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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6631239 No.6631239 [Reply] [Original]


Ex-coiner here! "ex" because I figured out at the beginning of last month that this is a complete sham of a market, and have been deeply, deeply enjoying the crash that is underway. (LOL, you think it's over! You think the "recovery" is here!)

Your time is coming to an end.

China is going to deal the richly-deserved death blow to this corrupt, scam-filled, life-destroying, energy-sucking house of cards.

If it wasn't China, it would be Tether (the ONLY thing propping up the crypto corpse right now, but whose eventual implosion is as inevitable as bitconnect's). If it wasn't Tether, it would be people waking up to the fact that your vaporware garbage is worthless. All roads lead to crypto's defeat.

But it looks like it's gonna be China! And I for one am in FULL support of any government cracking down and protecting their citizens from this rotten-to-the-core shithole of a market.

Soon it will be time for you to get off your ass and make money the old fashioned way: by providing value to the world.

You thought you could defy fundamental physical laws of economics. It's not going to happen. Instead, you will be routed and gutted. And I'm going to be gleefully watching your pain every moment of the way.

>> No.6631277

3/10 you tried

>> No.6631281

>China is going to deal the richly-deserved death blow to this corrupt, scam-filled, life-destroying, energy-sucking house of cards.

you mad you couldnt play the game well enough you cuck? i've 4xed my money in the last 12 hours and am in the process of cashing most of it out. Meanwhile youre finding news articles to get angry about lmaooo

>> No.6631287

>trying to ban math

>> No.6631296

Jesus Christ, relax you fucking cretin.

>> No.6631314

This is a long ass post about coins for a nocoiner. There’s still time to get in, pajeet, but wait too long and you’ll be fishing in the sewers forever

>> No.6631351

Good bait

>> No.6631356

>being this ignorant about sovereign currency control

>> No.6631358

Also you write like a Call of Duty villain

>> No.6631361

Some1 was Coping die 8k here...

>> No.6631386

Wow thanks OP aka random autist on /biz/ I'm gonna go sell all my assets now.

>> No.6631388


You guys make this bullshit FUD every months at least

>> No.6631415

Someone is salty af. Back to work wagecuck.

>> No.6631422


>> No.6631440
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>> No.6631453
File: 347 KB, 1470x1116, IMG_3414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, guess i'm selling. good points op. later guys

>> No.6631464

>Thinking one government can just press a button and suddenly crypto is dead

>> No.6631475

Nice source, Manjeet.

>> No.6631535

They already tried to do that
The chinese went to localbitcoins and similar platforms.
If they ban them they will use VPNs like usual.

You have no idea how much the chinese hate their gov and are willing to buy houses in foreign countries just so they can move their assets out of the country

>> No.6631558

It isn't?

>> No.6631594

The PLA was literally created to quash civil uprisings and prevent civil wars

Let that sink in, it was never meant to be a foreign intervention force. They've sworn their allegiance to the Communist Party of China.

>To consolidate the ruling status of the Communist Party

>> No.6631602

Ty bought 100k

>> No.6631606


>> No.6631635

Kek literally haven't left the house all year btc 2 da moon

>> No.6631660


Yeah that was before consumer capitalism got its greasy little fingers into the brains of those starving Chinese farmers and students. Now they fight the powah like any millennial

>> No.6631737


Yeah, it would take some kind of massive internal surveillance network and a ubiquitous internet filtering system.

Like, you'd basically need to be a single-party government with some great kind of firewall. Impossible.

>> No.6631820

Yeah and there woulr have to be some way you could bypass this great surveillanc wall. It would obviously have to be virtual oh and private and a network. Impossible.

>> No.6631864

You honestly think ching chongs dont yse vpns to conduct business to use whatsapp and facebook. Stay poor faghet

>> No.6631900
File: 1.84 MB, 1588x1906, 237E44C9-8CEF-4E97-9270-5CDF4B3A3073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese are buying the dip.

You have to be retarded to believe this.

>> No.6631946

Network hash has gone up 20% in 3 weeks where exactly is the Chinese crackdown?

>> No.6631980


Deep packet inspection is a thing. So is your local Party office.

>Comrade, why all the encrypted connections to non-whitelisted IPs?

Read the news. Xi is cracking down hard on corruption, pollution, capital outflow, and Western influence. Bitcoin is fukt, laowai.

>> No.6632019

That’s why the hashrate has added 3E hash in 3 weeks?

>> No.6632052

Chinks mine BTC for next to nothing, take your dollars, and hold them forever. No refunds!

>> No.6632082


Soon. The Party has stated a goal, to curb Chinese mining. The Party will achieve this goal.

>> No.6632251


>> No.6632259

The party will intentionally give up its huge advantage over America via its mining farms for what?

China is run by engineers, not lawyers.

>> No.6632303

>China crashing their mining industry instead of adopting it
>Miners will move their shit in Russia where only 40% of powernet is used and russian government is ready to adopt them (with insane taxes but low bills)
>Some of the rich miners may move in Canada where government creating mining valleys with low taxes and low bills.
>China literally lost billions of dollars.
>China is done and Russia/Canada is economical paradise
yeah op you right china btfo

>> No.6632680

Sometimes China does things it thinks it better for its people, as opposed to just pure profit.

>> No.6632687


>> No.6632705

Good thing I bought UFR lol.

>> No.6632844

OP panic sold

>> No.6632946
File: 378 KB, 1600x1329, 038F6A73-FBE4-480F-84C5-6D2931CD52E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defending Communism
Get off my imageboard, pinko.

>> No.6633022

>physical laws of economics
thanks for the kek baitboi

>> No.6633070

That did it. Rolled my portfolio all into Bitconnect. Stable as fuck right now desu

>> No.6633071

> My anonymous free-speech Polish-Iranian underwater vacuum-cleaner soldering forum

>> No.6633157

>still thinks the %1 provide any value instead of just stealing from you

Baby's first rodeo I see

>> No.6633222

>trying to ban math
Math is free

>> No.6633324

lol people still think you can control crypto

>> No.6633351


Chinks are just restricting this source of wealth from the people.

Those old fucks from the chink government, that throw rend envelopes everywhere and love to once in a while take a piss in the street, are accumulating and filling their pockets.

there are no human beings greedier than the chinks.

>> No.6633418

Other countryies should go ahead and ban chink coins like VEN.
It seems they want blockchain tech, but doesn't want to allow its citizens to trade.
figure since chinks are too uncivilized to control themselves to the government does it for them.
That being said, OPs fud was already proven false, chinks just want to shut down unlicensed mining ops. The rest are fine.

>> No.6633452

t. bought btc at 20k

>> No.6633528

I mean there’s a lot of words here. But that’s as far as it really gets. Argument construction is negligible

>> No.6633994

stopped reading at the question mark
jesus christ what a fucking faggot
you think you're writing some fucking article or essay or something?