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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6720414 No.6720414 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6720448

the FOMO is just beginning

>> No.6720452

Better fomo

>> No.6720480

It's been holding steady around the 11,500 range for a few days now. But it will drop eventually to around 8k

>> No.6720503

he sold expecting 8k. pfff aAHAHAHAWHWAH

>> No.6720511

you knew we were kidding, right? You kept at least one BTC I hope?

>> No.6720527

not if it breaks resistance at 13

>> No.6720529

Get left behind fag. 15k by Saturday back to 20k next week

>> No.6720532

Seriously, fomo into this now and we'll both make money

>> No.6720570
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>> No.6720572


>> No.6720589

Look at BTC's January 2017 graph its nearly identical and I think whales are following it. We're going to pump from the 20th to 21st then after its going to dip

>> No.6720595

P&D hodl /biz group were everyone profits, even during dips.
discord dot gg /QaXkMFs

>> No.6720608

If this happens I will unironically kill myself

>> No.6720612
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100k by april at minimum

>> No.6720634

Oh god. Fomoing into BTC would be the dumbest thing you could possibly do with your crypto money right now with the exception of throwing it into a confirmed scam coin. Actually, come to think of it BTC pretty much is a confirmed scam coin at this point isn't it?

>> No.6720639

always do the opposite /biz says
mfw I bought the ETH dip

>> No.6720646
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In two months...
Be careful anon

>> No.6720650


>> No.6720661
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>Shorted $25k with 50x leverage at $14k and closed at $9.5k
>Went $25k long with 50x leverage at $10k and closed at $12.5k

This has been an amazing fucking week.

>> No.6720675

ETH is following BTC right now. Thats really strange for a pump like this. WTF is going on?

>> No.6720693

>we're still down 48% from ATH
Literally not even going to close my short position.

>> No.6720706
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bad liar, you would have margin called insta with 50x

>> No.6720717

Banks are moving in for their long positions for the next round of futures.

Up and down, up and down. Doubledipping for as long as possible, before regulation sets in.

>> No.6720739

what if BTC is just following ETH at this point?
anyways they always mirror each other during situations like this, same thing must be happening with LTC for sure
bots run the entire market d e s u

>> No.6720746

The king is back and my portfolio is SAD.

>> No.6720749
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>> No.6720757

the fk are u talking about it didnt dip on the 20th - 21st of 2017

>> No.6720762

holy shiet you guys are new

>> No.6720781
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>> No.6720787

literally nothing
typical bitcoin volatility

meanwhile we're still on a monthlong downtrend.

>> No.6720792
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Sorry it was 2016

>> No.6720803

Tried first round with $5k and 100x leverage around $14k. Went up to $14.2k and liquidated my position before taking a dive. So I toned it down to $25k-50x for the next round.

>> No.6720816

That was just us scaring normies away tbqh

>> No.6720822

lmao keep holding those fiat bags

>> No.6720851

>meanwhile we're still on a month long downtrend.
speak for yourself btcuck, ETH barely dipped below january's opening during this shitstorm

>> No.6720858
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whats liquidation?

>> No.6720871


>> No.6720899

>pump now
>dump just in time for next round of futures (29th?)
literally how it's gonna play out

>> No.6720905


an equal amount of traders have to be short for every long. CME just sells the contract. There is equal incentive to drive price in either direction of the settlement price.

Explain how these futures favor one or the other direction?

>> No.6720907

lol BTC about to hit 12.5k, 8k my ass. enjoy FOMOing back in when everything is at a 50% premium. this is why you never pull out during a consolidation lmfao.

>> No.6720913

It's when the angry BitMexican man comes along and says "you lost. give me your bitcorn".

>> No.6720914

looks like ETH can go to around 1400 before hitting serious sell walls. Am I correct? is this actually pumping right now or am I getting dumped on in like 5 minutes lol

>> No.6720946

ah, makes more sense now. good catch.

>> No.6720956


>> No.6720976

It goes from 20k to 11k in a matter of days and you're here shilling that it's going to rebound upward again. LMAO @ U. This shit is going to keep falling for the next month or two. Once it hits 8k it will start to rebound.

>> No.6721021

Its fucking dumping damnit.. I knew this shit was fake. FUCK

>> No.6721051

it went from 20k to 11k to 16k in a matter of days. it didnt consolidate at 11k you stupid faggot. only recently has BTC gone down like this and theres a ton of reasons why that happened. lol, you're a moron. have fun sitting on the sidelines while the market recovers. sounds like you panic sold when BTC hit 9k and now are desperately wanting it to go down so you can reposition yourself. sorry buddy, you had your chance.

>> No.6721067

Sell now and buy in 3 minutes when it's at $12.5k again.

>> No.6721074

lol step away from the screen for a minute

>> No.6721075

i dont think its generated enough momentum to test new highs yet. but it will eventually, be patient. and if it dips just means you can buy more cheap coins. no biggie.

>> No.6721094

>400m tether
nothing personal kid

>> No.6721097

it went from 12.4k to 12.25k, how is that dumping you brainlet. fuck i swear you guys are the most ADHD faggots ive ever seen.

>> No.6721099

this is not some shitcoin we are talking about here
when it pumps, it really does

>> No.6721119

Their impatience is our bread and butter. Don't cuddle the retards.

>> No.6721128

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.6721143


>> No.6721157

You're everything wrong with /biz/. Telling people to buy now when it's clearly going to tank further. BUY HIGH SELL LOW, the /biz/ way thanks to faggots like you. Don't listen to this cunt, wait for the inevitable drop to ~8k.

>> No.6721170

BTC is a shitcoin. I am in ETH right now.

>> No.6721236

>wait for the inevitable drop to ~8k.

That shit's cancelled. If we were going to hit $8k, it would have happened two days ago. We'll likely bounce between $12-13k for a while now.

>> No.6721238


im not telling anyone to buy anything faggot, im saying you're stupid if you sold while it was consolidating around 11k-12k. thats the most risky shit you can do because it could go either way, and now it broke through 12k like butter. wait tell burgers wake up and FOMO into BTC.

>> No.6721241

Tell us more about what you see in the tea leaves

>> No.6721268

I'm listening to a nocoiner like you. TA is litterary useless now

>> No.6721288

Also, do you have a short position, or are you sitting in fiat/tether?

Because then I'd understand why you're so assblasted about the slow recovery.

>> No.6721290

Burned again its a fucking pump and dump. get out

>> No.6721292

agreed, I was talking about ETH

>> No.6721351

>clearly going to tank further
yeah, especially after breaking that resistance

>> No.6721391

This was just a ploy to catch people in a FOMO before it crashes down further.

>> No.6721411

You've already proved that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, so just shut the fuck up. Go find a Tron thread to play in.

>> No.6721419

lol youre a fucking idiot. how is it a PND? its consolidating around 12.3k-12.4k. god i swear you guys are the dumbest fuckers ive ever seen.

>> No.6721456


>> No.6721462

so if you go margin and you get liquidated you lose all the amount you put in funding + margin?

>> No.6721498

Yes, but don't fucking go long now. Way too fucking risky.

>> No.6721504
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How long do you guys even think bitcoin will stay king? Now that normies know about alts n shit

>> No.6721634

bitcoin is what normal people know about. altcoins are too confusing. It's why people buy meme shit like tron. You won't hear stephen colbert talking about vechain or neo.

also wtf is going on why is bitcoin shooting up all of a sudden

>> No.6721648
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thank you for sharing your knowledge anon

>> No.6721686

Yes. There are a lot of people who entered in the 1200 range who are holding.

>> No.6721692

Those who bought, bought
Those who didn't, GOT FUCKED

>> No.6721745

>bitcoin is what normal people know about. altcoins are too confusing.

Lets be clear, this pump is a brought to you by tether. Its not normies, its not because "muh coin is best" its because tether. And it can and probably will dump hard as fuck as soon as it peaks.

BTC is dead, has been dead for ages, will never not be dead and anyone who says otherwise is part of the problem.

>> No.6721748

Why do you lie on the internet anon?

>> No.6722076

So many idiots listening to TA charlatans

>> No.6722114

.t alt shitcoin portfolio

lmfao at ur life

>> No.6722253

I made more than you this year and last year too.

>> No.6722296


>BTC is dead says increasingly nervous man

>> No.6722309

>Panic selling during the annual January recession

lmfao'ing at your life

>> No.6722347
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You thought it was going to drop more than 50% from its ATH in a month? Where did you think the floor was? Be happy that its 10k and buy accordingly
>inb4 crypto is a scam and could drop to 0 at any moment

>> No.6722364

cool post your net worth, i'll post mine right after

>> No.6722378


>> No.6722432

bitcoin waits till i'm alseep before it does anything then tanks or pumps the market wrecking alts

i missed the dip
i'm not buying back in
i'm done

>> No.6722435

I am 100% convinced that BTC gains are dead as fuck. It would have to hit 30k by the end of the month to have been a good hold to compete with alts.

Anyway fuckit the pump is still going.

>> No.6722508

bitcoin used to be steady, it would go up or down in a fairly predictable manner. now it just jerks around sideways for a while then suddenly shoots up or down in a few minutes when you're not looking and then goes back to sideways. its retarded. easy money is done.

>> No.6722509
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you were instructed to HODL

>> No.6722510

I was heaily invested in EOS Steem ADA XRP and ETH last year. You bled out the entire time. You made zero profit if you HODLed any BTC after 19k. heh

Percentage gains poorfag

>> No.6722611

it went up $1000 in 20 minutes
your eyes have to be glued to the charts at all times. you can't even take a shit or do some grocery shopping without coming back to find btc in COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PLACE with your alts fucked weither way whether btc goes up or down.

i blame this futures bullshit, things were normal before that. why even allow this garbage when it ruins the market anyways. fucking futures fuck off.

>> No.6722654

i make $250k/year from my job. like, i said, post your net worth then i'll post mine. unless you're afraid, nigger.

>> No.6722722
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its all going according to plan but it wont reach 13k

>> No.6722723

Thanks for bleeding out though bro. Its like you paid extra taxes for everyone else. Your a cool guy. Thanks for the free money! You probably fed some kids in china with that bleedout.

>> No.6722754

here we go were hitting the 9k ill bet 1 btc per person

>> No.6722821


Maybe this is your first market cycle, or maybe you have a very short memory, but I will give you one word of advice and you can take it or leave it. Altcoins are for trading. Bitcoin is for holding.

>> No.6722846

Sure kid

>> No.6722910


You insecure wagecuck. I've been self employed my entire life. I've had years where I made more than you, and years where I made less than you, but I always had my dignity so I will always be richer than you

>> No.6722911

Your hubris will be your downfall, but good luck.

>> No.6722953

Also if you didn't hold bitcoin last year you were a superior investor. Objectively as well.

>> No.6722980

and yet here you are getting all worked up, even with that alleged 250k job your life sucks

>> No.6723004

The question is, how close to 13k will it go? Is it time to just get out now?

>> No.6723025

its done man this is the down trend that will hit 9k

>> No.6723029
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>> No.6723180

I didn't think it would pump before it went down again. Damnit!

>> No.6723219

150k end of February
Get in faggot

>> No.6723245

And here we go. Another dollar another lesson.

>> No.6723252

Holy shit you didn't!

>> No.6723261


>> No.6723335

if they just continue to short BTC they will destroy the cryptospace and ruin their cash cow.

They have every incentive in the world to keep this ecosystem alive. They will alternate running short and long. If you can't comprehend how this is profitable to wall street I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.6723362

I am never going to fomo ever fucking again. I dont give a shit what I am seeing. I spent the last 3 days waiting for BTC to take another shit and stupidly FOMO in spite of KNOWING this was going to happen AND I FUCKING DID IT ANYWAY!!! FUCK!!

>> No.6723373
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head and shoulders??

>> No.6723389

haha did you buy into the whale wall and not sale at the top?

>> No.6723413

Yes. Don't think this pump has much steam left. It didn't break key resistance of 13k.

>> No.6723438

LOL where the fuck is the head and shoulders on this pic? And what is this??? The 5 minute candles?

LOL jesus christ this board is becoming so fucking retarded

>> No.6723456

Worse I got in after watching for a long time telling myself not to fomo over and over again. Then as soon as I decided to say fuck it went sideways, and dipped. Freaked out because I knew I fucked up sold at a tiny loss. Then saw it go up again bought in again and sold at a pretty decent loss.

I am a fucking moron. My original plan was to wait for the dip buy the bottom and short. lol

>> No.6723485

Nice you made the same mistake twice in a row. I'm sitting on the sidelines because I expected a break down not up.

>> No.6723489

You are way too emotional for this game. Maybe you should stick to stocks or bonds.

>> No.6723511

But if its going to do head and shoulders I imagine it will go up again right? Then drop.

>> No.6723519


>> No.6723548

Or maybe I just need to fucking learn. I am still pretty newish. Bear markets are hardmode for this shit. Last year was a HODL fest.

>> No.6723650

looks like head and shoulders might form now. You guys realize this is maybe the last days of seeing BTC above 10k. This must be brutal for the BTC peeps like that 250k a year guy.

>> No.6723713
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Why the fuck do you keep posting when you've already admitted to being a know-nothing idiot?

I'd rather take financial advice from a golden retriever than take advice from you.

>> No.6723715

Do we have the Asians to thank for this tonight? I hope my fellow Americans do not dump tomorrow when they wake up. But I fear the will, because they're limp-wristed faggots.

>> No.6723794

>He sold the dip at its lowest point

>BTC surges ahead like 600 dollars

"This is a really bad indicator guys. Really bearish! Soon BTC will plummet down over 4000 dollars so I can buy in at a price lower than I sold at because i'm impulsive with weak hands."

"Look heres some TA of a head and shoulders!!!"

>> No.6723891

I feel safer admitting mistakes when I am around people who are even way worse off. Like those BTC bros who think the king is back every 5 seconds and are literally bleeding the fuck out at all fucking times.

I lost like 60 bucks, that 250k a year guy, Hes going to lose thousands in the next few days LOL

>> No.6723992

You're way too emotionally attached to this shit. I don't like BTC either, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to profit off of it whenever it goes up.

You're just standing on the sideline screaming at everyone else making money. Or worse, buying high and selling low.

>> No.6724009

Head and shoulders using 5 minute candles without looking a volume, yeah sure buddy. These bears are getting desperate, but will fomo in soon.

>> No.6724087

He sold the dip and now hes screaming at people and using TA astrology to try and say BTC is going to plummet 4,5000 dollars soon to a new all time low so he can buy back in lower and vindicate himself.

Because, you know... that's somehow a likely outcome in his mind. It doesn't have anything to do with the wallstreet futures or anything.

Heres a reality check. We are now 1,000 under our pre-crash average, and 4,500 above your target of 8,000 crashfags. What do you think is most likely about to happen?

Also word of advice, the next futures are long. They are going to alternate to keep this alive as long as possible.

>> No.6724146

toppest kek. this is exactly what's objectively going on here.

>> No.6724328
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>> No.6724414

>He sold the dip and now hes screaming at people and using TA astrology to try and say BTC is going to plummet 4,5000 dollars soon to a new all time low so he can buy back in lower and vindicate himself.

Following current trends is a stronger argument than your unlikely scenario for a kind of long term fomo into a dead coin. I also bought the dip on ETH and sold for an ok profit before it went sideways. And now I am waiting to get a better long position. which means I need a solid dip, which is likely to happen based on current trends if you zoom out.

You consider TA astrology but you made up a crazy scenario where BTC is going to sky rocket above 13k and stay there even though its been doing this shit consistently for the last month +. It gets a bump goes sideways and trashes the entire fucking market on the fucking way down. Bitcoin is not going to go up, there is no actual reason for it to do so. FOMO or not, if it does go up its not going to stay there.

BTC will be 10-11k by Monday at the highest. And I am going to scoop up that 800+ ETH.

>> No.6724450

you'll be closing that short before monday

>> No.6724465
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that is what happened today between 6 and 9 am or so...i was fucking disgusted.

>> No.6724575

Dude what you’re posting is proof that it hit the reload zone, V bottomed and has nothing but clear sky’s ahead.

>> No.6725468

>We'll likely bounce between $12-13k for a while now

this. if it breaks resistance above 13k then all the way to 16k. I bought at 16k :D