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6637396 No.6637396 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6637426

thoughts on the balfour declaration and the rothschilds making up the holocaust for creation of your state?

>> No.6637429

how does it feel that original israeli religion has almost nothing in common with the manipulative judaism you guys slaugther people over today?

>> No.6637434

Nobody cares

Apologise for the USS Liberty

>> No.6637438

what does the quran say about crypto

>> No.6637449

When will you have enough white phosphorus

>> No.6637456

What flag is this sir

>> No.6637470

Feels good to get your own state based on shillz

sucks brah, peace on earth is my motto

>> No.6637472

why you put your noses all over the world?

>> No.6637479
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>> No.6637492

not sure, but I think it currently says accumulate as much as you can

>> No.6637494

totally halal

>> No.6637495


How does it feel to know that humans prefer actual niggers to you blood sucking lizard people?

>> No.6637531 [DELETED] 

Army logistics guy here, I can't tell you the exact quantity, but it's more than all our other artillery shells combined.

>> No.6637532

Sucks, but we'll get there I guess.

>> No.6637570

Is it true half of you fuckers looks like Howard from big bang?

>> No.6637585


OP isn't a real Jew, he's an eastern european Ashkenazi pretender

>> No.6637588

I see some resemblance with the nose, but the rest.. nahhh

>> No.6637604

Is urban conflict a thing over there?
Does everyone really serve in the military.
Is it really all beach partiees where we can hang out with Adam Sandler?

>> No.6637613

שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם my friend

>> No.6637649


>> No.6637657
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Whats a real jew?

>> No.6637659

Please, please have children. Nobody deserves to be born a brainlet, yet subhumans like me are still reproducing. I won't because my only reason to live is to serve superior beings.

>> No.6637672

I think I qualify

>> No.6637706

Why don't you Jews have enough children to finally stop being minorities everywhere?
Do you want to stay parasites?

>> No.6637722

how can or is the blockchain/crypto technology being adapted for use in the talmud or for kabbalistic practice?

>> No.6637726

Ill refer to my previous post >>6637479
Who are you?

>> No.6637732


>> No.6637735

if some guy did not slaughter us, we would be the biggest family on earth

>> No.6637741

Really do it fucking sub

>> No.6637745

Yes, people who don't serve have a harder time finding jobs, so the general population serves, Arabs, orthodox leeches and some friends groups don't serve.

Israel sucka

>> No.6637748

I infiltrated a kike discord, now I can spy on everything these schlomos profit off lmao

>> No.6637765

go to /pol/ attention whore

>> No.6637783

kys pls

>> No.6637793


>> No.6637831

>Israel sucka
I hear Flahridah is nice.

>> No.6637854
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>> No.6637857

It's easy to increase your birthrates.

>> No.6637900

Don't believe anything he says, he's cheating you.

>> No.6637902

you can't cash out nor buy bitcoins in israel

>> No.6637942

what do you think about palestine?

>> No.6637976

I mistyped. Ethno states suck. This one happens to also need to invest human and monetary resources into a significant military force, doubling the suckage to whoever happens to be living here, ala me.

>> No.6638024

how is life in israel this days, anything fun on the local level?

>> No.6638040

Gas yourself

>> No.6638048

You can though, we've got an exchange and something that tries to look like coinbase but only retards use it

>> No.6638128

so what do you use?
i tried to use that exchange to deposit but my bank blacklisted their address

>> No.6638182

I only trade on GAS and that's why I'm all in on NEO

>> No.6638208
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Why do Jewish women have such big tits?

>> No.6638212
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What guy did that?

>> No.6638263
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>> No.6638269
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I hope you die you disgusting conniving Jew. Your people will be gassed again in your lifetime. Feels good.

>> No.6638299
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Otha medaber Ivrit?
Otha yehudi?
Otha ohev yahadut?

t. Brazilian Jew

>> No.6638329
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>> No.6638341

As an IDF soldier who's wants to invest in crypto and smoke weed Israel is a shithole with Jews on top that control whatever the fuck they want. Seriously fuck this place

>> No.6638362

Shtok ben kalba.

>> No.6638372
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Be ready to lost your shekels and life, kike.

>> No.6638397

>Ethno states suck
I went to school with blacks who hated me for being white. Ethno states can't be that bad. Why does Israel suck?

>> No.6638401


>> No.6638444

No, children are too expensive.

>> No.6638490

Do you think crypto coin will help free us FROM the government of man?

>> No.6638518
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>idf ''soldier''

>> No.6638533

yes 100%. I just bought 100K of GAS

>> No.6638584

Hi jew,
why are your (((people))) such cunts?

>> No.6638622

Your bank blocked bit2c and bitsofgold?
Switch banks, I'm in otsar but I haven't deposited in a couple months if I'm honest. Pepper would probably love to pass that shit for you.

>> No.6638663
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You wouldn't happen to be hiding anyone in your attic would you?

>> No.6638718

>t. proud american soldier, stopping the whole combat operation to find nearby toilet

>> No.6638847

I bet the Indian army never has that problem.

>> No.6638860

אתה באמת ישראלי ?

>> No.6638976

kek, rock throwing kids empty jew bowels lmao.

>> No.6639513

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