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File: 187 KB, 1600x607, ebay_tm_rgb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
666347 No.666347 [Reply] [Original]

eBay general:

>Sell video game related item in video games category.
>Item is obviously not a game.
>Buyer purchases it, waits a few days until after it's delivered.
>Complains it contains no disk.
>Starts return.
>Paypal holds my money.
>eBay will start mediating on the 28th.

I called eBay, and they said I had to wait until the 28th, and nothing could be done until then, still really annoying.

I suppose this is my fault for listing in the main category, instead of a sub-category?

>> No.666368

did you write no disk in the description like any person with a head on the shoulders would?

>> No.666565

you should win the case if there's no sort of deception in the listing, meaning that you explained there would be no disc included.

>> No.666574

I'm thinking about making a new ebay account (and paying $100 to form another LLC) just to setup a "fake" chinese seller and dropship straight from China.

This way I don't have to buy the merchandise in advance and I'll just look like the other chink sellers, even though I'm a white blooded American.

Good plan, or great plan?

>> No.666580

>I'll just look like the other chink sellers, even though I'm a white blooded American.

The actual saying is "red blooded american", retard.

>> No.666592


But I'm white, not injun

>> No.666676

can someone explain drop shipping to me and what that consists of when ebay'ers do it

>> No.666677


>> No.666820


>> No.667391

>buy shitty game related item
>over a week later still not shipped, no contact from buyer
>message him, he gives me some bullshit about school, says he'll ship it tomorrow
>i ask for a refund instead because he didn't say jack about exception handling time
>gets rude as fuck "I would like you to understand that it is ONLY one day past the day that it was suppose to arrive."
do I leave a neutral or negative feedback when this shit shows up?

>> No.667405

ebay actually gives no fucks about sellers

>> No.667406

Neutral. They should've shipped in handling time on listing.

>> No.667413

I didn't, because the item is not a video game. It's a collectible slipcover for a game case.

>> No.667449

Negative. Unless I receive my item next day and get great customer service I will leave negative feedback

>> No.667450

Negative. I ship the next business day, every time. If he's near a university, there's a post office or mail drop nearby. Stop buying from low-feedback sellers just because they have low prices.

Clearly, you just started using ebay last week. ALWAYS state in the title "no disk" "parts only" "does not work" "as is" "broken screen" or whatever small detail that changes everything might apply. Especially if you're selling a package item that DOESN'T contain the item advertised on the package.

>> No.667508 [DELETED] 

what do sellers think about people who pay through echeck? (takes 3-5 days to process payment)

>> No.667590
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It was NOT a video game, and therefore I didn't need to state it wasn't a video game XD.
>Find iPhone 6 box in dumpster.
>List on eBay, figure it'll sell quickly, as there's tons of them.
>Get this email.


Why in the fuck can I not sell an empty box? It's a collectible...

>> No.667592

I tried to sell fake jordans on ebay which ive done successfully 5 times and the 5th and last time i did it it got taken down before the listing ended

>> No.667609
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Should I give it a try?

>> No.667674

Leave meme man

>> No.667690

Welcome to five years ago

>> No.667764


were you listing as fake? how would ebay know otherwise, im considering doing the same

>> No.667765

Ripping off F500 companies with hundreds of lawyers seems like a brilliant plan anon, why didn't I think of that?

>> No.667778


bruh. most jordans on ebay are fake.

only idiots would try to advertise them as fake

It's even quite common to buy "unauthorized authentics" from the same factories that produce the official shoe. Literally the same material and same exact blueprint as the real thing, just not "authorized" by these fortune 500 companies

I think you would be surprised how many shoes on ebay are "fakes"

>> No.667779


>> No.667780

Come back when Nike makes you pay 300% earnings ;)

>> No.667807
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Received that email and ignored it, no need having a store unless you advertise outside of eBay. You're already advertising on eBay so it's just a waste of $$$.

Stores give you discounts if a buyer buys through your store, as in he saw your ad somewhere other than eBay and it took him straight to your store.

lol...eBay really doesn't know what they want.

On a side not, finally Amazon/eBay thread is split again. Amazon mentality is different from eBay, no need mixing when sellers don't understand both platforms.

>> No.668190

i slid "may be a replica" in the description to avoid any concern of them actually being real

you think selling a pair of shoes that are fakes attracts hundreds of lawyers from these top companies? how idiotic

>> No.668193

but if the buyer knows that they are fake you're fucked

why take that risk

>> No.668247

saying "may be replica" doesn't mean you're allowed to sell it, they automatically take it down

>> No.668274

i know that but im also trying to avoid the possibility of the buyer claiming its a fake

i hate these fake shoes and need to sell them somehow

>> No.668302

>Start case.
>eBay refunds buyer, and let's them keep item.
>Pays for it without my money.


>> No.668334
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wait wut? You bought fake shoes (mistake or not) and now you're trying to scam someone else because you got scammed? LOL

lol I'm guessing you waited the 3 days thinking you would win after you escalated it. You have to call in for things like that, for they always agree with the buyer.

eBay's shitty mentality of a policy
>Buyer sees item
>Seller states item only works for specific types of devices
>Seller states he will not help buyer setup item on devices
>Buyer still buys item
days pass
>Buyer opens return claiming item won't work
>Seller asks "What's wrong"
>Buyer repeats himself "Item is not working"
>Selling asks "How"
>Buyer keeps repeating himself and won't say exactly why
eBay steps in 3 days later
>Sorry the buyer didn't say anything else so he wins
>eBay doesn't understand common sense
>Closes case in buyer's favor
>I get return defect + case defect + low feedback defect, lose Top Rated

This is where a normal seller would call it quits, not I.

>Pic related

>> No.668366

I did call in, they said to wait until I could escalate it, and nothing could be done over the phone.
I was found not at fault.

>> No.668367

no no no im TRYING to sell the fake shoes, im not the buyer of them nigga

i got them off some chinese website for dirt cheap and they arent my size

>> No.668461
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That's the same thing I'm saying, lol but whatever man best of luck. Don't get caught.
That is true, but hey you prob got a defect and haven't noticed yet, keep calling in if you want it gone. Only way IMO, even as a power seller I get treated like shit.

>> No.669639
File: 577 KB, 1577x737, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOW are these faggots still in business?

I see tons of these 128GB Micro SD cards for sale on eBay, and they're all 100% fake.

>> No.669677
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lol that used to be me, except I did it through Amazon.

Again like I said in last threads, they are able to get away with this because a buyer can't really claim it's fake. Why?

1. Because it's offbrand
2. Because the only way to find out is through a device (typically a phone), seller can just claim the phone can't use 128GB so it's buyer's fault for corrupting it.
3. Because the seller has a background in sales (3k sales), eBay thinks they're legit.

I sold up to 500+ of them except I sold ones with an actual brand on it (SanDisk), HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE mistake I didn't notice until it was too late. Buyers started coming at me with Sandisk papers. Sandisk being there to back them up was proof enough for Amazon to shut me down. Moved onto eBay and sold the remaining cards (64GB) until I realized how much bad I was doing and regretted it.

Because well, people that I sometimes let return the cards would tell me how they used it for cruise ships and other family events and lost so many memories...didn't like feeling guilty so I sold some more and threw away the rest (like 50 more remaining). That was like $1800 worth of inventory in the trash...

Used my previous capital and started selling on an new eBay acc, selling gadgets and other cool things that are still selling till this date. Amazon on the other hand..."Suspended", I deserved it but oh well I'll figure a way to get back in with a fake name blah blah blah, right now eBay is doing fine.

>Tfw this is all true

>> No.670256
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I TAKE THAT BACK, I didn't do much research on the stores ever since I heard of it. Just got a call from an eBay rep (since I'm a Power Seller and they care *tear*) informing me more about this deal and how it ends at the end of the day (PST).

This is a good deal if you sell alot, if you don't...well it's pretty pointless. I'd say around 40+ things on a given month valued over $20 would be sufficient to use this program. When the price rises back to the normal rate 4 months later, then you'll actually need to be a power seller (like I) to make this worthwhile. You could save ALOT!

This month I'm going to be Top Rated, so thats even MORE savings. Ayy lmao

>> No.670555

Is it up to the buyer or seller to sort customs stuff when buying from the US in the UK? Apparently there's no VAT on books but I don't know what hidden charges to expect.

>> No.670634
File: 27 KB, 651x525, WAT FUK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sell decently priced item.
>Buyer gives me offer, I decline, they give final offer, I counteroffer.
>They accept by mistake, and say they only want to pay certain amount.
>I relist item, end up counteroffering $8 above their minimum, which is still great.
>They accept.
>Get paid, 10 minutes later get paid again.

What in the fucking fuck just happened? I just got double the payment.

I've refunded the second payment, but is there any chance something could go wrong?

>> No.670818


Yea you're pretty much getting a defect for that, ebay new shit tier policy will fuck you over because you listed the item twice when you only had one of it.

Lol as a seller idc, buyers dont pay, it gets returned to me and I keep the $$$.

>> No.670822


BTW I'm on my phone, having Internet problems...

>> No.671074
File: 88 KB, 1333x900, 1423450919378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Comcast really cut off the internet for the entire county because of an "update" what the actual fuck...

HOW can you not flash an update and just force it on every modem at the same time when you're done??? I swear these people are too powerful. Already got my $3 rebate for non-use after calling in but still...wtf!

>> No.671438

But it was only listed once at a time?

I refunded the buyer for the 2nd payment, and everything seems fine now, that's what eBay support said to do.

>> No.671460

hey, iam interested in selling on german ebay, do you have a skype to hook you up?

>> No.671539
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Sorry don't give out info, German eBay is just as simple as another other country except you guys typically are selling to one another or over to European countries. For I don't see how anyone in the U.S. would come across a German item (for I haven't).

Best of luck.

>> No.671544

fair enough, thanks anyway

>> No.671553

he was 100% ya dingus

anyway i left positive since he paid more in shipping to get it to me on monday than i paid him

>> No.672019

>it gets returned to me and I keep the $$$

Cant the buyer get a refund?

>> No.672023
File: 25 KB, 306x306, $100 to fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw buyer sends me a message asking how long it will take for item to arrive.


>> No.672035
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Nope, well not in my case. For if they opened up a case against me I would claim the buyer gave wrong address. Buyer can't do anything and eBay can't touch me because I used their Global Shipping program.

Which means, once my package reaches their facility. It's considered as "Delivered".

>> No.672119

Always get these once in a while. It's fucking annoying but then again, it really doesn't hurt to ask

>> No.672454

isn't it wise to sell through an LLC instead of just yourself?

>> No.672723
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Discuss pic related.

>> No.672751
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No fucking way, NO FUCKING WAY. eBay is becoming Amazon???!? Can't wait for this email...

If this is true, I am so using this feature. Let eBay deal with my shitty customers! PLEASE!

>> No.672754
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This changes everything...

You better not be fucking with us

>> No.672760

On front-page mein neger. Go check it.

>> No.672795
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Seems I'm out of luck, as expected, eBay shits out the little guys.

>> No.672798

No shit? If they allowed every dingdong to sell 50 cent chapsticks through valets they'd be broke within 2 months.

>> No.672823

you sell drugs on ebay?

>> No.672826


They take a 20% 30% or %40 cut though...

>> No.672848

People actually buy these?

>> No.672894


They take a huge cut and only choose to sell high profit items that sell easily anyways. This is just to scrape some easy profit from people that have 0 experience selling. >>672723

>> No.672973
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Exactly, you only get 80%..what happens if it doesn't sell in 3 weeks? Do they charge you for restock?
That is true, I see it for those selling old phones and what not. I just hope they don't go Full Amazon and start shitting on sellers who sell their phones for 1/2 the price. Cause eBay will prob put a setting where their "valet" items get shown up first in the listings.

LOL it still amazes me

>pic related

>> No.673774

There not fake, they're just excruciatingly slow
There perfectly fine if you're patient

>> No.673935
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