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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6631237 No.6631237 [Reply] [Original]

> 2.4MM in crypto
> $2400 in bank account
> live in mothers basement
> await fortnightly welfare cheque

Lifes good, zero tax

>> No.6631310

How did u hit 2.4m

>> No.6631327

cash out 1m at least you stupid fuck.

>> No.6631350

you spelled Zimbabwe currency wrong nigger

>> No.6631396

so you had 4m last week?

>> No.6631401

I hope to be like you in about a year or so OP

>> No.6631404

You don’t have it until you cash out nigger.

>> No.6631432

you should really consider going and fucking yourself.

all you need to do is dip a tiny percentage into a mining rig and you would be earning more than any welfare. damn i knew people were fucked up but still. i bet you're still a depressed piece of shit virgin even with all that

>> No.6631454

Is it wrong that I am to lazy to collect welfare?

>> No.6631700

>niggas gonna nig
>basically just paying you to stay in your cages and not come exercise your lack of critical thinking in our fruitful, functioning neighborhoods
>Projects and welfare are just a pre-prison we keep you in until you inevitably fuck up and get sent to real prison where we know you belong
>We gladly pay to keep you there in the meantime so our property value doesn’t tank when you move out of your enclosures

>> No.6631762

Have one (You)

>> No.6631825
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>> No.6632101

Gr8 B8 M8 Im Ir8

>> No.6632131

anyone else concerned about the number of niggers on /biz/ these days

>> No.6632176

You have to go back.

>> No.6632196


>> No.6632382
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Same in the UK except we have fewer 'African murican mutts' bread for hard labour and low IQ. They are confined to the cities where their voting power is limited and where they will be easy to put into 'asylum camps' once the SHTF.

>> No.6632472

this meme sucks

>> No.6632503

Not a millionaire but currently on welfare (pays 70% of your last pay for 12 months) and a good amount on coinbase waiting.
As soon as welfare runs out I'll cash out this shit on my bank account, if I did earlier they would remove my free money.

>> No.6632527

quit larpin, jamal

>> No.6632550

you can go to jail for that if you get audited :^)

>> No.6632568

Yeah the internet was great back when they didn’t know how to use it.

>> No.6632596

I blame twitter.

>> No.6632600
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>the absolute state of /biz/
Anyone that isn't living life like op doesn't belong here. This is literally what /biz/ is about and anyone that was here a year or more ago (none of you faggots, we've left to get away from the flood of Pajeets) is living this life right now.

And look at everyone taking the bait here >>6631352
It's so obvious it isn't even bait. This board is ruined but I can still take some solace in the fact that all the people that came and ruined it will never be rich and will forever be jealous of the OGs that have already left.

>> No.6632614

Fucking leech

>> No.6632621

My m8 is collecting neetbucks and some autism bucks, he invested a lot of it into btc. However once he cashes out he has to pay back a lo of his receieved neet/autism bucks because he earned too much money. He would lose all his gains cause of that but hasn't figured that out yet for himself.