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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6700240 No.6700240 [Reply] [Original]

This place is a fucking shithole today. Anime threads, Europoor vs burger threads, blatant shill threads, /pol leaking harder than normal, LARPing in every other thread. Do we even have mods? All of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.6700354

shareblue is here. Ignore obvious market research and defeatist threads. Also never answer a porn pic thread

>> No.6700365

And on top of all that, faggot ass Obamaphoneposters.

>> No.6700387
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Just Monika.

>> No.6701016

delete this

>> No.6701104


put on your big boy pants, sweetie bunch. :)

>> No.6701180

>muh 4chan is super serious you guys a bloo bloo
I know this sounds cliche, but seriously, go outside.

>> No.6701202

you have to go back.

>> No.6701253
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What's wrong with cute anime girls?

>> No.6701340

the current state of /biz/ is depressing. But once it becomes clear another december alt run isn't happening any time soon most of the pajeets and new fags will get bored and leave. There's a disturbingly high number of people with sub $10k portfolios and they must have only been here for a month because there's no way that's possible if you've held anything longer.

>> No.6701402
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>> No.6701809

Oh look the pedos are spreading out

>> No.6701843

It's /pol/ newfag.

>> No.6701853

Atleast we have balls you chickenshit fartcup

>> No.6702098

you forgot about the "what is bitcoin" threads

>> No.6702531
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Fucking moralfag get the fuck out of heree

>> No.6702687

Ironic weebs are the fucking worst.

>> No.6703264

sharia blue did the same thing with /pol/
why do you think there been so much FUD in the news?
(((((they)))) want to shut down the bad goys as usual

>> No.6703308
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>its another assblasted ancap pajeet thread

How many debates did you get btfo'd in today?

>> No.6703373
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dont you love me anymore onii-san

>> No.6703396
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>Shills spilling into /biz/

>> No.6703464
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>say weeb
>everyone spergs out

>> No.6703513

They have been in cryptos since 2011 newfag and are often whales themselves. Any coin that is pro lolis will moon hard because how else would you buy child models?

>> No.6703619

Tfw this is me.
Tfw I already did it.

>> No.6703680
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>This place is a fucking shithole today.
no anon
this has been like this since the october crash
that's when this board got killed
after october recovered the normies got in and it just went downhill

>> No.6703692 [DELETED] 

,Easy 20% returns per day just join the /biz/ group:

discord gg/zz7unwD

add DOT here--> .gg/zz

>> No.6703728

This is an ancap board, get out.

>> No.6703780

... Jesus Christ I need to start doing some self reflecting on my life choices

>> No.6703821

I'm a newfag from May. I remember biz/ just as you described

>> No.6703899

Sounds like that post really struck a nerve

>> No.6703939

since election there has been alot of newfags on 4chan in general.

The worst part is most of them are normies.

>> No.6703982

Agreed - can we do anything? I don't mind shitposts if they're funny, but not even getting that. Garbage shilling that's never called out, pajeets spamming discord groups and ref links. Where is the hidden /biz that norms don't know about?

>> No.6704076

It means you a LITERAL pedophile, said by the people who probably complain about SJW's...

>> No.6704288

>someone posts a picture of an innocent daughterfu
>the first thing you think of is having sex with it
>accuses others of being pedo
The jew mind is so confusing, always trying to accuse others of their own sins...

>> No.6704333

there was a banner a couple of weeks ago for janitor applications, hopefully these guys come here fast

>> No.6704387
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>> No.6704480

If you feel like a big boy go to criplechan, but they will still post anime, that’s just board culture nigger

>> No.6704511
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>> No.6704526
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Ironic weebs? because i am using a love live PIC?

kek, sure fucking faggot

>> No.6704634

If I really wanted to get my question answered, I'd post non face pics of gf. So I think disregarding ALL pron threads may be a bit extreme

But yes, the amount of obvious, try-hard FUD is startling. Kinda makes you think.

>> No.6704791
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We need to ramp up anime posting, blatant racism, furry, faggotry and r9k grade autism to scare away normies. I by normies I mean niggers and streetshiters

>> No.6704848

you had a chance to make a good, quality post that you're interested in seeing more of. instead you make a whiny forgettable shitpost

>> No.6704879
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>Anime threads, Europoor vs burger threads, blatant shill threads, /pol leaking harder than normal, LARPing in every other thread
fuck off reddit

>> No.6705175

>newfag complaining

>> No.6705491

>Also never answer a porn pic thread
Lewd pics are chemo, fucking redditor. It stops you, the redditor normiefag, from posting from the office or else your wagecuck boss will sanction you.

It also stops those normies with wives that need to ask permission to them in order to invest their own money. Honey, why are you watching porn?

>> No.6705885
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....this guy gets it?