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6727244 No.6727244 [Reply] [Original]

>Euros wake up
>market turns green
>profit and gains for everyone

Why are Europeans so superior in trading and life in general?

>> No.6727326
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Euros were the ones selling the dump, dude. Now they're buying back in high. This is not superior trading.

>> No.6727746


this. ty europoors for being dumb

>> No.6727794
File: 18 KB, 189x250, 7BA8EDC3-B9A5-4910-B543-17FED07C9537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn’t acknowledge the 1.5k btc pump gifted from americans
Ya no problem brothers

>> No.6727818

Let's be honest. It was the Asians who pumped it this time.

>> No.6727826
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>Amerimutts lard out of bed into their industrial strength computer chairs
>pause to catch their breath
>market turns red and we go back to 11K

>> No.6727842

>burgers taking credit for everything
what a surprise

>> No.6727890
File: 70 KB, 614x389, 0EA81595-E8B9-4AD6-A87C-642294CF5B9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We took down the government. America will be crypto tax haven. We’ll try to keep it down as long as possible

>> No.6727952

It's just a coincidence retard
Whales don't give a flying fuck about timezones

>> No.6727978

Because we have health insurance. kek. Not like the burgers, eating fat die young. Hahahahaha

>> No.6728157

holy shit I didn't think about this eurofags btfo

>> No.6728317
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>> No.6728831
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See if ill save your ass in ww3 kiddo

>> No.6728878

ok as an eurofag i'll admit the pump happened during US time so it was them or the chinks.

>> No.6728881
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>> No.6728911

You guys boosted it 1k further, i think chinks dumped on us all

>> No.6728950

uncut dicks

>> No.6728967
File: 221 KB, 568x479, 1509304366493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European here, it was 5am euro time when the pump happened. You should thank the chinks.

Thanks wealthy chinaman.

>> No.6729298
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Americans are poor, especially since they can't enter ICOs, so they cant really pump the market much.

>> No.6729348

Whiter than you, Muhammad

>> No.6729389
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>Sell during the dip
>Buy back up during the rise
So you're saying Euros are bad traders?

>> No.6729595

Go back to /pol/

>> No.6730016
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>> No.6730058
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you didn't in ww1 and ww2, why would you now?

>> No.6730083


Well, Europeans are the lights of civilization and have created literally everything that was ever good and worthwhile in this world. The rest of the world is savage.

>> No.6730143

this tbqh. I thought the chinks were gonna dump, but guess not.

>> No.6730167
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> when you forget america is just an european colony

>> No.6730215

to all europoors: americans are the ones behind the computer youre using, also the internet, and the iphone you most likely dream about, meanwhile your governments are frantically fighting over "cultural protection" of such things as french / greek cheese because its the only thing you have to offer the world

>> No.6730279
File: 35 KB, 384x505, 1516222575611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all live in shitholes stfu and make money

>> No.6730287

Cute, but Cheryl's an absolute coal burner.

>> No.6730512

Actually it's the other way around. Uncle sam is the master of Europe since ww2.

>> No.6730930
File: 23 KB, 423x267, masterrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in a stable Scandinavian social democracy
>0.25 Gini coefficient
>paid education
>free healthcare
>overall high standard of living
>hot women everywhere
>immigration problems negligible compared to neighbouring countries
>transparent and efficient regulatory and legal environment
>little corruption
need I continue anons? Why not just give in and embrace the most succesful societal model in history?

>> No.6731040
File: 420 KB, 864x680, lehiroface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amerilards awake now
>market is trending down again

>> No.6731072
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, 38920572-50E8-4C71-A716-1EB7CB12DE30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t post those old as shit crappy wojaks.

>> No.6731637

Most of us are humble dudes just trying to make a living.
Please don't judge us by our government or media. They do not represent ordinary citizens anymore. Only corporate money.
As for the lard asses fuck them. I'm not fat. I have Chad abs.

>> No.6732256
File: 46 KB, 532x557, 3423423424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm your master" said the American puppet to the European puppet

The US isn't even the master of itself.

>> No.6732306

(((Uncle Sam)))
your country is a fucking zoo run by kikes, what exactly did you win again? good job amerifags for fucking up the entire planet for your jew masters!

>> No.6732313

Fucking kys.

>> No.6732982

>Live in scandi
>no job
>no education
>get 5k every month from state
>3k rent, food
>2k to crypto every month.
I'm doing good.

>> No.6732999

wtf you get 60k a year in NEETbux?

>> No.6733035

>5k neetbux

I assume you're not talking USD/EUR, if you are tell me your fucking secrets right now

>> No.6733049

Yeah, the amount you get is in the first 2 years as unemployed is decided by your previous pay, I got laid off at the right time.

>> No.6733121

USD circa, maybe 4,5k.

>> No.6733126

>tell me your fucking secrets right now
my name is Ahmet

>> No.6733191

Looooooool what a deluded individual.
Thanks for the chuckle.