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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 685 KB, 1200x545, link painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6667941 No.6667941 [Reply] [Original]

Convince me to go all in RIGHT NOW!

Good arguments only, warnings welcome.

>> No.6667976

if u dont ur a bitch

>> No.6668018

hot chicks will flock to you in hoards and you get to pick which one you want to spend the rest of your life with and have many /comfy/ nights of her brapping on u while spooning. LINK will be $100 EOY nice nice

>> No.6668070

link solves the oracle problem

>> No.6668092

pajeets love it, what else do you need to know

>> No.6668104

Biz seems absolutely convinced this is going to alpha centauri.
I'm getting the same vibes I got when /pol/ was predicting Trump would win the election.
This shit is touched with meme magic.

>> No.6668143


>> No.6668168

Because you don't want to be left out when it happens

>> No.6668202

Bitches hopping on your dick till you die homie. EZ all-in.

>> No.6668208

link's memes are unfuckwithable. It's sensible to at least buy some as suicide insurance.

>> No.6668220

This, check 'em

>> No.6668286

ChainLink has many real world and lucrative applications.
A dedicated, practical, frugal, and autistic development team thats being advised by Ivy league professors and Facebook engineers. It's the only coin with a peer reviewed white-paper. Moreover, the coin's price is relatively low right now because Sergey doesn't care about hype, rather he spends his time developing a good product.

If smart contracts are going to become mainstream, the blockchains will need an oracle to talk to outside data sources. Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network composed of nodes. The node operators will be paid in LINK, and there will be incentive to hoard link, because nodes that have more LINK will get more traffic.

The working product isn't even out yet and the price is relatively stable, once a working product is out (in Q1 with luck, conservatively Q2) the price will move pretty quickly.

Don't go all in though, maybe go 50 50 with another good coin, Maybe XLM.

>> No.6668293

You should listen to your gut and stay out of crapto. It's a ponzi scam and a gamble.

>> No.6668296
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This, meme magic is real.

>> No.6668327

Link threads have the most gets

>> No.6668384

Look into the team and the github. Currently we have a two man team, one of which (Sergey) is completely unaccessable. No communication whatsoever. Almost no progress is being made on the project and it’s likely in its current state, no progress will be made. Don’t buy fucking memes if you are truly value investing. The small team and lack of communication is a massive red flag and many coins are also working on what chainlink claims it will be able to do. The risk is not worth the reward here.

>> No.6668418

Anything else you would like add as a warning about ChainLink?

>> No.6668440
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LINK has a major vulnerability. Get out while you can. You have been warned.

>> No.6668458

their office is in that gook hand job parlor too, don't forget that. rory's negro wife works there at the front desk. nice lady.

>> No.6668480

So what's your EOY projection?

>> No.6668559

LINK is a meme that grew out of control. Initially the idea seemed potentially promising, but eventually smart money realized that trusted hardware solved the issue to the satisfaction of most potential smart contract users, and thus a ‘decentralized oracle network’ was an edgecase desideratum for idealistic (and gravely naive) cypherpunks. Unfortunately the idiots on this board didn’t get the memo and, unable to deal with having missed out on *real* game-changers like neo/ans and eth, have driven themselves into a frenzy of pollyannish delusion. Ultimately it’s just a glorified api wrapper and ‘json parser’ that the two inept team members won’t even be able to complete in any reasonable timeframe. Seriously, don’t buy this.

>> No.6668612
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When mainnet launches, LINK will work on BTC, ETH and Hyperledger. If you don't know what Hyperledger is, it's big business' version of Ethereum. They want to utilize smartcontracts, just not through Ethereum.

Now here's the kicker. Unlike Ethereum, LINKs very functionality allows for the smartcontracts to be trustless, which means they can't replace LINK with their own oracles. Without the decentralization of oracles, the smartcontracts become useless. Then the contracts might as well stay on their current systems.

Now, who's the members of Hyperledger?

SWIFT, for one. And to name a few others;
>American Express
>J.P. Morgan

I'm already all-in with $110k.

>> No.6668632

Quite frankly, I stopped reasearching it and ruled it out as an investment opportunity quickly due to it failing key parameters of mine. It has a sketchy business address aswell as this anon >>6668458 noted. It seems like an abandon project in a hyper competetive space.

>> No.6668692
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Sweet, Diving deep boys fuck it i got money.

>> No.6668698


Ah yes, when parties want to enter into complex smart contract agreements fed trustlessly by off-chain data they will just use secure hardware. Of course.
Appreciate your FUD, though. Anything to keep the LINK price down.

>> No.6668740

The essence of a smart contract is that it is trustless if you think LINK alone is the only coin with this application you are laughably wrong. Ethereum already has running trustless smart contracts, along with MANY other coins. There is no evidence that chainlink has partnerships with ANY of the companies you have listed.

>> No.6668750

you are mentally ill and this is probably your only chance to get out of neetdom faggot

>> No.6668764

I got 32k.

Join us.

>> No.6668819

10-30$ if it gets much higher than that it starts pushing into top 5 territory. But who knows man

>> No.6668833

as much as I hated to admit it at first this anon is totally right. Mobius, Aeternity, Oraclize, Zap, and Request Network are all aiming to accomplish the same thing that Chainlink is doing, but with better teams and communication. I would diversify.

>> No.6668846

Getting out of neetdom would be really nice my guy, i pray to whatever god there is to get me out of this wagecuck hell.

>> No.6668866

I am living for the day when normies talk about LINK in regret

>> No.6668898

if you're not trolling you should probably just off yourself now. It's what you'll end up doing anyway

>> No.6668916
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No wonder you didn't invest. You obviously haven't even bothered to spend 30 minutes to read through the whitepaper, or understand what LINK is.

The reason big business hasn't been able utilize smartcontracts yet is because as of today, the smartcontracts aren't able to be fed information from outside of its respective blockchain. What solves that problem? Oracles. What solves that problem securely? Decentralized oracles. Which project is the only one that is only months away from launching its finished product? LINK.

Who are the competitors? A bunch of pajeets who haven't even finished their ICO.

>> No.6669027

>Mobius: cross-chain
>Aeternity: cross-chain
>Oraclize: centralized
>Zap: centralized
>Request Network: actually uses ChainLink
Congrats dumbass none of them actually do what ChainLink does. And REQ sacristy USES ChainLink to make their product work. Without LINK there is no REQ

>> No.6669058


Do you ever stop and think about the first moment that you will see the LINK logo in real life? It'll be at like an airport TV somewhere, you're walking to your gate and suddenly the logo is there being discussed on some CNN finance segment. And you'll remember all the insane memes and wild times leading up to that moment, when you were part of a tiny band of autists who got in on the ground floor of the last great moon mission.

>> No.6669068

If you don't own at least 1k LINK, you will likely become an hero for ignoring one of the most shilled coins on /biz/

>> No.6669073

First the fud was that trusted hardware (which will be implemented on the Link network) was shit, now it's apparently god-tier. Make up your minds FFS.

>> No.6669092
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>convince me to become a chad

op pls

>> No.6669109

>dubs confirm
you should js kys now pajeet

>> No.6669148

>Didn't read the white paper

Mobius is a shit coin, and it's clear that the devs have no idea what they're doing if you listen to any of their talks or look at their shitty website. Req seems like a meme too, but I need to do more research on it and the other coins you've mentioned.

>> No.6669186

I can only get about 150 bucks worth of link right now, all my neet ass can spare, thanks for the motivation man.

>> No.6669196

OP, just don't blame us when it moons to $100. You had ample warning, remember that.

Remember that in the dotcom era protocols and B2B models were the ones that succeeded. Most consumer model businesses failed outside some exceptions.

Protocol (ADA)

>> No.6669252
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We literally went to the moon earlier

>> No.6669264

The more FUD, the more people are forced to DTOR before getting into LINK. We should encourage FUD. Do you really want some newfag that stumbled in here at the right time to get on LINK?

>> No.6669280

There's a link thread everyday
Talks about the same thing everyday
Same price prediction everyday
Same fud but occasionally the fud mutates and evolves

This coin is surviving on hype. The bag holders can't bear a single day not reminding others of link so that they don't suffer the fate of obsidian/digimarines

>inb4 smart contracts and decentralised oracles

yes LINK definitely seems useful but your constant shilling brings nothing to the board other than excessive mental masturbation to make yourself feel good about holding an presently underperforming coin.

It'll moon soon I'm sure, you don't have to keep spamming link threads to make it so.

>> No.6669297

I have a PhD in crypto economics and mathematics. Crypto incentives in Chainlink are a legitimate concern. I saw Ari Juels speak at a conference recently where he mentioned tokens and asked him about the token economics of a node staking system like the Chainlink network is planning to use. The problem is that node operator incentives are fuzzy at best and not even figured out fully by the team (see the gitter for Steve stuttering about this). When I brought it up to Ari Juels, I told him that in the way the network is expected to be used, the fees payable to node operators would actually decline as requests become more ubiquitous because as the network grows it becomes cheaper to use. This makes sense if you took a few advanced cryptoeconomics courses. Ari admitted that it was a great question but that they were "actively pursuing research in that area." I sold my LINK immediately after that and saw a significant dump on the binance charts. It's pretty clear these guys are pulling you along making you think they're doing something revolutionary when the incentives aren't even fully determined yet.

>> No.6669346

see >>6669264
Everyday we go stronger. Everyday more memes and more community

>> No.6669348

no one made you join the thread.
i gotta do something with my time before I'm a millionaire

>> No.6669356

Report in.

Chainlink Space Program
- Director of Chainlink Space Program: General Sergey Nazarov
- Co-Director: 500001+ LINK
- Senior Manager of Space Operations: 250001-500000 LINK
- Manager of Space Operations: 175001-250000 LINK
- Manager of Flight Operations: 125001-175000 LINK
- Senior Engineer of CSP: 750001-125000 LINK
- Head of CSP Accounting: 50001-75000 LINK
- Head of CSP Public Relations: 35001-50000 LINK
- Flight Director: 25001-35000 LINK
- Assistant Flight Director: 20001-25000 LINK
- Manager of Astronaut Operations: 15001-20000 LINK
- Astronaut: 10001-15000 LINK
- Astronaut in Training: 9001-10000 LINK
- Test Pilot: 7501-9000 LINK
- Electrical Engineer: 5001-7500 LINK
- Scientist: 3501-5000 LINK
- Hull Fabricator: 1501-3500 LINK
- Systems Developer: 501-1500 LINK
- Office Worker: 1-500 LINK

>> No.6669365

What's an oracle?
Is it just something made up by the team?
Because it sounds like they want to add an extra step between crypto and other businesses.

I'm just asking.

>> No.6669397

even if you’re holding a measly 200 LINK just know that you are apart of something far greater than “cryptocurrency” or “muh gainz.” You are one of us. The true chosen people.

>> No.6669430


It is. It's called "middleware" becasue ChainLink is trying to create a middleman, which is exactly what crypoto is supposed to be about avoiding. It just adds extra costs and extra complexity, which is why nobody takes it seriously outside of /biz/.

>> No.6669439

Systems developer reporting. Moving up to Hull Fabricator tomorrow

>> No.6669458

Sergey is an oracle. And big business have to consult with him before they are allowed to store information on the blockchain.

He'll be backpacking through Polynesia the entire time, so there will have to be hundreds of corporate scouts out there keeping track of where he is, in case they need to consult him.

>> No.6669461

thx for making this

>> No.6669476


very dumb

>> No.6669509


it has been discussed 999999 times

smart contracts are dumb
oracles make smart contracts smarter

>> No.6669545


you will not always get accurate information here, do yourself a favor and google past threads/ forums/ reddit

>> No.6669555

That's what I feared.

>> No.6669567

Smart contracts on the ETH network cannot interact with off chain data on APIs. You know all of those data providers that keep track of stock prices, shipping information, insurance rates and the like? They are beginning to shift to providing that info via APIs (look up PSD2 to see how the financial industry is basically being forced to adopt APIs). None of this information can be accessed by current smart contracts without oracles. But, a centralized oracle is vulnerable to exploitation. If an API maintaining stock prices was hacked, it would be easy to send faulty data to a centralized oracle which could end up in a lot of money being lost/misappropriated. Decentralized link oracles (which will also utilize trusted hardware solutions as that field progresses) provide extra security, because they will be connected to multiple data sources, and they will have to reach consensus before passing data into a smart contract.

>> No.6669585

Buisnesses have and are utilizing smart contracts today actually. Consider Salt Lending that works ontop of ethereum with its own blockchain as well.

>What solves that problem? Oracles. What solves that problem securely? Decentralized oracles.
There is still a systemic risk with this model that doesn’t make it a solution. These oracles will still depend on data from singular sources such as the event of a horse race the winner will be announced by the host of the race(single source off-chain). The most pragmatic solution is to create your own blockchain ontop of an existing network like Ethereums for security.
This is the way business will go and operate. Chainlink is almost certaintly an abandon project.

>> No.6669600


>> No.6669641
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Do it, faggot

>> No.6669654

What did you think dapps were?

>> No.6669661

I love the FUD. Please keep the price down until I'm done accumulating.

>> No.6669688
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Just transferred btc to eth, pending on Binance, further shill me guys.

>> No.6669750

>Chainlink designed for horse races
Chainlink oracles are going to be hooked up to multiple financial data APIs. These oracles will first reach and individual consensus on data, before they reach a second consensus among all of the oracles. God I wish I wasn't limited to phone posting because there is a graph in the white paper that completely refutes

>Depend on data from a singular source

Why the fuck do you think this is for horse races, or other fields with scarce data sources?

>> No.6669811

What's the use case for contracts interacting with API's?

>> No.6669846
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Just bought a 100 more

>> No.6669880
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>Why does smart contracts need information?

>> No.6669899
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i gotchu home boy

>> No.6669967

I think we should all agree on a date, say Feb 1, where we just stop talking about LINK. No more threads. And we're not allowed to discuss it until it passes $10.
It would be the equivalent of putting a "No newfags allowed" sign on the /biz/ treehouse.

>> No.6669988

>Financial smart contracts
>Why do they need access to real world financial information?
Alright, anon, you got me.

Thanks m8ty

>> No.6670001

In regards to your fintech argument check out that link. Oracles for off-chain financial data on the ethereum network. This is where chainlink fails another one of my criteria. It has rapidly advancing competition that is not “pajeet.”

>> No.6670059

I see now.
I've become smarter.

>> No.6670100

Yeah but is their oracle decentralized ?

>> No.6670102

Anyone have a screenshot of when AssBlaster listed his favorite blue-chip coins? Looking to round out my LINK portfolio a little.

>> No.6670115


>rapidly advancing competition

I'm gonna tell you something. There is not, I will guarantee, going to be another decentralised oracle network up and running for AT LEAST three years. That's 3 years of FMA and network entrenchment that any newcomer will have to go up against. On top of that, any newcomer will have to either train up an entire new cohort of node operators, or incentivise ChainLink node operators to do both. This is going to be unbelievably difficult. I would say that LINK has the most untouchable FMA of any coin I can think of in the space. I'd bet 0.5BTC on it if there was a way to put it in smart contract form.

>> No.6670142
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK NEETDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6670166

>167 LINK

nice, in 5 years you can buy a used volvo

>> No.6670194


woah don't buy at market price what are you doin? haggle up to 200 at least

>> No.6670211

>Centralized oracle that relies on secure execution environment (trusted hardware)
>Reasons given for not setting up a decentralized system are literally "it's too difficult"
That's nice, except chain link also plans to implement trusted hardware, which currently hasn't even been established as fully secure, since exploits are still frequently being discovered in leading solutions like intel's SGX.

>> No.6670223

Finally some real advice

>> No.6670235


>> No.6670238

Oh but there is. Buy .5btc of link

>> No.6670240

Funny fud memes

>> No.6670251

OP, going in on link is just a meme. You will likely lose most of your investment if you actually do this .

>> No.6670330

Link might not be the 500$ token everyone here wants it to be, buts it's ridiculous to think it can't easily hit 5-10 dollars. The conference coming up in February will hopefully be what we've been waiting for.

>> No.6670342
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Every day I am only using 2$ for food, the rest of my little meager salary is used to buy chainlink every single month. I have been doing it since sibos now and with that I have been eating only oatmeal and 100 gram chicken for almost 4 months now.

I wake up I eat oatmeal, in the afternoon I eat oatmeal, and in the night I eat oatmeal + 100 gram chicken.

I am so fucking hungry
At least I'll be rich one day

>> No.6670344

>I spent 10 minutes of my day giving personally reasearched information to somebody with .11 ETH

>> No.6670375

Senior Manager reporting for duty. I used to never think I'd get this far but Teeka masala might just get me close to becoming a Co-director

>> No.6670379

Its bad around here, dont worry about it.

>> No.6670382


I already have 10BTC worth. My money is where my mouth is.

>> No.6670403

I know the $500 is a bit memey but you don’t think it can reach $100 eventually? Just think about all the normans catching the buzz about this shit and fomoing hardcore within the year

>> No.6670423

Your researched information sucks ass, reply to >>6670211

Please tell me more about how the financial sector, which deals with trillions of dollars a day is more likely to adopt a solution that forgoes additional security because "it's too hard", and relies on tech that isn't even established yet.

>> No.6670438

I wish you luck, chainlink just did not meet my investment criteria.

>> No.6670452

oatmeal bro how are you doing?

>> No.6670457

I'm just giving 5-10 as a safe bet, as in I definitely think it will be priced around there if they show off a working network this year. It could go to 100$, but I'm not going to assume that.

>> No.6670474

>personally reasearched
>didn't even take 30 minutes to read the whitepaper

God damn, you suck at research.

>> No.6670478

God damn. So what's the next space mission?

>> No.6670503

Reply to my post you fucking pajeet


>> No.6670511


There are so many variables that we don't know right now, which is why price predictions on this token are especially retarded.

>How many nodes will there be?
>How many nodes will stake tokens?
>How many tokens will nodes want/need?
>How much demand will there be for new nodes?
>How many of the 350m node tokens have been released?
>How liquid are the majority of crowdsale tokens?
>How fired up is the speculative market?

This will all come out in the wash over the next few years, but changing any of those parameters has a significant effect on token price. That's why anyone asking for specific price predictions should go fuck themselves and do more research.

>> No.6670520

Chainlink is there solution. They needed a decentralized network of oracles. Making the tokens publically available is necessary for a decentralized network.

>> No.6670539

Get out? This our chance to get in for the rest of our lives

>> No.6670583

And a valuation like that is dependant on everything going right, and could take years. But this is definitely a long term investment for me, even tho I only hold 1k links because poorfag college student. Just got a job that pays 25 an hour, so I'm hoping I can accumulate more before it goes above 2$.

>> No.6670585

teeka just announced a buy on CND at 15 cents. sold a good chunk at 23 cents.
IMO it's really not that risky at 20 cents, (current trading).
i don't understand the product that well but i like the sector. (AI based investments)

mostly i've been underwhelmed with new ICOs

>> No.6670587

You shouldn’t get so emotional about opposing views, especially when investing. To me it doesn’t boil down to the techs efficacy for chainlink. I understand chainlinks promise, I personally believe that a two man team will not achieve this goal, that the chainlink project has been mostly abandon, and that it will be surpassed by competitors if it has not been already. There is no working prototype to examine.

>> No.6670599
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>Unironically believing in this shitcoin
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaahah *Wheezeeeeeeee* AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.6670639

Yes I agree that decentralized oracles are needed if oracle solutions are to be adopted in any serious capacity. And when I say serious, I mean big money.

>> No.6670647

Isn't the testnet being released this quarter?

>> No.6670664
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It's copypasta lads.

>> No.6670673

Faggots like you made most of us sell our Ethereum at $10. Never again.

>> No.6670693


>I personally believe that a two man team will not achieve this goal, that the chainlink project has been mostly abandon, and that it will be surpassed by competitors if it has not been already

LMAO so when you're talking about "investment criteria" and "research" you're talking about FUD you read on /biz/. All three of those criticisms are retarded, I just hope you're FUDding for fun.

>> No.6670728
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debating letting .10 of btc sell right now to complete my 5k link goal. what do you guys think?

>> No.6670809

It’s a summation of my concerns. Good luck to you, I have a feeling you are going to need it.

>> No.6670847

Head of CSP Public Relations here.
Hot new press release: Buy LINK.

>> No.6670854

But you believe in a centralized solution reliant on tech that's still prone to major exploits? Something doesn't add up.

As it stands, the only solution to the oracle problem is decentralization, trusted hardware , or a combination of both. Chain link falls into the third category, and as >>6670115 points out, they're really the only ones who have progressed on establishing a decentralized node network.

Is it a gamble to some degree? Of course it is, it's crypto currency. But I've invested money I can afford to lose.

I will agree that the 2 man team can seem off putting, but some big conferences are coming up this year that can easily put those doubts to rest.

I'm not emotional about my investment, I'm emotional about you, trying to pass off opinions/fud as in depth research. That you don't even seem to know about the problems with trusted hardware, speaks to your overall lack of knowledge on this issue.

>> No.6670859


>> No.6670917


>Two man team
They've already hired Thomas Hodges as technical director and a number of on contract employees to perform specific roles. They have the assets and the connections to bring on basically anyone.

>mostly abandoned
You're literally referring to a lack of hype, when the information that has come out has been insanely bullish (ZeppelinOS is HUGE, absolutely huge, although most peopl edon't get it yet). The fact that smartcontract.com didn't even bother to announce Zeppelin says an insane amount about this project.

>surpassed by competitors
See what I said above. Nobody is even close. Nobody is even proposing to try to do the same thing! Think about that. There's nothing even at the pre-ICO stage trying to do what ChainLink is doing. And ChainLink is launching mainnet this year!

>> No.6670919

>Passive aggressive aire of superiority posters
Fuck off, man.

>> No.6670932

That smart contract doesn’t work without a LINK, dumb dumb

>> No.6670950
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I don't have a brainlet dumb enough for this post

>> No.6670979

Poor fag here, let me dream thanks.

>> No.6671007
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>> No.6671027

Somewhat off topic but what about that ETH Horse coin being shilled here? Supposedly let's you bet crypto on the future prices of other coins, but I haven't read the documentation yet.

>> No.6671090

Your shits must be painful

>> No.6671213


They should be constantly posting Twitter updates hyping their partnerships with literal who's and selling skateboards with chainlink logos on them

>> No.6671376
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fresh LINK OC

>> No.6671394

I like this idea. A gentleman's agreement.

>> No.6671433
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freshest LINK OC

>> No.6671501
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, LINKspaceprogram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freshestest LINK OC

>> No.6671579

>TFW when could have had 10k link if I had waited for the crash and instead have DBC I bought at ATH

>> No.6671616

If the presidential election taught me anything, it's to not ignore the digits and the memes. Link memes and digits have the same feeling as the Trump memes.

Call me deluded, but I'm listening to my gut. I didn't with ethereum, and that cost me a lot of money.

>> No.6671658

Damn newfags don't even know about the testnet

>> No.6671676

mine is fresher than this

but not fresher than this

>> No.6671974
File: 842 KB, 852x742, 1516324192891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he´s in, dump it

>> No.6672039

fuckin checked

>> No.6672410

Here's the problem.
Sure smart contracts need API data.
That's common sense.
And jetpacks need jetpack fuel.
But nobody has made an affordable jetpack that's efficient and easy to use or even feasible.
See my problem here?
When asking for a use case I was asking practical application of the product today. But there isn't one unless you're willing to make a few leaps in logic.
I didn't know much about smart contracts before asking, but I think you can see my initial confusion.

>> No.6672515

Here's the problem.
Sure you're retarded.
That's common sense.
And retards need to an hero.
But nobody has given you a way to do it that's efficient and easy to use.
See your problem there?
When asking for a way to kys, why don't you google it yourself faggot.
You don't know much about suicide methods, but I think you can see that you should kys

>> No.6672548


>> No.6672561

Memetic analysis checks out with LINK.
Linkies now are the same as late 2015-early 2016 Trump posters on /pol/.

>> No.6672603

Damn you don't need to get so angry over your shitcoin not having a practical application in the next 3 decades.
Are all pajeets this insecure?

>> No.6672641
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>> No.6672651

>Memetic analysis checks out with LINK.
Precisely this.

Have you people learned nothing?

>> No.6672715
File: 730 KB, 300x329, 1509071073859.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do it.
>Nike is a cult of slavers worth billions
>people are pack-oriented apes who respond to memes
>mfw the strongest cult on /biz/ with the dankest memes doesn't need your week hands on the coming moon mission
>t.20k baghodler

>> No.6672789

>taking 'kys' as an extreme, out-of-the-ordinary response
are you lost normie? why aren't you on reddit where you belong?

>> No.6672805


fuck you and your false modesty, faggot

>> No.6672848


are you truly so stupid as to believe it has no purpose? the chainlink team is literally working with big organizations and data providers right now to ensure the marketplace is ready for the mainnet launch, rory confirmed this in slack. what does a fucking internet poster know that chainlink and the orgs they're working with don't?

you're too stupid to be discussing this coin, leave.

>> No.6672871


Don't be put off by the shitposting. Linkies (myself included) just got addicted to the drama of the AssBlaster saga. Now they're in withdrawal. Making recycled FUD memes is just methadone until there's new news, or the mooning starts.

That's all the shilling is, people are hooked. The big picture is still intact: the coin has tremendous potential, and it's wait-and-see time now because the project is being developed without any hype from the team. The memes have honestly become an art form at this point, they mutate every day and it's a full time job to keep up. Tune it all out - this is a solid project and a good bet to have a chunk of your portfolio is.

>> No.6672951


Honestly I enjoy the FUD and typically encourage it. I'm not done accumulating so I don't want that price going higher.

>> No.6672999

Put your money into AirSwap you fucking loser. You are going to die no matter what. Give it a shot.

>> No.6673106


90% of the FUD is obviously by linkies. The memes here don't affect the price at all though. Whales control most of the token in a small number of wallets, it'll only go up when they let it, or developments (test/main net, etc.) catalyze an increase.

The main role of the memes is to make holding entertaining rather than boring, helps everyone keep strong hands.

Also, how weird is it being in the 'pre-awareness' faze of a coin's life? This coin is not on the radar at all yet.

>> No.6673141


*phase, jesus christ i'm tired

>> No.6673195

It does kind of surprise me that nobody is talking about this yet has pretty big connections. Only on /biz/ do I hear anything about chainlink.

>> No.6673519

This will literally liberate this band of biz artists.

>> No.6673548

You forgot penalty payments

>> No.6673594

Twilio is “middleware”

>> No.6673700

inb4 scurvy

>> No.6673828

I 100% know that Link will be above $10 by the end of Q1.

>> No.6673831

Tfw twitter.com/sergeyOnazarETH is my full time job now

>> No.6674163

i have 2,300 ICX that I plan to sell at the end of january during the conference and all proceeds will go to LINK.
1) how many LINKs will I have?
2) how much will those LINKs be worth end of Q1?
3) why are you all such huge faggots?

>> No.6674266
File: 39 KB, 640x621, 4PBo7Fp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much fud/grade A mong in this thread. keep it coming boys. mainnet launching in Q1. the most ridiculous partnerships in crypto. best memes . i love the naysayers whether its fud from other linkies or people actually believing link is gonna be a flop.

got news for you faggots, crypto is not going anywhere and neither are the banks and other entrenched industries. link, and only link bridges those two worlds

>pic related

>> No.6674440

Somebody post the Bateman business card webm, it's the best.

>> No.6674459

I have 999 link, will I still make it or should I buy 1 more?

>> No.6674503
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, 1515110925217.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6674630

Thanks friendo

>The Lumens are partnered with something called IBM
Gets me every time, whoever made this deserves all the green candles in the world.

>> No.6674636

What's the timeframe for LINK mooning and what's the eventual target price? Around $10?

>> No.6674688
File: 28 KB, 1352x96, quintsLINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The high concentration of dank LINK memes is the straw that broke the camel's back for me. You cannot argue with the memes and the digits. They never lie.

They predicted the fucking president of the US for crying out loud.

>> No.6674722

lol link needs to be worth 10k for me to make it.

>> No.6674726

I'm conservatively hoping for $10 EOY, but that's primarily limited by the fact that any more than that, and I'd have more money than I can realistically imagine myself with at this point in time.

>> No.6674837

Interesting, I’m a PhD in meme-metrics and I can assure you that I have spoken to ass blaster about these trivial concerns and he said that Chainlinks network will has no such problems whatsoever. Also satoshi nakamoto phoned me up before and told me not to worry

>> No.6675003

Manager of Flight Operations here, the forecast for lift off can only be described as parabolic with a chance of Big Mac sauce showers

>> No.6675071

Office worker here wanna help me out kek.

>> No.6675103

It’s so good... I laugh at all my friends new to crypto talking about top 5 coins like buying them will make them rich lmao...crypto is all about research then investment strategy...I’m talking long holds from the ground floor then reinvesting and none of this “risk management- my girlfriend runs my wallet life and dick” bullshit I never took my principle out and am currently all in LINK since 18cents... it’s the only fucking way to do it I want to filthy rich in 3-5 years not with a house deposit in 10

>> No.6675196

They should start filming music videos of negros and cute Asian girls singing about how if you invest in LINK, you won't have to work anymore.

>> No.6675280

I know this is way off-topic, but I can't believe a single person was still holding after any of those videos came out. Well, a single white person, anyhow.

>> No.6675294

Sorry anon I have EXACTLY 150,000 LINK tokens safely store in a bank vault on my /comfynanoledger/. My OCD forbids me from donating to wagecucks

>> No.6675306
File: 52 KB, 500x700, 1377707726747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasted digits

>> No.6675315

In it for the meme 250 linkies will i make it

>> No.6675454
File: 318 KB, 500x322, 1514759312420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ChainLink will be the price of these digits end of year.

>> No.6675600

If link hits $54, I will have $3.2MM.

>> No.6675742

I have to check my own dubs, really?

Fucking checked at $3.2MM EOY

>> No.6675789

you think link will ever be next to the greats at 10k?

>> No.6676131
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, 733B78DA-210C-4B0D-A42D-D221A597EE20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astronaut reporting in