than Binance? They wouldn't already have announced RaiBlocks listing, if they would agree with your genius theory of XRB shitting over exchanges.


>> No.6735354

Your mother is retarded, don't get mad because you're too poor to get in now. 250 mid Feb

>> No.6735372

Its a big spreadsheet to copy over.

>> No.6735433

And your retarded. Xrb grew 1000% from December to January with 0 marketing and 2 shit exchanges. It’s gonna grow another 1000% this year once it taps into Asia’s market. U dumb fuck. It’s a 100x coin and the technology is disruptive as fuck. Hasn’t even rebranded yet and hasn’t even been actively marketed. You haven’t seen NOTHING yet. Seriously the devs even mentioned they don’t want to aggressively market xrb yet because it’s gonna get big too fucking fast. It’s a Lamborghini driving next to toyotas, ready to step on the gas any moment

>> No.6735483
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The le reddit XRB community voted for a coin on binance, congrats?. That doesn't address any of the issues I presented. Keep dodging the real problems though. Really inspires confidence.

>> No.6735515

So they only know about coins that are listed on Binance?
Of course, how could they know about a coin that is on the top 20?

>> No.6735516

Fucking this

>> No.6735548

There are no issues idiot, everything is moving smoothly and adoption is happening at a rapid pace.

>> No.6735611

Binance is the #1 exchange with the most volume and customers. They literally had to stop allowing new registrations since they were getting too fucking big. Your a fucking idiot if you think the listing won’t help xrb at all. I have investment banker and management consulting friends who are ready to drop 50,000 USD as soon as it hits binance because they trust it the most. So shut the fuck up u idiot come back in a month so you can cry about how I warned you fucking idiot

>> No.6735618

Aww are you mad because xrb is about to blow your favorite shitcoin out of the water?

>> No.6735621

Uh the exchnages ahve been constantly shitting themselves because of the nodes desyncing constsntly.
I want thisbto succeed too but stop pretending there's nothing wrong with sn issue the team has been trying to fix for months. They say they fixed numerous tines and every time it's still absolute shit.

>> No.6735701

It was shilled hard on 4chan. I found it here at $0.77.

>That doesn't address any of the issues I presented.

You implied that no big exchange will list it because it would get the exchange DDoSed. Well, Binance has recently started to actually do research on coins they want to list. They wouldn't even put RaiBlocks in the vote, if they would think it will cause them troubles.

>So they only know about coins that are listed on Binance?

Asians definitely wont buy it at Bitgrail or Mercatox. No chink languages even supported there. KuCoin does support chink speak, but not many people use it. Binance does have a lot of asians on it and chink forums will suddenly start to cover it. No doubt some have been eying the coin on CMC already.

>> No.6735703

>only the west
is that why pajeets were shilling it constantly?

>> No.6735738

Binance is the best exchange out right now, and it all began when LINK was listed.

>> No.6735752

Mercatox fix when?
I hace 30k there ffs

>> No.6735771

They pretty much fixed the node desync a few days ago and exchanges have started to implement it. KuCoin has started to process tx's yesterday, but slowly yet. Bomber at Bitgrail is blowing through the tx's at light speed as of few hours ago.

>> No.6735807

If you were keeping up you would know everything is running fine, but then again if you were keeping up then XRB would have already been the majority of your portfolio. You better buy now before one XRB equals 1,000$

>> No.6735841

Yep, get ready for binance listing boysssssss $100 by end of Feb at minimum

>> No.6735866

>They wouldn't even put RaiBlocks in the vote, if they would think it will cause them troubles.
Thats not an answer but sure, enjoy having fees slapped on and the wallet been offline 99% of the time I guess.

>> No.6735875

XRB drawbacks are:
a real product yes, but real cappacity still untested (can it really scale, is it really secure?);
rose up too fast, lot of burned hands that fomoed in it;
small core team;
low volume (due to small exchanges);

if the tech is proven solid it can really fly till litecoin status, maybe less. But it is a risk.

>> No.6735921

Your a fuckingidiot. Most coins are paying 100,000 USD to get listed on binance in the first place. XRB is getting listed for free because it won the community vote by a fucking LANDSLIDE, over 50% win and blew it out of the water. If cardano has a 50 billion valuation with no prototype or product, you must be airheaded as fuck if you don’t think XRB can hit 50 billion with a working product. It already speaks volumes that a lot of the community believe in the project and are hodling and bringing awareness. It gets mentioned on Reddit at least twice a day and 3x a day on/biz/ ok bye idiot

>> No.6735933
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>t. my dad works for satoshi

>> No.6735963

>enjoy having fees slapped on

Will undoubtedly happen with exchanges. p2p is going to free forever.

>and the wallet been offline 99% of the time I guess.

No problems with the uptimes of wallets. Exchanges have had problems only and that seems to be fixable now.

>> No.6735970

Cardano withdraws are always off in Binance.
And the Ledger Nano S wallet will add XRB for free, testing will begin in february

>> No.6736021

If you read the white paper you wouldn’t even be fazed.

1. Transaction tx has already been tested and it has been through stress tests. The results will be publicly announced soon

2. Team can always hire more devs, that’s really not an issue and they definitely have the funding and publicity for it

3. Binance is imminent

>> No.6736060

Good points, free ledger development. This is a dormant volcano ready to emerge any moment

>> No.6736159

Xrb is a fucking reddit normie coin, fit for a brainlet that can only compute muh fast transactions, muh zero fees. Do you know why it has zero fee's? Because it's inherent worth is zero

>> No.6736260
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You wallets are going to be offline because some kid with a botnet is sending 100k transactions per second and an exchange will need to solve each tx 1:1 clock for clock.

Should we talk about relying on no incentive nodes next? you really think good will will sustain the network in 2, 10, 50 years?

This coin is good for a pump, stop lying to yourself though, it has no future.

>> No.6736280
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It was shilled on 4chan long before reddit normies got a whiff. I saw it shilled here hard before $1 with the nazi memes.

>> No.6736304

who went in below 1$ is comfy as in heaven

>> No.6736369

Is xrb is so vulnerable then why isn't it getting attacked right now? Why hasn't it been attacked?

>> No.6736458

Nice fud, won’t work junior. Devs are developing incentives for nodes. this coin literally got popular a month ago. U don’t think they are working on it? U fucking dumbass obviously there are improvements to be made and those improvements will come with time. It’s literally only been a fucking month since it 1000% mooned

>> No.6736484

>You wallets are going to be offline because some kid with a botnet is sending 100k transactions per second and an exchange will need to solve each tx 1:1 clock for clock.

Exchanges can implement limits on outgoing and incoming transactions sizes. If they choose to process only transactions with more than lets say 1 xrb, then the spam is just instantly ignored. You can send 100k transactions with 1xrb each if you want to. Good luck on getting such an amount. Most exchanges will probably also put a fee on withdrawals.
If it is so easily DDoSable, why have the wallets been constantly up and exchanges now working as well?

>Should we talk about relying on no incentive nodes next?

The no node incentive is a meme. https://fynestuff.com/raiblocks-will-succeed-despite-zero-fees/
The number of nodes will only grow with adoption.

>> No.6736520

Exactly and the coin will become more and more secure as time goes on and security gets stronger. That’s idiot thinks like a dumbass. If it’s so insecure it would have been attacked and ruined by now. I’d like to see that happen because ill go all in at that point but it probably won’t

>> No.6736900
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another old Rai nazi image from /biz/ at the beginning of December

>> No.6736935
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There is no incentive, the second XRB hits say an exchange where it can be shorted. it will be attacked attacked. Maybe a competitor coin attacks the network to be seen as better, just because it isn't doesn't mean it wont be attacked.

yeah its FUD when your solution to my problem is developers essentially re inventing the coin. Seems like you're delusional.

>The no node incentive is a meme. https://fynestuff.com/raiblocks-will-succeed-despite-zero-fees/
The incentive to run a node is its cheap and if you want to use the network you're forced to take the hit on profits and make it work yourself? great incentives dude.

you XRB reddit shills sure are something, binance won't save your pumped shitcoin, just like kucoin didn't. The only thing it will do is allow people to move profits into better coins from XRB easier.

>> No.6736975

All heil Rai our new king. He charges us 0 vs Bitcoin who charges us $30 per transaction

>> No.6737003

This is true. Le reddit is way slower than biz becuase of their stupid voting system.

>> No.6737118

Kucoin is a new exchange it literally came out like a month ago and it’s still low volume. It’s hodling back xrbs price. And your way of thinking makes me believe you never torrented anything In life before cuz your a fucking idiot. Seeders don’t get paid and torrents widely adopted. k go ahead and try to attack xrb, as a majority of ppl said if it was attacked it would have been attacked by now. Still waiting for that attack bro... lemme guess your gonna come back in 6 months and say it again, I’ll still be waiting bro

>> No.6737281

>The incentive to run a node is its cheap and if you want to use the network you're forced to take the hit on profits and make it work yourself?

Your sentences start to get less and less human-readable.

>> No.6737406
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>> No.6737436
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Sure bud, I'm sure in the year 2050 every small business is going to be running a VPS so they can save $0.00001 on transactions. You win XRB really is the future.

Wheter or not an attack has occurred doesn't matter, pen and paper, 1:1 PoW opens up a many attack vectors on XRB receivers.

have fun with those bags rajeesh.

>> No.6737468

His brain is diminishing by the minute. He’s running out of bad things to say about xrb. It’s like 10 vs 1. Lmao just admit it you lost at your FUD attempt. Go away FUD idiot

>> No.6737545

Your shitcoin bags must have not recovered above your buy price yet, it would do you well to get on board this intergalactic moon mission XRB is about to resume.

>> No.6737609

He might very well be one of those guys from a third world country, who was used to mine XRB originally by solving captchas. I heard most of them insta sold the coin on Cryptopia every time they got hands on it. I would be salty too, if I sold XRB at $0.1

>> No.6737617


nice, just bought 100k

>> No.6737656

This world has billions of people. You don’t know what merchants are willing to do so Shut the fuck up idiot. When I hit a net worth of 1 million I know for a fact that I will own multimillion several businesses and accept xrb, and I have no problem running a vps. If I have no problem so will many others. If you don’t, then you don’t have to. Big fucking deal the product will still work. Btw still waiting for that attack....umm I’m getting bored sigh is someone gonna keep mention attack everyday when there’s been no attacks? Lmao

>> No.6737701
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Sorry bud, I'll dot point it for you.

Incentives to run a node:
>It doesn't cost much
>You have to or the coin doesn't work

There ya go.

>He’s running out of bad things to say about xrb
I made my points and you guys just dodge, but hey if your idea of winning an argument is having lots of people dodge questions and throw out insults. congrats you won.

>> No.6737803

What is YOUR investment in trying to prove your imaginary points? If you're trying to get the price to go lower to buy more then quite the opposite is happening. FUD harder.

>> No.6737886

50k Reddit subscribers on raiblocks Reddit page from December to January. If we see that growth in 2018 that would be 650k Reddit subscribers December 2018. If we get 10% of Reddit subscribers to run nodes that’s 65000 nodes. And that’s in 1 year. Imagine 2 years 3 years. This is only the beginning so shut the fuck up idiot. Your nitpicking on every detail when this product is still in its infant stage

>> No.6737949

If your point is to throw out FUD, try harder. Btw I’m still waiting for that attack bro keep mentioning it and I’m still waiting....

>> No.6738129
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oh jeez, I was just joking but you're actually a le reddit fucktard. Yikes. ok.

To address your point, good will of 600k redditors isn't going to keep the network running if there isn't a direct economic incentive.

>> No.6738251

Can't wait for it to get listed on an exchange with enough volume for the whales who bought in early to cash out with massive profit.

Looking forward to seeing the tears of those who assume that getting listed on a big exchange always leads to a higher price per unit, especially when there's a finite supply with all of it being in freefloat.

>> No.6738266
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you and your opinion does not matter you pathetic delusional corecuck, soon you will KYS muhahahahaahaa MUHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.6738399

As an online company, setting up a Rai node will make purchases easier and cheaper for the customer. This will either cut costs on the business side or bring more customers. Why wouldn't online businesses want to set up a node?

>> No.6738486

Whales already cashed out bro. There were 50k sales on xrb and bitgrail that we’re eaten up like 2 days ago. Volume will pump up the price I have friends with 50,000 usd waiting to buy on binance. No fucking way to they trust bitgrail or kucoin cuz there normies. Stay salty bro

>> No.6738515

As you seem like you aren't intentionally FUDing and are simply retarded and/or incapable of doing your own research, I'll help you out. Let me start by telling you there is zero monetary incentive to run a Bitcoin node, yet look where Bitcoin stands.
>It costs $3 per month to run a rep node 24/7,
and $0.000035 per transaction so if a merchant is saving thousands in fees per month there is your direct economic incentive.
>Participation and perhaps a source of ad revenue (Raiwallet, RaiBlocks Team, users and volunteers, plugin developers)
>To support their business model or sell a product or service (e.g. XRB mixers, Rai Games, and exchanges such as Binance, Kucoin, etc.)
>Team is working on further incentives https://twitter.com/ZackShapiro/status/947575861246603264
I hope that wasn't too hard for a brainlet to understand.

>> No.6738564

lmao.. the whales have already sold.

>> No.6738570

There was a magnificent event yesterday of a 30 BTC sell wall being eaten. Brought a tear to my eye to see that. XRB getting ever more distributed with less and less whales.

>> No.6738612
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Every coin has issuses. The top 10 is riddled with vaporware and core problems.
Rai isn't perfect, but it does have a lot to offer right now.
One thing RaiBlocks has that others don't is a community that is doing more than shitposting memes.
As disgustingly optimistic as the place is, go by reddit. Every day it's people working on ways to get adoption.
Did any other coin have the Ledger CEO agree to waive testing fees?
There is only upside here.

>> No.6738717

The sweet taste of victory :) that speaks volumes considering that it should be fairly easy to manipulate prices on low volume exchanges like kucoin or bitgrail. Yet whales are having hard times even keeping their wall in tact Lmfao. And FUD idiot #3 up there says whales are waiting to dump on binance. He literally has NO idea...

>> No.6738720


Imagine, just for one moment, being this retarded and thinking that exchanges wouldn't put minimum deposit limits and withdraw fees. Seriously though, you're an idiot

>> No.6738739

You realize whales cashing out is good for the price increase cycle process and coin distribution right? This board really has a lot of idiots. Each cycle brings the asset price up as long as there is demand.

>> No.6738780

You know what feels great? When you bought XRB at $3.

Fucking. Gravy. Baby

And guess what fags... they are about to open the floodgates. Binance = network running optimally = long list of announcements and releases.

Don't say we didn't warn you.

>> No.6738786

im a raiblocks supporter and holder and have already made over 1000% profit on it. but with it being so stagnant ive beein using the profits as liquidity to trade on KuCoin. Specifically day trading $tel. Hopefully I get back in before it skyrockets again.

>> No.6738855

Everyone who wanted rai got it on kucoin and dumped it when they realized it couldn't be withdrawn because the tech simply doesn't work.

>> No.6738858

>"pff look at this retard, all the people receiving my coins need to do is employ a team of software engineers and solve a laundry list of problems, coins great tech btw"

>> No.6738862

Got in at .35$ then .81$ then 1.09$.. Gravy Train~

>> No.6738909

Thats not true at all. Most normies only use binance.

>> No.6738946

You realize that /biz/ is most normies right? Or didn't you see the panic when bitcoin dropped below 10k?

>> No.6738950

That's just not true though? We already have people accepting RaiBlocks with no issues. Issues arise when you are SENDING OUT a lot of transactions, and as stated in this thread, the team is already fixing this issue for exchanges. Do your research. Stop talking about things you know nothing about.

>> No.6739024

>thinking biz is actually panicking and not meming

>> No.6739039

>"I made my points and you guys just dodge"
Also, it looks like everyone has pretty much done the research FOR YOU and told you the answers to your questions. Why lie?

>> No.6739074

Worth investing once it goes onto Binance?

>> No.6739093

I'd say you should buy before it hits Binance, once it is there it will be too late.

>> No.6739094
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Raiblocks will be top 5 by valentines day

>> No.6739115

Nah, you need to get in before binance.

>> No.6739155

>That's just not true though?
You just listed how high traffic I/O hubs can limit exposure to spam transactions with out of chain software solutions.

Whats not true retard?

>> No.6739159


But I hear Kucoin wants to harvest my organs.

>> No.6739198

LOL the kucoin conspiracies are hilarious. The team fixed the issues within a few days. The other shit is just made up.

>> No.6739215

I think it is worth investing before Binance. Price will definitely go up after Binance. There might come an initial dump however, impossible to predict. 1-2 weeks after listing, the price will be up however.
Asians will start have interest and access to it = finally buy in. So far it is only 4channers and reddit fags.

>> No.6739220

That's not an out of chain software solution. Have you done ANY research for yourself?

>> No.6739228

Lol idiot. My normie friends don’t even know what the fuck kucoin is they won’t buy it. I literally had to force some of my friends to buy it on bitgrail and they were so hesitant and lazy on making an account. What makes you think investment bankers and consultants who make 6 figures will want to buy anything outside of binance? I have friends with 50k cash ready in hand for xrb u don’t even know

>> No.6739252

They do, but it's worth it for the XRB. You can buy back your organs 5x in a couple of months

>> No.6739308

>That's not an out of chain software solution
>"thinking that exchanges wouldn't put minimum deposit limits and withdraw fees"

>> No.6739315
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nodes can already set minimum receive limits pajeet

>> No.6739321


If its still not on binance then I'll offer up my kidneys to Kucoin when I get paid next week.

>> No.6739329

So if i go and buy on kucoin i can't even withdraw to binance? What kind of pajeet coin is this

>> No.6739335

I ask again, have you done ANY research for yourself?

>> No.6739381

Cutting it close with that timing, good luck anon

>> No.6739396

FWIW a fix was implemented and w/d's are working without issue as of this morning on all exchanges besides merc, who are still processing manually.

>> No.6739406

Because they are probably trying to get the shitty wallet to update. Have any of you even tried to use this shitcoin?

>> No.6739426

What are you talking about? You can. Withdrawals are now working.

>> No.6739443

They don't want to buy on Binance either. They want to be able to cash out to fiat and start the withdrawal process minutes into a crash. At best, they'd be putting small amounts on Binance and taking profit back to BTC/ETH to store at an insured fiat onramp.

>> No.6739450

>So if i go and buy on kucoin i can't even withdraw to binance?

I don't see a reason why you can't.

>> No.6739481

Yea, there was a node synch issue earlier but now it's working like a charm.

>> No.6739528

Because it's implemented in a way that's not like other coins. Same delays happened with IOTA. Their developers have to start from scratch and integrate it into their platform. They need to test things so that they don't lose millions like other exchanges have.

The internet poll you took doesn't flip a switch and install XRB on Binance.

>> No.6739542
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Amount of XRB per tx doesn't matter, this conversation is about how many transactions can be sent and the effort involved in clearing them. That solution is off chain.

>> No.6739548

Kucoin withdrawals are live, I've been sending large volumes with no issues

>> No.6739778

I'm not sure I understand what you mean about clearing transactions and off chain.

>> No.6739821

"Amount of XRB per tx doesn't matter"

God you're a fucking idiot dude. Let me break it down for you.

>Okay I'll spam them by sending a bunch of small transactions hahaha GOT THEM
Deposits require no proof of work for the receiver, would slow down the sender before making any impact whatsoever
They have a minimum deposit limit so they could make it incredibly costly
Withdraw fees making it cost a shit ton of money for you to do this as well. This is also an issue retailers would NOT have to face, just exchanges. The RaiBlocks team is making it super easy for exchanges to implement the basic as shit software to combat this nonissue.

Do you have any more concerns or should I break down every single aspect of this project for you?

>> No.6739950


Oh I forgot
>insert smug anime picture
This doesn't not make you a fucking retard

>> No.6740263
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>Deposits require no proof of work for the receiver, would slow down the sender before making any impact whatsoever
Wrong, unless I've read the whitepaper incorrectly. PoW is 1:1 between senders and receivers.

>They have a minimum deposit limit so they could make it incredibly costly
You're going to need a incredibly high minimum deposit to make it "costly"

>Withdraw fees making it cost a shit ton of money for you to do this as well.
So every I/O hub sending or receiving raiblocks needs to implement their own ad hoc fee system. Why even gloat about a feeless coin if everyone just has to tack on their own shit to make it work?

>> No.6740309

>reusing the same "smug anime girl" images. posting all day on every xrb thread. holy fuck kill yourself

>> No.6740399

you are the same animeposting cunt who keeps fudding this. now lets for a second remove the tech from it. even then, the top ten has atleast 2 vaporware projects, and the entire market is hype driven. do you really think it wont pump again in this market
>inb4 shouldnt have bought at ath
i didn't ive been in since 90 cents

>> No.6740483


>> No.6740639
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>> No.6740651

>You're going to need a incredibly high minimum deposit to make it "costly"
1XRB. At 20 bucks a pop, how long can you afford to spam 100+ a second.
More importantly, if you had this much xrb, what is your interest in seeing it fail?

>So every I/O hub sending or receiving raiblocks needs to implement their own ad hoc fee system.
Good god, you're thick. This is only an issue for exchanges. A merchant has no reason for a customer to request a refund a fraction of a penny at a time.

You really don't get it. It's ok. I'm sure you can buy some pump and dump on ED

>> No.6740723

for what it's worth...

A whale I know gave me advice about XRB.

He said do not buy it right now. Everyone is buying it in expectation of it being listed on binance. Then when it gets listed, it will pump and dump so hard.

Buy it cheap on consolidation after it gets listed on binance.

>> No.6740735

Aelf bounty program (Azeroth) has been rolled out.
The system is invite only, so sign-ups can only be completed through referrals. Complete assignments via Twitter and Telegram to earn free Aelf Tokens!

>> No.6740900

It will definitely be higher a few weeks after Binance. A lot more people will have access to it and seeing how much coverage Rai is getting, a lot of Binance normies + chinks will definitely be interested.

But, yeah it might very well get dumped at first. If you trust this whale completely then buy once the dump happens and get extra gains. If he is wrong however you'll miss the boat and get no gains. I guess it all depends on your trust in the whale and willingness to risk.

>> No.6740931

>More importantly, if you had this much xrb, what is your interest in seeing it fail?
Shorting, attacking a competitor exchanges infrastructure. Countless reasons to attack any network even if you have capital in it.

>This is only an issue for exchanges.
Its an issue for any hub sending and receiving, shitty game websites paying out rewards etc etc. rather than been governed through fees built into the tech its still a shitty ad hoc fee system someone else has to manage.

>You really don't get it. It's ok
From the guy who didn't even know receivers had to do PoW? cute.

>> No.6741128

no shill here

xrb withdrawals working just fine as in right now, just took my bags from this sketchy bitgrail place to a wallet waiting for binance

it's on guys, moon soon

>> No.6741211

>From the guy who didn't even know receivers had to do PoW?
No, I'm aware of it and I agree that it's an issue. I don't have a counter argument (reduction in pow, bloom filters, do away with it) because I don't know enough about the proposed solutions to suggest one.
Luckily people smarter than me are working on it.
You aren't wrong to be skeptical, and I think that it's good that someone brings up the current flaws. Critical thinking is lacking around here.
Overall though, I don't think these issues are insumountable and I think XRB will do very well.

>> No.6741293

You actually got me on the first part, receivers do generate POW. My bad there. Even so, minimum deposit limits would make it a non-issue unless they want to spend a lot of money to cause someone a momentary inconvenience. They've already successfully implemented minimum deposits and it is not as complex as you are making it out to be.

To your last point, let me break it down even further:

>Personal wallet
Put a deposit minimum if you're concerned about an attack. Costs nothing.
>Retailers using XRB
Put a deposit minimum if you're concerned about an attack. Costs nothing.
You will not be sending out transactions very often, so no need for a withdraw fees when processing the occasional return.
Put a deposit minimum if you're concerned about an attack. Costs nothing.
Put a fee on withdraws. Adjust accordingly to prevent users abusing the system. You could even come up with a system that adjusts the fees based on how much traffic you are getting.

These are all VERY SIMPLE obstacles to overcome. If you think that the RaiBlocks team is going to have a hard time with them, I don't know what to tell you. They've already made it clear that they've taken care of these concerns. People are currently using the system on exchanges with no issues.

>> No.6741558

For what it's worth, A whale I know gave me advice about XRB.

People have been FUDing HARD. The withdraw issues have been driving the price down. We're in a crypto dip all together. People who wanted to dump XRB already did when it was around $25-$30 and they moved on.

That's just my perspective, it could go either way.

>> No.6741668

Protip: Nothing is gonna happen price wise ;)