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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6633893 No.6633893 [Reply] [Original]

Are we just going to pretend this hasn't hit the perfect buy floor for a trust node? And isn't it absolutely eerily quiet how low the volume has gotten at ~$100,000 over 24 hrs? Price has hovered around 27k now for a couple days as well, isn't this an absolutely surefire moon mission once the team drops some serious news?

>> No.6633947
File: 10 KB, 211x239, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A visual overhaul update is coming out soon, and the nodes will be setup somewhere in februari. If you haven't bought your trustnode yet you're literally the biggest brainlet of /biz/

>> No.6633958

fuck yeah on board today 10k

>> No.6633972

I wish I had the funds to buy 10k when the price was <0.20$. I think it'll only go up now.

>> No.6633979
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>> No.6633985

Any info on how many Id need? I read something like $250 dollars worth for one type and 10,000 PFR for a full node or some shit

>> No.6633996

10k coins is correct

>> No.6634001

Join to make some profit during the dip...
Discord>> UXBnfm2

>> No.6634015

10k so right now about $2.8-$3k

>> No.6634024

And info on setting Up the node is released? If so where can I find it

>> No.6634031

How many pfr would you need for a trust mode?

>> No.6634061


>> No.6634075

They are working on documentation. That and much more will be coming Jan/Feb. Source: Payfair announcements on Telegram.

>> No.6634076
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Almost enough for 3 master nodes reporting in. Hopefully can pick up a little extra just to flip. 90 mil max supply and 20 mil market cap.
Pretty sure this just needs to get listed on a half decent exchange before plebs are priced out

>> No.6634114

They were over $5000 a couple days ago

If you're not in on this you're fucking stupid this is $1+ in a month or two

>> No.6634115
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Getting real sick of you facebook / reddit faggots needing to be spoonfed everything

>> No.6634117
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>> No.6634122

i've never run a node before. will anyone with 10k be able to run one, or is it a first come first serve type deal?

i got in on this so early that i feel like my luck is too shit for this to actually work out. typical the entire market takes a fucking shit before it's supposed to happen

will i make it with 11k?

>> No.6634146

I also thought it would fall alot harder. It first I was fearful because there were no buy orders and I was basically trapped so I decided to ride out the dip and everything turned out better then expected. We still have to wait for a working product but I am willing to wait at this point.

>> No.6634202

Read the white paper looks like a scam

>> No.6634225

Don't know a single shit about all of your words. What's a trust node and what's good to set up now?

>> No.6634257

I only sunk like 2 eth into it worth 6 now and it will be way more than that soon

>> No.6634286

Anon we are not the developers, go and join the telegram group and ask them.
And yes your gonna make it =)

Never change

>> No.6634296

well then you clearly didn't read it but just looked how visually shitty it was you stinky pajeet

>> No.6634304

Whitepaper will be updated soon to reflect the updates
this reddit crowd is so fucked

>> No.6634344

Looks like they didn't give half a shit writing their white paper

>> No.6634348
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>> No.6634350

>tfw still got my 50k i bought when it first hit ED

luckily i bagheld for a while, i was down 60% at some point

>> No.6634950

Bump, this normie flavored /biz/ is depressing

>> No.6635095

Why are people still invested in this Russian dogshit. It’s like tron surging from 0,04 to 0,40 and still refusing to sell.