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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 200x200, funfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6721587 No.6721587 [Reply] [Original]

why don't people like funcoin? it seems like a great idea, as you rely on trusting online sites that they wont screw you over, funfair would stop this.

>> No.6721636


the thing is that everyone is in funfair. everybodu who did serious reading is in it.

i catch myself fudding Fun often when i feel needing more in my bags.

damn did i broke the conditioning ?

>> No.6721702

I actually made a few grand once on an online casino. I had to use askgamblers.com to essentially force the casino to pay me, because they just refused and kept delaying things for almost a month. This coin has a very practical use. I actually fear the powers that be may try to shut it down because of the fact that they are able to profit tremendously when they are unable to pay people.

>> No.6721727


funfair is basically the mascot of biz (maybe 2nd to LINK). there are always like 4 100+ fun meme threads when its mooning hard.

>> No.6721744

Logo and name are so unprofessional, looks like a normal pajeetcoin

>> No.6721796


you see, this guy is probably highly in Fun and feel like he need more so he is saying general bullshit fud things.

gotta be fun

>> No.6721797

Hopefully one day we can organize a /biz/ funfair casino and play a few hands of poker against each other.

>> No.6721826

It looks like a poker chip you mong

>> No.6721840

Pretty new to crypto (like 1 week new) and I´m afraid to buy it because it is so shilled here. How do I avoid perditious pajeet schemes?

>> No.6721866

yeah like, i dont gamble but i know theres a lot of scams so I was really surprised when people shit on it, if it becomes normalized that might make it moon.

>> No.6721908

If it’s shilled this often hold for 2-4 months and you’ll be fine

Avoid threads for coins that are never shilled but all the participants in the thread act like it is - those are pump n dumps

>> No.6721916
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1515101952959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For one, it wouldn't have such high quality memes if it was a pajeet shilling operation.

Either way if you are making investments solely based on overall sentiment on biz you are going to be investing in kneepads very soon. dyor

>> No.6721942

>If it’s shilled this often hold for 2-4 months and you’ll be fine

You mean buy and hold or dont buy at all for 2-4 months?

My starting capital is pretty low - just 200$ for fun

>> No.6721948

Discord giveaway biz, don't have to engage in chat, just join to be able to participate $500 - $250 -$100...

discord dot gg /QaXkMFs

>> No.6721971
File: 335 KB, 600x600, 1515103549974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>investing in FUN after Q2 when you can right now

*breathes in*


>> No.6721983

Buy and hold until it moons to $1
I started with $9 in link did this now holding 600 fun
Starting capital doesn’t matter what matters is consistent 10x. Do it 6 times for 1,000,000. All about the math

>> No.6722033

Yeah and it looks fucking stupid

Paint-tier logo

>> No.6722046
File: 343 KB, 1000x1000, A8E3E940-CDD5-4721-97B5-8FD5F0CBDB0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paint logo

>> No.6722057
File: 16 KB, 400x400, iiH5nk2M_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6722074

Yet another erc20 shitcoin.

>> No.6722097

i like this logo

>> No.6722111

It’s a fucking power ranger

>> No.6722145

Someone explain how the circulating supply could result in this being worth anything significant?

>> No.6722177

Something about token burning

>> No.6722208

But anon just get in for the moon mission the exchange value is worth at least $1 you don’t have to hold onto it forever. I admit the memes aren’t LINK tier yet but link was at 40c when the meme magic happened

>> No.6722225

If you're not in FUN you are fucking retarded

>> No.6722269

i like powerrangers

>> No.6722330
File: 50 KB, 684x490, 16204f9b14654b07a6ab214f8883711b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They will valuate like crazy when the dapp games are launched. If you are too much of a brainlet to understand the flowchart, a portion of the tokens involve with a game are burned at the end of a session. I'd check the roadmap before you miss mainnet launch.

>> No.6722519

Just spend 10$ and buy yourself 100 coins so you can meme with the boys in the threads.

>> No.6722558

>why don't people like FUN
Only people who don't like it are upset they're in some shitcoin that isn't constantly comfy

>> No.6722616

I shill this coin when i have it in my bag and i fud it when i dont. right now i am waiting for it to get lower so


>> No.6722623

I'm stuck in fun cuz i bought the peak... Lol

>> No.6722640

Stupid website, stupid name, clickbait ticker. It's like you want to give away your money buying this pajeetcoin

>> No.6722680

Casinos have to hoard it. Tokens burn. 4 billion dollar marketcap is very achievable which is like more than 5x gains or something from right now.

>> No.6722847

shitcoin if your looking for a moon mission
buy in sometime in feb

>> No.6722946


>> No.6723299
File: 4 KB, 282x179, magnified_brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stupid website, stupid name, clickbait ticker
>these are some truly good arguments, don't need to talk about the use cases for this coin

>> No.6723727

Bumping a solid thread

>> No.6724052

What's next for the platform exactly?

>> No.6724295
File: 192 KB, 736x783, FUN_Ranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be all you can be, son

>> No.6724336

> still accumulating

>> No.6724926


that's not even the current logo you retard, they already went through 2 re-brandings

>all star team made up of white brits and casino industry insiders

learn the meanings of words before you use them you literal retard

>> No.6724966
File: 326 KB, 517x768, 1515943877615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funcoin is too capitalistic for the socialistic redditors browsing the board.

>> No.6725187


yes I'm a brainlet but I'm curious, what the fuck is this?

>> No.6725598
File: 732 KB, 879x1020, FUN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means every time there is a game played some of the coin is taken out of circulation
meaning every time a game is played the price of FunFair goes up

>> No.6725601

Part of the fun gets destroyed with the fees for about 2 years.

If mass adoption takes place that will mean we will have a lot smaller supply by then.

>> No.6725759

The developer created the FX chip for the first fucking Star fox, tell me that isn't FUN?

>> No.6725918

I think you mean the SuperFX chip for the SNES? He then went on to create StarFox, which utilized said tech.

>> No.6725925

But what happens when it runs out

>> No.6725992

We all selll our bags by then

>> No.6726063

have a look at this post >>6725601
it probably won't

>> No.6726087


>> No.6726147

Because people would rather invest in Vapourware that has no fucking value other than a website and a Whitepaper.

But hey, as long as it sounds cool as fuck people will invest in it. I think that's why people don't seem to buy into FunFair. It's not 'exciting' to them.

2018 will be the year that Alts need to start delivering practical results. Otherwise all that Vapourware garbage is gonna crash and burn.

>> No.6726788

lol you're gonna get burned so bad one day

>> No.6726896

It is theoretically impossible for FUN to "run out" via the burn mechanism since it burns FUN proportional to what is played, it doesn't burn a fixed number of FUN per game.