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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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666059 No.666059 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, I'm starting a business soon (applied for my business license yesterday), and I was wondering if any of yall have advice from person experiences?

My business will be centered towards importing wholesale from suppliers and I have ran two test runs that have shown profitability.

Pic unrelated, had it on my phone for whatever reason

>> No.666067

Depends on what you're attempting to sell. What is it?

>> No.666070

You must construct more pylons.

>> No.666090

Lighting accessories, pretty much as specific as I'll get. I already have the brand and product branded, not trademarked or anything.
>>666070 but anon I don't have that much mineral

>> No.666112

You require more minerals.

>> No.666130


focus on maximizing each expo
you generally want 3 peons per patch, which results generally in about 25

>> No.666133

After you acquire minerals for pylons, can you tell us a bit about these tests you've run? Basically, it seems, to me, like you're good to go, but there's a lot of info missing and you seem a tad unsure yourself.

>> No.666156

try to scout for zerg rushes, even the best falter to their power and the unprepared usually rage quit.
dont rage quit anon and scout ahead.

>> No.666277

Test # 1: 4 products purchased at $50/piece, $69/piece after shipping
Sell for $120/piece
Test # 2: 10 products at varying prices (two different types of product) coming to roughly $90/piece, sell for $145/piece averaged.
>>666156 but if I can't purchase more pylons how am I to buy a scouting unit to look for a Zerg rush? Use one of my mineral collectors and lose profit/second?

>> No.666280

Im assuming expo = exposure? I have some local businesses looking into my product for affordability reasons vs the competitors

>> No.666284

I'm curious, are you selling online? How hard/easy was it to find customers the first time around?

>> No.666328

Craigslist/Facebook is where all my sales originated from. Took 1 week to sell 4, and 2 weeks to sell the 10.

>> No.666345

Need more vespene gas!

>> No.666358

But anon I'm not building anything that requires vespene gas..

>> No.666659
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Shameless bump

>> No.666665

>that pic
Goddamit /tv/, that's going too far.

But I laughed.

>> No.666666


>> No.666667

I want to take many massive feminine amazon dicks in my mouth and anus. Even more than I want all of these 6's.

>> No.666668
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hes right you know

>> No.666679

eat shit fag

>> No.666698


Just think, if you hadn't spent all that time thinking up that inane comment and typing it out, you might have got them.

>> No.666703


>business license

Kek. Stay free, America.

>> No.666716
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this get

>> No.666731
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Fuck you mods

jk pls pic related

>> No.666743


If you want to build the powerful units which allow you to seize mineral patches (and therefore gain more profit) then you'll need vespene gas

>> No.666744



>> No.666746
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The least intelligent post in the thread and it gets septs...

>> No.666749

I'm sorry I turned this into a dubs and pylon thread... Sounds like you've got shit sorted though. 👍 I guess, the only question is: Can you get pre -orders on shit before you import in bulk?

>> No.666776


>> No.666801

Also, can you help a brother out, and explain your facebook sales strategy a bit?

>> No.666874


>> No.666879
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>> No.667228

I imagine I could, going to local businesses to try and get them to offer my product. Should be easy, because it is similar quality while half the price of the competitor. If I could sell 20 of my most profitable bar I would stand to make $6600, not including the other various sizes that I offer. Potentially more after brand is established.
>>666801 I joined local groups for my location that connects to thousands of people's pages with a single post, easiest way to spread the word.

>> No.667248

Like facebook classified pages, or something else?
I've actually had a bit of luck myself with fb yard sale pages. I just did $405 my first week. Hoping to hit some higher numbers next week.

>> No.667266

Sort of, in my location there are like 20k people in a group that is made for posting what your selling, like Craigslist but with an audience.

>> No.667314
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Craigslist is dildos...

Word brother! So, we're actually doing almost the same thing. Meet you at $1million dollars dude.

>> No.667363

Is there any way to make money off of all these free couches on craigslist? I bet I could get three a day and only spend a few hours.

>> No.667375

Firewood or piss stain fetishists? As a legit business, you'd probably make a mint upcycling them with new hipster upholstery. That shit I'd like an art though.

>> No.667384

No, probably not.

Selling couches is hard as fuck and not consistent whatsoever.

They take up a lot of room, they can have bedbugs, holes, rips, broken springs and other nuisances and there's no real market for it except for the odd person here or there because most people looking to buy furniture would just buy it from a Retail Store.

You would probably have 3 couches lying around for months upon months before some guy lowballed you and you decided to sell them to him.

>> No.667389


I let this happen....
W-we let this happen...

>> No.667395

>actually naming your filenames

>> No.667812


I was waiting for this get but I forgot...

>> No.667813
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fuck, I could've used "butt"

>> No.667958

Maybe pick up free couches and regive them away but charge for delivery?

>> No.667966
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So sayeth we all

>> No.667970

As a lighting distributor I will say the market is incredibly saturated. Also the lighting world is very political

>> No.668010
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>> No.668012


spurstalk crew checking in

>> No.668090
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>> No.668097

fucking admins hijacking #gets with automated bullshit

>> No.668453
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>> No.669401
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butts indeed.

>> No.669585
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>> No.669588
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