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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 489x499, rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6733552 No.6733552 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>work as software engineer
>live 20 minutes away from work
>ride the same bike to work that i've had for 13 years
>manage to save $96k in 3 years and still a live comfortable lifestyle

Never touched crypto since 2013.
I always read about people losing on it so I don't really want to be involved.
I have saved up almost $100k in 3 years from working.

Perks of having a real job:
>financial security
>building CV
>exposed to new opportunities literally every month

Perks of being a crypto-nerd:
>1/1450 chance of coin mooning
>spending 8+ hours per day for sometimes nothing
>no security
>people think you're weird when spending everyday looking at frogs and red bald guys screaming

It's an easy pick.
Convince me I'm wrong.

>> No.6733609


nah, i think youre right.

sometimes i wonder what i will do when my crypto portfolio hits 7 digits.

will probably continue to work as management consultant to appear like a normal human being and have some social interaction, just with reduced working hours.

>> No.6733617

having a job you like and earning a decent salary isn't really wagecucking

crypto is literally gambling at this point

>> No.6733658

People tend to forget that after they've spent their portfoilio, they'll be back on step 1 with no education of socail skills.

Having $500k-$1m now doesn't last long if you're in your late 20s or early 30s.

>> No.6733670

The benefits of being a NEET.

Become millionaire from having the time to stare at charts all day.

Don't have to talk to people.

Don't have to be submissive to some old guy in a suit.

Can do what you want all the time.

>> No.6733706

>Having $500k-$1m now doesn't last long if you're in your late 20s or early 30s.

That's a safe withdrawal rate of 40k per year...

I'd be fine with 20k a year and I live in London.

>> No.6733710

$1m is $30k yearly passive income easily. You can live off that shit indefinitely anon.

>> No.6733720

>be me
>hire software dev wage cucks to build software for me
>monetize and sell software
>make $ literally doing nothing
>started reinvesting into eth since it was $10

I’m 29, been doing this for 8 years. I’m good.

>> No.6733730

>fast-forward 10 years
>no social skills
>no education
>friends left you because you dont have time for them
>can't afford maintenance on your ferarri

>> No.6733774

You can't be serious.
That's $2500 per month.

>> No.6733778

I had no friends or social skills in the first place.

And I still live like a poorcuck even thought I have $500k in crypto. My family chastises me for being a tight git and never spending money.

>> No.6733786

If i had 500 k now that would change my life forever and i would be able to live off of real world investments. 500k? Thats four to five houses in nice southern european countries that you can pimp out to cash loaded tourists.

>> No.6733787

>muh education
>muh social skills

Kek. Both are memes and you are clearly from reddit or still in high school, same thing I guess.

>> No.6733807

How will you be able to afford your 6 double mocha choc chip frappucinos a day anon!?

Do people seriously live like that?!

>> No.6733835

I'm 24 and I have a $5200 monthly salary with 2%-5% increase per each year of experience + bonuses.

>> No.6733847
File: 353 KB, 2048x1447, wagekek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manage to save $96k in 3 years
you're a poorfag

how is this a perk? it's a con.
>financial security
>building CV
only a perk for a wageuckc
>exposed to new opportunities literally every month
lmao what does this even mean?

>> No.6733869


Congrats on making what I make in my sleep, I guess.

>> No.6733880

2/3 will be cut out for rent + food + insurance... cost of living.

1/3 = $830.

Fun life you got there anon.

>> No.6733896

having money made me more antisocial than before, i literally go out of my way to avoid people but i meet girls on dating apps as a way of not being alone

im too antisocial to bother picking up girls irl, no friends and no invites to social events, and walking up to girls in the street is kinda pathetic

>> No.6733904

But you can do both......

>> No.6733905

You don't "spend" your wealth away. You buy other income generating assets like apartment buildings.

>> No.6733930

What do normal people spend their money on?

I have some siblings that waste their money on a $20 bowl of designer noodles but I didn't realize it was common behavior.

>> No.6733943

You know you could’ve made 100k+ if you just put 10k in crypto into top 10 last year and not touch it? People who lose money touch it. You have 96k in savings that’s earning tiny amounts of interest and not being put to work. Shame anon. This is just spending one hour opening an account and buying something and walking away lol.

>> No.6733946

>there's just one kind of people
This is where you're wrong.

>> No.6733956


He means more opportunities to submit to his owner and become increasingly dependent on him, like a good sub.

>> No.6733966

Are there STILL nocoiners on this board?

>> No.6733975

I don't have to convince you about shit. Some people have better or more personally rewarding jobs than others. Some people have the temperament for being subordinate, some can't live like that.

Personally I see my job as a necessary evil on the road to financial security. Crypto seems like a relatively dangerous shortcut, but I'm willing to try and I didn't really compromise my position by sinking that starting € 2500 in that. If I ever reach seven figures I'm withdrawing, cashing out on half and investing the other half in something a little more secure. Then I won't ever wagecuck again.

Anyway at the root of the wagecuck problem is that you are essentially making another person more profit than you get from your own work. Some people can't stand that thought.

>> No.6733987

Some like the idea of working for other people and making them rich, others enjoy working for themselves and making themselves rich.

There's no right or wrong here really, some people are dogs and others are wolves.

>> No.6733998

>be machine learning engineer
>earn more than OP from my job
>also earn more than OP from holding a few solid coins

I tried to follow your logic OP but nocoiners are dumb asf

>> No.6734013

It’s because most of you work jobs you hate. I’m going to be rich and still work at my job because it’s fun and I go outdoors whenever I feel like it

>> No.6734028
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Ah I see, OP is jewsexual

>> No.6734029

I guess I don't have any richfag aspirations. $830 each month after all expenses would be enough for me desu.

>> No.6734044

Clothes, transportation, cost of living, hobbies.

>> No.6734050
File: 27 KB, 600x374, time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a wagecuck and pic related is why im trying to get into crypto. Fuck this shit, i dont even want to be rich I just want to be able to live without having to get up at 6 AM every morning and spending 5 days a week working shit job i hate

>> No.6734061


It's not. You have a comfy job, you can socialize with real people, have benefits and bonuses, build a real career. You have an actual CV and job experience, you will be able to find a different job. Cryptotards cannot even cash out easily, without getting rekt by the IRS. And when (not if, but when) the government will ban the crypto they will be absolutely fucked - no cv, no job experience, no social skills, no retirement fund.
You did better than 99.9% of cryptomemers on /biz. Most people here are larpers or shills, only a tiny fraction is actually successful.

>> No.6734080

Luxuries, like that designer shit you mentioned. I think the most common bad choices make are food related: eating out or buying takeaway and then letting food in their home spoil because they overstocked and are too lazy to cook.
After that, a lot of Western people change their smartphones every two years despite older models working perfectly fine. They impulse buy a lot, like let's say I took some interest in photography, of course I'd start with an €1800 fully accessorized Canon that I won't touch again in four months' time.

>> No.6734091
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I do both, OP.

I work as a software engineer by day and trade shitcoins by night. I don't get much free time these days but I'd be an idiot if I didn't take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

>> No.6734094

Lol, I love my job and my collegues. Life is good anon.

Yeah until you get kids, pets, a fun hobby, sports etc etc. It's all good until you do something else than being on /biz/ and jerking off.

>> No.6734095

if you have $1m in your savings and you dont waste your money around just move to eastern europe and youre set for life.

>> No.6734117

I fucking love the ''crypto nerd'' stereotype.

I trade crypto for less them half a hour of my day, I go to the gym and half way through my med school.

>> No.6734121

I don't know where you faggots live but 30k € a year after taxes is above average in most parts of Europe.
2.5k € a month without having to work means that you can buy a nice house in the middle of fucking nowhere where prices are low as fuck.
With 150k € it isn't hard to find a nice apartment, or even some villas, 20/30 km away from Milan.

>> No.6734123


Ah yes wage cuck, you surely have it all figured out. ;)

>> No.6734127

Clothes are something I buy once a year or two.

The others don't amount to $830 per month unless you've got some expensive hobbies, but that's your own prerogative.

>> No.6734135

>t. butt hurt no coiner

>> No.6734138

>moving away from friends and family to a shithole country just to never have to work to survive.

nice anon

>> No.6734144

this I literally had an amazing idea for a program, but the sheer engineering power required was huge, but i managed to break down the site into stages, and those stages into problems and sub-problems, and tasks, and paid some software uni kids to do each of these tasks, then i used minimal effort (mostly stackoverflow and some coding) to put all the stuff together and launched the site. Been making decent passive income ever since

>> No.6734172


No brainlet its 3300/mo. All studies show that 4% annual withdrawals is already almost retardedly conservative with 5% being the most realistic.

>> No.6734184

You are right, crypto is an extra that you should be involved with only with a small percentage of your wealth.
Creating a succesful career and making money out of it is what matters.
NEETs are fucking disgusting, "nerds" with no real "nerd" marketable skills, drowning in their pathetic loneliness while cumming in the dark of their toyroom to women they won't ever have in their life

>> No.6734193
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>until you get kids, pets, a fun hobby, sports

>> No.6734195

$30000/12 months = $2500.
Do you even math?

>> No.6734201

be me, make 100k in 3 days...

>> No.6734212

what's the site?

>> No.6734229
File: 449 KB, 403x584, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at 17.40.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP IS A NORMIE faggot who thinks 100k in 3 years is good, meanwhile poor ass neets make that in a few months shitposting eating tendies and chocc milk

op gfy nigger

>> No.6734240
File: 1.21 MB, 640x1136, img (29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I assumed that most of the crypto fags are friendless khv neets who dont ever go outside

>> No.6734248

>implying any of /biz/fags make any money

>> No.6734251
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>$300k in indexes
>comfy consistent gains
>dont have to worry about being goxed, tether collapse, reading scam papers etc.
>zog encourages me instead of persecutes me

>> No.6734259

Keep telling yourself that.
The market has mooned.

Show me your balance and add your btc/eth/xlm address and I will send you $500. I'm serious.

>> No.6734270

With $1000 per month I could live the rest of my life

>> No.6734287


Stock market has crashed several times before with catastrophic results. Stay comfy dipshit.

>> No.6734288
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1,000,000 * .04 = 40,000

Please delete life.

>> No.6734294

see you in your 50s when you'll be pathetic and contemplating suicide

>> No.6734309

>You know you could’ve made 100k+ if you just put 10k in crypto

IF you don't touch it
IF nothing happens with the exchange or your hdd or your trezor or your passwords
IF government will not ban crypto
IF you actually choose the right coins to invest in (because there are over 3000 of them, most are pure shit)
IF you record all the trades so when you will want to cash out the IRS won't fuck you up
IF there are no quantum computers that will destroy the existing cryptos

Too many IFs.
One can just continue to work his normal job, invest into blue chip stocks and live without shaking and posting pink wojaks every week.

>> No.6734325


Hahaha he fell for the retirement meme. Fuck I live wage cucks. Renewable source of entertainment.

>> No.6734326


You could have went to a casino and not have had to mail all your social security card to a Panamanian exchange.

>> No.6734333

>what is rent
>what is food
>what is enjoying life

>> No.6734336
File: 335 KB, 633x758, 1505608548439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back, I used to hug girls!
That's right - multiple girls, and not even blood related!

>> No.6734344

>$96k in 3 years

You could have quite easily, with little risk too, made that into $1million by now

>> No.6734347
File: 154 KB, 240x138, jubdz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered how normies can be so insanely risk averse to their own detriment but this just cleared things up beautifully, thanks anon.

>> No.6734362

enjoy living your life without ever taking a risk, fucking spineless faggot. i spit on your life

>> No.6734393

>totally worth risking your economy for life just to maybe have a chance

>> No.6734402

Being so stupid you think only one coin can moon at a time. You really deserve to be a wagecuck.

>> No.6734404
File: 31 KB, 390x400, Yo+mama+so+fat+jabba+the+hutt+said+daaamn+_ad23811a4e9925965d1e5af26192a03c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>stock market crashes every thirty years
>crypto crashes every year

>> No.6734429


You literally sound like everyone’s boomer mother.

>> No.6734442

Who ever said anything about retirement? Don't they teach you to read in India?
When the pathetic cunt will be 50, with no social life or any life accomplishment, all his former friends will think of him as a useless human being, despite them being less wealthy than him

>> No.6734443

Wagecucking is not bad if you enjoy it (like you say, you meet people, enjoy what you do, etc.).
Also, this shouldn't be a wagecucking vs crypto thing. It's wagecucking vs having your own business, investments aside from crypto, freelancing, hiring others, you name it.
But I get why people are comfortable having a job. And it's necessary (and inevitable) that some do have wagecucking jobs to keep the world running after all.

>> No.6734446


Sure don't ever riks your money you pathetic slave, let others do with your shit.

>> No.6734454

>$96k in 3 years

can do that in a day if i pay close enough attention


>> No.6734456

it's not even about money, it's the general attitude towards life

>inb4 basement dwelling /biz/tards

>> No.6734466

Prove me wrong then.

Literally no other coin, legit coin, has mooned except ETH, LTC, BTC. Fuck you, you are chasing fake promises.

>> No.6734473

Holy shit, ever heard of a risk/reward ratio?

Yes, there are a lot of IFs, but the potential upside is MASSIVE. If you're a professional and you don't even put in a couple thousand into this, you're an idiot. That is money you can lose that could potentially 10x or 100x.

>> No.6734477


>y-you're a fag

What an enlightened rebuttal. What an impeccable logic. Surely this will convince any skeptic to dump his money into some shitcoin...

>> No.6734479

Ever conceived of the idea of not putting ALL your savings into crypto? Dude, there's people on here who've turned $500 into 1M in less than a year FFS.

>> No.6734481

>stock market crashes
>wage cucks do what they do best and form single file lines begging for handouts
>crypto crashes
>neets get comfy and wait it out while wage cucks an hero at thought of losing “hard earned” money

Yeah you’re a genius clearly.

>> No.6734495


Screencapped for future memes.

>> No.6734547

>a 10% crash in stocks is enough to completely halt trading and fuck up the economy for several years
>a 30% crash in crypto only shakes weak holders off before a year-long rise

>> No.6734556

same here OP, i work at Google (inb4 the usual) as a junior sw eng, i live a very comfortable life in a very expensive city, i will definitely have 100k $ in savings after 3 years.
difference is i probably started my career much later than you, i'm 29 now.

what's the canonical /biz/ advice on investment portfolio? it's my first time here so i have no idea what you guys are about and didn't see any /fit/ style sticky.

i'm thinking of throwing 70% of my money in stock index funds and 30% in bonds index funds.

>> No.6734559 [DELETED] 

>That is money you can lose that could potentially 10x or 100x.

What makes you think that every year is going to be like 2013 or 2017 to warrant such claims?
We might as well have 2-3 year of slow growth ahead of us, like like in 2014-16.

>> No.6734566
File: 319 KB, 493x569, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at 17.40.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1) OP is larping and has made it in crypto
2) OP is a literal pathetic normie who doesnt understand he could have millions if he used his measly 96k to invest in literally anycoin

either way, the ABSOLUTE state of /biz/ is fucked

>> No.6734570

What they are saying is that you're extremely risk averse. That's ok as long as you don't try to justify it.

>> No.6734576

Haha, you think you got me figured out, don't you? I'm a freelancer in my 20s, have a wife and 3 kids and was driving a Tesla in the US before we left that shithole.

>> No.6734579

XMR, DASH, XRP, LISK, STRAT, XBY, the list goes on, these are the first one that I could think of

>> No.6734585

Kek, show me faggot.
No one (0 people) have turned $500 into $1m since the golden years.

>> No.6734590

Way too much bonds for a 29yr old

>> No.6734596

Wagecucking right now is a bad idea because we are probably the last working generation.

We'll all be like 30-40-50 by the time automation makes wagecucking obsolete, and we'll realise we wasted our lives doing something nobody will have to do again

It will feel bad man

>> No.6734601

>That is money you can lose that could potentially 10x or 100x.

What makes you think that every year is going to be like 2013 or 2017 to warrant such claims?
We might as well have 2-3 years of slow growth ahead of us, just like in 2014-16.

>> No.6734609

wow, i made this pic like 10 years ago. it's the only dank maymay i ever made. thanks for posting it friend.

>> No.6734619

I work a full time job at £22000 a year guess that makes me a poor fag... and fuck me I am sometimes I struggle to eat, but that’s because I’m shit with money.... it’s not an office job it’s in motorcycle media so I get to travel the world doing what I love... just started to invest in crypto because I believe it’s the future... I only put £100 in but am going to put 200 in a month every month from now on hopefully I can then afford lambos and still work the job I love without a pension.

>> No.6734632

GOD, please keep going, you're hilarious!


15x on REQ
20x on NEO
30x on COSS
40x on VEN

Do you want me to keep going? And I've only been in this for half a year :p

>> No.6734653

0% bonds unless you’re old and need the income since rates are garbo

>> No.6734682

Now tell me, how much did you make from this?
People could have (they didnt) make $1m from $500 worth of Bitcoin.

Literally no one has become a millionare by just trading after the golden days.

>> No.6734695

You're asking me is the bubble going to continue which is completely besides the point. That is for you to DYOR and make your own decision on.

I'm saying you're making a big mistake if you just handwave this entire thing as being "too risky"

>> No.6734712

>I have saved up almost $100k in 3 years from working.
That's nice, but kind of slow. You could still save up enough for a house faster than you could pay off a mortgage, but that's a lot of time. Have you looked into a lease to own option or are you already a mortgagecuck?

>> No.6734722

Me too. We're gonna make it buddy

>> No.6734732


How’d you land a job there at 29? Assuming it’s your first software gig?

>> No.6734749

>Dude, there's people on here who've turned $500 into 1M in less than a year FFS.

There are people who CLAIM they have turned 500 into 1m. It's a subtle difference.
Also what about all the people who have lost money? You know, people who have listened to shills and bought @ ATH, because they were convinced that crypto can only go up in value and never down. Why you don't mention them?
Why don't you mention all the people who sold BTC early?

Sure, they are lucky guys who bought/mined BTC before 2013 and made a bank. But there are also people who won in a lottery. You spread bullshit like EVERYONE can become a millionaire with barely any effort.
This is why cryptoshills are full of shit.

>> No.6734770

how about having a job as well as trade fucking crypto on the side with play money?

It's not a zero sum game ya dingus.

>> No.6734775


>let's say I took some interest in photography, of course I'd start with an €1800 fully accessorized Canon that I won't touch again in four months' time.

oh god it hurts. I wasted 70k on 3d printer shit in june when crypto started taking off. so many people here will make a similar mistake because theyve never had to develop financial responsibility. also dont do drugs it makes you impulse buy dumb shit.

>> No.6734784

I turned 3k initial investment into 160k peak before the recent "crash" and ma already back up to over 100k by simply waiting out this sell-off. Aiming for 1M by EOY.

>> No.6734821

Happy for you, anon, we will! :)

>> No.6734846


>> No.6734856

>Everyone can become a millionaire with barely any effort

A lot of people can become wealthy with relatively little effort. If you put in 5 figures a year ago it's likely that you're at 6 figures right now.

>> No.6734875

Eating out is mostly paying for labor. It takes me an hour on average to make a home cooked dinner. Probably about the same time it takes to go somewhere, sit down and eat, then come home though. Unless you get delivery and you're seriously micromanaging your time it's just a luxury for being lazy. Not to mention not having to go gather all the ingredients you need from the store.

>> No.6734881


>20x on NEO
>30x on COSS
>40x on VEN

Oh yes, you just very conveniently forgot to add that in order to get these gains you had to participate in an ICO, get an insider info early or be EXTREMELY lucky. Otherwise the best you can hope for is 2-3x and that is only IF you hold through all manipulations and bear runs.

Fucking cryptoshills.

>> No.6734888

kek 2.5k€ a month, Jesus Christ I could live on 500 euro a month.

>> No.6734922

I am a business owner. I make more money every year from credit card cashback, than you save from wagecucking your entire life away.

I set my own salary, I give myself my own bonuses (christmas bonus was 50,000 USD this year). I pick and choose when and how hard I want to work, because I have built out a team of wagecucks like you to do the heavy lifting for me.

Any questions?

>> No.6734991
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Accept everybody is an expert bull except us.

>> No.6734999

>A lot of people can become wealthy with relatively little effort. If you put in 5 figures a year ago it's likely that you're at 6 figures right now.

You guys are always comparing to old coins that have already mooned. None of you know what to invest in.

>> No.6735006

If you don't see that this market will grow to at least $5T, you're very short-sighted or don't understand the technology. The only people calling crypto a zero-sum game are the normies and weakhands throwing literally their entire savings into this with the EXPECTATION to double, triple etc. their money instantly abd linearly. In a fucking exploding bull market such as crypto, all you have to do is some minor research into the projects you want to invest in, get in somewhat early, and then just hold for a period of time that exceeds the ADD attention span of get-rich-quick normies. Literally EVERYTHING that isn't complete dog shit will go uo significantly sooner or later under current market conditions... You just have to be able to endure volatility.

>> No.6735009

>tfw girlfriend is self taught gourmet chef who loves to cook so literally never have to eat out


Yes fellow alpha Chad business owner here, best cc for cash back/rewards? I’m trying to do this more.

>> No.6735026

you spawned this
hope you're proud

>> No.6735027

actually lots of people (=old boomers) have told me i need to put more in bonds for security. i think 70% is pretty high risk no? i'm able to tolerate risk but i don't want a financial roller coaster

i honestly don't think they have any age bias there, i would say average for hiring junior devs is like 26. and of course for other roles it's much higher.

it probably helps that i'm a recent uni grad, look about 5 years younger than i actually am, and didn't put my age or any indicators on my CV. but i don't think it really matters to anyone.

i worked part time in another big company for about 3 years during uni, i wouldn't have gotten this job without it.

>> No.6735042


Best = Alliant Cashback. 3% first year, 2.5 after
Second Best = Capital One 2% Spark Visa

>> No.6735066

i g-guess i should have invested h-heh

>> No.6735067

rent in venezuela is like $10 per month

>> No.6735103

I wasn't insulting you, I'm just genuinely fascinated by the 'I'd rather miss out on a potential $million than risk losing $5000' mindset alot of normal people have.

>> No.6735120

It's also a shit country.

>> No.6735134

>If you put in 5 figures a year ago it's likely that you're at 6 figures right now.

That's because 2017 was an exceptional year. What exactly makes you think 2018 will be the same or even close to that? have you already forgotten about 2014, 2015, 2016? What if people will actually listen to you, get all their life saving into crypto only to go from 5 figures to 4 by the eoy?
Will you reimburse them for giving a false advise? No? Well, if you aren't ready to back your words with something real then maybe you shouldn't speak with such conviction.

>> No.6735138

Kids? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6735143
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Im a software developer as well but Im about to start my own business

wagecucking is making money for someone else. I want to be evaluated on my real potential. we'll see

>> No.6735160

that's besides the point, brainlet

>> No.6735169

This is probably the reality of it to be fair.

How depressing is it going to be knowing that you wasted your life doing something that's now completely unnecessary and irrelevant.

>> No.6735205

Didn't participate in any ICO (NEO @$0.03, I WISH) and literally did nothing but lurk /biz every day and do a bit of research into the most appealing shills.

-NEO was shilled here like crazy around $1 from what I hear that (wasn't on biz back then, unfortunately)
-REQ was an obviously undervalued YC-backed juggernaut and constantly shilled around ATL @$0.05
-VEN was shilled with almost identical copy-pasta around 20 cents as it is now
-COSS has been shilled here since the dawn of time and I bought most of my stack around $0.08

>> No.6735220
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> but i meet girls on dating apps as a way of not being alone
> walking up to girls in the street is kinda pathetic

>> No.6735246

Alright. Screen cap this. HBP, Payfair, coinmetro, and COSS will all outperform the S&P 500 this year. EOY 2018 check back in

>> No.6735261

>I'm just genuinely fascinated by the 'I'd rather miss out on a potential $million than risk losing $5000'

>Hey, these fucking normies don't even go to Las Vegas and don't gamble all their money on 1 lucky number! Such idiots! It's like they hate money, amirite? i'll never understand it.

You sound as if you know with an absolute degree of certainty where the crypto markets are going to be in the future.

>> No.6735268

You are 10% of the population who is smart and lucky enough to have a nice wage cucking job. Most people are fucked.

>> No.6735278

Saving 100k in 3 years? I've turned 6k into 455k in 3 months wagecuck.

>> No.6735279

Glad to see I'm not the only HPB holder in here. Godspeed, anon!

>> No.6735300

You're always underpaid as a wagecuck, no matter how much you earn. Otherwise they couldn't emply you.

It's good to get some capital and experience, but my goal is defintley to be self emplyoed and let moeny work for me

>> No.6735320

Yeah, good luck surviving over there.

>> No.6735373

It was an example.
I never want kids, but some do.
$500 wont even cover the costs of a kid.

>> No.6735377

if you put in $3000 and it 10x you make +$27000 profit
if it doesnt, you lose some of your $3000
i dont really see why you shouldnt invest

>> No.6735393

Show me and I'll transfer $1500 worth of XLM to you.

>> No.6735397


Interesting. Is it a liberal nightmare? Any cons at all?


Awesome thanks nigga.

>> No.6735423


It doesn't prove anything. You speak as if only these few successful coins were shilled and NOTHING else. Some people invested into bazzinga/trx/verge and got fleeced.
There are dozens of coins that have been shilled just as hard and haven't got to the 'moon land' (well some of them mooned, but only before they got listed at major exchanges).

>> No.6735448

I'm not specifically talking about the crypto markets, I've just noticed most people are terrified of the prospect of losing any amount of money.

You have to look at it in terms of risk reward. The probability that the crypto market cap increases in the future are better than the odds of it going to zero.

The potential profit is in the hundreds of thousands if not millions, the potential loss is a few grand.

>> No.6735453

i've run my own business and while it was liberating, it ended being something i couldn't pull myself away from on the weekends, at night, etc. now i work remotely for a large corporation and make good money, and am able to completely shut it out mentally at 5pm when i close my laptop. i'm enjoying myself more these days.

>> No.6735454

That's the anon's fault for being retarded and investing into a pajeetcoin like bazina or a normalfag manipulation coin like tron or verge.

>> No.6735465

>Being this new to crypto that you don't know about mt gox
Mt. Gox sent the crypto world into a decline due to BTC's dominance, however, if you managed to hold on a cold wallet, and bought at ATH, you could sell right now and still have made a nearly 10x ROI. Just holding BTC. 2015 and 2016 were actually a great time to get into crypto. 2014 was really the only truly awful year imo. It began recovery half of 2015, and continued, and still continues. Anyways to address the
>this is the same as gambling
I have to ask you
>what are stop losses
>what are limit orders
>what are capital loss tax deductions

Just because you don't know anything about how investments and cryptocurrency is treated from a regulation perspective, doesn't mean that it's gambling. It's highly speculative though I will say that

>> No.6735497

the trick is to participate in the biggest bull run of your generation, which was the last 3 months, never to happen again. sorry

>> No.6735500


I have a job and trade Crypto.

Suck my balls loser.

>> No.6735504

i don't work in a US office so people don't feel the urge to shove their opinions in your face. people here mind their own business.
i get like a monthly diversity related email and stuff like that (coming from the US, of course) goes straight to spam and that's about all the politics i get from work

>> No.6735530
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It's personal preference. If your happy being a wagecuck then do it if your not then try to do something else e.g. crypto
Why is this such a hard concept to grasp for some people?

>> No.6735537

cons is that there's a huge incentive to stay here for life (unvested stocks, etc) and the tech stack is all Google internal

>> No.6735585

Thanks for taking the words out of my mouth, anon.

>> No.6735613

Do you want to work for a couple more decades saving 30k a year? or do you want to buy some digital coins, watch some graphs for 3 months, realise it's a waste of time and go back to work. Come back 2 years later and see you were actually making 50k a month averaged out? You decide I couldn't give a fuck, it's not hard to see the market is miniscule right now compared to what's out there. It's easy to see a half dozen coins that WILL grow due to partnerships, real use cases and a functioning product.

Or take the easy route and watch the coca cola kids twitter and do what he says with everything you own. You will ahve a lambo next month.

>> No.6735657

>what is inflation

I'm sorry but if you think you can live off $1M you have now for the rest of your life, you clearly need a basic education on economics.

Plus there are so many unforseen things that could happen between now and later, it's not a good chance to take at all

>> No.6735661

500 € a month is enough if you live with your parents, definitely not if you plan to live by yourself (at least here in Italy).

>> No.6735672

>be me

>> No.6735678
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Wagecuck is ok but have plans for the future. Make sure you put money aside so you can realise those things whether its crypto or owning a business its up to you.
We will all make it.

>> No.6735733

i spend more than 40k a year on just rent and food. i can't imagine living on 40k with a family

>> No.6735799

Move to a cheaper place, 40k a year in rent (so you don't even own the place) and food a is a monstrosity.

>> No.6735846

Why not do some investing on the side? It doesn't have to be crypto or stocks. There is decent profit to be made in home foreclosure auctions.

>> No.6735872

He didn't call you a fag, you said it yourself.

Also, you're a fag.

>> No.6735894


>actually lots of people (=old boomers) have told me i need to put more in bonds for security. i think 70% is pretty high risk no? i'm able to tolerate risk but i don't want a financial roller coaster

Stop listening to the financial advice of boomers. When have they ever been right?

With interest rates being as low as they are now, putting money in bonds only makes sense in one scenario: You have so much money that you can live off the interest and have no intention of selling your bonds before maturity.

>> No.6735896

There is risk in every investment you do. People always lose money.
It's not a risk I want to take right now.

>> No.6735897


I actually held BTC since 2013 (a small amount) and saw it's value skyrocketing in 2017. But despite this i don't pretend like i knew it was going to happen. 2017 could have been just like 2016 or 2015 with BTC price oscillating between 300 and 600 USD. You sound as you knew all of this beforehand in 2012. All the prices, all the market trends, everything.

And now you claim that people can still get 'ez 10x with little or no effort lol xDD' because you believe that 2018 will be just like 2017 was. I ask you what do you base these assumptions upon? Why exactly 2018 should repeat the performance of 2017 and not of 2015?

>> No.6735900

then i'll just have a lower paying job or spend much of my time and money on transportation...

>> No.6735913

wait for a market crash before you buy in

>> No.6735982

>He didn't call you a fag

Oh really?
read this post again

>> No.6736034

I made more money off cryptos during Dec/Jan than you have in 3 years of working.

>> No.6736069

That actually sounds comfy af tbqh

>> No.6736094

>friends and family

God what a faggot.

>> No.6736203

>having friends and family is wrong
Yeah, money is all that matters. What a piece of shit you are

>> No.6736221


>> No.6736243


Letting your life revolve around them is something only a beta wage cuck would do.

>> No.6736277

Keep paying the good goy tax to the chosen overlords, i want to hurt them where it matters most, in their pockets.

>> No.6736361


>> No.6736411

you'll never be loved lol

>> No.6736419

>spending your wealth
And thats why you always be a wagecuck, wagecuck

>> No.6736434

What the fuck does wagecucking to do with it?
It's okay if you're antisocial and believe all the 'normie' memes, but saying community doesn't matter is beyond retarded.

>> No.6736455

Wow, I bet you spend 100$ a day in burgers right?

Thankfully most of us here are not brainlets, with that amount of money I would simply move to Eastern Europe or Southern America, and live like a king. Cheap cost of living + beautiful women = win

>> No.6736479

>the market has mooned
yes. crypto went to $500b and this is exactly where it stops. this is the end of the wealth storage on earth moving to crypto. somewhere betwen 0.03-0.1%. it is crypto's "singularity". you have great foresight, i bet you also mined 100,000 bitcoins 9 years ago and sold them at $20k, the absolute all time high, ever with that flawless foresight of yours.


>> No.6736557

Boomers are always wrong. The bond market is looking like it may crash. And the stock market is overdue for a big correction.
How does a software engineer not understand the value of crypto? Fucking larp.

>> No.6736613

>fast-forward 10 years

>no social skills
Its a choice. While I admit you socialize in a job, you can socialize within your hobbies too. Socializing is not exclusive to a shitty office
>no education
How not? You can learn whatever you want with that much freetime
>friends left you because you dont have time for them
Actually, you become the one who has too much free time and your friends the ones who cant join you since they have responsibilities like going to work
>can't afford maintenance on your ferarri
Then maybe that guy shouldnt buy a ferrari

Crypto takes just a few trades daily if you are starting, and a few trades weekly if you know what the fuck you are doing. By the time you know your shit, you just look your delta/blockfolio a couple times a day. It doesnt take more than 20 minutes daily to setup your crypto shit compared to 8-9 hours of your shitty job.

So no, you are the one always missing time. The one who cant have many hobbies, the one who cant socialize outside his shitty office circle.

That being said, I doubt you are even the normie fuck you described. Hell, Im sure you are not even a nocoiner. You are just a bad coiner. A bad trader mad that he is not getting rich like everyone else in this bullish circus that is crypto.

>> No.6736914

>be me in crypto in 3rd sunny country
>wake up
>check folio
>go to the beach for morning exercise
>drink coconut water
>chill until lunch time
>dig some ICOs and other moon missions
>sell come coins p2p for living expenses
>set up dates for tonight
>have sex

Yeah, wagecucking looks much better!

>> No.6736998


I hope you’re already putting at least 20k a year into your tax advantages retirement accounts

>> No.6737053

>Crypto takes just a few trades daily if you are starting

>unironically advising newbies to get into daytrading

Well, i guess this is the way how people itt are getting their 'ez 10x gains'. By luring newfags into daytrading and fleecing them with manipulations.

Newbie daytrading is literally 'how to lose your investment as fast as possible 101'.

>> No.6737077

>Manage to save 96K in 3 years
Hahahahahahaha! Have fun retiring at 70.

Get an MBA and get that Silicon meme money.

>> No.6737096
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heres my coinbase portfoilio since i lost 200 on the crash and pulled out my last hundred.

If you do send me 500 dollars, i'll tell you exactly what i'll do with it. Straight to the LH-crypto ICO and then not to be touched for the rest of 2018.

eth wallet: 0x3fE3295650c992A3600ACD99CFFD165548Bd8CCD

>> No.6737162

For someone from a third world crypto is like a holy grail that you need to become successful and don't be wagecucking for less than 10k/yr
really, in my country someone that makes more than 10k is rich and you need to waste more than 10 years on education and job experience

>> No.6737182

LOL what kind of shit people do you have managing your portfolio? My bank alone gets me 8-10% per year

>> No.6737297
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With enough resources I would still be posting cute anime girls, you wouldn't go to wagecuck if you could afford not to.

>> No.6737332

Join the newest pump & dump group to be part of the inner circle
Fastest way to lambo here discord gg/AgBfrWZ

>> No.6737399

I hate you because you’re smarter than me.

I know you think that what you did was easy but I have no idea what you’re talking about

>> No.6737459
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>> No.6737519

>>exposed to new opportunities literally every month

lol it's common knowledge that there is no upward mobility in most positions within this job market, leave alone software engineer.

Spreading the virtues of wagecucking might be a good idea, though with the all of these pink wojacks around.

>> No.6737525

Meh, I'm a bit like you. But I still wish I would have gone with my thought of putting some pocket change (maybe 2k USD) into Bitcoin back in '14-15 when I looked it in last time.

Such is life as a no-coiner.

>> No.6737568

>Saves 96k in 3 years without crypto.
We could all do that if we were virgins too. Women are expensive.

>> No.6737614

Wage labor is exploitative and alienating. In every job you are payed less then you generate for the company and the less you are paid the more money the company can keep as profit. This means there is a constant rush to replace you with a machine, lower your wages, cut costs and generally mechanize your job until its a simple cheap and repetitive task with the eventually goal being to fire you and replace you with some third world worker who will work for fractions of your salary. Wage labor also aleinates you from yourself, your labor and your fellow man. When the product of your labor is disconnected from you, you lose the thing that makes the human. The human labor you preform is no longer your life like in the past but a sacrafice so you can get your life. Wage labor also alienates you from your species essense, simply put labor is meant to be meaning but when mechanized and simplified for the sake of profits it no longer is. As a software engineer you no longer feel any sort of connection between your life as a worker and your life outside of work. You no longer feel a connection between yourself and the product of your labor and because wage labor alienates you from your fellow workers a connection to them who you grow to see as merely competitors. Another problem is that your life essentially is wholy decided by the whims of the market. Each time the demand for labor is more than the supply a portion of the labor market falls into beggary. The demand for labor, an impersonal market force literally dicates wether you live or die.

>> No.6737670

For everyone talking shit about "wagecucking" Its a fucking stupid term. If you start off making money and are ambitious, your only working temporary. Some people are just inferior, content, or have other things they cant risk on (if I had kids I would certainly be more cautious in terms of risks for their security). Life boils down to whos going to take risk, and whos going to be safe. Thats it

>> No.6737762

1 have an idea
2 plan it
3 hire people to conduct plan
4 piece it together
5 profit

>> No.6737813

>dependent on job for income
>get fired/quit, income disappears

you have to start investing your money and having your money work for you or else you are dependent on your job 100%

invest, start a business, etc.

other than that, if you're happy and making good money, why would you turn it down? just start investing that money so you could possibly not NEED your job in the future. otherwise, you're not truly independent

>> No.6737855

>comfortable lifestyle
>ride 13 years old piece of shit bike

>> No.6737860

If you got a million dollars, and it grows by, say, 6% annually, you can withdraw 4% each year and still have the principal grow in line with inflation.

t. Economist

>> No.6737945

Who gives a fuck, you materialistic dipshit? Money should be used to buy freedom rather than materialistic frivolities

>> No.6737948

>Making 45k yr after tax.
>Supposedly saving 32k year.
To live off 13k a year, you must be living with your parents and never be around women. Nice comfortable life, how about try growing up and see how much you save

>> No.6737956

>this 13 year old wine is shit

said no one ever

>> No.6738013

>pays top dollar to make women hang out with him

Top kek, other than the occasional dinner I've never had to buy my way into the hearts of women in my life. And yet they still want to sleep with me.

>> No.6738073


>Living with parents who love you and not wasting money on the female Jew is the comfiest life you can have.

>> No.6738197

Ok now I know you're larping. Also I've made double your savings in less than one year holding eth, and have an apartment complex in London rented out.
If you weren't a larping numale you would realise that long term relationships with valuable trustworthy women requires a significant time and monetary investment. More than your shitty job will afford you for years and years.

>> No.6738280

>Be me
>Manage mid size/large construction projects
>Sometimes still swing a hammer
>No College
>Invest spare cash into BTC at 4000, ETH 290
>Norman on Coinbase
>Read about Crypto obsessively
>Go 10x, pull seed money
>Still go to work because not a faggot
>Crypto fund growing and untouched
>If it goes, retire early travel world
>If not, still have great job
>Explain myself to soft headed scaredy boi on 4chan
>Life still good

>> No.6738311

peeping through the keyhole y momma rubs her tiddys?

at least become a fags, less investment more sex

>> No.6738412

if you earn a lot of money just so you can afford to live at a place where you earn a lot of money that's kinda self-defeating, isn't it

>> No.6738419

I'm not OP, but yeah, you're right in the sense that being in early crypto was obviously a good idea, and I applaud you for it. I'd have loved a spare million dollars just as much as the next guy. But it was, alas, not to be.

As for women, I agree with the time investment, but time is 'free' (other than the opportunity cost). As for monetary investment, I'm so sure what that would be? For housing? I'm more than capable of figuring that out, and whatever women I'll choose to mother my children will be equally capable (shit, my current lay is probably smarter than me)

>> No.6738530

Im not advising to do so. Im just talking about what newfags do and how much times it consumes. Newfags do many daily threads. Once they know their shit they do a couple per week.

Its never more time than a 8 hours job

>> No.6738660

unironically this
diversify between wagecuck and cryptofag is the way to go imo

>> No.6739104

What the fuck man? Food should be tops 4k a year. Where do you live? What's your rent? What do you get for it?

>> No.6739189

what if I already have a degree and a wife tho

>> No.6739355

Salaries in the UK are fucked up. I got offered a job in London (had to find my own place and move from another country) but turned it the fuck form when I found out the salary was £18000/year.

And I have a master's degree.

>> No.6739399

Lol no. 3% is fine, 4 already pretty agressive

t. 55x gains since 2013

>What is inflation
>What are recessions

>> No.6739448

Pajeest in London get paid half the londoners in london.

>> No.6739480

The opportunity cost is worth a lot more when you are working full time. It can also lead to quality of life degradation, whereby you are very successful on paper but stressed, overworked and bored.
Expenses would include the obvious housing, food, and health expenses if you live in a country without social healthcare. I know people who have become borderline bankrupt paying for their spouse's healthcare or family members. Expenses could also include special occasions, cost of contraception and driving her around/ to her.

>> No.6740056
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tfw i do both, run a company and made 550k neet bucks in january.
>things that aren't a binary equation

>> No.6740434

>Manages to sleep with fatties and butter face sluts after buying them dinner.
>Imagines himself as Alpha male.
Please teach me the MGTOW lifestyle anon. I can't imagine having to move out of my parent's house and having to put in the effort in to attract a quality woman.

>> No.6740660
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You know anon, there are attractive females with good jobs out there. I know it's very scary to go out and look for them though, so I understand if you need to stay in the womb for another 10 years.

>> No.6740702


Hey buddy

IBM announced their partnership with stellar and it hovered around 3-5 cents for months

I shilled EVERYBODY, and nobody gave a fuck, despite IBM being one of the largest players in fintech on EARTH (you know, the planet that we live on).

So, I made a few hundred thousand dollars on it, with money i borrowed with my excellent credit score.

Then there's NEO, a coin that was/is OBVIOUSLY better than Ethereum, in almost every way, and even pays dividends. You still won't buy it, even though it's going to do ANOTHER 10x this year, and it requires absolutely no luck or even that much research.

It's fairly obvious which coins will moon (buying XRP at 20 cents when they had the backing of the biggest jews on earth was easy, although against my personal morals so i did not), most people just do not have the tenacity to hold through the volaitlity

tl;dr I got rich off crypto and it wasn't that "hard", just incredibly emotionally painful. so i guess it was hard, but not difficult in the manner you think. You sound like a faggot NoCoiner.

>> No.6740964

>people actually believes this shit
That's how pyramid skeems get people in

>> No.6741074
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>girls don't approach him