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6631248 No.6631248 [Reply] [Original]

Singapore here, AMA.

>> No.6631266

how are your wimin?

>> No.6631268
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Did you buy or sell?

>> No.6631319

want some gum?

>> No.6631322

- How open is the country to expats?
- Seems like the country is very open minded towards crypto?
- Things you like the most about living there?
- The least?

>> No.6631395


>> No.6631414


whats it like having no crypto tax?

>> No.6631434

you guys have cheap hookers like Maccau?

>> No.6631438

How based was Lee Kuan Yew


>> No.6631441
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Hi, do you mind becoming one of us again. We're becoming more of a shithole country day by day

>> No.6631450

1. (Everything except chinks and poos), yes, japs are ok.
2. There's like 20 crypto startups here, TENX is one
3. The convenience, small county
4. The weather, tropical, always hot

>> No.6631504

And last question: How does the cost of living compare to, say, the US (If you are familiar with the US)? Would the US dollar go a longer way, about the same, or less ( Assuming one is not trying to live a highly extravagant lifestyle).

>> No.6631533

Hows the taxation on crypto?
Average price for a 2 bedroom flat?
Also post a hot local girl

>> No.6631545

would you give Amos Yee some head?

>> No.6631569

You can live cheaply its possible. But you gotta pay more for the luxury. cost of living in us is definitely higher.

>> No.6631576

When will Rune be elected President?

>> No.6631701

How's healthcare?
Is the process to attain residency difficult?
Can permanent residents own land / real estate?
Thanks, Anon, for answering these questions!

>> No.6631741

Have you asked Saheli to invest in Chainlink yet?

>> No.6631765

No pinoys too

>> No.6631781

It's all the malays' fault

>> No.6631803

Hey I'm traveling over soon. I want to pull out BTC into cash to bring back to Aust. Do the BTC ATMs allow withdrawal to fiat? Do you need id?

>> No.6631810

Singapore is full of streetshitters. Those indian curry niggers went on a riot recently and Singapore got BTFP

>> No.6631838


>> No.6631847

u are a slant eyed chink yourself wtf are u talking about?

>> No.6631855
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How much ETH do you want to pay her a visit?

>> No.6631926

Go throttle those Coss cunts and get them to get their god damn shit in order. I need the god damn price to rise do you hear me Singapajeet?

>> No.6632033

Did you buy doge

>> No.6632310

What do you think about you government?

>> No.6632377

Wait. I'm pretty sure TENX is indonesian

>> No.6632415

>current president is female muslim

what did singapore mean by this?

>> No.6632459


>> No.6632474

this whole thread should go on /int/

>> No.6632523

how do you feel about Rich Chigga being your most famous cultural phenomenal of any relevance in the world`?

>> No.6632538

President does nothing anyways. So Idc.

>> No.6632575

it was rigged anyway

>> No.6632591

Does Singapore still have citizenship by investment?

>> No.6632638

1.basic socialised healthcare is of relatively good standard. private gets as good as you can pay as usual.
2. yes. you can make it quicker by having millions of dollars, as usual
3.yes but stamp duty is big

>> No.6632692

ica will be partial to you if you invest loads e moeny for residency. then you wait 5 yrs and apply for citizenship

>> No.6632740

Do you use Coss, OP?

>> No.6632778

Blowjobs still illegal there?

>> No.6632781

can you ship me chicken kanji from hawker center?
Are the waterslides at sentosa still killing tourists?
Which merlion is superior: sentosa or the one on the bay?

Thanks OP.

>> No.6632809

Also, can you ship me cases of 100plus? I really need that shit here in California we could start a business.

>> No.6632859

1. wtf is chicken kanji
2. no. they bulldozed those and built rollercoasters that kill people
3.the merlion in my pants

>> No.6632906

Everything is legal unless you get caught

>> No.6633009

1. that chicken rice porridge mmm
2. fuuuuuuuck they were fun. Killer rollercoasters sound alright though
3. OwO

>> No.6633085
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1. no cap gains tax for residents
2. anywhere from 300k to millions of dollars

>> No.6633820

how hard would it be to become a citizen? is the salary for software engineers good enough to live /comfy/ on it?

>> No.6633863


Should i have some skills in Madarin or is English enough?

>> No.6633925

English is fine

>> No.6634119

it all depends on how much money you got.
a high paying job is favourable. a local spouse is favourable. etc etc.
the time it takea is decided by ica. they do all the screening, averages mean nothing.

>> No.6634138

Have you been to orchard tower?

>> No.6634140

show me some thicc singaporean girls please

>> No.6634173

How do you deal with the constant fucking humidity?

Also your country is basically a large shopping mall

>> No.6634200

dont have

>> No.6634346

how are middle eastern people / africans viewed?

>> No.6634403

as niggers just like how they are

>> No.6634431

should i drop 10k on bitcoin or split it 50/50 with ethereum

>> No.6634432


Is there even something bad in Singapore?

>> No.6634492

very interesting, been thinking about moving to singapore for quite some time now, very tempting

>> No.6634507

pajeets and fob chinks, but of course we dont mind paying them cheaply for labour.
like any big city, high living costs especially land and cars

>> No.6634687

only move here if youre planning on making loads e money.

>> No.6634819

Having to deal with the noise from weddings/funerals under your apartment
Can't say anything bad about other races because of (((muh multiculturalism))) even if they did genuinely annoy you
No subsidies for housing if you're not married, unless you're willing to buy a condo or landed property

>> No.6635016
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Second this question. Tried researching about the usual method - signing up for an exchange that allows fiat withdrawal, open a bank account and all that. But it seems you need to live in Singapore before you can open a bank account. If OP can provide an idea of the general steps for a non-Singaporean, non-PR to cash out their crypto there, it would be much appreciated.

>> No.6635055

any new on MCO ?

>> No.6635126

as a non resident you should get taxed

>> No.6635195

>Travel to Singapore
>Go to Sim Lim Square
>Go to Sim Lim Square's basement
>Sell your BTC to the local pajeets
Enjoy your profits and GL

>> No.6635678

if you are still here OP:
- is it easy to move there from a west EU country?
- is it easy to find a job there (got a degree in cs)
- what's the average cost of living?
- what's the average rent for a nice center appartement with facilities
- any tips on how to start looking into moving to singapore? did the obvious google shit already.

>> No.6635820

Is life okay there if you're a homo?

>> No.6635846

>find a white-loving singaporean bitch
>get a job
>marry her
>apply for citizenship

>> No.6635880

nothing too bad if you keep your sexuality to yourself

>> No.6635895

yes very

>> No.6635944

Besides shitposting about it on 4chan no one knows.
Would I be good to move in with my bf if we made our way there separately? How does housing and that sort of thing work?

>> No.6635983

same as anywhere you rent or buy.

>> No.6636037

got an idea on the average cost of living?

>> No.6636091

how is crypto taxed there?

>> No.6636106

2 to 3k a month for an average expat. more if u love your drinks and entertainment.

>> No.6636116

how long until sg accepts my bitcoins to become a resident

>> No.6636143


>> No.6636236

Burger here in SG living the dream for a few months already. Singapore has no capital gains tax at all, but obviously I still have to pay US gains. Makes switching citizenship really tempting. And yes, babes here love white ding-dong.

>> No.6636311

what job?

>> No.6636321

Singapore's central bank head said on Monday (Jan 15) he hoped the technologies underpinning cryptocurrencies such as blockchain would not be undermined by an eventual crash in the virtual currency.
>eventual crash


>>- what's the average rent for a nice center appartement with facilities

almost fell for the coss coin meme

>> No.6636386
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How difficult is it to secure a work visa? I'm employed by Hilton Hotels and I was looking at trying to be an expat there within their corporate framework. The MOM standard survey told me I likely wouldn't get a work pass, but does this apply to someone working for an international corporation?

Also, how expensive is everything? Looks like Singapore's pricey as fuck.

>> No.6636388

As long as you don't buy a car and own landed property, you are all set.
Start-up capital: $5M Euros if you want to live there comfortably for the rest of your life.
Anal is illegal here

>> No.6636426

Very every since the natives keep bitching about foreigners, mainly Mainland Chinese, Cocky Indians and White sexpats

>> No.6636506

Soooo basically everyone not from Singapore?

>> No.6636567

hard to get in unless you have a niche skillset in demand here, since the gov is becoming more restrictive on foreign talents

>> No.6636574

Pretty much yeah.

>> No.6636627

arent most people buying themselves in anyway?

>> No.6636631
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Any other cities you'd recommend a mid tier hotel employee try and transfer to as an expat then? I was considering HK, but it's even more expensive than Singapore. And unfortunately Thailand has ridiculous work restrictions on companies employing foreigners.

>> No.6636818

Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Hue/Nha Trang, Vietnam
Clark/Tagaytay City/Subic, Philippines
KL/Penang, Malaysia

>> No.6636862

Born and raised in Singapore - in an upper-middle class family. Things can generally be expensive, but that’s only if you want it to.

For food we have hawker centres that charge $2-$6 for a plate of food which is an incredible thing. As compared to London for example, I very much prefer the costs of meals here.

>> No.6636923

There is also Christmas Island, which is pretty underrated

>> No.6636925

Look up prices of car in Singapore if you originally want to move here and also conscription

>> No.6636968

any idea what you get payed with a degree in cs? OP stated the cost of living is around 4k, so that's quite an amount to overcome each month.

>> No.6637033
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Only 2,000 people live on Christmas Island. Never really had an interest in Cambodia or the Philippines so I guess that leaves Vietnam and Malaysia. Which would you personally recommend? I know Malaysia is Muslim, but I also know it's pretty laid back. Vietnam has Pho going for it, not crazy about the language though.

Not complaining or disputing your suggestions btw, I'm honestly trying to work out where the best place for me to go is. I'm so fucking sick of the midwest United States it's not even funny.

>> No.6637038

An average starting salary of most graduates from NUS would be hovering around the range of $3-4K (if you’re first class honors) which is decent enough to get you started.

And no, you don’t need $4k to survive every month. Expenditure can be minimized, whichever country you’re in. It’s not impossible.

>> No.6637050

fresh grad gets slightly above 3k, company may give relocation benefits etc.

>> No.6637055

Same person btw, just switched IP's because I got off work.

>> No.6637313

4k is for rent per month is his "central apartment with facilities", and I'm sure it's on the lower side.

just have daughters

>> No.6637350

4k-to-5k/month + Allowance?
Really depends on how capable you are

KL is pretty Urbanised and have a steady population of expats.
They also have a long line of Expat-run pubs around (E.g Bangsar/Ceylon Hill/The row/Ampang)
Housing, cars, women, food, tobacco and alcohol are wayyyyy cheaper than Singapore.
The Night life is also noticeably more livelier in KL as well.
Night markets, pubs, late-night road-side markets and snacks.

Penang is good if you like the whole 'retiring near the beach' meme.
Desaru Coast/Kota Tingi is better for that though

Vietnam is also gud.
Hue/Nha Trang is seriously serene and chill.
There are also a lot of unspoiled nature/beaches.
But even less ppl speak English there.
A minority even speak French.
Depends on what you are looking for really.

>> No.6637418

How do you guys intend to solve the Malay problem?

>> No.6637433

By importing Non-muslims

>> No.6637559

To nurture and empower them to have higher levels of education thus being able to escape the cycles of poverty.

Whereas America (based on what I know) fails to do so. Especially when negro communities live amongst themselves and don’t interact with other races; which is a huge problem.

>> No.6637573

lets say i'm in between not capable and okay-ish. i have about 5 years + experience working in home country/ abroad as. also got some basic chinese skills. mainly consultancy work and some implementation but not much. suck at programming, can only do basic java, C, python and some golang. i am however pretty good at lying myself into a job (i landed myself an international job based on semi lying).

>> No.6637617

Muslims are always relevant on the world scene.

>> No.6637621

Are you better than Pajeet?
Can you lead a team of Rajahs/Shamus?
Are you presentable/good-looking/non-sperg?
If so, work on your programming skills and just go for it.

>> No.6637633

Do you miss LKY?

>> No.6637638
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When you put it that way I'm leaning towards KL. I don't really give a fuck about beaches and as much as nature can be beautiful, I've never been much of a backpacker type. That and the language barrier could be an issue as my current language fluency is English and a smattering of German/Japanese.

Thanks for all the advice btw anon, this is really helping me narrow things down. I'm not planning on being a sexpat, but I've gotta ask. How are Malaysian chicks?

>> No.6637703

Lol dick

>> No.6637710

Singaporean presidency isn't worth shit; hand a puppet to sweden and germany, send hsien long to contend with trump. perfect!

>> No.6637740

rich chigga isn't singaporean. we are glad to be culturally irrelevant. We stay rich, based and hidden, and can so continue to pretend oppression and ignorance under the guise of a laissez-faire so-called dictatorship

>> No.6637768


>How are Malaysian chicks?
Sloots like everywhere else
Just be careful of golddiggers (They want your citizenship and will do literally anything to get it)
The most desperate women are always Vietnamese/Korean/Indo for some reason.
Malays can be thirsty/more tolerant towards Whites but converting into Islam is a bitch
(Better hope you land a Liberal Malay if you go down this dark Path)
Chinese girls who chase after you are almost always the self-hating/Green-card chasing type.
The White girls are almost always the vlogging 'adventurous' instagram types.
On the plus side, because you are White, Tinder is a breeze.

>> No.6637778

1) used to it

2) yeah, not a very fun one too

>> No.6637814

What ASEAN country do you like the most?

>> No.6637821


Anal is only technically illegal if you're gay. Nobody ever enforces that law.

>> No.6637849
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Interesting, zero chance I'd ever convert to Islam but interesting. Out of curiosity what about Taiwan or SK? I already know Japan's basically impossible to find work in unless you do the English teacher meme.

>> No.6637858

Malaysia being a close second
Singapore is honestly an ultra-safe ultra-convenient ultra-compact workcamp
but a workcamp nonetheless

>> No.6637863


Education and cosmpolitan life means that the muslims gradually moderate and even possibly become progressive. They also don't chimp out, because much of them feel like whatever singaporeans are supposed to be now, and there's some thin impression that the government cares about what or who they are.

>> No.6637865

Why not? He’s basically responsible for turning you from a literal slum stare into a first world country

>> No.6637892

What makes those countries good? Culture and lack of poverty?

>> No.6637926

millennials cant relate to the oldfag

>> No.6637934

Different singapore anon.

I don't know, he's alright I guess. No real attachment. Made mostly good decisions. Son is inferior.

>> No.6637956

Wish he was still running the country. He had an iron fist, but that’s how things ought to be done. And no, not an oldfag

>> No.6637959

Koreans really hate non-Koreans and their society is really hostile towards non-Koreans
so good luck with that.
Taiwan/PRC, Japan, Singapore & ROK all require official degrees and passing an official examination
if you want to teach English

Even then, you are used more for show.
(Oh look we got authentic White teaching English/French/German, that gives TONs of CRED!)
The pay is low, the job exhausting, not worth it.
Taiwan might be worth it, depending on your tastes and preferences

>> No.6638178

Kek his son is a massive beta. It’s not uncommon for a pragmatic and great leader to have an offspring who can’t do the same job

Pretty much a leader I admire.
>pro free market
>in favor of democracy
>independent foreign policy
>still runs on a slightly authoritarian platform of law and order, disciplining the population with an iron fist
>gave no fucks about other countries falsely accusing him of ‘muh hooman rites’
There’s only one other leader alive today that I can think of that compares to him

>> No.6638209

How can I miss him?
He already passed on.
Let the Old Man have his rest.

Mainly how lively their cities are at day and at night.
How fun they are.
How laidback their lifestyles are.
The Friendly locals,
the unspoiled nature, the exotic culture
the wide assortment of activities from to marine to land
the accessibility of modern amenities
the delicious fresh food and fruit
Low costs of living are also an added bonus.

>> No.6638243
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I worked for a couple of Koreans back when I was a waiter, I know what they're like. That being said the more I look at it the less appealing everywhere seems. Maybe I'm just being a downer but all of these places sound pretty heavily flawed/are impossible to get into. Which really only leaves SA which I have zero interest in, or Eastern Europe which is basically just a downgraded version of where I'm already at in a lot of cases.

I'm seriously not trying to be a bitch about this and I appreciate all your advice. But fuck man, every option here kind of seems to carry some huge drawback. Malaysia seems like a good bet but in spite of their lax interpretation of Islam, it's still a Muslim country.

>> No.6638254

The only leader I can think off the top of my head is Xi Jinping
and even when LKY was alive, he shared that sentiment.

>> No.6638307

Why not move to another state? Personally I am gonna work towards a life in Japan.

>> No.6638326

They are real friendly towards Whites for some reason due to Hollywood.
Anyway, the large Malay population is also balanced-out by the relatively large Chinese/Indian/Non-Muslim population.
Malaysia already has an established expat community so you can go to them for advice.
However, if you do have kids, two words: Private school

>> No.6638390 [DELETED] 
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Anton is that you?

>> No.6638442
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Where would you recommend? I'm currently in Michigan because I made the mistake of moving in with my now ex girlfriend. I hate this state with a passion and I'm only staying here for six more months until I can secure a transfer within Hilton's corporate framework.

I like Washington but Seattle's expensive as shit and full of assholes. Oregon's an SJW infested hellhole, and California is California. But I'm burnt out on having to deal with winters, I grew up in Northern Illinois.

Alright Malaysia could be cool, and I may be able to use it as a jumping point to go to other Asian countries. Flying to Japan would sure be cheaper if nothing else. I'm 25 so kids aren't really a concern just yet. Also got the 6'1 blond hair, blue eye meme going for me.

>> No.6638522

I was thinking of moving to Singapore from Euro. I speak semi-fluent Chinese, so was also thinking Taiwan. Which would be better?

>> No.6638586

None of the above

>> No.6638927

can reply yes on all of those. ty anon, will look into it.

>> No.6638991

Look into the Fintech/Cryptomeme in Singapore for the ezlife

>> No.6639186

Bumping good thread.

>> No.6639272

best place for thicc asians late 20s early 30s?

>> No.6639298

will do! ty

>> No.6639326

If you are looking into Thicc Pajeetas, go to India/Sri Lanka/Bangladesh/Mauritius