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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6636138 No.6636138 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/ doesn't realize a megawhale lost a shitload of money in one single 1d doji trying to force a crash along with all the normies

>> No.6636394

We know this already anon. ((They)) don't care about losing fiat, they can print more; we can't. This is why you don't buy ((ripple)) and ((bancor)). With Jews, you lose.

>> No.6636530

I don't know exactly who it is, but I figured as such.
It seemed like some organization or small group of rich people sold low for some reason

Is there some way to find out who/where/when? Why can be extrapolated after answering those first 3.

>> No.6636582


wasn't a person, but a company, rather. it was a bank, rumor is jpmorgan but there's no evidence. reason was to make $$$ from futures


>> No.6636750

I am the humback faggot i short sold at 100x leverage taking in profits before I plunge again

>> No.6636765
File: 64 KB, 677x662, charlie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this faggots. it was a hedge fund trying to short btc to get a fat ass return on futures.
plus the winkelovess dared jp morgan to short btc after the futures launched at cboe. google it.
also charlie lee predicted this shit too after the crash in december

>> No.6636789


>> No.6636797

Explain in dumdum speak plz

>> No.6636821

Wall Street

>> No.6636877

Why does this information always come out after something bad happens? Why didn't we all collectively agree a week ago, that it will crash?

What is this board even good for, if I can't get even the most basic information about the incoming crash?

It could saved us so much money if we all agreed it was time to sell.

>> No.6636889

BTC couldn't even complete its yearly dump with the help of a fud storm, futures, heavy maniupation and panic selling n thanks to you fags buying the dip.

This will mean its going to go stagnant for a long time trying to burn through the leftovers of early investors and everything in that doji.

>> No.6636915

you could try, but 90% here are morons

if we got together we could all make a ton of money.

>> No.6636921

Because we aren't here to help you make money, we are here to discuss the market and things retard.

We are trying to participate in our hobby not feed your stupid ass handouts most of us don't share anything here until its too late because you guys ruined our board.

>> No.6637004

The same thing that happened with /pol/ happens with /biz/. Bunch of paid shills spread misinformation and demotivation. I wonder when they start posting cuck porn. The party is not over, but dont trust any anon who tells you buy or sell. Pro tip, filenames.

>> No.6637054


This is a paid shill. If we had flags you would see the leaf and could just ignore this defeatist fudster

>> No.6637081

Paid shill my ass, Im trying to post fun /biz/ TA memes and you fags come in here begging like a bunch of street shitters for free money and complaining

>> No.6637171
File: 55 KB, 540x790, 1514190650579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ autistmo. here's my reply from another thread about the same shit: >>6636190

you fags will never be happy. kys

>> No.6637175


See, paid defeatist shill. Post hand with time stamp holding your national currency leaf

>> No.6637192

You couldn't be more obvious share blue

>> No.6637210
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>with jews you lose
>buy ripple

>> No.6637240

because biz is for memes not for real shit
if you are here for TA or advices you're doing it wrong

>> No.6637253

>we are here to discuss the market and things retard
That is literally what he is saying we do not do
>Why didn't we all collectively agree a week ago, that it will crash?
This was not widely discussed and it was very relevant to "market and things"

>> No.6637278

Gas kikes

>> No.6637294
File: 38 KB, 530x663, 1514189203397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry my kike globalist—turning the frogs gay—view is fisting your nationalism.
how's it feel to be the real cuck?
do you ever worry about the (((white race))) dying out?
(((fuck you)) (((nigger)))

>> No.6637352

You morons still try the earth chan shit after some of you went to the bureau and revealing your intentions and who you are. David really cut the budget massively after oncle George lost billions. You bound to lose jew

>> No.6637436
File: 62 KB, 736x620, 1516270523650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm simply posting Earth-chan because I like it. I'm not worried about the <<big kike conspiracy>>.

>> No.6637587

Sure shill sure. Step up your game loser

>> No.6637647
File: 27 KB, 62x72, 0vkdbff8wy501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no game to step up. I'm less than one sextillionth the mass of the Earth. Why are you replying to me? You wan sum fuk?

>> No.6637928

i did just that, now why the fuck would i tell anyone else?

>> No.6638283

obvious shareblue faggot is obvious

>> No.6638421
File: 329 KB, 803x996, 50e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is share blue a part of the <<kike conspiracy>> now?
are your tendies cold?

>> No.6638431

/biz/ is for hype