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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 100 KB, 640x383, EOS_Page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6701763 No.6701763 [Reply] [Original]

Will EOS be the Ethereum killer?

>> No.6701785

no, itll be the bitcoin killer

>> No.6701818

Ethereum will be the Ethereum killer.

>> No.6701830

No, Ardor is the ETH killer

>> No.6701841

Definitely possible, but not likely

>> No.6701950

>calling a token an eth killer

thats why you are poor

eth is wayyyy better than btc and didnt kill it because it was the first. No smart-con crypto will kill eth for the same reason: it was the first

>> No.6702097

yeah like bitshares look over decentealized marketplaces! oops, no, ethereum came along and took it away immediately.

but what about steemit! they're one of the fastest growing communities displacing centralized social networks! oops, no, their traffic is way down from last year and content quality is only getting worse.

yeah, eos is definitely going to "kill" ethereum.

>> No.6702152

Eos has no incentive to deliver a product. With the million eth they raised in their ico they could have an apartment building full of devs pumping out an amazing product, but like the greedy fucks they are they just put out a mediocre testnet half a year afterwards and will probably say something to the effect of "we tried"

This also applies to any ico that occured before eth reached $100. They already have shitloads of money, what's the incentiveto produce a working product

>> No.6702155
File: 31 KB, 768x512, Achain-768x512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will

on HitBTC soon, but pshh

>> No.6702225

If you understand how superior EOS is to anything else on the market your only reasonable assumption is that EOS will kill etherium.

>> No.6702260

also theres already going to be a fork of eos right out of the gate, that thing that was getting airdropped to ethereum holders a few months back. pretty funny.

>> No.6702300

if you "believe", you mean. there's nothing to understand, and what's been offered only seems better if you don't care about decentralization, in which case why bother with all the other inefficiencies of a blockchain?

>> No.6702382

yes buy and hodl

>> No.6702415
File: 125 KB, 1200x873, 8E675764-5A36-42D5-B781-B730A45C3658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet your killer.

>> No.6702497


>> No.6702508

All of Steemit can run on ONE EOS TOKEN

Already achieved a million transactions per second.

The founder already created two top 50 coins. He's taking no money from this as he says he has enough and wants to change the world instead.

Decentralisation? In what way is anything Larimer has done not decentralised?

D- must try harder.

>> No.6702552
File: 137 KB, 1200x718, Achain3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have pictures too

>> No.6702588

sorry, wanted to give /biz an early insight once, bored by the memeshit

>> No.6702595

What are you talking about? All of Larimers projects are decentralised. Do you even know what the word means?

>> No.6702857

I don't know why this coin doesn't get more attention. It's development team actually works on the project, it's social media team is active, and it gets mentioned in articles every other day.

>> No.6702918

nope xby is

>> No.6702936

kill yourself

>> No.6703136

If Achain is so good compared to the others, why hasn't anyone bought into it. From your picture it is the oldest of the five cryptos you have listed, and has by far the lowest market cap.
How can this be? are the others just good at marketing and attract all the dumb money, while Achain with its superior product can barely get any recognition.

The most likely explanation is that Achain is not superior in any way, or the developers are being to greedy and just dump as soon as the price increase a little bit. If the later explanation is the case, then there is a good chance that they are the same kind of people that would hire someone to bait people into buying their get-rich-scheme..

>> No.6703209


absolutely NOT

eos is a scam, their business model is a scam

>> No.6703290

how so? I've seen a talk from the creator of eos, and he seemed legit af

>> No.6703420

This what i'm talking about, i've done the research and whatnot and nothing seems sketchy EXCEPT the fact they are stationed in the Cayman Islands. That part i don't understand but i'm sure it has to do with tax reasons.

>> No.6703448

you are the epitome of a /biztard

"why no memes yet?"
"must be fishy"

DYOR or kys

last time i helped someone

>> No.6703541

nothing wrong with off-shore companies, in principle

>> No.6703809

dpos is critically less decentralized than real pos or pow. it doesnt complete with ethereum for a decentralized network

>> No.6703834

the argument is that eos is centralized, other than that it is definitely more scale-able than what eth will ever be

>> No.6703976

It has to exist to be superior

>> No.6704018

On kucoin already faggot. Shit coin. No one wants your bags.

>> No.6704112
File: 58 KB, 645x729, stupid retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will vaporware kill eth?

>> No.6704135

Before New years I would have agreed with you. But the mainnet launch was a fucking disaster.

Sold it all as soon as Bittrex opened their trading.

>> No.6704180

>eos is a token
retard alert

>> No.6704638

lol, pls screencap this and look in a month

>> No.6705300

But EOS is a token. Kys for being so retarded. It's annoying.

>> No.6705529
File: 157 KB, 1080x1350, 166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS will be like Windows, ETH will be like Linux. None will kill the other, they will coexist with different styles and targets. I invest 50/50, but I am trying to develop something in EOS due to language (c++) and current scalability.

The actual scam, and future corpses, are all other smart contracts candidates in the top 10, including the chinese ripoffs. They will simply not being able to compete. NEO for example, with C# and huge costs, will collapse this year under its weight. Cardano will be a never ending never releasing story. IOTA will be proven not operative. And so on. Stellar capabilities are still unknown though.

EOS works like a charm so far though, if any of you guys are devs, you should take a look and play with the testnet.

>> No.6705578

nope, the next one starts with a Z

>> No.6705666

So eth will be worthless

>> No.6705806


You will be surprised to know that:
- EOS development for the last year has been possible only in Linux and Mac, not Windows (excluding hacks).
- Pixar movies (most CGI in fact) are rendered in Linux
- Most servers, possibly all 4chan, run also on Linux.

>> No.6705876


>> No.6706107

"stationed in the Cayman Islands"
>Known tax haven

well looks like EOS plans on making alot of money.

>> No.6706447

Because if they don’t deliver we will drive to San Francisco and kill them with our bare hands