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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6701209 No.6701209 [Reply] [Original]

My name is Thomas Montgomery, I co-founded Koral LLC, a boutique consultancy startup dealing with crypto assets based out of Washington, D.C. (see: www.koral.io -- yes, the website is just a splash page of a PNG thrown on a CSS file in some generic wordpress theme, the new site we're having developed should be up by 1.Feb. see the wireframe in-progress: https://projects.invisionapp.com/boards/UE3H1MHGH95R6 ). You can see my Earn.com/21.co and (begrudgingly created) LinkedIn profiles here: ( https://earn.com/midshipman_midnight/ ) ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-montgomery-koral-llc/ )

Now that I have that out of the way, I'd like to get to the point. We formed in July and have been serving client since November, and we've enjoyed a 100% client retention rate (we're a subscription based service; clients pay a monthly fee for scheduled 4 weekly phone consultations, and 4 "lifeline"-esque Analysis that let you DM us and have a guaranteed response of <24hrs.), and we've finally sorted out our scalability and operating cost issues so that we can go beyond handling just 10 clients.

However, we've run into a problem.
We don't have an effective and scalable marketing plan to obtain new clients.

The problem is that our demographic is very incredibly specific, that is, retail/individual investors with *minimum* 6mo. experience with Bitcoin, who actively trade altcoins and have a portfolio value of at least $20k (we are a consultancy, not an RIA or money managers, the $20k limit exists to keep out teenage riffraff).
Although it *is* possible for us to more or less isolate this demogaphic with Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter ads, the problem is: who in their right FUCKING mind would click on, muhc less take seriously, a facebook ad or promoted tweet for a "crypto consultancy"?? At least, not anyone smart enough who we'd want as a client.

What's your take, /biz/, on the best way to market to """OG""" crypto guys?

>> No.6701716

Hire more niggers

>> No.6701803
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You should look for retard boomers and scam them

>> No.6701813

Find names and addresses from your local sex offender registry and do direct mail campaign.

>> No.6702031

Nice try jew

>> No.6702380

T-thanks, guys. Appreciate the b-bumps for a namefag like me

>> No.6702560

Fuck you.

>> No.6702570

make content

appeal to everyone

your 20k minimum is all that matters

>> No.6702636
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>> No.6702641

You really think someone's gonna read your autistic screeching?

>> No.6702669

Buy an ad on 4chan. Everyone knows this place is full of intelligent, rich and charming people such as ourselves.

>> No.6702820

We've implemented a very limited referral program (clients are limited to 1 (one) referral per month), for which the client receives a $50 discount off their next month's subscription fee. Obviously, we want to severely restrict referral """bonuses""" to prevent there from being an incentive to refer shitty prospective clientele. We also have the redundancy of requiring one-on-one phone/VoIP interviews with each potential client, in order to ensure quality controls.

>> No.6702853

That's some high quality OC right there

>> No.6702888
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>Passive ads on an interactive medium,
>Current year
You don't want to put up (((ads))). People hate (((ads))). Make content (hire some faggots from 4chan) and use social bots or Pajeets to interact with the targeted market segment, to bait it, to enrage it, to trigger it and make your name go viral. Tell a Story and let others be part of it anon, that's how you make money in the Trump Timeline

>> No.6702950

Here is what i think you should do.
look up a few youtubers that deal in altcoins, make contact and say:
Hey Mr. youtuber. I will give you free consultation for X time and if you like it can you promote my consultations to your viewers? boom you have youtuber fanbase incoming.

you are welcome:
eth: 0xC9a83685E9F8D347013d91290c12667Cf132951D

>> No.6703267

Good, *EXCEPT* Crypto Youtube is trash, its viewers are poorfag cancer, and I'll run this company into the goddamn ground and go back to lending 5 btc a day to margin traders before I let a newfag or anyone who does things unironically become a client of Koral

>> No.6703430
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>> No.6703874

Telegram and discord.
Best options to get people you want. Concentrate your efforts there.

>> No.6704186

one of my exes was named koral.
she was a cunt, thus this is a /scam/

>> No.6704195

> What's your take, /biz/, on the best way to market to """OG""" crypto guys?
Unironically, the best way is to put a sharpie in your ass, take a photo, and post the photo here along with the URL to your company's sign up form.

>> No.6704271

fair enough, also i read your text poorly so you know... my bad. i guess the problem is that you clientell isnt all collected at one place. so you might need to call out on multiple channels about your service.
Another problem that you might come across is that people think its just another PnD or pay for calls. so you might need some sort of taste test for your new clients... also you could reach out to some of the people doing serious calls on twitter. they might have better followers than youtubers.
mostly spewing ideas here as im typing...

>> No.6704414

What's your subscription cost m8? 50k portfolio here, I'm interested.

>> No.6705348

We're in our second stage of the Alpha, so right now the price is reduced at $200/mo. (paid in Bitcoin, at an agreed upon fair market rate, at time of the issuance of the invoice and when you sign the client services agreement)

Feel free to shoot me an email at thomas (at) koral.io , and be sure to copy our CEO, jonny (at) koral.io

My OpenPGP PubKey is listed on my Earn.com profile (tried including it but 4chan keeps telling me it's spam)