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6723384 No.6723384 [Reply] [Original]

Tranfer fees
Market manipulation

They’re gonna pump the shit out of BCH

FUD aside, all the hardcore BTC peoples are bitching about transfer fees

>> No.6723420

Buy bitcoin then sell for bch after the pumps. Trust me man I'm gonna get more this way.

>> No.6723433

300k in may

>> No.6723447

BCH is gonna be left down in the dumps after LN goes mainstream. Go invest in other shitcoins or ethereum instead of this barely moving crap.

>> No.6723452


Yea you’re gonna get more of my BCH after it pumps to 8k overnight

>> No.6723461

A BCH Tether pump would be cool. Literally anything would be better than this stagnate shit. I'm up on BCH, but this shit needs to find a floor at .2 already ffs.

>> No.6723497

yes yes... please keep holding this stagnant shitcoin while all other alts pump up nice and fat

>> No.6723501



fucking scam

>> No.6723513

If only a BCH pump would actually happen. Been doing jack shit forever. How do you get added to coinbase and fucking crash?

>> No.6723538

Lightning cannot pretend to scale unless you have 100MB blocks. And Luke Jr says you don't need a block increase for decades so you will have to wait at least decades.

>> No.6723544

listen up cunt, if I want low fees to xfer I will use ETH or LTC long before I touch that scam coin.

>> No.6723556


>expecting a scamcoin bitcoin ripoff to be at .2


>> No.6723561


that's the reason why I'm holding my BCH

do any of you here really think the GDAX listing price of $9500 was a random thing?

>> No.6723566

I was below 0.1 before it was added to Coinbase. It is .15 now. Do you understand numbers?

>> No.6723575


It crashed with everything else

I’m amazed LTC is soing so shitty

When this shit first forked it was worth nothing and then shot up to like $300

I didnt buy because of wallet dramas on all the exchanges

Kicking myself for that.

Have a feeling big news story is gonna be “Bitcoin Cash?” after this thing rockets

>> No.6723587

LN is capable of billions of TX pr second...

>> No.6723600

But fees are higher on both ETH and LTC than on BCH. And LTC has Segwit so it won't ever amount to anything. The ETH choice at least makes some sense, but LTC? Really?

>> No.6723622

t. Brainlet

>> No.6723627

But to get 5 billion people on Lightning takes 330 years at 1MB blocks. At 100MB blocks it still takes 3 years. Without massive block sizes Lightning cannot help scaling.

>> No.6723630

when bch was forked it was .14
even after roger/jihan (2 of the largest whales) dumping btc and pumping bch combined with an undeserved coinbase listing its at .15
sounds like a shitcoin if you ask me

>> No.6723669

how big of blocks will it take for bcash to scale to 1 billion tx/sec consistently?

>> No.6723689

No kidding. It's almost like when the fork happened no one knew what the price should be so it fluctuated wildly for a month and a half before settling down. You realize that BCH is not even a year old and holds the #4 spot right? That is incredible. And if you judge coins by their current value rather than what their value should be you aren't a trader and you should get out before you lose everything.

>> No.6723698

i don't mind a slightly higher fee for a non hostile scam coin.

>> No.6723699

I thought we were in this together

>> No.6723726

im actually way up because i sold my free bch at 0.2 and since then 10xd that money
also bch is just a slightly improved version of btc, aka a piece of shit

>> No.6723735

You only need around 2000 transactions a second to match VISA. 1 billion transactions per second would be completely unnecessary. That being said you can still do Lightning on BCH you just don't share channels like you do with Segwit coin. So this question just indicates you are confused and aren't sure what you are asking.

>> No.6723754

Is this to rival LN? LN isn't useful outside of transactions. Onchain scaling that high would be far superior.

>> No.6723770

So you're choosing your investments because you're a soyboy whose feelings were hurt? SJW faggot.

>> No.6723809

BCH already has Cash Shuffle. It will soon have zk-snarks. It is capable of adding the zerocoin protocol and ring signatures. They are adding the old OpCodes to make it Turing complete and enable tokenization. And it does this all for a 1 satoshi/byte fee Name one other coin capable of this.

>> No.6723845

>thinking bch have any devs

just a bunch of chinks copy-pasta. just look at github new commit

>> No.6723846

>not hostile

>> No.6723851

you're either purposely dodging or missing my point. BCH will need FAR bigger blocks to scale the same as LN, while theoretically once LN is finally being used by a lot of people, the load on the mainnet will go way down.

>> No.6723856

Yeah but does it have its own money printer?

>> No.6723880

you sound exactly like a corecuck spouting off tech that nobody gives a fuck about
"muh LN" "muh snarks"

>> No.6723893

no not at all, you fucking retard. I am choosing non scam coins that aren't bound to fail because they are toxic as fuck,as proven by you lmao.

>> No.6723895


I can buy and use BCH right now.

On the eve of a government shutdown. A government that threatens outlawing all this shit anyway

>> No.6723903

They have Craig Wright, Gavin Andresen, Peter Rizun, Amaury Sechet, and Jeff Garzik and Mike Hearn have shown interest. The only big name they are missing is Vitalik Buterin and even Buterin prefers BCH to BTC.

>> No.6723943

shortsighted retards... Satoshis true vision, change 2 lines of code to scale. Gee, why didn't he think of that!? lol fucking retarded bcunts

>> No.6723963

bigger blocks are not sustainable. theyre a temporary solution, a bandaid fix.

>> No.6723969

was supposed to be at you
also nobody cares about those devs, they are old and slow
craig - done nothing
gavin - very few commits back when bitcoin was a baby, who cares
peter - didnt he make the failed project BU?
amaury - who?
jeff garzik - almost crashed the entire bitcoin network with faulty s2x code
mike - dont know much about him

>> No.6724016

>Blockstreams implementation of networkwide LN would take decades, it's vaporware anyway
>billions of transactions literally aren't necessary
>in the event they are LN is possible on BCH anyway

>> No.6724021

But they are. Also what you said doesn't fit the narrative if it did 2x would have happened.

>> No.6724022

You do realize can do Lightning on BCH, right? It's just a different type of Lightning, but it is the same concept and has the same exact efficiency. Please do your research. BCH matches BTC Lightning with its own version of Lightning.

>> No.6724048

>LN is possible on BCH anyway
i hate both coins but this is a frequently repeated lie. bch forked to avoid segwit. segwit is necessary for LN

>> No.6724059


Shilling something i cant buy tho

Was that like when satoshi put out the paper before pushing any code?

>> No.6724060

You can scale to Visa level on a computer that costs like $600. How is that not sustainable?

>> No.6724070

>LN literally running right now on both the testnet and mainnet
kek ok faggot

>> No.6724073


the thing is, even after it pumps I may not want to sell it, I mean realistically btc in its current form has no future, like it or not

>> No.6724107

the fuck are you on about, do you know what LN is?

>> No.6724125

Let's just say that's true. Why the fuck wouldn't Core scale up block size until LN is released? I wonder if it has anything to do with Blockstreams business model to sell sidechain products including specialized hardware. Or maybe the motive is actually far worse and crippling bitcoin was an attempt to axe crypto.

>> No.6724178

Bch has lost all momentum now. There is no direction or talk of evolutionary tech coming over the horizon. The marketplace is run by sockpuppets of whales, passing rigged trades from one hand to the other. I hold bch, but it is THE most precarious alt to be in right now, in my assessment.

>> No.6724183

No it fucking isn't. You can literally do payment channels on both chains right fucking now. The LN promised by Segwit is a fucking meme.

Where is network wide lvl 3 LN? Not payment channels.

>> No.6724186

I see how you move the goalposts when you realize you are wrong, so let's move them even further. Craig Wright worked with Dan Kleiman and these two are most likely Satoshi (its the only thing that explains Craig's massive BTC fortune). Gavin was literally handed the keys to BTC from Satoshi and he has created Graphene and a new method of synching to BCH that takes minutes not days so to say he isn't important is ludicrous. Peter moved to BCH since it was what he was trying to make anyways so this is irrelevant and if you watch his videos you can tell he knows more about Bitcoin than maybe even Satoshi. Amaury is the guy who created BCH and he is the one who added Cash Shuffle and is adding zk-snarks to the coin. As far as Jeff and Segwit2x most of the blame lies with Blockstream who had agreed to create S2x but then backed out after they got Segwit because they are dirty Jews who don't honor their word which left everyone else scrambling for solutions.

Finally the idea that ring signatures, zk-snarks, and the zerocoin protocol are tech no one cares about is mentally retarded as there are multiple coins whose main features are one of these protocols in the top 100.

>> No.6724205


Yea, its not live yet.

We’re talking about things that are happening right now in real life. You should put on some Metallica and go talk about your sci fi internet money over on reddit

>> No.6724213

yes it is doofy, stop trying to deceive retards
bch would have to implement something functionally identical to segwit to have LN
just because they would call it something else doesnt mean its not segwit

>> No.6724224

People will soon realize that bch is the true bitcoin. Its only a matter of time

>> No.6724246

No it is not. Segwit is necessary to share channels on Lightning. But you can still do Lightning on BCH. So with the BCH version of Lightning you have your own channel connected to each person you use Lightning transactions with while on BTC you use other peoples channels. The reason BTC needs shared channels is the massive fees. BCH doesn't need shared channels if the cost of opening a new channel is only pennies. Please do your research. Segwit Lightning is referred to as Level 3 Lightning and BCH Lightning is referred to as Level 2 Lightning.

>> No.6724253

He did think of that, that was always the plan, newfag

>> No.6724270

Because end game of crypto is IoT integration. You don't want your fridge burning out because it was struggling to mine 8mb blocks.

>> No.6724294

how am i wrong? i literally only care about the financial performance of a coin
bch has performed utterly terribly despite being propped up by roger/jihan and bitmain miners

i dont buy the theory that craig is satoshi
i dont care that gavin was "given the keys", he produced no code of note
and blaming jeffs failure as a coder on blockstream is just pathetic

and now you go and tell me that bch's strategy is to copy other coins tech in hopes of becoming relevant again
you are a fucking joke but by all means keep holding this piece of shit forever

>> No.6724311

Are you stupid enough to think that in order to use Bitcoin you have to be a miner? Is that serious? You don't even need to be a full node to use Lightning. Your fridge can use BCH so long as it can open a wallet which takes literally no data.

>> No.6724331

Its running right now you fucking retard. Sure you need a bit of balls and not be a massive faggot brainlet like you, but fucking live either way.
If you want to use your scam coin go for it, but the more you bcunts spread lies the more credibility you lose, if you had any left.

>> No.6724332

wrong again retard
you need to learn how channels actually work and how they cannot exist without the functionality of segwit
get rid of your negative assumptions about segwit and learn about what it actually does and how that enables payment channels

>> No.6724341

My arguements about bcash v core is causing my home to be on the verge of collapse.

>> No.6724361

No BCH's strategy is Satoshi's strategy. Become the one coin to rule them all by putting all features onto itself. If you look at the first papers for the zerocoin protocol they were meant to be applied directly to Bitcoin. So was Ethereum. Bitcoin was always meant to do everything. That was the point of extension blocks and the OpCodes.

>> No.6724407

he is the one who put the limit on in the first place, bcunt.

>> No.6724442


This is from Blockstream developers. This is why the BCH can't stand you Segwit supporters. You just make shit up. All Segwit does is allow the sharing of channels. But if fees are low and you don't mind using slightly more block space sharing of channels is irrelevant.

>> No.6724500
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Bitcoin Cash will destroy Bitcoin!

>> No.6724504

Would there be a reason to use LN if you couldn't open more than 1 channel?

>> No.6724509

Do you even know what Segwit does to signatures? Aside from block size that's literally the reason for the fucking fork! You can literally open payment channels on both chains, that isn't special. What Blockstream Core is trying to do is make the entire network run that way with centralized hubs.

Luckily they can't pull it off because this method of LN is vaporware and this system isn't opt in on Core. "Muh you can still transact on the blockchain". Technically yes, but not for $100s possibly $1000s in the future with extreme leadtimes. This removes every aspect of a cash system, with it instead being facilitated like a modern bank where a hub will settle on the blockchain every week or so. Absolute garbage.

>> No.6724510

look at the date on that article you disingenuous faggot
its accepted today that segwit enables payment channels

>> No.6724542

you do realize youre talking to someone who holds 0 btc
i am just against you trying to deceive people with your retarded "bch can have LN without segwit" nonsense

>> No.6724576

I don't really have an emotional investment in BTC of BCH. However from the arguments on both sides I can't help but feel exactly like Lutheranism vs Catholocism

If Catholics are corrupt and not following the word of god then by the premise of the Church and scripture they shouldn't be in charge, but since they were either;
>Lutherans are correct but God is wrong and doesn't exist because sects and herecy is not permissible even "in God's vision"
>Catholics are correct and Lutherans are filthy heretics who should have changed things from inside the system that God set up

same with bitcoin, if Satoshi truly was a far-seeing genius we believe in, you have to believe he set things up for BTC to auto-correct itself without pre-consensus forks and an infiniate amount of splintered factions claiming to be the "real" bitcoin on faith and muh holy whitepapers.

I personally think core's team is in bed with Jews doing Jewy things with Lightening and big banks but I also believe they can't sustain total domination for long if Satoshi was correct and Bcash is just different Jews jewing people that are wrong for the "right" reason.

>> No.6724603
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>fridge mining

>> No.6724656

They are but the goal is complete dominance. Make bitcoin great again pretty well sums it up.

>> No.6724680

You retards got dumped on by insiders.
The easiest way to scam someone is to separate them from the crowd, make them believe they're smarter than everyone else, then scam them. It's hilarious how you ignored the technologically superior competitor in the #2 spot. Thanks for buying the whale's bags for 4.5k while ETH has almost doubled in price since then!

>> No.6724700
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there’s been a bunch of good spirited technical debate in this thread, but the real question i have is:

Do you think the Coinbase app will automatically put Bitcoin cash on the top of the list if it becomes more expensive than bitcoin?

>> No.6724719

Sidechains are actually a better solution than LN. That's why they patented sidechains instead of LN.

>> No.6724766
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Its not nonsense, you don't even know what these things do and you're calling me a fucking liar. Everything about this divide is political. People in this thread arguing in favor of Cash are making technical arguments while people against are just attacking emotionally and aren't able to refute anything.

>> No.6724773

Streaming money. You can your internet provider per byte you download or your electric provider per watt you use. Also it lowers fees dramatically. Say I open a year long BCH Lightning channel with my bank. Then I only pay one fee for the year.

>> No.6724821

That's my point. Lightning has been available for years and you still don't understand. There are different types of Lightning and Segwit coin uses one while BCH uses another. I'm sorry but stupidity of this magnitude can't be helped, I did all I could to help you.

>> No.6724823

the irony is overwhelming considering that 99% of bch code pushes are straight copy/paste from core
once again, i have no dog in this fight
i just cant stand you pajeet bch shills

>> No.6724844

I completely agree. Ethereum is looking strong out of this and it is probably the only coin that can compete with BCH. Because of this shit it might actually win out entirely.

>> No.6724855

I think they go by hashpower.

>> No.6724856

go ahead and explain to me how segwit works and how it enables the btc version of LN
if you can adequately do that then youll realize halfway through why im right about bch LN

>> No.6724873

Bitcoin is an open source project.

>> No.6724898

Are you too stupid to argue for yourself?

>> No.6724918

If ETH doesn't do something about scaling this year, BCH will overtake it.

>> No.6724922

im demonstrating that you have no idea of the intricacies of the technicals which you are arguing

>> No.6724976

Yeah no shit there has to be a cap retard, do you honestly think a single never ending block is a good idea? As he said, you increase size based on demand and hardware capacity

>> No.6725010

>im demonstrating
By asking me to formulate your argument for you? Are you joking? Segwit removes signatures from transactions that way the transaction can be completed by non-owners of the BTC used in that transaction. This type of Lightning is only necessary if you don't have any block space and your fees are already high.

>> No.6725065

by forcing you to demonstrate that you dont know what segwit does and you dont know how LN functions
thank you

>> No.6725069

All the hardcore BTC people have been with BCH since the fork

>> No.6725072

All Segwit does is remove digital signatures from the transaction and moves them to an "anyone can spend" address. This is the functionality of Segwit for LN that allows you to bridge channels (still doesn't work). Considering a blockchain is a decentralized ledger of sequencing digital signatures and Segwit removes signatures from transactions, its questionable if BTC even fits this definition.

>> No.6725093

You still haven't made an argument yet.

>> No.6725491


Looks like he’s not going to

It’s official: BTC headed to 0 and BCH headed to 15k

>> No.6725548

i was waiting to see if this shitthread would get bumped again desu
anyways, ln requires the ability to refer to unsigned tx
i suggest you turds actually learn the tech instead of repeating catchphrases and lies
also i made six figures tonight on VEN and ARY
have fun with your shitcoin

>> No.6725571

This is not a discussion about what an end-user *can* do. It is about the top level of integration that the winning network will be capable of. Big blocks mean a chain had effectively removed itself as a contender for the title of most dominant network. If you are not already thinking on end game IoT integration, then you are a fucking normie in this game.

>> No.6725596


Lol, no you didnt

>> No.6725687
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What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6725721

lol fucking retard alert
go look at the BIPs that make up segwit
try actually learning a little bit about the tech before you try and debate
you absolutely pathetic piece of shit nigger

>> No.6725762


Lol you’re a lying faggot

You came into this thread and started arguing. Then you lost the argument and talking about how smart you were and then shilled two coins you claimed made you rich

You’re a pathetic lying faggot LOL

>> No.6725863

oooh look im being ganged up on by 3 retarded bch pajeets who have never read a BIP in their lives much less could even understand it but ya i "lost" the argument

i put 50 eth in ARY and it hit exchanges about 5 hours ago. do the math you little pajeet piece of shit

>> No.6725872
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jfc man. I miss 2017 /biz/

>> No.6725885

he actually used investopedia to learn about segwit lmfao. Now he will go on there to learn what a BIP is hahaha

>> No.6725957


I talk to a lot of weirdos on this website, but i can tell that something is genuinely really wrong about you in real life

>> No.6725963

I fucking defined Segwit here >>6725072
I linked the article because its a source besides myself that doesn't support the dumb fucking argument he made here >>6725548.

>> No.6725967
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Make it 4

>> No.6725984

Why not just link the BIP?

>> No.6726100


I'm not digging through repositories for you stupid faggots. Do tell me where I'm wrong though or where this source is incorrect.

>> No.6726292

2011 here, can confirm

>> No.6726455
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There are rumors with some evidence BTC is preparing for a U turn and will scale on chain, now all the BCH holders are panicking.

>> No.6726504

I want in too

>> No.6726514
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2012 here.
Fuck BS, fuck Core, fuck BTC.

>> No.6726531

That would legitimize Bitcoin Cash. Core would be seen as frauds if they increased block size now.

>> No.6726544

not an argument

>> No.6726617

> Core would be seen as frauds if they increased block size now.
Yeah but it's the only thing that will save BTC, so they'll use their N Koreans propaganda machine to convince people that's actually what they planned to do all along.

>> No.6726621
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I already made the argument here >>6725072

He and the other guy supporting Core haven't made a fucking argument at all...

>> No.6726695

>There are rumors with some evidence
what evidence

>> No.6726742

meant for >>6726544

People who support Core are afraid of hardforks. Increasing block size would panic people holding Core because they think HFs are some crazy thing and not totally normal upgrading based on consensus. Like I said doing so would completely nullify their argument on the scaling debate.

>> No.6726748

Do you actually care about what you talk about or do you just want to kill BTC in favor of bcash? This is an honest question. If BTC did everything bcash has done, would you ever go back to BTC?

>> No.6726770

No, because Segwit.

>> No.6726803

I said everything...

>> No.6726804

Someone who knew already in December Maxwell was fired also say it was part of paving the road for correcting the LN mess. BS also removed their team page from their site. There's also a shift in their censorship policy. Something is brewing.

>> No.6726831

What exactly has bcash done? Are you going to make a technical argument or is this just more politics?

>> No.6726855

> People who support Core are afraid of hardforks.
That was only an excuse. Everything presented as a technical reason by BS is really only a way to keep them in control over the project. The BTC holders are blinded with greed and are brainwashed, so BS will be able to change the narrative again as they have done before.

>> No.6726909

I'd like to see them try. They require consensus.

>> No.6726948

I'm trying to understand if its just politics for you. I'm saying if right now today bitcoin implemented the exact code bcash is running, would you ever use bitcoin again?

>> No.6726989

see >>6726909

>> No.6727129

why can't you just answer the question? I'm asking you personally, not about whether it is possible...

>> No.6727272

Blockstream is dead. Greg Maxwell was the master mind behind it, Adam Back was always more of a PR figure than anything else because he got quoted in satoshi's white paper. He never contributed with anything to the code, being it actual code or system architecture, or mathematical models, or anything whatsoever.
They will probably put Peter Wuille on his place.
Sansom Mow decided to con people with their "release of LN", which is nothing short of a fraud.
He also withdrew from the public greg maxwell's resignation for 2 months in order to dump their BTC at ATH, before releasing this and possibly buying back. (Oh charlie lee also had a very good timing when dumping his LTC, fantastic, and also fantastic he is a personal friend of sansom mow)
All of this might be a big sansom mow PR stunt since blockstream lost HUGE PORTION of their credibility in the way they destroyed bitcoin. Greg Maxwell leaves, and they soft-blame on him the blocksize doctrine, so they finally bite the bullet and increased it to 4 or 8 MB.
Suddenly they will say bitcoin cash is copying their roadmap. It might be the case that Greg Maxwell will come as external consultant (decentralization much?!) for related projects under a very convoluted "tech" problem to solve, using some neologisms and complicated terms in order to not to say it is a block increase.
Whichever the possibility, it is very clear blockstream is dead and has no condition to produce useful tech. Greg Maxwell got the fuck out of his own company and, whatever the scenario, it is definitely not good for them.

>> No.6727399

No, you don't understand Segwit transactions can never be removed from an immutable blockchain. Its not possible. Also whether or not I would go back to that chain or not if they just somehow magically became Bitcoin Cash is completely irrelevant the argument. Fucking "what ifs and fairy dust" are not of interest in this very important matter. This sophistry is despicable desu.

>> No.6727459


>literally any coin can be listed on cuckbase and instantly 10x
>chink scamcoin gets listed
>literally goes nowhere
>meanwhile a literal jewcoin created from thin air goes from .20 usd to $3, on pure speculation it will go onto shekelbase

really makes you think...

how shitty this fucking coin is
fuck off back to /r/btc faggots

>> No.6727637

Just like answer the question dude

>> No.6727704


>> No.6727766

>Bitcoin crashed 50% from ATH
>Still thinks it's better than other coins

You don't think. You're just a mindless brand chaser who assumes popular = good.

>> No.6727908

how fucking new are you?
Bitcoin is down 37% from its ATH
Bcash is down 53% in USD and 69% in btc from its ATH right now lol...

>> No.6727914

You can't reverse Segwit. Once you go down that road you can never come back. Segwit is irreversible and incompatible with non-Segwit versions of Bitcoin. So if you want to use the non-Segwit version of Bitcoin all you have is Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.6728057

> You can't reverse Segwit.
That was one of BS's tricks to shove and cement themselves into BTC.

>> No.6728071


>implying the only truly decentralized cryptocurrency from inception is a brand
>defends jihan fuck your mother if you want fuck wu and roger felon vers scamcoin

is bitcoin cash bitcoin, because they bought the .com and twitter handles of the "brand" then? what advantage does bitcoin cash have as a currency over litecoin or any other of the million shitcoins in existance?

are you gonna cry about muh blockstream? guess what homo, they don't own bitcoin. But it's clear who owns bitcoin cash. if you want to ride dicks about brand names, then why doesn't your shitcoin fuckoff and call itself something else? Nobody wants to use bcash. Nobody cares about it, other than those that feel like they're too poor to buy into bitcoin at this point. Nobody is ever going to use any fork of bitcoin for everyday PoS transactions other than pure autists and enthusiasts.

fun fact, alibabas servers host over 50% of bcash nodes.

back to plebbit with you

>> No.6728275

>is bitcoin cash bitcoin, because they bought the .com and twitter handles of the "brand" then? what advantage does bitcoin cash have as a currency over litecoin or any other of the million shitcoins in existance?
A couple of things. The Bitcoin twitter account has not changed hands, if it had you could provide us with evidence of that which you did not (which indicates you are making things up). You can also reverse the question and say is Bitcoin Segwit Bitcoin because they own the bitcoin.org website and kicked out all big block supporters fromt the development team so they could have their way without any competition? Then you say Blockstream doesn't own Bitcoin (which is true), but you say you know who owns BCH but BCH is a crypto-currency which means no one person can control it (I'm not sure how you can contradict yourself after literally one sentence, but you did). To answer what advantages BCH has over LTC the first would be higher transaction throughput and lower fees, the second would be no Segwit. As for advantages of BCH over all other shitcoins BCH is the only coin that is capable of having large enough blocks to incorporate all of the alt-coin features into itself, thus making the existence of all other coins meaningless. Speaking of riding dicks about brand names, if Segwit is incompatible with Bitcoin up until the point in time Segwit was implemented and is antithetical to Bitcoin's whitepaper why didn't you guys change the name of Bitcoin Segwit to Segcoin or something similar? What you guys did with making Bitcoin Segwit incompatible with Bitcoin is like me cutting off my kids head, sewing a horse's head on, and then saying that what remains is still my kid even though all I did was kill my kid. Do you not see the contradictions in what you are saying?

>> No.6728409

>As for advantages of BCH over all other shitcoins BCH is the only coin that is capable of having large enough blocks to incorporate all of the alt-coin features into itself, thus making the existence of all other coins meaningless

But will this ever be implemented? Great if it worked but would it be? Color coins?

>> No.6728628

>But will this ever be implemented?
I doubt they put all altcoin features on the coin, but they already are planning on adding zk-snarks and the zerocoin protocol. As for how it is done it depends on the feature. Zk-snarks needs to be done on extension blocks to protect the main chain from hidden inflation (the way BCH uses extension blocks actually makes it superior to all other zk-snark coins). Other protocols, like zerocoin, that do not have vulnerabilities that can harm the main chain are planned to be added through the script opcodes and wallet software. I'm not a developer so I can't speak specifically of which feature will be added in which way, but the basic rule is that extension blocks can do literally anything they are just complicated to implement so if possible they will instead use scripts and wallet software. But zk-snarks are still months out and zerocoin will be a months behind that. Also a lot of the features of alt-coins can be implemented onto Bitcoin Cash by outside developers creating applications. Its hard to say exactly how they will do it until it gets done and the only one they have begun work on so far is zk-snarks.

>> No.6729228

If you believe in conspiracy theories buy BCH. If you have good insight in altcoins go get some. If you hodler buy bitcoin. BCH is just overpriced coin which brings technologically nothing new to crypto world.

>> No.6729327

you are just ignorant. name one other coin that is trying to scale globally on chain. you cant

>> No.6729488

>scale globally on chain
there is no reason to scale globally onchain. Nodes can't handle this without protocol layers.

>> No.6729574

total bullshit.

>> No.6729817

total bullshit is to have every stupid penny transaction written on global ledger in petabyte database and verified over the world on enterprise hardware needed for this. This will never happen