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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6641735 No.6641735 [Reply] [Original]

Wow~ Monster eats the sell wall

>> No.6641789

Take 2 mintues and defeat 100% of other posters.

>> No.6641876


>> No.6642014

That CEO Sunny is pretty shady desu. he got arrested reccently but his guanxi is strong so its not known.

I saw Sunny in the town market today in Shanghai myself. For some reason he was making a point to go around to every vegetable stand and Shouting "你的菜是很臭" extremely loudly. He would then stuff some of the kale and onions from each stand up his sleeves and in his coat, in plain view before moving onto the next one.

By the time he was done it was literally falling out of him. I went up to him to say I was a big fan of his work, and he preceded to shout profanity at me calling me a "walty salty" while he walked away laughing.

Tbh i'm still not sure if i want to support this company after this encounter.

>> No.6642055


>> No.6642091

bought at 47k before the crash, sold at 48k

am i fucked?

>> No.6642158
File: 10 KB, 959x103, ef60DSp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6642215

This guy posts on ccj2

>> No.6642260
File: 84 KB, 819x1024, IMG_20170308_090356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6642279

>he can’t read Chinese


>> No.6642327

Be careful of Sunny Lu guys, he cornered me during a tour of the VeChain office and put two fingers on my grundle and told me if I didn't buy enough for a strength node he would send men to my house to shoot me in the head.

>> No.6642362


ahaha what the fuck ive never seen this pasta before

>> No.6642701


When i was on tour of the office, one of the 40 devs looked him in the eye. sunny literally jumped across the room and punched him in the head