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File: 124 KB, 640x960, 82F5E8BA-3CD1-410A-9F4D-6F76EA3852F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6671498 No.6671498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Welp, it’s about that time.

How are the chinks going to fuck us all today, boys?

>> No.6671583

Fuck off with your shitty racism

Really can't wait til we murder your kind
The world would greatly benefit and you won't be missed
Thanks for making everything awful for close to 200 years

>> No.6671653

hates white people, then proceeds to write a comment using a computer. lel irony

>> No.6671743

did you misspell awful for advanced?

>> No.6671776

By "your kind" I meant racists

But white people didn't create computers or really technology in general, just stole credit for it.

But you knew that you're just trying to troll. Or you're legitimately stupid. Either way I'm not invested. Racists will die out.

>> No.6671815

I don't know mate
But It is most likely the Gooks who will fuck us hard or if Wall Street decides to dump again

>> No.6671841

>If things don't go as I planned it's because of the Chinese

No. You just suck at trading. Grats on your newfound discovery. Go take your retarded narrative that protects your fragile identity and lack of ability somewhere else, before you get burned real bad and end up necking yourself.

>> No.6672020

"Racists" are the ones who are smart enough to know how to keep their families safe by not moving next door to Jamal and Tyrone and Muhammad Muhammad just to show how wonderfully "progressive and tolerant" they are. "Racists" will never die out.

>> No.6672053

They're going to bring down Bitcoin down to its true value.

>> No.6672076


t. tiny angry asian

>> No.6672126
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>But white people didn't create computers or really technology in general, just stole credit for it.

These levels of delusion are off the charts

>> No.6672721

Gobsmacking, even. Extended genocide comes to mind. With names logged in ,on a public ledger, for posterity.

>> No.6672793

Kidding right, asians are the only reason crypto is doing so well since they are actively trying to apply it to their nations and use it.

In comparison in the US its seen as FRE MON MON and trump tries to tax you even more, and in EU they just see it as a bubble.

>> No.6672883

Racism will always exist. Look at Brazil Israel and every African country

Fuck off back to re.ddit

>> No.6673225


At least until we’ve fucked so much we’re all the same color like (((they))) want.

>> No.6673304
File: 330 KB, 672x353, Screenshot from 2017-12-25 14:40:20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can u do this?

>> No.6673313
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>not racist

>> No.6673341

fuq meant to reply to u

>> No.6673348

We’d all be angry if we had their little baby penises.

>> No.6673384
File: 360 KB, 667x354, Screenshot from 2018-01-04 20:02:24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LULZ tfw i'm good enough to 35x but retarded enough to lose it all but don't care cus i'll just do it again

>> No.6673417

i thought chinks were just insects but now i see they're murderous insects. will be more racist from now on to protect myself, thx

>> No.6673557

so many delusional jizzskins in here. look at the list of asian inventions, it has far outweighed white inventions throughout history. Oh and you want to know another asian invention? crypto. You're welcome for letting you into this cum skins, without us you'd still be controlled by the jews and having your women control you while they fuck bigger dicked foreigners.

oh wait those things are still happening.

>> No.6673656

>whites responsible for all genocides for the past 400 years
>whites responsible for destroying entire countries with war and colonization
>"why are Asians so dangerous help me mommy my life is the only life that matters"

Your kind will be missed by no one and the universe will be happy

>> No.6673721


ok bud. what are you gonna do. The west couldn't even beat the taliban and vietnamese, some of the poorest forces in all of asia. If you tried to take on a large asian nation you would just get btfo even worse.

>> No.6673739
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tl;dr ping pong ching chong

>> No.6673813

>you can’t blame white people today for the slavery that happened hundreds of years ago.
>We created the computer, we white people, not some guy long ago who happened to be white, no, we all white people today can take credit for it.

Why are white peoples such pussies?

>> No.6673827

We fucking wrecked you so many times. How are you faggots even able to save face while being so cocky to your superiors? I don't get it. You must have some sort of complex.

>> No.6673881

White people have created everything worth having ever. prove me wrong.

>> No.6673938


> france and the US both get slaughtered by a bunch of 5 foot vietnamese rice farmers
> the US and it's euro dogs on a leash get constantly blown up and defeated by a bunch of durkas in the desert

lmao. More bombs were dropped in vietnam than in all of ww2, against a bunch of poor untrained farmers, and you still managed to lose, counting the millions of civilian deaths as "combat kills" cause you were getting slaughtered in firefights. just embarassing kevin

>> No.6673979

>Blockchain was invented by a white burgers you chink!

Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta read up you fucking gook.

>> No.6674008
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Well they had spirit I won't deny them that but come on. The West made China their bitch so many times. They are STILL our bitch and they can't produce a god damn thing of quality. Name one fucking Chinese name brand you trust.

I'll wait.

>> No.6674048

other races have committed genocide too

they just weren't methodical and technologically advanced enough for it to make history books

>> No.6674053

I don't think that anon has been alive for 200 years.

Unless... uhoh, are you thinking in collective terms? That's something that racists do...

>> No.6674108


indian/chinese inventions and discoveries

> movable type printing
> gunpowder
> original number systems
> compass
> paper money
> original metal smelting and steel making
> agricultural techniques such as row farming
> radio/wireless communication

and many, many more, the list is way too long to put on here. Keep going to pol and your echo chamber though, it'll make you feel better about being completely uneducated on world history.

>> No.6674160
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>Op after seeing what his bait kicked off

>> No.6674172



a man of japanese descent created crypto and blockchain that's just a fact, you just want to revise history to make it seem like you made everything. you are on the same level as we wuz kangz

>> No.6674174

All given to you by the superior HWITE MAN from the steppes. That's right. We were the FIRST kings.

>> No.6674242
File: 17 KB, 265x265, 49FF44C0-BE05-4DC7-9D54-0D8DDC12865B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt reddit chinks battling out /pol fagots
can you dumb bitches gtfo and be cute somewhere else

>> No.6674259

Why do white dudes feel the need to pretend they are better than everyone else because someone that looks like them made something? I'm japanese but I don't take credit for japanese inventions.

>> No.6674288

I'm sure we also stole airplanes, cars, printing presses, light bulbs, democracy, telephony, skyscrapers, or the internet either.

>> No.6674305

Whites have been getting cucked by the jew for centuries but

>m-muh master race

>> No.6674321

>inventing things
Nice try faggot. We all know about how you stole everything from the Koreans, also originally White peoples.

>> No.6674361

how do you feel about korean and chinese people

>> No.6674487

>Mao, who killed 45 million, more than the top ten genocides put together, is white

>> No.6674511

get a life faggot
I have korean and chinese friends, what's your point?

>> No.6674564

the fact that you didn't answer directly tells me everything.

koreans and chinese > japanese people

>> No.6674590
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>tells anon to get a life

>> No.6674679

>Really can't wait til we murder your kind

You won't. You can't. You'll keep trying until we've finally absolutely had it with your shit and once we've decided that, you'll be destroyed, utterly.

Be honest with yourself. You know its true.

See you soon

>> No.6674696


this is being said by a guy who is not asian at all. don't listen to him. Just let them infight amongst one another and debate over who's "true white" while the rest of the world moves on.

>> No.6674733

ok see you over on /r/asianmasculinity

>> No.6674748

whites with their shitty recessive genes about to get wiped off face of the earth very soon

>> No.6674773


read >>6673938

you will never be able to defeat us. not only do we outnumber you, we have a higher iq, control engineering and medicine fields, and also aren't completely cucked by our women like you are.

If anyone is going to be destroyed it's you hans. I wouldn't be threatening other people, how about you try to keep yourself afloat first. You can't even do that right. we would just send you in bodybags home again.

>> No.6674800


Welp looks like another round of chemotherapy for me tonight bois

stay classy /pol/

>> No.6674802

Nope. Asians are going to genetically engineer themselves to look White. We're going to be the super majority as soon as shitskins and yellow slant eyes figure out how to become White

>> No.6674891

maybe look white externally, but your weak ass caucasian dna strands will go extinct