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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6717465 No.6717465 [Reply] [Original]

What's the dumbest /biz/ shit you have done?

>spend a ton (for me) on crypto 9 days ago
>can't use it cause BTC tanked as soon as I bought it

I feel like everybody on /biz/ is scooping up cheap bags left and right and I'm stuck holding mine

>> No.6717498

just be patient, you'll live

>> No.6717501

Lmao this guy's pic will be used for years to come on /biz/, insane

>> No.6717563

most of the people here lie about their portfolio to boost their own self-esteem. im not gonna advise to make any investment choices; all i can say is that do your research, and never invest more than you can loose.

>> No.6717579

bought crypto knowing that tethers are counterfeit. still haven't cashed out. probably won't in time.

>> No.6717589

in 2015 I bought a bitcoin lanyard for .2 btc.

So yeah, that lanyard is more expensive than most of the watches the kids at my college flex all the time

>> No.6717764

Oh I'm here for the long ride. I'm holding till I made some decent profit now

>> No.6717898

He is us we are him you know what i mean brudda

>> No.6718075

you can do it man cash the fuck out

>> No.6718085

Just made a post about it.

didnt write my 2fa keys down and my phone jewed me now im locked out of all accounts.

Got one of them back so far still 5 more to go.

>> No.6718122

>spent 200$ as a poor student on a Chinese scam coin

>> No.6718391

did your phone reset itself, I keep my passwords in a 15 year old laptop that never connects to the internet

>> No.6718507

Yea and reset every app in the process

>> No.6718554

use Authy

>> No.6718556

buy 700k trx at 250-300 sats and proceed to watch it 7x in a week but I didn't want to hold onto it cause I was dealing with mememas

>> No.6718672

Not being patient = lost out on around 50k from a 500 dollar investment. Be patient folks.

>> No.6718715

My blockfolio is x10 what it actually is

That way when a hot girl in the gym sees me looking at my phone every 30 seconds and decides to take a sneaky peak they won't know I'm poor.

>> No.6718744

This. If you're up, be patient.

IF you want to be safe, take out the initial from your profits but dont sell all

>> No.6719114
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>and reset every app in the process

>> No.6719127

i bought $FAZ in 2010, lost $5k

>> No.6719203

I beat and raped a girl after she stole $4600 from me. I spent 6 years in Corcoran.

>> No.6719206

kek not a bad idea

>> No.6719291

Jesus christ there's some real savages on /biz/. Did you get your money back at least?

>> No.6719386

Nope. She died a week after my sentencing. OD'd on heroin, fucking bitch.

>> No.6719465


Used eth to buy my nano ledger s. Cost me about $15,000 usd

>> No.6719474

fuck. didnt a canadian girl just get 6 years for murdering her friend. should've gotten 6 months at most

>> No.6719630

There were other charges aside from just rape. I got aggravated battery, because I stabbed her with a pen. I also broke a few of her ribs, a finger, and her jaw.

>> No.6719721

>>spent 200$ as a poor student on a Chinese scam coin

>> No.6719805

swing trading in sideways markets is easy but if it starts mooning and you miss the boat then it can hurt

>> No.6719830

>bought 12 btc for 900eur total
>spend it all on darknet

>> No.6720017

god damn. never let these bitches near your money. don't trust them

>> No.6720052

i bought into the bancor ICO

>> No.6720121

Bought fucking dbc at 63 cents like a retard

>> No.6720140

you deserve to die
the fact youre still able to post online proves the US legal system is a joke

>> No.6720236
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Thieves deserve to die. She got what was coming to her. Only thing I regret was BTC wasn't around for me to invest in before I went in so I could come out rich.

>> No.6720248

What, he admitted it was a mistake, in fact according to the OP, the dumbest mistake he ever made.

>> No.6720278

I also do regret spending most of my 20s in prison, but hey, that's life.

>> No.6720288
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you bought tron didn't you?

>> No.6720289

actual rapists do not belong in our society
degenerates deserved to be purged

>> No.6720323

I raped her to take something away from her the way she took something away from me. I don't just go about raping without a good reason. Come on, have a little faith.

>> No.6720360

Spotted ETH @ 97 cents - $1.02 in late 2015.

Dumped at $10-$11 after DAO hack.

But am almost making up for it with NEO, NXS, etc.

>> No.6720393

Actually I take it back. Rape anon is clearly full of shit.

>> No.6720458


>> No.6720464

This this this. Up 7 figures, would be up more if I just fucking held.

>> No.6720517

as a female it triggers me that you're part of the biz community

>> No.6720552

I'm holding bros. Fuck selling at a loss even to make gains on shit coins

>> No.6720662

Thats nice, hon. You're in a community full of pedos, drug addicts and degenerates and you're triggered by what I did in particular. Ok.

>> No.6720683

>Take something away
Was she a virgin or something?

>> No.6720726

>trade all my btc for Koinye-West coins 5 years ago

>> No.6720778

roasties btfo lmao

>> No.6720926
File: 66 KB, 376x245, 1236857110105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me in college fucking YEARS ago
>Make a bitcoin wallet for buying drugs on onionmarkets
>Join a bunch of bitcoin faucets
>Mine for coin caus using grandma's electricity (lol)
>Paranoid as shit that I'm going to get caught with my bitcoins and it's dirt money and I'll get federal rape prison for CP even though I'm just using it for drugs
>Encrypt the fucking SHIT out of the flash drive my wallet was stored on, long ass password and keyfile using my favorite image of mai waifu
>No joke probably has at least 30 BTC on it which wasn't a lot at the time at all so didn't give a shit about it
>Forgot the long ass password I used for it
>Hard drive with the favorite image of mai waifu is dead so the keyfile image is lost
>I'm 27 now and every few months I plug the flash drive into my computer and try my best to guess the password and plug in the image downloaded from different sources hoping they match the data of the image I used for the keyfile

It hurts, guys.

>> No.6721144
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could've easily been me but fuck dude that's awful

>> No.6721176

That sucks, OP, use it as a lesson. Learn to watch the charts and when is a good time to buy in and when is not (pro tip: if shit just jumped up really high, it's not a good time to buy in)

>> No.6721234

keep at it man, i believe in you.
lost about the same amount. bankruptcy.
do not store on the exchange.
also bought LTC at ATH and sold a months later at near ATL
things could be so different now

>> No.6721297

FOMO bought 50 LTC @$300. Went up to almost $400 then dropped to 225 by the time they hit my wallet. ETH was under $700 at the time. Should have bought 20 ETH. Only have 10 now.

>> No.6721350
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Worst part is I didn't use it for hard drugs or anything. I got fucking WEED off it. I don't drink or do anything serious, I just liked relaxing while studying with a few puffs to keep stress away and focus. Now I can just get it fucking delivered to me from Craigslist no problem.

Thanks. I'll keep trying. It's a password I came up with even if it was stupidly long and probably a combination of 3 or more passwords I use on the regular. The only problem is if the keyfile doesn't match it's not like I'll have confirmation that the password string is correct.

This thread has made me want to try again. Guess I'll waste another few hours trying this.

>> No.6721429
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>> No.6721582
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Learned my lesson pretty fast. Also watching this comfy thread checked blockfolio and nothing but green. Nice.

same reason why I didn't get into BTC early on. I was scared of the fbi coming for me cause I had tor browser

>> No.6721762

fuck fomo is a bitch at least you still have 10 I only have .5 ETH

>> No.6721783

What the fuck is with retards going high risk into investments without knowing jack shit about it?

Why did you invest in cryptocurrencies? Why Bitcoin? What do you think BTC offers that secures it's value? Why do you think it has value to grow? What even is a Bitcoin?

I swear, this mania is hilarious. People with no idea about a subject just flock to it trying to get rich quick, then when things don't work out IN 9 FUCKING DAYS, they panic.

I'm really starting to understand the point of finacial advisors.

>> No.6721855

Discord giveaway biz, don't have to engage in chat, just join to be able to participate $500 - $250 -$100

discord dot gg /QaXkMFs

>> No.6721871
File: 82 KB, 494x332, 1509077422949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost 0.25 BTC because of the coinsmarkets exit scam

>> No.6721990

send to data recovery clean room ninjas. That's a third of a million dollars, I think it's worth the expense.

>> No.6722219

You should write a Python script or something to do a rainbow table of possible combinations and styles of passwords you think might work, and see if you can crack it. Bet it wouldn't be hard, I'm sort of a programming brainlet though but even I could do that for >$300k

>> No.6722271

Naw dude they're totally just moving servers

>> No.6722366

I'd make it for him for half a bitcoin :^)

>> No.6722482

thanks for the bump bot faggot

>> No.6722515

>bought 9 days ago

It was 14k , dipped to 10k and back to 12k

and you say it tanked

damn this is normie tier, you have a lot to learn.

>> No.6722585
File: 168 KB, 738x706, def.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the dumbest /biz/ shit you have done?

Trusted Carlos

>> No.6722818

let me meme in peace

>> No.6723015

sent 4k in XMR without a payment ID to an exchange
got it recovered eventually