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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6645392 No.6645392 [Reply] [Original]

My gf just asked if I could cash out some crypto to pay for her college tuition...

>> No.6645411

Fuck no

>> No.6645416

time for a new gf

>> No.6645475

Telling a grill you have any money at all....

>> No.6645476

What? Women can't learn. Don't let her become educated!

>> No.6645482

no, that is what loans and family are for

>> No.6645490

Ha-ha get rid of her, she is using you.

>> No.6645508

sure let me take this money that could be worth 10 times as much in a year and give it all to you so you can get a degree in gender studies and leave me after a while

>> No.6645510

you have to be larping. I'm literally in college and throw up 6 figures without this problem.

>> No.6645519

how is this even anything worth considering? If you're serious about her fucking do it lol. Just make sure you make it an official - By law - loan to her, which she'd have to pay back. if you break up, you get the money back, if you stay together, you can just have her never pay it back.

>> No.6645548

My ID is an actual word, what should I do with this power?

>> No.6645567

this, I've been acting as a poorfag for years now
some girls literally pay dinner for me
one girl even paid for a jacket lmao

>> No.6645582
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u my fren

just got cuckied

>> No.6645595

Jerk off

>> No.6645603

no this is idiotic. He's not her dad

>> No.6645616

>No you post it all you don't have any crypto.

Fucking retard

>> No.6645624

Time to dump her and find the next one with mooning potential

>> No.6645640


Loan with zero interest or inflation adjusted interest is the best option, also better to consult someone with legal understanding to make sure the contract is legitimate.
Or you could just dump the bitch too.

>> No.6645652

250 reply thread incoming

it has to deal with hating women, expect the virgin masses to swarm here soon

>> No.6645666
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>My gf

I hope you mean: "My ex-gf"

>> No.6645672

>just give her money lol
fuck you

>> No.6645679

You GF should not even consider this as a option.

>> No.6645691


>> No.6645695

Tell her this is a long term investment plan not short term. Then again this all depends on how much she is asking for. If you have a value greater than 20k and she is asking for 2k-4k then you can help her a little bit.

>> No.6645697

If you do it you are a dipshit.

>> No.6645701

Well if you’re only in college and posting on 4chan about it I’m going to assume this relationship hasn’t been around long and it doesn’t mean a whole lot. New gf time.

>> No.6645704
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Dump her.

>> No.6645706

My wife's Indian daughter just scammed me in the kitchen by telling me she would kill herself if I didn't cash out my Bitconnect to pay for her samosa shop startup.

This world is cruel boys.

>> No.6645713
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>I'm not your sugar daddy, bitch. Now go make me a sandwich.
Why did you tell her about crypto and your gains, though? Are you a faggot who can't keep his mouth shut?

>> No.6645727

dude i used to think this kind of shit was larping but my girlfriend asked me to do the SAME FUCKING THING for her fucking books. fuck that.

>> No.6645728
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>He still holds his GF bags

You pumped her, now dump her

>> No.6645729

Your relationship is a dead cat bounce.

>> No.6645736

you told you gf about crypto ?

aahhahahahha faggot get cancer and die

>> No.6645754


it's the easiest bait thread on /biz/

>my gf
>cash out or give me access

done. that's all you need for a shitfest. every day

>> No.6645755

Have her take a loan and say you'll contribute to the payments with wagebucks to help her out. In state schools only.

>> No.6645757

>tfw no beta female orbiters to buy things for me

>> No.6645779

I'd recommend saying no, and if you're still together after her finishing college, offer to pay off her loans. To anybody else, I honestly recommend not telling your SO about your crypto-gains. Non-investors just don't understand.

>> No.6645793
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I told my wife I lost 40k during the drop yesterday. Told her we don't have any money and she cant buy anything or waste any money now.
>doesn't know how much portfolio is worth.

>> No.6645840
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>> No.6645851

Spotted the numale cuck newfag or the 300lb obese woman

>> No.6645867

t. cuck.

>> No.6645868

>does she cook every morning ?
>does she laundry your shit and iron your shirts ?
>does she make you happy and want to carry your child ?
If it’s no to any of these you know what to do

>> No.6645875

Tell her can't cash out

>> No.6645878

And if she breaks up with you, your name isn't on the loan. She is motivated to stay with you this way.

>> No.6645949

just work on your looks and character man
don't fall for the asshole/masculinity trap
neither for the "just be confident" trap

you should have things to actually be confident about.

>> No.6645952

I feel your pain pajeet sir, just wait few more years and you can safely genereta revenue by prostituting her on local shitstreet

>> No.6646006

and with "things" I don't mean stuff like expensive clothes or a car or whatever

>> No.6646009
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I assume she's dead now, right?

>> No.6646093
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>not letting her kill herself
pic very related

>Are you a faggot who can't keep his mouth shut?
Judging by this board, I'd say that's true of most cryptofags

>> No.6646201


>> No.6646293


Tell her: "No."

>> No.6646502

only if you're with her for more than seven years otherwise FUCK NO

>> No.6646588

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, anon, be smart.

>> No.6646613

Tell her you lost it all in the last crash. If she sticks around she´s wifey material

>> No.6646637

dump her before she dumps him.

>> No.6646689


>> No.6646696

once in a lifetime opportunity to lose a lot of money for minimal gain OP
choose wisely

>> No.6646727
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>> No.6646749

How big is your portfolio ?

>> No.6646762

Totally good idea. Totally agree with you dear sir

>> No.6646784

>have a ng a gold digger gf

tell her she is supposed to pay her tution herself and ditch her

>> No.6646790
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cash out enough for pic related and throw them at her

>> No.6646818

that's not enough info fag tell us how she reacted and what the aftermath was
did she dump you?

>> No.6646827

Just tell her no, it's a long-term investment

You stand to lose too much

She can get a loan. I know it sounds cold but you both stand to gain too much if you intend to have a future

Although it depends on how urgent things are and how desperate she is... if she's fucked and you absolutely KNOW she's The One then yeah, sometimes love has to come before money

I mean, aren't you doing all this for happiness in the first place? So it isn't necessarily a loss given what the purpose of that money is

But if she's got other options (even if they require pinching pennies) or she thinks you've got the solution to her problems because she knows you've got money then say no and be firm about it

Also, stop bragging to her about how much you've made, and don't talk about it from here on out until you're ready / willing to take money out

>> No.6646847

Fitting ID

>> No.6646868

I know the feeling, my girlfriend checks on CMC and when it's up she casually asks: How's OUR money doing? When it's down she says how is YOUR money doing? Because it's my money in there.

>> No.6646873
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>gf college debt surpassed 330k american freedom dollars
>she cries for help
>she will never be able to pay it back
>give her 0.32 LINK
>"Pay of the debt and buy something nice for yourself"

>> No.6646957

>you should have things to actually be confident about.
>and with "things" I don't mean stuff like expensive clothes or a car or whatever
Based. How will /r9k/ ever recover

>> No.6646964

I actually hadn't thought of it this way. That's pretty smart. Except I would probably still charge my girl interest.

>> No.6647005
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If crypto is going to go up by 10x with any degree of certainty within a year why hasn't every single investor on earth abandoned stocks and bonds and started investing in crypto?

>> No.6647037
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I think you misspelled personal cumpdumpster, because that's what she'll be at that point

>> No.6647041

nice. just dated 100k sociopaths

>> No.6647056

That bitch deserves to be slapped in the face with your cock. It's your money all of the time. Make her understand that.

>> No.6647079

because theyre all fucking old

>> No.6647083

No. Taxes will be a bitch.

>> No.6647096

And I bet you did it you fucking fag

>> No.6647113

don't be a rude frog poster, sir

>> No.6647123

idk dude. google, amazon, alibaba, paypal, tesla, netflix, and facebook where pretty obvious why didn't everyone invest in those?

why do manlets still breed even though they'll leave manlet offspring with 100% certainty?

>> No.6647128

But plenty of fudds jumped on the .com bubble?

>> No.6647148

Leave it at that forever

>> No.6647160

Not an argument.

>> No.6647175


>> No.6647186

This is a nice introduction to findom.

>> No.6647296

if they wanted to gamble they could always buy some options for the same 10x profits... with some degree of certainity lol

even less volitile markets have crazy leverages if you are crazy enough

>> No.6647691

This is why you're single

>> No.6647815

Relationship was over as soon as the words left her mouth. Either

1) you agree and the precedent is set that you will become the financial pillar of the relationship

2) you deny her request and she gets mad that "you won't support her"

Go with option 2 anon. It's her fault for even asking. There are plenty more fish in the sea. Just don't tell the next one about your gains

>> No.6647993

I think i dumped too much cum in my dumpster over the past 7 months. My hair started getting weaker and falling out a bit in a weird pattern :(

>> No.6648024

cash out your gf to pay for more crypto

>> No.6648129


save your money

>> No.6648649

>Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on some bitch who you aren't even married to and who has no obligation to stay with you after she has said money

How illogical and self-absorbed do you even have to be to make a request like this?

>> No.6648700

What then? You dont have material goods and you cant talk about your money so what exactly are you gonna be proud of? Your poetry collection?

>> No.6648701

Women have smaller brains and are weaker than men. The only thing that makes them equal is their ability to have children. Unless she's your baby momma tell her to fuck off.

>> No.6648733

Find a new one

>> No.6648754


>> No.6648839

Tell her kneepads aren't that expensive.

>> No.6648843

This is why you're broke.

>> No.6648869

Cash out something small like $50 and say that's all you've got.

>No argument
>Keeps her happy.
>Enjoy great sex for a bit

>> No.6648886
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I'm sure it's been done before.

>> No.6648923

for big guys, diminishing returns. if you have a billion to invest, crypto can't accomodate your weight. marketcap is a meme, there's no more than low dozen billions dollars in crypto

for small guys, inertia. most people don't understand crypto nor the current financial system and perceive crypto as more risky than traditional investments

>> No.6648948

Is she actually studying something useful like engineering or the normal women's rights crap?

>> No.6649120

it's not about stuff to talk about, why would you talk about it
do it. show it. don't talk about it

and with it I mean, have some goals in life man
get an education (but beware of becoming /r/iamverysmart)
get into shape
get some social skills
find things to be passionate about
find friends that care about you
have some values and watch yourself as if you don't know yourself

I know this stuff sounds cheesy, but these things helped me a lot
these are the "things" you're supposed to be confident about

also, don't underestimate the importance of looks. people are way more shallow than they realize

>> No.6649163

based mcafee

>> No.6649225

Fucking imbecile what woman with two ovaries would accept a loan without telling him to go fuck himself. Jeez.

>> No.6649324

Topps 3% of your portfolio if you love her so much that you can't even think about cheating on her.

>> No.6649522

while I'm at it, and I'm sure someone is reading this and hopefully getting something out of it:

try to learn from other peoples mistakes.
sounds weird, but visit for example /r/niceguys and /r/cringepics

inb4 leddit

>> No.6649543
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>$trx #vgx $pajeetcentral #crypt $currency

>> No.6649546
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>she tried to kill you a few times
>no one's perfect
>am wize

>> No.6649849

>the she

>> No.6649981

lol nope. just tell her to take out student loans like everyone else.
and don't co-sign anything.
She's just another crazy twitter cat lady statistic.
mass roastie suicides incoming.

>> No.6650099

cmc doesn't have btc\gf charts tho how am I supposed to know how much shes worht

>> No.6650136

he's a wild and crazy man

>> No.6650138

Tell her you panic sold during the dip and you are now in debt

>> No.6650306

This hits home anon

>> No.6650415

kek that id
praying for good id