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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6700343 No.6700343 [Reply] [Original]

Have a solid income of 1200 usd a month until I die thanks to crypto. I want more but I feel greedy.
Pic related thanks to my wins
What's stopping all of you

>> No.6700458

whats stopping me from buying a shit car with no return on investment?

whats stopping me from making 5k usd a month working as a union carpenter and investing into crypto with my earning power? not betting the rest of my life on what could be a bubble?

sage anon, sage

>> No.6700621

A dodge charger is a poor man's lambo.

>> No.6700652

Only mexicans drive this car

>> No.6700685

Mexicans are better than TrumpCunts.

>> No.6700691

This is whats stopping you, you are both retarded, its not a charger

>> No.6700693

This. OP your car is gay as fuck

>> No.6700729

Did you JUST spend your money on a depreciating asset?

Never. Gonna. Make. It.

>> No.6700747

Why do so many of you guys buy cars from this? I'm perfectly happy to carry on driving around in my 14 year old BMW and buying property with it instead.

>> No.6700783

What if you are trump cunt and a Mexican ?

>> No.6700823

pretty sure that's a camaro

>> No.6700830

It's a camaro you sissy

>> No.6700841

Then you grab 'em by the pussy and buy some fucking telcoin before you miss the moon.

>> No.6700843

Mexicunts drive chargers, I'm glad my free vehicle makes you upset

>> No.6700857

That’s a camero dipshit

>> No.6700867
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>buying the quintessential niggermobile

>> No.6700907

I'm young and stupid, i see nothing wrong with toys

>> No.6700910

From which dividend coin seppu?

>> No.6700919

Oke jose

>> No.6700948

its a 2017 camaro
its a solid car fuck lambo

>> No.6700964

You are diluting your income by making purchases. Reinvest, but not all in crypto. And no a car isn’t an investment.

>drives a bmw
>buys property
Can’t you just crookedly park there and it’s yours?

>> No.6700974

>solid income of 1200 usd a month

How? Kucoin / binance dividends?

>> No.6700975

Bitcoin, bought it when it was reaching 300, if you want a coin for the current, TNB

>> No.6700979


>> No.6701008
File: 47 KB, 438x566, 1516378996938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invested in deprecating asset after cashing out his $500k
>thinking cash will give him retirement in next 20 years while living in failing crumpling state with artificial housemarket and budget crisis with super fast inflating dollar worth
>not sure if making it apply to you bro

>> No.6701031

>1200 a month
>less than 20k a year
>immediately buys a new car on payments

are... you retarded? why would you do this?
never, never, never buy a personal car with payments. buy a junker, pos car for a few k. put 'payments' to yourself every month for a few hundred or whatever you can spare. buy the essentials. build a savings acct. then use your 'payments' to buy a brand new car, cash. immediately insure it for full coverage.


>> No.6701033

I felt like I needed to purchase something big with my internet points before they all vanished.

>> No.6701051

Yeah that’s the problem being pointed out. Do you want a camaro and high insurance or more gains? Up to you.
One has a long term benefit to your life, the other offers a short term thrill. Find out what is more important to you

>> No.6701084

Why do brainlets confuse cars with investments?
Its not an investment
Its not an asset
Its a funwagon for hooning and letting 9/10s know you like to spend.

>> No.6701087

How much have you made? First thing I would do is get a house and rent it out. Turn that 1.2k into 3k+ a month

>> No.6701095

Mistakes were indeed made

>> No.6701114

fuck these weebs sitting in their parents basement saving every fucking drop of their pee
driving a camaro ss is the ultimate goal
best car, cheap price

>> No.6701164

I wish, I can't get past all the brand new on credit poverty spec Audis and BMWs the tenants own.

>> No.6701167

I fucking hate retards who are against car purchases, yes i could reinvest money, but every car i ever bought was heavil. under the market price and i only buy used. I change cars frequently, one of my sources of income is car flipping. I get to have cars for free and most of the time earn money and i never lost money. The comfort of having a car is worth it. And no im not a mechanic

>> No.6701176

600k, put into a fund so I don't blow it all at once. Used leftover to reinvest and paying my parents back for raising a tard

>> No.6701199

OP would have to not be retarded to do something like that.

>> No.6701246
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>driving around trying to impress 9/10 with his shitwagon while in debt
>while jew kids study and buyout banks and entire goverments while fucking all the virgins they want
stay poor Goya

>> No.6701274

I want to go to school to become a automotive mechanic so I can do this exact thing

>> No.6701276

every time i'm at a stop light next to one of these things there's always a nigger behind the wheel that wants to race me. same with mustangs

>> No.6701301

even "rich" clients don't buy cars -new-.
new will lose 20%+ of their value rolling off the lot.
talk to any car dealer they'll say same.
leasing is only option that makes sense financially in regards to new cars.

>> No.6701368

Can confirm, got railed by salesman as I was buying this. Low interest rate however

>> No.6701379


be like taio Cruz and lease your lambo, buying is stupid.

>> No.6701413
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>fucking virgins

>> No.6701539

You should look for better funds.
Preferred shares funds can easily pay 6% per year with very low risk.

>> No.6701586

Sold all your crypto on the dip, weak-handed OP?
kek americans.

>> No.6701745

Congratulations on achieving minimum wage anon.

>> No.6701761

Wrong, I pulled once I had a 500k total. Reup'd, bought a bunch of bs, and put rest into savings fun that hashes out every month. Ill happily be American than have a sandcock in my ass

>> No.6701811

people with minimum wage own a new vehicle? I just sit on my ass all day and play vidya

>> No.6701914

Taking a girl's virginity isn't all it's cracked up to be, basically blood and tears. Unless you're into that.

>> No.6702026 [DELETED] 

Easy' 20% returns per day, just join the /biz/ group:

discord gg/zz7unwD

add DOT here--> .gg/zz

>> No.6702266
File: 215 KB, 1200x900, IMG_0072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But can you see anon?

Picrel is my 996 turbo, the best car a 19 year old can buy

>> No.6702435

Hey just a quick question OP, how did you do the whole paper work with the bank to cash out that amount? This is my only fear to be honest.

>> No.6702441

Also if you guys are looking for a car that will ACTUALLY appreciate, a 996 is your choice.

>> No.6702466

>paying my parents back
>buying a car

Dude you basically hit the lotto and I can guarantee you will lose it all based on how clearly retarded you are. Congrats in the mean time.

>> No.6702494

yes im into that

>> No.6702695

>1200 a month
>solid income

You must have been pretty poor to call that a solid income.

>> No.6702775

this. I'm 19 and make 4k a month and still have trouble budgeting and investing

>> No.6702794
File: 3.52 MB, 300x183, RvfXwKp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uneducated goyem will never marry a virgin because they got cucked into supporting radical feminism and complete self-destruction of their family value institutions

>> No.6702807

I support you OP, what's the point of making 100's of thousands if you aren't going to enjoy any of it?

I personally plan on buying new once I save up full payment from 25% of mining profits, staking and other dividend type income.

>> No.6702873

What's stoping me is that crypto is dead now. You could achieve this by starting a year earlier. Now it's too late. Not after all the normies got their taste and left again.

>> No.6702974


>> No.6702983

What's TNB all about?

>> No.6703008
File: 767 KB, 2048x1536, colt-python-silhouette-revolver-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cars don't do much for me. Always loved guns and using this money to add some firearms to my collection that I couldn't before. Not to mention that if they don't appreciate in value, they depreciate little. It's a win/win.

Meanwhile, your car will be purchased by some 17 year old working part time at McDonald's in 10 years.

>> No.6703045

Is renting out a house really a good investment?

You can get similar returns even in the stock market.

>> No.6703057
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>Im the goy

>> No.6703497


>> No.6703927

>Fried egg headlights
>He thinks it will accumulate

Hate to say it anon but you got scammed. 996's are pretty much the most hated generation of 911's.

>> No.6703956

What kinds of guns do you feel like appreciate more readily?

>> No.6704084

>Have a solid income of 1200 usd a month

So you barely make above poverty level. You also probably don't have enough left over to reinvest, making your assets wither away due to inflation. Congrats, I guess.

>> No.6704142
File: 58 KB, 1080x1080, 1505162201751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a ZL1