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6654115 No.6654115 [Reply] [Original]

Which one should i choose to get a degree?

>> No.6654422

Electrical Engineering with a minor in Finance
Best of both worlds, EE gets you all CS skills and more, and with that minor you can work in the financial sector with way more math knowledge than anyone else.

>> No.6654461


>> No.6654505

CS without a doubt,
I'm doing Economics and it's fucking bullshit, at least at my school

>> No.6654730
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yeah? why?

Look my plan was to get an Economic degree and then a master and then maybe an MBA but that is going to take like idk 15years maybe?

And i want to work abroad, do economist get called to work abroad or is it difficult? I would like to work in Tokyo or something like that would be cool

Also college here is free

>> No.6654760

Definitely either engineering, economics, or something in the liberal arts (unironically).

OP, comp sci is just the white collar version of learning a trade like welding or pipefitting. There's nothing wrong with it, you can earn a modest to upper-middle class income with it, but obviously you're interested in making money, so I wouldn't advise it.

>> No.6654810

>making it

how much does a degree cost over 4-6 years? Think about how much more it would be if you invested that into an up and coming shitcoin

go back to school when you're so filthy rich nothing matters anymore, if only for your own entertainment

>> No.6654825

PPE at Oxford. Only degree worth shit.

>> No.6654836


Yeah im interested in making money but also i want to i want to move to another country and that kind of stuff so i don't know if a degree in economics would be good while i saw that Computer Science people can work everywhere in the planet

>> No.6654910

Econ is the study of how to make money. Every male Econ professor I’ve had so far is a multi millionaire

>> No.6654947

If you want to be an economist, major in math and then get an econ Ph.D.

>> No.6654964

Then learn it on the side or something, but don't waste an actual education on it. There are a ton of YouTube videos, codeacademy, books, etc. but University is a chance to actually learn something worthwhile, not a damn trade. Alternatively, there are definitely 2 year programs for learning compsci as a trade.

This. Hitch and Amis would be proud.

Funny enough, my AP Micro/Macro teacher back in high school worked at the school for free because he was retired (private school, big donor, yada yada yada) and wanted to do it in his spare time.

Good 'ole Coach Page.

>> No.6655005


College here in my country is free so that is not a problem

>> No.6655006

*was a retired investment banker

>> No.6655100

CS something with machine learning, AI is the future!

>> No.6655159

Econ major here, I just use Excel & write SQL all day (banking operations)

>> No.6655457

Disregard anything that won't make you money (bullshit arts and history type of shit), and then follow your interest. If you are really into economics and think you can be a top student, go for it. If not, then you better have connections or a strong desire to lick ass for the next 20 years after you graduate

Do CS. It pays (even if you don't graduate as a top student), it isn't boring, (like electrical engineering or any other traditioal engineering class), and if you get a sick idea, you know what it takes to set it into action.

>> No.6655714

Econ degree here and concur...go for comp sci

I interviewed for an econ job but messed up when they ask me the difference between macro and microeconomics

>> No.6655749

you cucks are all the same. do a degree what a 1 million other people will be doing because they see the 'gap' in the market. by the time yall graduate it'll be over inflated and no jobs, find the next omputer science you cuck

>> No.6655817
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>opportunity cost

>> No.6655822

Also if you are capable of statistics and probability, go for actuary. You are treated as good tier in the insurance industry

>> No.6655829

That sounds like a "you" problem.

>> No.6655858

nice advice anon, here as a neet buck.

>> No.6655881
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To be honest im kinda more interested in economy but im sure i won't be a top student or something like that, besides i feel like my top priority which is moving to another country is going to be delayed several years due to master and MBA stuff

Its really hard to choose

>> No.6655887

God tier

>> No.6655911

>opportunity cost
What do you mean?

>> No.6655925

Isn't this the kind of stuff you learn on the first semester?

>> No.6655932

with CS...enjoy the Pajeet ride...

>> No.6655945


Yeah what ever that is why im trying to decide for one career and not trying to spend 3 years doing it to then find that i fucked up

>> No.6655952

CS you can learn econ in 2-3 weeks at most on the side

>> No.6655997
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Dude, come on

>> No.6655998

>econ degree
>doesnt know difference between micro and macro

Businesses dont like hiring retards

>> No.6656003

I got a CS major and statistics minor and am happily employed as a software developer. I'd advise Econ if the school is prestigious, CS if it isn't. Everyone FUDs about CS being overdaturated but that's only said by people with zero social and networking skills.

Always cute when EE's take one C class and think they've learned everything in a CS program.

>> No.6656009

Do ee and just become a quant at a hedge fund, make big $$$

>> No.6656011

I'm a software engineer with a CS degree and my sister is an econ major who works at a major insurance company. Her work ethic and drive are higher than me and it drives her crazy that I make about $50k/yr more than her while I work half as long as her.

Imo it's CS and not even close. I love my job.

>> No.6656041

How do you mess up between micro and macro. Im not even an economics major, and i know well the in depth difference between the two. Either you're lying about even going to school. Or you're seriously mentally retarded. Now really GTFO 4chan before i DDOS all your sht

>> No.6656060
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in the 4 years you go to college you could literally go to mcdonalds and invest everything you make into crypto, and regardless of what you do after that you will be richer than your "educated" alternate reality-self that got a degree might ever be

at least that would've been true for the last 4 years from 2014-2018, can't use the past to predict the future

>> No.6656121

I've got a crappy MIS degree and make $200k/year (non-city job) -- started at $48k. Your major matters, but not in the long run. Do something that's going to get your foot in the door and if you're any good, you'll make it.

>> No.6656142

>if you don't do a CS degree you'll never be able to do CS
>if you don't do economics and still feel the urge - read a few books - you are now as qualified as any economist

>> No.6656158

would y'all reccomend getting a CS degree, and working at a company where you'll get your MBA paid for? I have an internship at a company who offers that option if you work for them, and my plan is to work until they can pay for my MBA and then either keep working there and move up the ranks, or split and make my own company, wat do

>> No.6656230

>if you don't do a CS degree you'll never be able to do CS
If you aren't an efficient programmer/technologist before going to uni you're likely be mediocre forever.

>> No.6656337

If you can afford to stay at home with your parents and go to community college while working it's the best possible solution. 2 years of capital growth with minimal costs, ima be able to pay off what little loans I have and have enough money to either head for a bachelor's or start a business, feels good

>> No.6656377

And you can take an MBA on the top of CS, but you can't take CS on top of an economics/business degree.

>> No.6656408

Neither, do EE.

>> No.6656467

Ignore the market, OP. Just follow your heart.

>> No.6656515
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Really? i mean im 20yr old and i know almost nothing about progamming and as i said im between CS and Econ

I think that because im young i can understand tech better than if i was 30+ or something like that

>> No.6656524

Any tips for a programmer who has dabbled with the idea of switching over? I already passed the first exam (P) with ease, and am currently studying for the FM in my free time. Being a programmer is nice but not mentally stimulating for me. Would you say it's possible to switch over mid-career if I'm still under 30? Or did I miss the boat by not seeking an actuary internship back in college?

>> No.6656530

if you want an mba do a bba. Econ is not business
whichever you want bro. Both will open tonnes of doors if you have the right skills and work ethic. I took econ and enjoyed it.

>> No.6656571

can confirm the actuaries I work with make more money than me and it seems like fun work.

>> No.6656637

Yea I got an A in those classes, but somehow slept thru them so I forgot it all after semester was over

>> No.6656665

nah your sis is just retarded bro. literally the first result on google. https://www.topuniversities.com/student-info/university-news/economics-graduates-are-paid-highest-salaries

>> No.6656715

yeah But to do an econ degree you need at LEAST intro/intermediate micro i&ii and intro/intermediate macro. Assuming you took no advanced courses you would still figuire it out there or your other 40 fucking econ credits.

>> No.6656795


The thing is that i think an Econ major would take several more years of study to be recognized abroad while CS its like 6 years or less and i could work everywhere but i don't feel so interested in it


>> No.6656933

>not interested in it
Then dont do it you mong.
dont know why it would take longer to "work abroad" but I have literally never worked outside NA so dunno.

>> No.6657134

top kek, yeah, you surely sound very smart

>> No.6657507
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>> No.6657607


Because people who work in IT can go any country that they will have plenty of job and they dont even need a degree just experience and not THAT much while as an economist i think you have things a little more difficult

>> No.6657657

true at 30 your brain juice doesn't move as fast which is an important factor for critical thinking and coding

>> No.6657920

>as an economist
You need a PHD to be an economist.
never the less, economics theory, econometrics or anything but a few policy classes are pretty universal. don't see why taking it to a new country is different than comp sci.
That every country has "plenty of CS jobs" is a bit of a stretch tho anon.

>> No.6658257


Uh so unless i take a economic degree+ master+ MBAim fucked up? im 20yr old that would take me like 12 years or something like that

But it is true IT people can work everywhere

>> No.6658348

enjoy being boring

>> No.6658716

EE>CE>CS>>>>>>>>>>Economy major.

>> No.6658885

no. An econ degree is useful, even a BA or Bsci. It does not however, get you a job as an "economist" just like a physics degree wont make you a "physicist" also stop saying MBA. Thats business Econ is not business. Please fucking research before picking a major.
Whats an economy major? one that makes you only able to fly in the back of the plane like yours?

>> No.6659477


Dude, I know it is BUSINESS but here in my country we don't study BUSINESS we study ECONOMY as a degree then we choose to get a master in BUSINESS or ECONOMY AND THEN THE FUCKING MBA

Jesus fucking christ, why woudnt an economist be able to work in business?

>> No.6659712

what? your country is retarded.
One is a social science that studies human behaviour in the presence of scarcity, using mathematical models. The other is business. I dont even know what you will be studying then.
Like finance, accounting, marketing type of shit?
Or like Macro/Micro econ.
That kinda changes the entire thread.
>Jesus fucking christ, why woudnt an economist be able to work in business?
Its not commonplace for an academic.
But I just think this is a confusion on you being ESL so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here. An economist is essentially an academic in the field of economics. NOT just anyone working with, or applying economic knowledge from a degree. But yes, tonnes of private firms/business like econ grads for many fields such as market research.

>> No.6659753


if i have a degree that says i have title in ECONOMY yes it makes me an economist, i can have then a master or a PhD but it is not necessary to be called an ECONOMIST

>> No.6659802

Aerospace engineering because then you are literally a rocket scientist and you won't have to work anyway because of your Crypto empire.

>> No.6659803

To clarify this anon, EE gets you enough CS skills to give you an edge, but not all.

>> No.6659815

Unironically both, (((they))) like when startups have an actual plan and backed by boring ass simple economics and get more inclined to invest.

>> No.6659875

Why are you fighting me on this anon? it's fine its not your mother tongue. But no sadly, despite having a BA and soon MA in the field I am not an economist. But im sure you can get your "title in ECONOMY" will get you a posting as a proffesor at Harvard. How much of a research grant you think you can get anon? btw my friend has a health sciences degree (LOL) does that make him a doctor?

>> No.6659961

It's "useful" and I think you can learn economics easier through selfstudy than CS.

>> No.6660096

CS is just baby math for those with above average math skills but not special

>> No.6660178

I think it is the otherway around IMO. But maybe because Im trying to find more advanced econ concepts and my Compsci "research" is more like "LOL HOW DO TO DO X LANGUAGE" but there seems to be a lot of online learning resources of more clear path of "what next?" and no real need for academic databases in CS.Could be wrong though.

>> No.6660206


Well look, here in my country we do it that way because even tho we have a career that is called "Business administration" it is not as recognised as economy, so we study that one and we end doing a master in business (which in some countrys my degree is also considered a master because it is 6yr long lol )

Aren't CEOS of big companys economist with MBA and stuff like that?

>> No.6660287


Uhh..if you study to be a doctor you are a fucking doctor, if you study to be an economist you end up being an economist, my degree is 6yr long so..

Then i can get a Phd or stuff like that but i don't really know if you are trolling or just plain stupid

>> No.6660325

Computer Science.
If you want to learn more about economics, do it via books etc, but if you want to have a future go for CS.

>> No.6660395

For whatever it's worth, I'm studying Economics at uni and fucking hate it. Literally was debating the same two you are and wish I chose computer science

>> No.6660516

He obviously wouldn't be here if he could choose engineering

>> No.6660591

This, except I am doing IT with a minor in Business which includes some finance

>> No.6660647

It's more like

>study to be doctor
>fail medschool
>work at macdonalds

You literally need to be an expert in math to get a CS degree. You need to be an expert in math to take grade 12 math in HS. You're probably trolling.

>> No.6660678

>Well look, here in my country we do it that way because even tho we have a career that is called "Business administration" it is not as recognised as economy
Right, thats what I am saying. Business=/= econ.
So dont take economics if you are looking for finance, accounting marketing, management, etc etc. Just needed to clarify what you are looking into.
>so we study that one and we end doing a master in business
Right I dont know your country.
In North America a Masters of Business is Business. You can get a masters of econ as an MA and maybe in some instances a Msci (you can get a bsci in econ.) All I was saying is if you want a masters in business administration, while an econ degree will probably get you in, you are better off just studying business in your undergrad.
>Aren't CEOS of big companys economist with MBA and stuff like that?
It really depends? I am sure there are some CEOs with econ backgrounds...? and Its not unheard of to go for an MBA after econ. But its hardly the "Big CEO" go to route.
>if you study to be an economist you end up being an economist
An economist is an academic in the field of economics, with a posting doing research and developing models and shit. Paul Krugman (love him or hate him) for example is probably the most FAMOUS economist atm. Milton Freedmon was pretty famous to. Just so you can grasp what an economist IS.
Why is everyone saying that. I mean I suppose you could buy Varian and some textbooks. But thats kinda true of every field. No?

>> No.6660703

How the fuck do you fuck up micro and macro, its literally 1st semester, business is only a minor in my IT degree.

>> No.6660710

Petroleum engineering. Draw up fucking oil pump valves, make $300k base starting.

>> No.6660732

Economics is one of the most difficult majors. You are a god at math I take it? CS is baby joke compared to econ.

>> No.6660767

But the problem is it's literally all hicks. And you have to be with the GET ERRR DONE retards.

>> No.6660849

>You are a god at math I take it?
Depending on your university if you do it as a BA, and a slack university and pick the path of least resistance you literally only need Calc I and a good grasp of multi-variable optimization. realistically, if you are doing a proper route, or want to do a masters you need to take calc II and vector algebra and shit. So im not saying you are wrong but if you are a lazy undergrad you can get by with just calc I.

>> No.6660899

>literally only need calc
>only need calc
I just passed pre-calc lol

>> No.6660914

Depends where you work. A big outfit is mostly desk jockey and visiting a drill/pump site every once in a while. It's basically the same shit an architect does, but there's way more money in it.

>> No.6660966


The thing is that i DO want to look for finance, managment and stuff but this is the only option i have because otherwise if i took the business degree it woudn't be recognized abroad because it is very shitty and doesn't have almost any math so after doing the economics degree that takes 6 fucking years i should do a master in BUSINESS to learn managment and that stuff so THEN i would be able to be occupy more financial jobs (i know a lot of people in my country that have done this)

>> No.6660968

Calc I is easier IMO, math is just practice anon.
Oh and Lagrange fuck Lagrange, I struggled with that shit in 2nd year.

>> No.6660980
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>EE gets you all CS skills and more,

>> No.6661020

>path is just practice
Tell that to me. I have 10 days until my math exam (grade 12) and im going to get a bad mark if i get under 85 on the exam. I'm not even studying because I know that's so unrealistic. I study it and do a bunch of review and still end up with 60% on the quiz. Even with practice.

>> No.6661035

i recommend architecture
it turned out to be pretty useless because I don't actually work as an architect but I never had so much fund and never smoked so much pot in my life as during those studies
highly recommended

>> No.6661049

If you didn't learn to code as a kid, you will never be good in CS

>> No.6661101

Do I take my master's in Finance or Marketing or Analysis and business management??
I like marketing and my professors are great, but it still feels lacking substance and I don't like the people that work in most marketing agencies
Finance is cool, but at my uni it's mostly theoretical for some reason, professors are amazing
Analysis and business management (don't know how to translate this well enough) includes capital budgeting, controlling, crisis management....

>> No.6661103

You sir , are a retard

>> No.6661317


Thats bullshit as fuck. I havent coded ib my life and I got in uni year ago and I passed just fine.

Ironically people whonare best at programming in my group are people who never learned it, so they started being tryhard and got the "magic taste" of programming. Meanwhile friends who had it in hs keep saying yeaah its all easy and barelly pass, lazy af and boring to them cuz they think they know it all.

Yeah there are always gonna be slayers and no lifers but who cares, in my country every person who does CS is loaded as fuck.

>> No.6661327

I mean if its your only option I guess? Understand a solid 4 years of those lessens will be shit irrelevant to your interests and a lot of math if its 6 years. If you want to go abroad, why not do a BBA somewhere else? or just do CS.
There are two ways you can fuck up a math equation, lack of practice/ PEBKEK. lack of understanding of the basic fundamentals, just go over it with someone anon, if someone can tell you where you go wrong you can eventually get it. I guarantee. Its not some secret only smart people can understand or something. Most people who suck at math are like people who cant ride a bike, you either only peddled for 10 minutes with training wheels and gave up, or you are pushing yourself around with no direction on how to peddle.

>> No.6661409

>There are two ways you can fuck up a math equation, lack of practice/ PEBKEK. lack of understanding of the basic fundamentals, just go over it with someone anon, if someone can tell you where you go wrong you can eventually get it. I guarantee. Its not some secret only smart people can understand or something. Most people who suck at math are like people who cant ride a bike, you either only peddled for 10 minutes with training wheels and gave up, or you are pushing yourself around with no direction on how to peddle.
Problem is I don't even know how to do it and when i figure it out and practice then write the test there is a bunch of things i got wrong that i never knew i didn't know.

>> No.6661549

You don't need to take economics in uni to learn about the economy. I skipped 90%+ of all my ECON classes, and just watched lectures on youtube and read my textbook, and I know more than the regular student in my classes.

>> No.6661719
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economist is not a real job, and it's not even a real science

get the computer sciences for fuck shake


>> No.6661970

This is the most retared video I have ever seen. Dont even know where to begin.
>Guy in motel room rants into a potato camera about econ degrees.
>complains people saying they succeeded is an outlier when stats show econ has high employment rates and average salaries.
>Somehow thinks you can do econometrics without econ
>rants about how all the "cool jobs" in econ go to people with more experiance and that you will do bitch work. as in pretty much anyone in any field before they get experiance.
Wow dont do a BBA guys, you wont be CEO right away, your first job will be BITCH WORK!

>> No.6662016

>average salary

>> No.6662097

Economics is all theoretical. You can't do anything because you know Keynesian and Austrian economic theory.

CS can be used to actually create something that somebody will pay you money for.

>> No.6662121

> high employment rates and average salaries.
as in good.
average is as in mean of econ grads.
As in taking their salaries adding it together and dividing it by your sample size you dumb fucking brainlet. They get high AVERAGE salaries, because I am sure you can find some dude working at mcdonalds and some super rich succesful dude if you just want to use a sample size of one.

>> No.6662234

So if i get a degree in economics how much money do you think I'll make? Like average American salary?

>> No.6662238

Econometrics and a IO is not just "theoretical" yes you need to understand theory and models, but w.e.
>You can't do anything because you know Keynesian and Austrian economic theory.
Macro is boring desu.

>> No.6662299

>So if i get a degree in economics how much money do you think I'll make?
IDK anon. How smart are you? how good at networking are you? how good of a worker are you? how good are you at job interviews, etc. Thats a dumb loaded question.
>Like average American salary?
If you dont make significantly over just by virtue of a degree, let alone con degree you failed life.

>> No.6662373

Well that is arguably not even economics, but statistics. Only central planners think it's economics. All the Austrians reject it.

>> No.6662425

>Well that is arguably not even economic but statistics.
Its both. Its the use of statistics with economic theory and models.

>> No.6662435


I don't know dude im totally fucked up, i dont really want to study 12yrs of economics till i get to be a financial or business specialist or something like that

i would like to study some shit and then move the fuck away, i think i will look into CS and see what it is about i mean i know im not super interest at it but fuck it what ever, my life is going to be shit anyway or another

>> No.6662493


and even like that, being a financial specialist doesnt secure me that i will be able to work abroad or something like that

fuck everything

>> No.6662511

>How smart are you
I'm very low IQ

>how good at net working are you
Really good because my dad knows a ton of really rich people and my cousins are really rich as well and through them i met a lot of people in finance

>how good of a worker are you
I'm stupid and lazy and mess things up

>how good are you at job interviews
Very good. Can make myself appear so intelligent and hardworking

>you failed life
That's what im thinking is going to happen

>> No.6662537

Bullshit. Coding is just dedication to do something properly. We have a lot of indian/pakistani foreign students who are just utter trash at coding because of their work mentality...

>> No.6662577

I thought indians were super hard working,.

>> No.6662645

Wait was this a genuine question?
If you are the guy who sucked at HS math dont do econ lol.
But you sound like a perfect candidate for a BBA. If you can network and interview well its all you need, most classes are easy as piss and you only really go to get a piece of paper and network. Just do marketing or someshit not fiance or accounting.
Thats chinks lmao. Pajeets are lazy as fuck

>> No.6662655

>how good of a worker are you
I'm stupid and lazy and mess things up

My CS prof promotes laziness cause lazy people always look for the most efficient solutions... but if you mess things up you will not be very effective.

Effectiveness = doing things correctly
Efficiency = doing things fast

>> No.6662677

Economics so you can charge top dollar for your meme opinions
Comp Sci if you actually want to create something

>> No.6662690

Theoretical models.

>> No.6662724

The classes are actually very hard but i'll still do that because it's better than taking finance and failing.

>> No.6662728

>Economics so you can charge top dollar for your meme opinions
Who's going to pay you for your opinion on unemployment rates? It's only relevant to people setting government policy, and you're a nobody.

>> No.6662764

>My CS prof promotes laziness cause lazy people always look for the most efficient solutions
That's fedora tier logic. I'm lazy and i often do things the super inefficient way because im too lazy to think to do the right thing. Like im doing math, im too lazy to learn short division even if it will take way less energy in the long term than long division

>> No.6662794

This was confirmed also by multiple profs: Indians will just nod their head if you tell them they screwed up. You will tell them how to correct their mistakes and ask if they understood. They will nod their heads. A week later everything will be the same as they just agree you tell them without understanding or considering it...

>> No.6662834

someone help pls

>> No.6662852
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If you were to learn programming you can skip school altogether probably. 5-7 years of torture instead of jumping directly to a job. Helps if you know somebody with programming company. Most cs hiring is programming anyways, maybe 90%.

Economics degree is government hiring mostly, governments are broke. Banks dont hire much at all, they are laying off people now and in near future

>> No.6662906

>All the Austrians reject it.
which is why it's real economics

>> No.6662960

The degree isn't for the knowledge, if you actually want knowledge you don't need university and in fact you can actually learn more by yourself without submitting to politician bait like econometrics.
It's just there to dazzle and make your opinion appear not worthless.

>> No.6663063

>Im currently a bizbro in uni. I had the same problem but i was in engineering but wanted to switch to comp sci but decided to switch to MIS instead

>> No.6663139

I know that.

Governments hire people who support their economic positions (you may do that) and are perceived to have credibility (you're a nobody, so you probably don't have that). Economics is all theory, so there are no objective positions. Socialists cite economists who support socialism, free-marketers cite economics who support free markets. Paul Krugman can be wrong every time and still be an "economist".

>> No.6663463

I'm not telling OP to go after governments, I'm telling him to go after the common Joe. Most "consultants" don't have a degree in economics so it's a way to make your image leave the saturated cesspool.

Couple that with crypto and it's easy money.

>> No.6664204

CS, no question. Funny that econ majors are telling you to study CS, but most others are telling you to study EE. I'd say math is probably your best bet, since you can be taught everything else as an application of math later. If you don't think you can handle math, and generally aren't sure what you want to do, EE or CE are reasonable. If you're interested in a particular subfield of CS, then obviously choose CS.

If you're interested in doing CS: the most valuable things you can learn from school (algorithms, crypto, machine learning) you can absolutely teach yourself if you're willing to be disciplined. You could save yourself a lot of time and money by not going to school. Compile a portfolio of projects to demonstrate that you know your shit to bring to interviews, if that's your angle, or just start developing. School gives you a nice framework for learning these things, and if you're unsure of your direction you'll be exposed to a ton of material. This will help you figure your shit out. Again, you can do this on your own, but it's much harder. Good luck!

>> No.6664608

>Governments hire people who support their economic positions (you may do that) and are perceived to have credibility (you're a nobody, so you probably don't have that)
This is so wrong tho.
Government is a shit job for econ grads you can make more money in the private sector. But in the bureaucracy they dont give a fuck about "big names" or "credibility" they hire mostly nobodies. I bet you cant name a single person in your governments policy team/research. They also dont really want ideologues of any kind even yes men. They can do that themselves. They really just want objective data, even if(when) they ignore it for their agenda, so they can at least be prepared. Also most retards itt seem to think econ in the real world/jobs is macro or even just normie macro econ theorists like Keynes. this couldn't be further from the truth, most of the industry, including government has a strong micro (in specific econometrics or even Industrial Organization) bias. And in macro you are going to be using names like "Sollow" or "Rosenstein-Rodan" not Keynes or Krugman.

>> No.6664684

"The first proposal for a special institute in quantitative economics at the Netherlands School of Economics in Rotterdam was made by Henri Theil in 1953 with support of Jan Tinbergen, while working at the Central Planning Bureau."
> Central Planning Bureau
Economics is a soft science. You can not make it a hard science. Econometrics is an attempt at "scientific socialism". It's of no practical use. The use of econmetrics is less legitimate than trying to time the market in trading.

>> No.6664830

>scientific socialism
Lmao what in the fuck?
Where do you guys come up with this shit.
Also soft science doesnt seem to mean what you think it means.

>> No.6664886

I come up with this from the study of economics.

> Also soft science doesnt seem to mean what you think it means.
Yes, it does. It doesn't mean what statisticians posing as economist want it to mean. Econometrics is pure "time the market" styled fantasy.

>> No.6664918


lol there are so many stupid people ITT. I am an economics student (undergrad). It's a great field which will allow you to go into many careers. If you want to make things a bit more technical, there are schools that offer Economics/Informatics dual degrees. Those are fantastic options. Personally, I'm going to grad school for Information Systems and then going into data analytics

>> No.6665139

>I come up with this from the study of economics.
NO the "econometrics is socialist" part.
Like which of the two words is it you dont understands meaning exactly? socialism or econometrics? or is it both?
>It doesn't mean what statisticians posing as economist want it to mean
a hard science" include producing testable predictions, performing controlled experiments, relying on quantifiable data and mathematical models"
We cant go into a lab and run a controlled experiment on housing prices. We arent fucking retarded. Economics struggles because it has to rely on real world data and passed processes it is a social science we cant control all variables and we cant truly "forecast" doesn't make it illegitimate. Doesn't mean calculating IDK regression in housing purchase prices or whatever is some fantasy or some shit. stastics is statistics. Models are models.

>> No.6665171

Phd graduate in economics right here, only do it if you really have passion for it,economics is one of the most interesting things in the world, but if your goal is to find a good job then it is not for you. P.s. graduate school is a fucking purgatory.

>> No.6665290

>NO the "econometrics is socialist" part.
It was established by Jan Tinbergen, who worked for the Central Planning Bureau. The idea behind econometrics is using the scientific method to centrally plan the economy.
> because it has to rely on real world data and passed processes it is a social science we cant control all variables and we cant truly "forecast" doesn't make it illegitimate
Yes, it does.
> Doesn't mean calculating IDK regression in housing purchase prices or whatever is some fantasy or some shit
Yes, it does.
> statics is statistics
And not economics.
> Models are models.
and are theoretical

>> No.6665349


thanks dude, i was more into economics to be honest but i think it is useless for what i want which is business administration and finance but even like that it would take me several years and my dream is to work abroad and stuff so fuck it

>> No.6665372

Actuarial Science, ie Math
Econ is saturated, it's a meme at this point and basically Math lite

>> No.6665416


do you have offers to work abroad or something like that?
did you do a master in business also or something financial related?

>> No.6665479

You do need PhD to be a real economist

>> No.6665502

What's up with that 'ohhh you don't know the answer to something that's taught in first semester? Must be retarded'?
I just completed my master's in CS and I remember fuck all from the entire 5 years. I also don't remember anything from school. Don't fucking act like you remember everything anyone ever told you, ffs.

>> No.6665547

>It was established by Jan Tinbergen, who worked for the Central Planning Bureau. The idea behind econometrics is using the scientific method to centrally plan the economy.
Okayyy and...? an empirical field of study regarding MARKETS is socialist because...?
>Yes, it does.
The only use of anything is forecasting? congrats you missed the whole point of most fields let alone the one you are dissing.
>Yes, it does.
math is fantasy? LOLOLOL
>And not economics.
Almost like you can apply one to the other...

No offence anon but you just flat out dont understand the field and Im tired of having debates with youtube educated retards on /biz/ So Im done.

>> No.6665583

>Debating for econ or comp sci degree
>People still refer OP to math-intensive degrees
Why are you giving him harder degrees
He needs easier ones like women studies

>> No.6665593

if you are talking about the guy that didnt know the difference between micro and macro its because its a fundamental thing and you take multiple courses in each discipline. So you can hardly "forget" it. Its kinda like you going into an interview and being asked "whats the difference between assembly and C++" you cant reasonably answer "lol I dont remember first year!"

>> No.6665660

I was an Econ major. It's bullshit - all of it - is bullshit.

The only people that 'make it' in Econ are those with great social skills in Ivy schools that can go into investment banking or those with good networks due to their parents. Otherwise economics is a useless fucking degree with no real practical use case.

That being said, economics is a top tier degree for crypto degeneracy and going from rich to FILTHY RICH once you 'make it'. It'll save you from your dumb ass and help you accumulate more wealth.

Economics degree makes you a capitalist, but a really shitty one since it doesn't actually help you in any way acquire said capital.

>> No.6665726

> an empirical field of study regarding MARKETS is socialist because
Because the goal is to use this empirical data to centrally plan the economy.
> No offence anon but you just flat out dont understand the field
Seems you don't. You write as if you are unaware that criticism of the field even exists.
> Wow he rejects econometrics? Wow, what? I can't even
Even if you accept it as being legitimate - most do - studying economics would cause you to be at least aware of the debate about math and statistics in the field of economics.

>> No.6665765

No, I work for the government, it’s reslly interesting and stressful, but prospects are thin and i am the only one out of a 100 who made it so far, and I can fail any minute and all of it will perish.

>> No.6665783

Macro is large scale like countries and mega organizations like the fed. Micro is smaller stuff like corperations and individuals

>> No.6665829

You've just described my game plan.

> Coding, check
> EE, check
> Finance, check

Come at me cucks

>> No.6665859

Why not both or a mix? I've a Master's degree in Finance and Data Science.

>> No.6665898


what is your daily job being an Econ Major?

i was looking to study economics but to work into financial/business stuff

>> No.6666012

If I want to work as an analyst doing econometrics for mobile games / apps what education pathway should I take?

Already have some CS background. Worked a couple years as a database dev

>> No.6666042

CS is the future. I bet in 20 years over half of the top 100 billionaires will have CS/tech degrees.

>> No.6666079

>to centrally plan the economy.
No its not you daft cunt.
Why do market economy governments hire them? why do they find information and study things that have nothing to do with central planning an economy? Why do private firms hire them? literally no centrally planned government would have a use for it. We found the relationship between wages and education in this market? found a way to calculate housing demand in this market? THIS WOULD BE GREAT FOR SOCIALISM!
>You write as if you are unaware that criticism of the field even exists.
They exist. That empirical study is fantasy, that soft science=bad. Or the false claim that it is remotely "socialist" are not ones of them.
That's like you saying "wow you think Im a moron for calling Marx a free market capilist? Ill have you know multiple have had criticisms of him so you are the dumbass!"
>studying economics would cause you to be at least aware of the debate about math and statistics in the field of economics.
Some behavioral economists might say inferences can get to great or there is a stretch in assumptions from correlation sure. But Econometrics is very much so positive economics.
>least aware of the debate about math and statistics in the field of economics.
What debate? youtube lolbertarians dont count. Economic "historians" and Philosophers arent economists. Some hardcore parkour Austrians dont believe in general equilibrium and certain mathematical applications of macro models. Many micro models are over simplifications. but nobody seriously thinks math or statistics dont belong in economics. Math at least is fundamental even in the most theoretical parts. Its a mathematical field at its core.

>> No.6666106


I honestly wouldn't know how to answer that. Seriously. I just forgot everything in every single class after it was over, and I don't see it as a big deal. I mean - I could try answering that, but I can assure you nobody would be satisfied by that answer. It basically ends at 'one's an embedded programming language, one's not'. I also don't care and don't think this knowledge would ever help me with anything at work.

>> No.6666118

Thats basically already true retard

>> No.6666160

>Economics graduates are the highest-paid in the UK, according to new information from the Department of Education.
>UK only statistic

into the trash it goes.

>> No.6666201

Shut the fuck up, you filthy fucking stupid monkey nigger piece of shit.

>> No.6666216

> I just forgot everything in every single class after it was over
Even if the degree was 100% useless and that information wasn't needed for the job. Can you see why firms would not want to hire someone who is like this?
>Oh I studied for 4 years but I dont remember any of it
I am sure they are underpaid in Zimbabwe and Venezuela.

>> No.6666218

No degree is going to "save" you an engineering/cs degree will put you in 100k land but without the things you mentioned or a shit ton of hard work you will stay there as well. Its about how you apply the information you learned

>> No.6666223

What's the fastest way of getting a compsci degree?

OSU online compsci degree in 2 years?

>> No.6666305

Still a scam compared to the crash courses you can take to get into an industry. Cop 2-4 years of xp and you're done by the time people graduate with 100k debt

>> No.6666378


CS is something you need on the side. It's not good enough alone. If you can use it to perform complex mathematical models and quantitative analysis you're onto a winner.

>> No.6666478

My goal is software dev/SWE, I doubt I'd ever get there without relevant educational background.

I'm intrigued though, would bootcamps suffice? How would I get my foot through the door without any relevant CS background on my resume?

>> No.6666536

> Why do market economy governments hire them?
What market economy governments?
> no centrally planned government would have a use for it
Funny that the field was created by central planners then.
> That empirical study is fantasy, that soft science=bad
Nobody said soft science is bad, they said trying to use hard science techniques in a soft science doesn't create accurate forecasts. It's rater the econometricians that think that soft science is bad as they refuse to accept that economics is one.
>youtube lolbertarians dont count
For sure, lolbertarians only exist on youtube. That's the crux of the argument here. You reject free-market ideals and believe in econometric based central planning.

>> No.6666782

Fastest possible method is to bypass the degree. Take a butt ton of cyber security training courses online and become an expert in 1–2 years. Make it your life and spend every minute on it. Apply for a pentesting job and prove your knowledge outweighs your lack of schooling. Profit from a million person deficit in infosec.
But let's be real. You and I both know you won't unironically take advice from /biz/. I personally went for the degree because I want one, but if your only interest truly is to load up on the $$$ as fast as possible through CS, that's how you do it.
>t. Security analyst

>> No.6666801

Whichever you like better

>> No.6666814

LOL Comp sci easily.

Many of my friends did computer science in college. Most of them are highly successful with huge numbers of opportunities and a lot of job stability (we live in one of the top areas for tech jobs in the country).

One of my friends studied economics thinking that it was a useful and widely applicable degree, and after 2 years of searching for a job (because retail is "beneath" him) he currently works as the middleman between tech support and customers at a medical equipment provider. He gets paid like $15/hr.

>> No.6666832

>What market economy governments?
United States, and all 50 states, Canada and all 10 provinces, Australia, Most of europe, the UK, China (post econ reform), Taiwan, South Korea do I need to go on?
>trying to use hard science techniques in a soft science doesn't create accurate forecasts.
Common sense, economic forecasting is not reaslistically achievable.
>. It's rater the econometricians that think that soft science is bad as they refuse to accept that economics is one.
Not really no.
>For sure, lolbertarians only exist on youtube.
Thats the only place you find them other than GMU, and even there they probably dont agree with any of your findings.
>You reject free-market ideals and believe in econometric based central planning.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA anon Im a whore for market efficiency it makes my dick hard. Econometrics is useless in a centrally planned economy and you are a moron if this isnt self appearant. Why do you need to study markets to begin with?

>> No.6666978

How many years after graduating with an infosec degree did you land a pentest job?
I am taking up on advice, trying to prove pentesting skills with a degree would be a nightmare, no? Most HRs would bin any resume without a relevant degree

>> No.6667035

Also, could you point me towards where I could take up infosec/pentest training courses?

>> No.6667098

>United States, and all 50 states, Canada and all 10 provinces, Australia, Most of europe, the UK, China (post econ reform), Taiwan, South Korea do I need to go on?
Yes, considering all these countries have centrally planned banks controlling the money supply, justified on silly "scientific" ideas about the money supply and economic growth.
> economic forecasting is not reaslistically achievable.
So don't make a field with fake models trying to do so.
> AHAHAHAHAHAHA anon Im a whore for market efficiency
Central planners believe in Market efficiency - they don't believe that free markets lead to efficiency, they believe in market failure etc. It's a different concept.
> Econometrics is useless in a centrally planned economy
Well, of course, since it can not make accurate predictions, but central planners believe that it can. Which is why it's founder, Jan Tinbergen, worked for the Central Planning Bureau. Your previous example
> We found the relationship between wages and education in this market?
Central planners will then use this econometric relationship to justify, say, increased spending on education, expecting some type of boom in wages growth.

>> No.6667125
File: 69 KB, 387x526, oh shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a prime example of what economics leads to: Arguing in chocolate coin swindling agora.
Go math (actuarial path) or compsi

>> No.6667284

>central banks mean you have a centrally planned economy
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit. the retard doesnt even know what a market economy v.s. planned economy is.
>So don't make a field with fake models trying to do so.
Duly noted. What does this have to do with econometrics or econ as a whole again? I dont know of any real "forecasting" in econ. If you think finding mathematical relationships is "forecasting" you are truly retarded.
>Central planners believe in Market efficiency
No they dont, thats why they centrally plan instead of having markets. YOu know the USSR? yes heard of it?
>they don't believe that free markets lead to efficiency
In any case with market power there is deadweight loss.
>they believe in market failure etc. It's a different concept.
Market failure is an important aspect of market econ.
>Well, of course, since it can not make accurate predictions, but central planners believe that it can
Yeah who? Kim jong un? stalin? hitler. Are there even any modern planned economies?
>Central planners will then use this econometric relationship to justify, say, increased spending on education, expecting some type of boom in wages growth.
Central planners dont know they try to set wage themselves and dont "spend" on education they centrally run it. Many economies sucessfully do these two things however.

>> No.6667559

>central banks mean you have a centrally planned economy
Yes, it does. Centrally planning the most important part of the economy - the money supply - is of great significance.
> If you think finding mathematical relationships is "forecasting" you are truly retarded.
The purpose of this field was to make forecasts, not merely find a past correlation just for the sake of it. The founder of the field - Jan Tinbergen - worked for the Dutch Central Planning Bureau.
> No they dont, thats why they centrally plan instead of having markets
They believe that intervening and central planning can make markets more efficient than leaving them free.
> Central planners dont know they try to set wage themselves and dont "spend" on education they centrally run it. Many economies sucessfully do these two things however.
"Mixed economies" contain central planning.You are a central planner. Tax and spend is central planning - it is the central planning of spending.

>> No.6667655

not him, but central planning doesn't necessarily mean full Stalin
when politicians handwave inflation as collateral for developmentalism, they're performing central planning even if they don't go full Stalin
this happens to varying degrees but is not fundamentally different across most countries

>> No.6667959


>Yes, it does. Centrally planning the most important part of the economy - the money supply - is of great significance.
I mean besides objectively not fitting the definition of centrally planned economy. This isnt even true money supply is FAAAR from the most important part of an economy (unless you push it until velocity moves it to a point of hyperinflation)
>The purpose of this field was to make forecasts,
Objectively false. Im willing to wager 99% of series professionals in the field deny forecasting ability. You just dont know what it is. If I told you there is a relationship between long hot droughts and your grass burning up. This is vital info yet not at all "forecasting" Im not telling you its going to be 27 degrees and sunny tomorrow. Yet even without looking at a forecast this information would be useful now that you know to water your lawn. Loom at central monetary policy. The number one criticism is that it is REACTIONARY not forecasting. Its like balancing a broom on your hand. Its possible. But you aren't going to go in beforehand and say "its going to move left right then left" you feel it move left, you move your hand slightly more left and it goes right.
>They believe that intervening and central planning can make markets more efficient than leaving them free.
centrally planned markets domt believe that at all they dont even really believe in markets.
That being said if you believe any firm evwr has any form of market power, and said firm profit maximizes it is true.

>> No.6668110

polticians dont have any say in inflation rates and most central banks don't run them as "a bad thing to pay for x" infact they could that easily with their capital holding from commercial banks.

>> No.6668326

You guys should join Xaviers school...
its 4chans official stock/crypto/education chatroom, and they specialize in programming as well.

>> No.6668333

Why did the Dutch Central Planning Bureau exist? What a strange name for a country that supposedly had no central planning?
> Objectively false. Im willing to wager 99% of series professionals in the field deny forecasting ability.
> If I told you there is a relationship between long hot droughts and your grass burning up
That's just plain old statistics. The purpose of econometrics is to utilize statistics and make forecasts.

The founder of econometrics was Jan Tinbergen. He worked for the Dutch Central Planning Bureau. He won a noble prize for creating applied econometric models. To apply these econometric relationships to forecasting was the whole point, which is why the founder of the field did so.

This is the history of the field.

>> No.6668337
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CS Graduate here.

I like programming and my job, but ultimately I want assloads of money. My buddy went into finance and is making 250K and I'm making 75k.

75k is good, better than most of my friends, but tbhwy I'd take finance if I could go back.

I'd bet though that most people w/ finance degrees make less that 250k.

>> No.6668485

you are like a broken fucking record.
Netherlands is a market economy. I have no idea about some stupid fucking planning bureau or some dude Ive never heard of. Its not an argument. Give me an example of a common or legitimate ecconmetric finding that is "forecasting" not just name dropping some dumbass. And remember I just taught you what forecasting is so dont comeback with "THIS GUY FOUND A NEGATIVE CORRELATION BETWEEN INSANELY HIGH MINIMUM WAGE AND UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE UNSKILLED LABOUR MARKET!" like he is trying to predict the fucking future.

>> No.6668493


What the fuck do I do biz?

Im one of those fags that bullshit their way through a CS degree and cant program for shit

I just graduated and theres no way I can get a job in programming

What niche can I learn quickly that will get me a job?

>> No.6668526

sophistry, you're taking the actions of politicians and central banks at face value

>> No.6668627

>I have no idea about some stupid fucking planning bureau or some dude Ive never heard of
Yeah, you have no idea about the founding of the field of econometrics.

But econometricians tries to investigate whether the relationship is causal or merely correlative. When they declare that it is causal - they are making predictions.

>> No.6668686

>I have no idea about some stupid fucking planning bureau or some dude Ive never heard of.

>> No.6668812

>they are making predictions
okay the relationship is pure causation. Now what? how am I forecasting. As I said long hot droughts burn out grass. I am now a metereologist! again please cite me a single fucking example oh wise one.
You keep telling me how knowledgeable you are cause you know von wick can ricklenuts the founder of math in the communist peoples republic on netherlands or whatever. But fail to give me a single example.
Central banks could fund all their operations without printing any money. All I am saying. also central banks have in passed literally tried to counter government policies and frequently ignore politicians. Take that however you'd like.

>> No.6669066

>okay the relationship is pure causation.
Well, there is the issue:
1) they can't prove that it is causation via statistical analysis. It's a social science and they can't do the controlled experiments necessary.
2) When they claim that it is causal they are implying that manipulating one economic factor will directly change something else - a forecast - such as education and wages as we discussed earlier, leading to politicians calling for changes in government policy based on the belief in this causal relationship.

>> No.6669159
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what are you guys even arguing about this was my thread fffff

>> No.6669215

First you need to learn how to meme then you will be ready to learn how to computer or economy.

>> No.6669240

you are missing the point.
just because central banks have disregarded politicians in the past does not mean that when they did not, central planning was not conducted
it evidently was

example: brazil is a market economy whose central bank is constantly at the whims of politicians, who proceed to use econometric justifications for their developmentalism and populism
the result is the shithole we all know and avoid

you deny that this is a case of central planning?

>> No.6669257

My Buddy has a bachelors in economics he works with me in a warehouse,

>> No.6669270

Shit this is pretty good.
Lots of programmers.

>> No.6669434


>1) they can't prove that it is causation via statistical analysis.
with reasonable certainty I can, but my point was just you give you leeway to find a "forecasting example"
>It's a social science and they can't do the controlled experiments necessary.
I already said this.
>2) When they claim that it is causal they are implying that manipulating one economic factor will directly change something else - a forecast. No a forecast is a prediction. This is a mathmatical relationship based on all else being equal. Like I said. Saying long hot droughts burn out grass is not a forecast. It could be raining tomorrow I lack the information to make one.
The key part of economics that makes it impossible to forecast is the key phrase "all else being equal" and key assumptions.
even if I take overly simplistic micro models and infer I am not forecasting. For example if I say " a profit maximizing firm with perfect information will do X" that does not mean walmart will do X, they probably dont have perfect information, maybe they wont profit maximize. Maybe hawaii will grt nuked and all my info is off. Maybe the union will strike breaking my model. I am by no meams forecasting. And yet this information gives drasticly better insight then rolling a dice.
I mean its common sense.
An acknowledgement of a relationship between X and Y. does not mean I know their values or anhthing about A B C D E F G H I. Friedman on generap equilibrium is good on this. It probably exists but is impossible to calculate and completely useless.
>Brazil as an example.
Brazil is a complete shithole terribly corrupt and both monetary and fiscal policy is run people people, corrupt incompetent or both. They have strong protectionism and government controls on lots of the market that is frankly stupid and detrimental. They do not however, have a centrally planned economy. Buy a fucking dictionary.
Nor does this dissuade anything I have said. Especially in developed nations.

>> No.6669710
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get the fuck out of my fucking thread

>> No.6669719

>with reasonable certainty I can
Nope, and there goes econometrics.

> And yet this information gives drasticly better insight then rolling a dice.
But the opposite to econometrics is not rolling a dice - it's using logic and deductive reasoning - "common sense" as you say. The point behind applied econometrics is that these statistical models are supposed to make better predictions and lead to better economic policy than policy based on logical assumptions.

>> No.6669841

>Nope, and there goes econometrics.
Wanna make a bet on it? Why dont we have $100000 an hour min wage then
>it's using logic and deductive reasoning - "common sense" as you say. The point behind applied econometrics is that these statistical models are supposed to make better predictions and lead to better economic policy than policy based on logical assumptions.
If anything this is the other way around. Economic theory makes logical assumptions and uses deductive reasoning to an extent. Econometrics checks the data on these, or at least applies them to real data sets.
Its like saying correlation does not equal causation. But causation needs correlation. So if we have a logical model, what better way to test it then through statistical analysis?
I mean I can make an ecomomic model from logical assumptions. Cant get my values without econometrics.

>> No.6669859

Do information systems. At my uni it was a part of the business school so you had to take a bunch of business classes and get a business admin degree majoring in IS. Lets you do a bit of the CS stuff mixed with business so you can teach yourself to program better outside of school and if you find your not passionate about programming like I was you have other options besides being a codemonkey.

>> No.6669867

I majored in Econ, but can program well enough from experience.
Major in Computer Science if you're not naturally gifted in programming.
I've never had a job because of my degree, but I've created product because of it as an entrepreneur.
CNBC Economist is not an actual job.

>> No.6669976

>They do not however, have a centrally planned economy
the board of directors of brazil's central bank does not have a set term duration and everyone can be fired by the president at a moment's notice and replaced with someone who will listen
you sure you want to stick to your quasi-manichaeistic definiton of central planning?

>> No.6670209

Econ is the study of human choice, to be exact.

> bachelors in economics

>> No.6670237


>> No.6670262

>Why dont we have $100000 an hour min wage then
Austrian economists explain why without statistics. Econometricians wouldn't explain why with logic, they would need to conduct a controlled experiment (which they never could) to show that such a high minimum wage had a causal negative relationship with growth, income employment etc.

> So if we have a logical model, what better way to test it then through statistical analysis?
he statistical analysis showed that there are problems in the economy. How to solve? By searching for statistical correlations or by using logic? Using statistics to analyze the past is entirely different from using the statistics to predict the future.

>> No.6670321
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205 replies and i havent even decide

i think it is just better if i end it all

>> No.6670414

>riding bean
Excellent taste my friend.

>> No.6670436

>the board of directors of brazil's central bank does not have a set term duration and everyone can be fired by the president at a moment's notice and replaced with someone who will listen
Yes. They also have markets. the existence of government, corrupt or not does not make a centrally planned economy.
perhaps I found your problem. Ar eyou under a false assumption that one is a replacement for the other.
Economists made labour market models using math. Econometrics can get data to fill the model
>statistic analysis showed there are problems in the economy.
Its not that simple. For one tjing its mostly a micro field.
>using stastica to analyze the past is entirely different from using statistics to predict the future.
Congrats you dumbass. You keep talking in circles and pretend I am inferring they make forecasts. You forgot to mention your Dutch boyfriend here.
Do you think using data to do analysis is useless because the data is not future data?

>> No.6670498

My advice don’t go to school. College is largely a glorified day care. Learn a skill and work until you have enough to invest, and invest wisely.

>> No.6670514

Become an Actuary like me you bitch

>> No.6670524

your friend is a rare specimen.

>> No.6670636

If your school offers a minor in econ then do a bachelor's in comp sci and minor in econ. If you're good at math then I suggest doing a very math heavy computer science curriculum; however, if you can get a bunch of statistics, econometrics, and math into an economics degree that would probably offer more social mobility, albeit at the cost of a less secure post-graduation employment. The thing with comp sci is that it's technically better for you, but if you're looking to make big money then you'll have to break out of your wagecuck lifestyle and start a business. Obviously having a business related degree would make it easier for you to start your own company.

>> No.6670659

moving the goalposts and performing circular logic is not an argument
corruption is terrible but has nothing to do with the central planning that occurs in places such as brazil, which do have markets at the same time

pointing to a definition is not an argument, I am not claiming that centrally planned economies do not exist, I am proving to you that central planning can still occur to a lesser extent while the markets exist
central planning is not black and white

>> No.6670801
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I sold my stack today. Put it in some pajeet coin and I'm already up 20%. Link seems to be slowly bleeding out and I don't see it getting another pump anytime soon desu. I think it's a great project but I need a little bit of news to know everything is still going well for me to hold. There's so many other coins that moon on a weekly basis at the moment it just doesn't make sense to me at least short time.I'll buy back in when i have more funds for long term positions but right now it just doesn't seem worth it to me.

>> No.6670887

How tf you know if you're low iq, did you get a certified test?

>> No.6670938

> Ar eyou under a false assumption that one is a replacement for the other.
Nope, I am under the correct assumption that they are a replacement for the other.
> Its not that simple
Exactly. The statistics generally suck, because it's a social science.
>and pretend I am inferring they make forecasts.
that's what econometrics is, and it's what the claim of causal relationships implies.
> Do you think using data to do analysis is useless because the data is not future data?
Economic data fails when trying to determine the impact of specific policies, and when looking at short term trends. Looking at data over the long term can give some insight into the strength of the economy on the aggregate. It can not say which particular policy/policies are responsible for growth or decline, so the statistics are not useful for making predictions and constructing economic policy.

>> No.6670968

recommend this.

>> No.6671055

nice diary entry faggot.

>> No.6671246

You should talk to someone who does this! Ask them how they got there. Figure out if that's a path you want to take, or if there are alternatives. Maybe shoot someone local an e-mail, ask to meet or for advice. Let them know that you're interested and they might help you out.

>> No.6671286

CS. you can be mediocre as fuck and still get a job

>> No.6671337

web dev camps are everywhere, and there are software engineering bootcamps. Learn that shit and apply to 100+ jobs get interview questions worst comes to worst you have interview and a lot of cs experience and best case you have a fucking job and can skip the debt. You'll be further ahead than the retards who passed with Bs and Cs like me. You still have hard ass interview qs with or without a degree. This sector is always growing you can definitely get a job with a mid level tech company. Maybe even FB or Google types if you nail the interview.

A lot of camps help with the whole process, look around for reviews and peoples actual experiences. Its an option you should definitely look into is all im saying.

>> No.6671588

As someone who has a bachelor degree in Finance and a masters in Information Security I can tell you to AVOID ECONOMICS AT ALL COSTS.

It's not a fucking science. It's a bunch of retards larping with theories and formulas that don't work in real life. Seriously, the assumptions in the economic models you are going to learn DO NOT APPLY IN REAL LIFE. My bachelors was nothing but a waste of time. The only useful thing I learned was math and that I would've learned in greater detail in any STEM field. The only other thing you can learn there and is applicable in real life is accounting, but accounting is the most boring, brain-dead, mind-numbing, depressive job you can possible have.

Economics is one of the worse things you can go to college for. Gender studies tier.

>> No.6672101

>salty about econ

>> No.6672209

whats your point?

>> No.6672341

get both, you'll be stupid rich. econ comp sci is demanded af.

>> No.6672670

Oh nothing. Finance is super hard and everything you had to do calc I and econ 103 right? Oh so hard. Really had it tough. Nobody is laughing at you, you have a business degree!

>> No.6672691

As an econ major I wish I majored in comp sci and minored in econ.

>> No.6672703
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As someone with a bachelors in EE I have to say that this isn't entirely correct. EE focuses heavily on microcontrollers and transistor latches and the like but has almost no focus on the software side of things aside from low-level C hardware programming.

I also feel like I am getting a way worse wage than I expected I would get when I started 6 years ago. I feel like it's getting oversaturated. I make $90,000 a year and I have 3 years of experience but I graduated cum laude top of my class with full-honours in a top 10 university.

Meanwhile CS buddies of mine get paid more on average and have more business opportunities in the west. I can only earn more wages If I'm willing to go to China which I don't want to do at all.

Not that I regret majoring in EE or something. It's just that my expectations weren't met. I'm thinking of getting a masters degree in something different entirely. Probably a MBA and try to start my own electronics company. Something like refined sensors for drilling tips or something.

>> No.6672755

Just do what Ellen pao did and become the ceo of something or be a venture capitalist

>> No.6672761

Game theory/ behavioral econ is god tier real life applicable knowledge. Basic econ that a finance major deal with is pretty useless irl.

>> No.6672882

yeah. I can see why business students have to take intro micro/macro just for the way of thinking and intuition but its annoying having them spout generalizations about econ based on it, and they are correct in that it has no real world applications on its own. The other alternative is they take it as the true word of god and become lolbertarians who think they know all there is to know of econ. Which is even more annoying.

>> No.6673050

Business degree here, I wanted to start a business so for some reason I thought a business degree would be a good idea, wish I had taken something that was actually hard

>> No.6673100


>my Compsci "research" is more like "LOL HOW DO TO DO X LANGUAGE"
> no real need for academic databases in CS

You are making me cringe anon, ffs, are you a pajeet or something? CS is a very serious academic field, there is a difference between computation/formal automata/logic/cryptography and pajeet-tier "HOW DO I MAKE A PHONEE APPS" shit. Also econometrics is easy as fuck, it is literally just applied statistics, linear algebra, linear regression analysis, etc. Easy as shit.

>> No.6673145 [DELETED] 

economics if you're braindead
CS if you not but you're selling your soul
pay for $3 of ur tuition right here



>> No.6673173


Fuck FUCK , look the only thing i want from Economics is the financial part and managment to one day be able to be CEO or some shit like that

The other thing is that i really want to work abroad but who the fuck is going to hire an economist even with a master or something? I dont know


>> No.6673219

>CS is a very serious academic field
Oh I dont doubt it. Im not shit talking the field. Im saying the basics and fundamentals easier to self direct and have more online resources, self teaching is more common at that level. Especially when the pajeet tier bullshit is basically just linguistics. And I even admitted my knowledge of it was pajeet tier.
>Also econometrics is easy as fuck, it is literally just applied statistics, linear algebra, linear regression analysis, etc
Thats only one field of econ, and thats not really true at a masters plus level. Most stuff also assumes an understanding of at least intermediate micro and IO.

>> No.6673255

What country to you live in anyway? that they dont just have a finance program, that is internationally recognized?

>> No.6673334


This is a myth, companies have caught on to what siht the bootcamps are, a lot of the biggest bootcamps have already closed down shop.

If my manager sees a bootcamp-pattern in a resume they don't get called for an interview. The bootcamps basically started off as a scam where they teach you just enough to occasionally trick an interviewer. But now people have reacted and changed the interview/resume process to filter out bootcamp people easier. Pajeets codes you can pay 4USD an hour are better than bootcamp people.

>> No.6673444
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Argentina, college is free, they do have some Business administration program but is shit and nobody takes it seriously so as i said everybody does economics degree (6yr) and if you want to aim for private sector you then take a master in financies or something like that or you wait a couple of years and do a MBA abroad or some shit like that

I think im going to spend like 10 years doing this shit and im going to end up in the same place as i am now

>> No.6673520

>not wanting to live a comfy life operating a Steakhouse in Buenos Aires
Come on anon.

>> No.6673565

fucking this

>> No.6673586
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ffffffffffucking countryyyyyyyyy

>> No.6673600

>Most stuff also assumes an understanding of at least intermediate micro and IO.

Oh, I wasn't arguing that, these things aren't involved, I was arguing that these theories like IO, are extrapolated from applied statistics. Which makes them very easy to pick up as long as you have the statistical foundation that you get from any normal college major. I was trying to say that econometrics is the hardest part of economics I've ever encountered and it can be easily learned in a few months.
Linear Algebra, Probability theory as a foundation. maybe a bit of diff equations, but nothing too hard, no PDE's for instance. and that will be all the foundation you really need for say, modeling, time series analysis, regression stuff, portfolio management/theory, umm stochastic processes is p tough but not untenable, all of that is easily coverable by non-brainlets IMO without a degree.

>> No.6673705
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>go to college for CS at local state school
>get an internship the summer after sophomore year, it continues thru the next summer (earning $20/hr in college)
>get another internship, continue that thru college as well (making about $25an hour)
>graduate, go to a third company in Chicago that is paying $75k a year base + stocks
>switch to a company in Austin making about $100k a year
>plan to move back to Chicago soon for a financial company making $125k a year (I love chicago)

do comp sci AMA

>> No.6673714

Waste of time and energy. All those bullshit masters degrees are a waste.

>> No.6673727

I mean its more a correlation thing, but I dont know many brainlets who didn't go to college that could find that out. Mostly cause if you could, you'd go to college.I haven't taken much into Econometrics but I have been finding with advanced Micro online resources are annoying, that was more my original point. And DESU While I learn best from seminars/lectures. Im sure you could say what you are saying about A LOOOT of fields though.

>> No.6673741

I hope you mean "messed up" as in scrambled your answer to the question because if you didn't know the answer your problem goes way fucking beyond econ vs comp sci.

>> No.6673789
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what the fuck do you do as a computer scientist?

motivate me senpai

>> No.6673819

You shouldn’t recommend that to people on the internet. It’s mean.

You know that’s not a field of study right? Google doesn’t pay the big bucks to “IT” people. No, that’s for SWEs and EEs.

>> No.6673843
File: 608 KB, 700x964, 282adec998ac2b2f335c435f582df142a3ad7fd0[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it the process of getting motivated on your pic?

if so i want to be motivated too!

>> No.6673849

>i got interviewed for an econ job
You dont major in econ to get econ research jobs stats majors can do, you do it to get a leg up on the endless waves of biz admin accounting retards in the applicant pool

24 yr old here, econ at a non-target, got into Private equity out of college and my salary/hours worked shits on any corporate finance position or big 4 slave

Could have done management consulting but they are stingy assholes compared to IB/PE

>> No.6673852

Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?

Personally I learn best from lectures also, I'm not arguing against college, I was arguing that a CS/Mathematics major can pick up advanced economics pretty easily because there is so much crossover between the curriculum of the two at least where I'm from.

>> No.6673919

I think the end goal of 99.9999% of computer science students. Right now I work doing development for a company you've almost assuredly heard of.

>> No.6673978

Fuckin ay. The people itt saying "hurr durr no one remembers first year shit" have no idea how retarded it is to not know the difference between micro and macro.

For retards who don't know, it's basically like doing history degree and not remembering the difference between ancient history and modern history.

>> No.6673986

>Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?
>Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?
Plausible. I just meant the part about people who dont go to college understanding stats and what have you. Its not that its hard. Its that if you get it youd go to college thats all lmao.

>> No.6674090

>the end goal is being a wagecuck

>> No.6674175


My day is basically wake up
>turn on my computer and start breakfest
>check the slack, make sure nothing important is happening.
>remote in and frontload do a bunch of work the first few hours of the morning
>fuck around and take a 3 hour lunch
>do nothing the rest of the day except check emails and screw around, maybe have to have a meeting or something, but most of these are in the morning and I bracket them into my 'work' time. So if they force me to do a bunch of useless meetings, I'm going to punish them for it by not doing as much actual work.
>leave myself signed in but continue to fuck around the rest of the day from 1-2pm onwards.

Such is 80k my friend. The higher your salary, the less you have to do IME.

>> No.6674183

lmfao you sound like one of those buttfrustrated finance baboons who got lapped by his econ peers at the good PE and IB firms
>tfw you can spend ~$500-1k on wallstreet prep.com and be more prepared than the non-target finance monkey

>> No.6674212

>this degree I did is useless, it was just a waste of time for me
>lol your degree is useless

No fucking shit retard, that's exactly what I said in my first post. Also you have no idea what you're talking about. Finance has some of the hardest subjects in economics. Financial engineering and economic modeling are the hardest things you will study for an economics bachelor degree.

Man you don't want to go for that lifepath, trust me. Working to be a CEO will kill all your free time, your work will be your life. And once you get there nothing really changes, only more responsibility and more money. Yeah, it's a lot of money, but there are ways of getting money that don't require you to sacrifice your entire private life.

>> No.6674229

good one. I work for a company I find fulfillment in, especially given that my retirement plan has me able to retire by 35. At 35 I'll probably switch over to consulting

>> No.6674250


Did you programm early in your life or what?

>> No.6674362

not really, I worked one year in the field and quit it to trade shitcoins.

Best decision I ever made. If you're working a 9-5 job when you have so many opportunities of making money with minimal effort you're missing out on life.

>> No.6674460

You don't need to program early in life to be successful in computer science. I didn't. I knew a lot of people at school who didn't try as hard because they'd 'never be as good as the people who started in middle school'

>> No.6674477

Not really relevant, if you are interested in the 50-70k -tier of money anybody walking in off the street after doing web tutorials can do those jobs, but they often do them poorly and mess shit up that later has to be fixed. The motto is usually ship something that 'works' first and on time, and ask questions about quality/etc later/never lol.

80-150k -tier you have to know how to do things well enough to keep the idiots making 60k from wrecking the product by managing them. This requires a degree really, or lots of experience with working on big projects.

It doesn't matter how early in life you pick things up.

>> No.6674716

>Finance has some of the hardest subjects in economics
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. thanks for laugh anon.

>> No.6674767

Tell me then, what's an economics subject harder than financial engineering?

>> No.6674858

anon please, I cant stop laughing

>> No.6674914


>> No.6675350

Honest question: Why is /biz/ so fucking stupid? It should be clear as day that computer science is the superior choice in virtually every regard.

It's like all of you go to pajeet tier schools where the quality of the computer science program is so fucking shitty that it becomes simply indistinguishable from economics in terms of shittiness.

And let's not get started with the faggots ITT that have trouble with literal precalc.

If college is a scam these days, it's because they let literal mouthbreathers in these days.

>> No.6675728

go for CS.

Currently doing Statistics major, GIS major, and CS minor.