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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 1143x946, Pyramid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
669324 No.669324 [Reply] [Original]

So biz, how many old friends have asked you to join their pyramid scheme yet?

3 and counting over here
>Pic related, 10min ago

>> No.669331

I went to a >90% white high school and majored in STEM in college, so no people that I associate with were stupid enough to get into pyramid schemes themselves much less try to recruit others.

>> No.669334

Post results, and yt link

>> No.669339
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>90% white

I don't see why you had to add that...

>> No.669344

White children are more likely to have a better support structure growing up, unlike a black child who is more likely to grow up with a single parent and/or poor finances.

>> No.669348

Herbalife targets Latinos and minorities for a reason.

>> No.669349
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That's...well I can't argue that, dad isn't anywhere right now.


>> No.669357



>> No.669377

Send your friend the Penn and Teller video on pyramid schemes. I usually post it in these type of threads.


>> No.669391
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I don't know what I'm watching but I'm still going to try and figure it out...

>> No.669399

They debunk easy money schemes. Sorry for the poor quality - the actual high quality video was removed due to a copyright complaint.

>> No.669403


>> No.669414
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>Copyright complaint
Dicks flopping everywhere is fine though -youtube

Another guy does the same by the name of Ethan Vanderbuilt does the same thing, usually go to his site for updates/laughs.

>> No.669430 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 1239x969, Start a scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Followup, I'll give it 2 days before he unfriends me because "I don't believe in him".

>> No.669432
File: 136 KB, 1239x969, Start a scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Followup, I'll give it 2 days before he unfriends me because "I don't believe in him".

>> No.669434

>Kushe Dark-k Darden
Now you know why the >90% white comment.

>> No.669443
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lmao, nice catch. Yea I feel sorry for him but I can't do anything, let's hope he finds out sooner.

>> No.669445

He didn't seem to take offense. Probably beause he's in sell mode still though

>> No.669447
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True, desperation will hit and that's when any slight negative response will tick someone doing what he does off.

>> No.669454

Business plan:
>find person selling pyramid scheme
>find person selling a different one
>set them up so they can buy each others' shit
>take a cut

>> No.669457
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lol, these guys have a different type of mentality when they're too deep. Don't want to end up missing when they find out.

>> No.669476

No offense. Your friend sounds like a hardheaded moron. Just let him do it and learn from the experience.

>> No.669477

your buddy can't even fucking spell

"sit threw a presentation" good god

>> No.669485

In Australia pyramid schemes seem to be most successful with young asian students. A guy I am friends with on facebook has been trying to recruit mutual friends into a company called USANA, the photos he posts of the downstreams are nearly all asian.

>> No.669610
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I realized that, found it really weird. We are just acquaintances from freshman year when we attended the same school. I left that school after that year because we always had shootouts and what not around that neighborhood. Seems most people I remember from there have the same vocabulary.

Asians are trying to get in on it, lol

>> No.670152

what do you buy from china op?

>> No.670159

99.8, I know you said you have visited TMF. Have you read the book (Just google it for free pdf)?

MJ says that starting your own MLM is the only way to make money with it. I like the way he thinks, lol. Seriously, if you make just one decent MLM you can retire rich.

I know you said you wanna rip people off then sail back to Africa in a yacht, so this seems right up your alley. You thought about it?

>> No.670160

Bro. Bro! Brooo...

>> No.670167

Btw OP. Does this Alibaba shit actually make you money?

>> No.670222
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LOL what? I never claimed I was going to sail back to the mother land. I just love yachts alot, such a fucking amazing creature of the sea.

I know MLM is good but lol I'm Nigerian, who tf would even trust me if I made one?

lol only way I can get to him
stop asking, lol wtf is with you people...get your own.

Yes it actually works, and for the last time I don't use Alibooboo, that site is made for big businesses that have connections and shit. Alibaba was made so you can Jew down the price by ranking up your bulk order. I usually never order anything over 400 so that's not the place for me.

But yes I do make a living means selling shit from China. Could live on my own right now but I sped 1/2 my money on Chinese and my entrepreneurial cause I plan on going full in this year.

>tfw when I told my Leadership business class about what I do during the ice breaker, all the bitches looked at me and my attire and somehow gestured they believed it was true. Felt so guuud.

>> No.670235

>A Nigerian scamming
>worth it's own thread

>> No.670252
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>Talking about scams
>Preventing idiots from trying it
>Replying to obvious bait

>> No.670275


In person? I've had seven or eight, two of whom wanted me to get in on their amway specifically.

Not much you can do about it other than decline, although the more persistent ones will constantly remind you about how much "money" they're supposedly making and try to sell you on it again. I remember when two people in my building tried to sell me on amway because they would constantly leave spam outside my door and on my car. Eventually had to bring it up to the landlord when they wouldn't stop, only to have them come up to me in person and then heckle me about how I was "jealous" of their success or something. At that point I just switched apartments and thankfully never had to deal with them again.

I only ever feel bad for older people who get in on it, but even then they should know better. MLM shit only appeals to college students looking for easy work with minimal effort. Even then it does feel kind of bad watching college kids piss away their scant money on an obvious scam.

>> No.670279

None because I essentially have no friends.

But I see them come up in the lives of other "acquaintances". The secretary at my office was talking about one the other day that had to do with selling makeup or some shit. I feel kinda bad because I'm too autistic to interject and tell them they're about to be fucked.

They always seem so excited :(

>> No.670295


It depends wholly on what company you're looking at. Con men can make schemes that can appeal to anyone.

In my own experience, I've seen:

- companies that sell old people "100% certified index stock" (aka bullshit buzzwords) that will pay out 10% of the sale price over a year or so. Mind you it's setup so you only ever get back maybe 50% and you need to be in their "rewards program" and get your friends to sign up to get more of it back. Biggest returns come back if you can get someone under 50 in on it.
- fake-sounding government agency (like US Diversity Immigrant Lottery Bonds program or something) that sells green cards (but not real green cards) to illegals with the claim that they can be used as cash. It's basically a prepaid cash card (with a 60%+ fee) but illegals think that it's welfare and that if they get more people enrolled in it they'll be bumped up in line to get citizenship. Of course their website was plastered with public domain pics of Obama
- social-media themed shit that has someone (usually a dumb college student) shill for various products and services. But the catch is that you have to pay $100 or whatever to do it, and you get $.01 back per each sale made from your posts. Once again, you get more money if you get your friends in on it
- faith-based "financial healing". Mostly applies to blacks. Pay $100 to a "church" and they'll heal your financial woes with prayer. Get your friends in on it and you get to become an "associate"
- ultra-Libertarian/Constitutionalist "organization" that "has all their assets backed in gold" and is "safer than a bank, because we're not a bank!". Invest all $10,000 of your money and get it back in 10% payments over a decade. Similar to the first one. I don't see how it can work though when it's userbase would be more apt to buy gold/silver

>> No.670303

If you could be gracious enough to tell me OP. What site do you buy from?

>> No.670317


- y2k preparedness fund, aka you invest money and they will give it back to you after 2000 passed when the world was rebuilding. This was the scam that I bought into and burned me out about $500 of my money in college. I put in the money late in 1999 on advice from a "friend" and expected it back (with inflation) in February 2000. Years go by and they gave us bullshit on how the Federal Reserve/IRS/DOJ was conspiring against them because they needed to make sure that everyone was poor so that their plans for global slavery would work. Come 2002 the DOJ told us that it was a scam and that it's leaders had fled to asia where they probably remain.
- "safe money lending" a newer one that presented itself as being "a distributed network of co-lenders helping each other through volunteering". AKA you give them $1000, $500 which would be given to other people. Apparently you could make "returns" by investing more money or by getting other people in
- "brighton house charity" same thing but under the guise of being a charity.
- an e-tobacco investment fund, obviously trying to ride the e-vape wave by getting people to invest in "e-tobacco research", which included installing a "distrusted computing app" on your computer to do a SETI-like thing where it would do the "calculations" for their "research" on your computer. When the FBI raided them a year ago it was discovered to be a bitcoin miner.
- various "professional networking" organizations or associations that would pretend to be legit but demand more money (or new members) as you stayed in it longer. Marketed to college grads.
- legal "service" company that would do similar to the above but also offer dubious legal advice. Or, more accurately, it would "refer" you to existing lawyers. Didn't last more than a year.

also there's that meshnet bitcoin miner wallplug being shilled on /r/bitcoin right now, that thing is probably the stupidest thing I've seen in years

>> No.671077
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lol man the fuck up an tell them. At least when they fail they can come crying to you telling you how smart you are.

LOL Ikr, I sometimes want to rip off the all the tags of the handouts I see at the bus stations from the scammers trying to force recruit from strangers. Then I think to myself..it's better than dealing drugs :/

>> No.671081
File: 103 KB, 505x901, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very fucking related. This is me and some fuckface on the local town buy/sell/barter FB page. I made a post asking the Admin to ban MLM spam and I had to put this rabid fucktard down in the process. Highlighted is him.