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6702871 No.6702871 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously? The latter installments have winter crops?

The whole fucking POINT of winter for it to be a season of rest. A season to get to know your town, your animals, your loved ones. To take a break, reflect, and enjoy the fruits of your labor from earlier that year.

Fucking ADD bastards forced Natsume to create winter crops cause they cant just sit back and appreciate the wonder that is Winter.


>> No.6702904

Where can i buy this coin?

>> No.6702964

>The whole fucking POINT of winter for it to be a season of rest. A season to get to know your town, your animals, your loved ones. To take a break, reflect, and enjoy the fruits of your labor from earlier that year.

Fall had no crops either. I would just feed my animals the hay and talk to the bar girl

>> No.6702978

I usually end up with a greenhouse pretty early and end up raising crops anyway, but you're right. It messes up winter as a unique season in the game.

>> No.6703011
File: 426 KB, 447x652, Elli_BTN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Elli is best girl.

>> No.6703021

Just sleep until spring

>> No.6703048

Is nothing sacred anymore and why are greenhouses not good enough? But I suppose this happens with every game series. Eventually they run out of legitimate ideas (because holding anything back means less sales) and have to go with the "creative" route i.e. the "this doesn't fit at all with previous themes, but fuck it we can't come up with anything better" move. WoW expansions in a nutshell.

>> No.6703056

That ginger was the best. Good taste.

>> No.6703203
File: 64 KB, 204x233, 30811226-594C-4EC9-BF8C-F6C4A4CEFF00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible taste desu. Alcoholic, roastie, Karen is the patricians choice.

>> No.6703322

agreed, just bought 100k karens

>> No.6703356

Don't actual winter crops exist? Also, no one's forcing you to plant them or harvest them.

>> No.6703461

you're still playing this shit? Go play stardew valley bro, and I'll multiplayer farm with you

>> No.6703496

I always picked her in the PS1 version so she wouldn’t hook up with the nigger. I was a very racially aware 8 year old.

>> No.6703537

Or was it the N64 version? Can’t remember, just know that she loved the BBC and I felt it my duty to prevent it from happening.

>> No.6703569

Which harvest moon game is that? Looks comfy af, gonna try to emulate it.

>> No.6703573
File: 1.59 MB, 480x360, rune cucktory.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rune Factory is better.

>> No.6703606

Friends of mineral Town > 64 > everything else

>> No.6703618

It's the original SNES Harvest Moon.

>> No.6703635

Never go sailing, my sunless pale neckbeard. The tan will make you one too

>> No.6703637
File: 51 KB, 876x773, 1446856943321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>feed animals
>water crops
>sun almost setting
>no time to explore or talk to anyone

>> No.6703717

Cut back on your crops. One of the beautiful things about harvest moon is if you bite off more than you can chew it takes the beauty of the game away just like in real life

>> No.6703733
File: 9 KB, 225x225, capitalism ho ava.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks Harvest Moon's path

>> No.6703807

It is kinda boring if you already played the PSX one, or even Stardew Valley. But it is indeed comfy as fuck.

>> No.6703869

Is there a better version than the SNES game?

>> No.6703883

>don't doing everything you can to talk with the pink hair lady

>> No.6703897

64 is my favorite.

>> No.6703987

Harvest moon always had winter crops, you just had to run up the mountain path to get them.

>> No.6704498
File: 7 KB, 400x300, 1516374240969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad part is this thread is 100x more active and interesting than if i hadnt accidentally posted it on biz.

Anyway to make it biz related:

The money tree was a jew scam
The winter crop was only good for happiness, not profit
Cows were more profitable than anything else by so big a margin it made all else irrelevant

>> No.6704635

I must say that GBA HM:FOMT was my favourite one. Still come back to it time to time.

>> No.6704738
File: 80 KB, 500x421, 1516313032580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>season over
>sell all the crops I spent so long growing
>it's barely worth anything

>> No.6704759

i was gay enough to calculate big profit crops so that I can make the most cash. I had a journal full of how many crops i can plant beginning of season, how much Im able to water and final return minus initial investment cost

>> No.6704903

>harvest cuck

All girls are shit and used goods.