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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6623985 No.6623985 [Reply] [Original]

holy fuck lads never EVER talk your financial situation to your woman, I fucked up

>> No.6624012


>> No.6624034

>engaging with women at all
Yea you totally fucked up

>> No.6624086
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>just now realizing it

>> No.6624148
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>welcome to the club

>> No.6624190

my wife sucks my dick while i watch the depth charts on gdax and binance

just gotta b urself and find the right woman

>> No.6624252


no real story, but she's just unreasonably pissy now. She's my girlfriend for fuck's sake, we're not even married, it's not her fucking business what I do. I knew not to do it but they're fucking slippery sometimes and they can get it out of you. I can tell this will bite me hard in the ass down the line

be a stronger man than me anons, avoid the subject entirely

>> No.6624272

>talking with women
>less than 100 btc balance

fucking lol mate why even bother with women if youre not filthy rich?

>> No.6624296


i agree

she is my fraternity's dick sucking champion

when you kiss her, think about my spermies in her mouff

>> No.6624317

what is she being pissy about? more details needed

>> No.6624319

>talking to women in the c u r r e n t y e a r
cover your ass and negotiate directly with their handler/pimp.

>> No.6624327

Time to cut her loose lad, you know it is the right thing to do

>> No.6624365

as long as she has zero access to your gains and you haven't put a ring on it yet just remember you're able to break free at any moment in time

>> No.6624393

Cut your losses and find a new girl. This knowledge will come back and haunt you, not worth the risk.

>> No.6624468

i dont understand are you losing money or gaining money

>> No.6624538
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unironically being straight in 2018

>> No.6624550


>> No.6624561

Dude, you gotta cold storage your shit and don't have the private key anywhere in the house. Crazy bitches are given extraordinary amounts of latitude in this society. I have a budy who was seeing this fucking psycho, she'd do crazy shit like violently attack him while he was asleep (black eyes and savage bite marks attacking), one time they had a domestic, the police showed up and they made him wait outside while she went in his house to "get her stuff" ie rob him.

>> No.6624573

True. Never talk business with them. But them some flower and tell them to make you dinner. Then you can sit down, relax and ponder in peace and quite how the fuck did you manage to sell at the floor.

>> No.6624588


a good woman would just be happy and feeling secure. Maybe she knows that ur not serious with her and she's not serious with you and you will inevitably split up and she will "lose the money"
Such troubles exist when you dont follow God's model for life and marry before sex.

>> No.6624592
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Don't sell near the bottom. Come on man

>> No.6624602

oh fuck USD is mooning like shit, see you fags later

>> No.6624666
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She states her "opinion" (her words) on what she thinks I should be doing with my money, I keep explaining why I'm doing what I'm doing with my money, and she devolves into "Yeah you're right what do I know you know everything you're always right" (which she does every time). Bitch if it was just your opinion like you said, why are you so upset?

duly noted anons. I just want to give her a chance to grow up on certain things but it's getting harder and harder, she's a good girl otherwise

>> No.6624675

Only person I told about it is my mom

>> No.6624709

Stunt on that bitch when you get your lambo

>> No.6624716

Once my FUN spikes in February I'm sure she'll change her tune on the subject entirely.

>> No.6624727

nor your mom

>> No.6624736

THIS, I burned myself badly a few months ago. I wont even look at a girl until I make a solid million.

>> No.6624777
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>> No.6624841

sarcastic retards are usually cheaters

>> No.6624901

What does she want you to do with it?

>> No.6624947

All women do that "you're right" shit. Don't fall for it ever

>> No.6624972

also THIS. my friends make fun of me for not having a gf but money has never played me

>> No.6625009


find a new gf

my gf is super excited for my gains, and was very open to signing a pre-nup because she respects boundaries

>> No.6625042

>be me
>be upper middle class
>girlfriend refuses to let me pay for her half of things even though I want to
>wealthy mother so she'll probably have an inheritance one day

>> No.6625054

i told my fiance about crypto and i would have made so much more money if i just listened to her on what coins to gamble on
>tfw your female is better at crypto then you

>> No.6625077

with my portfolio down by nearly 70%, my gf just says " i trust you, btw, i have order a ledger, stay strong dear" feels fkin good...

>> No.6625100

Put it into "something safer", despite the fact that a comparatively small portion of my net worth is going into this

So I've heard, fuck it's hard to fight

>> No.6625141
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I would honestly hit her if I was you. Can't beat them too bad though. Pic related is what I use for the teeth.

>> No.6625157

>She's my girlfriend for fuck's sake, we're not even married, it's not her fucking business what I do
Maybe im old fashioned, but i dont get this kind of dating.
You date to hopefully get married. if you dont think its going to go till then, break up. If you think its plausible, its reasonable for her to worry about what youre spending on.

>> No.6625160

Anon your stop loss triggered it's time to let your loser go.

>> No.6625269

If she's rude as to intrude and feel an entitled right to have YOUR MONEY AND ASSETS distributed according to her whims, then she needs either a very stern talking to on boundaries or even dumping OP.

>> No.6625272
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>if you dont think its going to go till then, break up
with some of her behavior I'm not sure I see it going till then

I have iron hands but a weak heart, I don't know if I could do that

>> No.6625455
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tell her you appreciate her for caring about your money and then explain why its only an amount you dont mind losing so she doesnt have to worry.

>> No.6625478


spoken like some fucking fedora tipping neet who has never actually been married because if you had you would know that nobody should ever fucking get married

>> No.6625505

leave her.
if you can't share yourself with her, and she cares that much about money.
it's over.

>> No.6625547

This is probably the best way to go about it, will do, thanks anon

like a 50% chance she'll do the "You're always right" thing though

>> No.6625609

spoiler alert
every woman always cares this much about your money.

>> No.6625699

it's the only reason she's dating you.
so she can go out and not have to spend her own money.

>> No.6625706

Women are for paying for sex , and making food during trading breaks. You fucked up anon

>> No.6625777

Told my gf about having money in crypto and the gains I've had as a result. She got upset because I didn't tell her I was doing it, not because she wanted to dictate what to do but because she said she'd have loved to split the purchases so it could be something we'd do together.

Felt like a total cunt after that.

>> No.6625786

>and for food during trading breaks

My sides

How much gwei will 1 sex cost me

>> No.6625789
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tell that succubus to earn her own goddamned shekels

>> No.6625805
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thats not true either. mindless dating is because of younger people being afraid of commitment, but according to psychology to experience love in its zenith, you need commitment.
people are also scared to fix things, they think if theres issues, we must break up instead of finding ways to fix and resolve. this is why divorce rates are mooning.
Truth is 90% of relationship issues can be fixed with a 5-30min converstation

>> No.6625814

Smack her around a little.

>> No.6625884

Don't feel too bad, investing other people's money usually doesn't end well, especially during dip / crashes / corrections.

It's also fucking annoying when you get asked everyday "is muh 1 grand a million dollars yet son" unironically.

>> No.6625932


>> No.6625976


have you been in a relationship

>> No.6626043

And then you can bend over and let her fuck you in the ass like a good little boy.

>> No.6626048

She only said that because you made money, if you told her about your losses the last few days I doubt she would still be giving you shit about a missed bonding experience

>> No.6626168
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>Putting up with nonsense in 2018
Mine started giving me ultimatums after finding out I was loaded and I just ran away to another city. Now she just complains to my friends on kikebook and parents especially my father for some weird reason I don't know. Mfw when almost all her social media update are passive aggressive statements attacking me

>> No.6626198

Oh don't worry I'll be keeping track of what she says about it closely. I know I sound a bit helpless now but I'm 100% not going to become a doormat... just frustrated

>> No.6626208

Even if you're filthy rich, why the fuck would you tell women that? Might as well put a fucking target on your back, "Hey use me! Take my money! Make me feel like you like me for something other than my money while you use me for my money and completely fuck up my future"

If you genuinely want to give a woman tingles, money is not going to fucking do it. Might as well get a prostitute, at least that way everything's on the table and you can walk away.

>> No.6626223

Lmao virgin faggot

you don't explain shit
she tells you what to do with your money and you say "Yep mhm" and thats it and then go on with your day. I accidentally spilled the beans on my crypto holdings in front of her post-Jim Beam and she constantly tells me to cash out blah blah. The best way I dealt with it was "Okay you're right babe" and then continued on with my internet money gambling habit as if nothing happened.

>> No.6626278

OP bought Bitconneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeect

>> No.6626292

She's well aware of the clip my portfolio has taken in the last few days and has been nothing but supportive. No "you should have sold when it was X" type of hindsight thinking we see from other people.

I got a good one thankfully.

>> No.6626299

Shit your in FUN? Yeah you should listen to her.

>> No.6626313

>tell her investments going well
>aw good for you anon! awesome!
>tell her things are going south
>hugs me for fifteen minutes and tells me it's going to be ok

>> No.6626349
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>still no android waifus in 2018

>> No.6626357

pre-nups aren't worth shit LOL

>> No.6626364

Yeah, you're probably right, what do other people know about anything.

>> No.6626409
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Pretty much what I did towards the end, and what I will do if she brings it up again

this isn't the time, pajeet

>> No.6626424

Ausfag detected

>> No.6626479


commitment is a great thing that can happen between two people. marriage is a legal contract that says "i grant this woman domain over my life and all products of my labor". two different things.

>> No.6626481

>You date to hopefully get married. if you dont think its going to go till then, break up
How about you try dating to just enjoy someone's company?

>> No.6626513

That sounds terrible, anon. Sorry.

>> No.6626523

yup theure just going to make your life a living hell even if you had a pre nup

>> No.6626529

You are such a dumbasses for letting her take 100% of the frame and control the situation entirely. You would really allow your investment decisions to be mutual with your GF? For what? So she can nag? And so that you can make her money for free? You people have absolutely fucking no self-respect. You should just cut off your dick, you don't deserve to have one.

>> No.6626567

Gold digger, drop her asap
t. internet relationship advice doctor

>> No.6626599

Nigga if you're serious and not larping, break up with her. Seriously, do it tomorrow.

>> No.6626654

Yeah, you should at least have a conversation with her and state clearly that you are free to use YOUR own money as you please if the relationship is to last any significant amount of time.
If she gets emotional and starts trying to manipulate you with that "you're always right" shit...well, you know.

>> No.6626655

Just dump her you moron

>> No.6626657


lol. This guy knows.

>> No.6626714

>t. autistic incel

>> No.6626730

break up with her ASAP anon and find someone else who actually supports you. sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and is a big red flag.

>> No.6626736
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Yeah, you're right... I'll try and do that tomorrow

I know I'm a moron but I want to believe

>> No.6626822
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You can believe with someone who isnt a superficial bitch you stupid faggot, dump her and find someone else.

Jesus, if you stay with her one more day after KNOWING the bullshit she is going to give you then you fucking deserve every second of it.

And if you marry her then you deserve to be cleaned out in a divorce like the beta piece of shit you are.

>> No.6626868

Bring attention to the whole “Yeah you’re always right thing” and discuss that. If she ever tries that shit again. Don’t be autistic but don’t fold like a Bitch either

>> No.6626924

Tell her that you are balancing risk. Do you make more money than her? Better financial position than her (debts,savings)?

>> No.6626952

Definitely will anon.

I'm not a doormat, I'll cut it if need be.

>> No.6626999

Just ignore her complaints, hopefully she can learn not to try to change other people, and realize that it's your descision. My girlfriend is taking an arts degree and I flamed her for it many times untill I realized its needless tension. It's her fucking choice, you know?

>> No.6627005

friend you need to find yourself a good man in your life that understand's the men emotions.
also never talk about $ with girls

>> No.6627014

no, granting someone that trust that they will not abuse your trust in them shows commitment. It is a 2 way street though.

>> No.6627031

Gay is the new straight

>> No.6627033

Yeah, we're both students, but I have a steady paying internship right now, have no debt from school, and recently gained control of some money that had been set aside for me.

She's taken out loans, so yeah she's financially stressed.

>> No.6627055

because people get bored, people fight, people get angry at each other. It's easy to ignore the problems and run away this way

>> No.6627363
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>buy BTC at $4K
>tell wife about it
>panic sell at $3.5K b/c of this

lesson learned there

Now she knows I'm into LTC and ETH and the last couple of days I've opened up the computer to see the prices and just started screaming "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and she gets really pissed but idgaf b/c I'm not selling for fear of her bullshit

tl;dr -- just scream AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH when you're losing money to shut down conversation, and if she can't handle you at your worst, then she doesn't deserve you when your portfolio is at its best

>> No.6627481
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> trusting the psychology jew

>> No.6627507

I don't tell anybody about my money. My parents know about my gold and silver but only because we combine our orders for efficiency. Nobody knows about my crypto.

Never tell anybody about your money nothing good will ever ever come of it.

>> No.6627576

lol, i see you didn't marry a jewess

>> No.6627584

I wanna touch a tittie and have sex but u guys are making it sound not worth it

>> No.6627625


that was one time Geoffrey

>> No.6627717

just start spouting off random shit you read from white papers and get really smug and irritating about technical analysis indicators

>> No.6627725

And have your kids be Jews? Fuck that. DISREGARD KHAZAR MILKERS.

>> No.6627792

Lol I hear you anon, my gf thinks I only put 1K in and even then she's all oh why are u doing with with you money, you work hard you're taking too much of a risk blah blah... Imagine she finds out there is nearly 10K in there... Like do these women rly think we're going to go broke losing a few bucks? You risk it to make it sometimes not like I'm going broke.

>> No.6627898

This comic bugs me even though it's kinda right.

I think it's the maths genius being female which is a statistical anomaly.

>> No.6627937

is it really? a shit ton of my math profs in uni are female.

>> No.6627941

Anon my partner thinks this shit is just another stupid hobby of mine, bitch I'm making money over here please just leave me alone for a minute..... Fuck. Does not take it serious one bit, fucking pisses me off, I'm fucking trading more then she would make in a month and she wants to tell me to get off this shit while I'm in the middle of fucking swing trading. I could slap her I swear anons.
Quick story
>other week I'm in the middle of so swing trading,
>she asks me to do some bull shit simple task, tell her one minute please,
>she goes on and on to get off and do something, I'm like for fuck sakes I'll just fucking sell it at a loss then fuck,
>sell at 5% loss,
> what is it u fucking want me to do,
> she looks at me and says I already done it,
then why go fucking on about it women!!
Don't ever try to understand the stupid beast anon

>> No.6628004

Too late buddy

>> No.6628036

fucking hell, the number of cucks in this thread. Just take the tide challenge and end it.

>> No.6628106

Yes, the bellcurve of men vs women who are good at Maths (and STEM type fields in general) clearly shows that a higher portion of men will be genius tier compared to women.

Of course, there are plenty of women who are also Math geniuses, but they are a smaller portion of women as a whole.

It's like this for most things though, women tend to gather around the mean with both fewer geniuses and idiots, where as the bellcurve for men is more 'squashed down' resulting in significantly more of both and less at the mean.

The reasons for the disproportionate amount of female math profs at your uni is more likely sociological than merit based.

>> No.6628131

>Not realizing philosophy is the root of all science

>> No.6628144

>selling at a loss because you have to stop for a minute to do laundry

if you traded on longer time frames you wouldn't have this problem

>brb trade on daily candles
>enter trade
>only set alerts on phone at critical prices and check charts maybe few times a day
>spend most of time watching youtube videos or working out instead
>came back when my phone gives me an alert that I doubled my money

rinse and repeat

>> No.6628232

If he ditched the bitch = problem solved

>> No.6628253


>> No.6628382

Those that can't do, teach.

>> No.6628456

That's the bellcurve for the general population.

What happens when you preselect for a population where everyone is already a genius? Yeah I get it, based on the larger amount of high IQ males the ratio's gonna higher simply by looking at the area of the curve on that slice, but it's not like it's going to be all of them.

You've got roughly 5% of men that are 2 standard deviations above the norm, likewise you're gonna have some similarly (perhaps smaller sure) percent of women also two standard deviations above. Given similar population counts of men and women, sure it won't be 5:5 at every uni, but is 6:4 or 7:3 really that invisible?

It seems like you looking at the forest and missing out the trees. When you're looking at outliers the general population means fuck all.

(I actually don't know the exact percentages, not saying you're wrong, I'm already assuming your right about more males in general... but it really isn't that weird lol...)

>> No.6628520

That's true, and a 7:3-ish number is not unreasonable at all. I got the feeling from anon's post that the women outnumbered the men at his uni though. Which I can totally see happening in the current year even though it doesn't make sense.

>> No.6628536


uh. not at the college level brainlet. all your profs in STEM have iqs 2 standard deviations above the norm and are conducting bleeding edge research to change the world while you shitpost here.

if you want to get paid to do research / publish papers you're also forced to teach even if you don't want to. it's how the university gets money to fund you.

>> No.6628545

>this much autism

>> No.6628556
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Is she pregnant yet?
She will be soon.
She probably checks the price of bitcoin more than you do now.
I sure hope it doesn't go up for another month.

>> No.6628567

that anon was me. I used the phrase "shit ton" (I understand the impression that gives) but I'm not quantifying it because I don't know the number. It feels like 5:5 but I've also had a lot of repeat professors.

>> No.6628599
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just read all your posts

you are a HUGE faggot

>> No.6628742
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>> No.6628794
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>Such troubles exist when you dont follow God's model for life and marry before sex.
Yes. I agree.

>> No.6628805

heavenly trips checked

>> No.6628867

I guarantee I've spent more time in a university environment than you

>> No.6628887

buy confido

>> No.6628933

>>only set alerts on phone at critical prices and check charts maybe few times a day
what app?
I woulnd't mind trading over a longer term.

>> No.6629000

Maybe she subcontiosuly doesn't want u to get rich because she's nervous ull leave her and find something better

>> No.6629132

for fucks sake man grow some balls, marriage is a fucking prison, you can date without giving yourself a life sentence.

>> No.6629136

my gf is a milf she's chill as hell about the whole crypto thing.

find y'all an older stable woman whose got her shit together and is successful in her own life without you.

>> No.6629188
File: 96 KB, 1439x1689, 13548800_10154223149264361_1162937117_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't say wether you are in the red or in the green here. Is she mad because your gains are now all gone?

Seriously some of you cunts just here "my whore has an opinion" and go "DUMP HER" fuck up faggots if your girlfriend is passive aggressive on you at all then you're probably an emotionally undeveloped manlet who should just be slaying wild poon and not committing to shit because the only women you attract will be fucking retarded (they occur all the way from 1 to 10).

OP would be happily single if they weren't worried about not being able to get laid.

>> No.6629196

blockfolio works fine.

>> No.6629252


except legally it really isnt

>> No.6629264

anon gets it
this is the universal way to handle women

>> No.6629283

Should i invest in divorce if its mooning then?

>> No.6629291
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>single mother

pick one

>> No.6629529


she's 50 years old, dude. she's stable.

anywho, just my recommendation for you dudes having girl issues. i think something happens to a woman when she can't have kids anymore and when she already has the child she wants. i think their perspective on life changes.

i like my women disillusioned with their childhood dreams of marriage and other men. i ain't here to save them and they ain't trying to save me.

>> No.6629570

holy shit, how old are you?

>> No.6629595


>> No.6629601

I really, really like this graph.

>Truth is 90% of relationship issues can be fixed with a 5-30min converstation

I don't believe that's true. Also, there are some relationships that are doomed from the start. You should never have to force yourself to stay in a relationship, and if you see red flags it's better to cut the relationship off early than let it fester until you're married with two kids.

>> No.6629628

This nigga following Benny Franklin's advice to a tee

>> No.6629672

You're a cuck
Leave her
Become not a cuck
Find a worthwhile woman.

>> No.6629700

>she's 50 years old, dude. she's stable.

oh boy

>> No.6629721

fkn oath cunt

>> No.6629732

young wimmen are like crypto

old wimmen are like blue chip

>> No.6629798

>Benny Franklin'

i googled it thinking it was an author or something. benjamin franklin? what'd he say about women?

>> No.6629810

I vividly remember with my ex in once saved up 1k, and she immediately got mad because I had 1k "and I didn't even take her out or treat her to a steak dinner". If only she knew I have 50k right now HAHAHA only up from here boys

>> No.6629835

No, she's not a good girl. Women, while dating, are on their best behavior. If you get more serious with her, she's going to get worse about the money, guaranteed. This woman WILL clean you out in divorce, if you're dumb enough to marry her.

Your money, while dating, is none of her fucking business. She's telling you what to do with it, without a ring on her finger? Dude. RED FUCKING FLAG. She's already claimed your money as HERS.

No gf of mine has ever had a glimpse at my finances. I give them ballpark, and none of them have ever known about my mid six figures in investments. "I wanna go to Hawaii" - "Well, unless you're paying, I can't afford it." Sniveling stops.

You're not dealing with youth here. You're dealing with female greed. It's only going to get worse. Run. NOW.

>> No.6629900

Told my qt3.14 about crypto.
tell her how much money I've made
tell her im gonna double down

>> No.6629988

>Felt like a total cunt after that.
Yeah, she made you feel like that, on purpose. She doesn't want to "bond", she wants control, and she just trained you to hand it over to her, with no fight, because you don't want to feel bad again.

She's got you wrapped tightly.

>> No.6630046

if you are dating dumb women this is true. If you are dating a smart woman, they will have agency/be female chads - but everyone wants companionship in the end. It is whether you go for naive girls who are waiting for a disney prince (who will SPEND MONEY ON HER)

or if you can hack it with a woman who is on your level.

If you can honestly say your girl is retarded like this then I don't know what you expect besides exactly this (fine if you just wrecking it while you can with intentions of leaving OR going whole hog and impregnating while ignoring all her faults)

>> No.6630048

He said you should take on an older mistress. He lists a lot of convincing reasons too.

Google "benjamin franklin letter mistress" and it pops up as "advice to a friend on choosing a mistress" on wikipedia

>> No.6630097

Also, you can find the letter as a whole on google, it's a good read.

>> No.6630098


lol, jesus dude. i bet you'd be fun to ride a tandem bicycle with. "STOP PEDDALING BITCH THIS IS MY BICYCLE"

you sound super jaded.

>> No.6630116

Smart women act like this, too, virgin. Don't lecture me about women, you've probably never seen an actual vagina.

>> No.6630126



>> No.6630179

Okay, soyboy. Have fun being controlled by a woman.

BTW, you can have fun with women without giving them a 100% financial disclosure. I bat for the men's team, it's pretty obvious what side you bat on.

Considering how many women I've dated have straight up lied about how much debt they're in, I have no qualms not telling them how much money I have. Fuck 'em. But you go save them, Sir White Knight.

>> No.6630184

well sure, if they're smart but inferior or stunted in some way due to personality disorder/sexism in their industry. One on your level implies they are roughly equal to you in relationship-economy areas (money, career, experience, aspirations)

>> No.6630196


cool, thanks man. will do. i've always liked older women. mostly because i've never wanted kids and i like to finish inside. realized pretty young that fucking fertile girls was too risky. from there i found this divide between women who are fertile and women who aren't. and i prefer the ones who aren't.

>> No.6630215

It's still none of their fucking business how much money I have, or what I can spend it on, without a ring on their finger, soyboy.

>> No.6630255

gross bro -- you got mommy issues?

>> No.6630261

This guy has the best interviewers face

>> No.6630265

Yes, date a 50 year old, who's going through menopause, and is firmly in the age bracket when their health falls apart and early onset dimentia and altzheimers starts.

Go on, give up your best years, for her worst. Just say "I want a mommy", and stop pretending it's dating, already.

>> No.6630290

this depends on how transactional your relationship is. if it works that way then yeah sure, but there are degrees between giving/telling them nothing, vs sharing/collaborating, vs handing them the fucking reigns. black and white is retard mentality

>> No.6630313

tell her you lost it all.
convince her it's gone. poof. gone.
if she stays loyal, you're ok.
be ready to dump asap.

>> No.6630330


>> No.6630353

>You're always right, aren't you.

>> No.6630375

Don't kink shame you neet faggot.

>> No.6630396


will do. so far so good.

also you sound pretty upset, bro.

>> No.6630402

>I bat for the men's team
this makes it sound like you take it up the butt, lol

>> No.6630405

yeah exactly. if she has no clue and says the whole thing is rigged then you're taking advantage/fucking a retard with no critical thinking skills. Seriously. If you show ANYONE the way of crypto, the history etc, and they say NAH THE WHOLE THING IS BULLSHIT ANON - then they're retarded. if that's all you can get then... fuck.

>> No.6630430

bruh. there's more to a relationship than looking at a pretty face.

>> No.6630440

ITT: Normies

>> No.6630475


i think he's read 1 too many MGTOW blog posts.

>> No.6630481
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top kek

someone's running low on GBP, I see

>> No.6630490

Not upset at all. Why would you project that onto me? Feeling a little uneasy, perhaps?

>> No.6630524

How big of a loss are you at? What does your portfolio look like?

>> No.6630526

And a relationship isn't the woman controlling money that isn't hers.

A relationship doesn't require her knowing how much money you have, or her being able to control it.

But you keep preaching, soyboy. You know everything, don't you? Odd how you sound just like the cunt he's dating.

>> No.6630539

This is disgusting and pathetic. Enjoy your nokids and dead end to your genetic lineage.

>> No.6630556
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They need to get back to their own fucking site.

>> No.6630557

you're more feminist than you let on. i know that's a dirty word here, but it applies with empathy and utility in the real world. good work

>> No.6630623

I was arguing against shacking up w/ a post-menopausal woman. Not sure you replied to the right guy...

>> No.6630647
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This is a large red flag OP. And the “ok you’re right,” thing is a shit test. You need to have a stern conversation with her that you do as you please with your money, and if that’s up for debate you should be gone immediately thereafter.

>> No.6630649

>dead end genetic lineage
>50 yr old dried up fucked out leather hole

>> No.6630728
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I'm sorry, it's already too late. They have me completely in their grasp....

>> No.6630757

>And a relationship isn't the woman controlling money that isn't hers.
I never made a comment about this

>A relationship doesn't require her knowing how much money you have, or her being able to control it.
I also never made a comment about this

>But you keep preaching, soyboy. You know everything, don't you? Odd how you sound just like the cunt he's dating.
I don't even know what you're talking about. you need to take your meds

>> No.6630809

My wife told me she was worried and to be careful - while also acknowledging it was my money and not her business. She doesnt ask what I do. I think I got the right one.

>> No.6630824


I was condemning the mom dater. Excuse me if i chose the wrong post to reply to, was emotional.

>> No.6630859
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>this level of discourse

>> No.6630889


that's pretty much what mine does. she gave me some money to buy her ETH last year, i set up blockfolio on her phone and she's having fun watching it. asks me "how are you doing?" every so often.

good times.

>> No.6630956

>I was condemning the mom dater
>was emotional


>> No.6630985

Ok pretend you were an anon reading your own posts. At least from the information you've given us, you sound like a huge cuck. Crypto is one of the most enjoyable hobbies ive found and I sure as hell wouldnt let a gf say dont do it

>> No.6631066

>be me, i'm 19, dating QT highschool sweetheart
>she moves into my house after problems at home

If she would ever be like "your right, your always right" I would be like YOUR GOD DAMNED IM FUCKING RIGHT CAUSE IM ALWAYS FUCKING RIGHT GIVE ME A SINGLE TIME I WAS EVER FUCKING WRONG and then there is silence then we smoke, cuddle, fuck, she believes in me and knows i'm right

We woke up early yesterday and got drunk and watched the charts drop

>> No.6631200

you losers really dont know how to treat women. And no... not chivalry 'me lady' bullshit or 'keep yo pimp hand strong' nigger bullshit. Just treat them like a mate. take the piss out of them, make them pay if you paid once before. get them to drive you places. use them to your advantage like they do to us and low and behold you will have a cool girlfriend. if they say stupid shit, tell them to pull their head in and shut the fuck up. Its a cruel analogy but they are like dogs. break them in right and you will have a good relationship. be a little passive aggressive bitch and she will be one too. they learn off men, not the other way around. If she is a bent out of shape roastie then you are looking too old. get an 18 year old even if you are 40 to make sure less loser men have corrupted her. a cool chick will even let you fuck around if you want different vag. as long as she can trust you that you just wanted to ejaculate in some sluts her and ruin her weekend. trust is the key. but yeah...never tell them your worth. you must be fucking retarded.

>> No.6631280

Neckbeard detected.

>> No.6631398

That's a cute story underachievers tell themselves. Truth is anyone with real brains spends a couple years as a quant or what have you so they have fuck you money to spend the rest of their days doing research. There's a reason cryptocurrency didn't come out of academia.

>> No.6631445

*tips fedora*

>We woke up early yesterday and got drunk and watched the charts drop
Degenerate waste of dubs.

>> No.6631516

your advice is basically keep yo pimp hand strong, just because you don't speak in ebonics doesn't make you any less of a wigger

>> No.6631547

i agree. As a man whos been in many failed relationships. I always had trouble but realised it was because I was communicating properly, and so was she. Now im with a girl for 2 months, we tell each other "everything" , we give each other place and have amazing sex whenever. I communicate my needs, remain trustful and trust. there you go ez relationship

>> No.6631596

I'm going to help all you faggots out cause I was a cuck just like you.

Stop being a cuck today, tell your bitch how you want to do things and let her go stupid then tell her to get the fuck out or you get the fuck out and never return.

Next relationship, don't be such a cuck and she won't treat you like one.

>> No.6631607

>"Yeah you're right what do I know you know everything you're always right"
this shit is the worst and I fucking hate it. but you should realize she's only concerned because she cares about you and doesnt want you to lose anything that you care about. it kind of sounds like you're not engaging with her. you need to show her you care about her input and seriously take it to heart. Then you can show her that you investing in crypto or whatever makes you happy and you know the risks and you can make it no matter what happens. if you convince her that crypto makes you happy and energized, she'll start supporting your crypto activities instead of fighting them.

she wants what's best for you op. seriously consider her side, but show her that you are doing whats best already and she'll support you.

>> No.6631736

Fucking hell, if a bitch ever told me what to do I'd donkey punch her.

>> No.6631768

I did the same mistake yesterday. Told her about how much money I made and told her that I will sell them locally. Got a lesson that that's illegal and its dirty money that I didn't deserve. She doesn't even know what this shit is and now she is mad and disgusted with me.

I mean she is opposite of a golddigger but too much of a brainlet.

>> No.6631792

Too many cucks in this thread. Not sure if trolling? ffs.

>> No.6631807

Mixing women and finances, big mistake. Women are already depreciating assets bruh.

>> No.6631879
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>t.alpha male

>> No.6631903

women always think they are right, but they don't even have a penis. stupid cunts.

>> No.6631936
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I am alpha, this is my pict.

>> No.6632330

Make it clear to her that her attitude is bothering you. Ideally it'd be great if she understood that these are literally only your personal finances and that has nothing to do with "being a team" as women like to start spinning the narrative.

If it's mutual funding of whatever needs to be mutually funded she's worried about, then that is obviously not a problem if things are discussed and settled upon in advance AND if the mutual object is actually something reasonable like a washing machine or car or whatever. What is NOT OK is sudden requests for financial support on personal, comfort goods and services because she now knows your finances.

This must be made clear to her, and if she can't handle the thought that her partner having money = / = her suddenly getting treated to luxury, she's not for you. That mindset is suoer dangerous in women. In this day and age, men can't really trust most women anymore. Plenty fu king sad.

>> No.6632430

dont ever let your woman be sarcastic or passive agressive with you, thats a shit-test and youre failing it

>> No.6632562

hey she understands you're right all the time. not sure why she's so angry.

>> No.6632589


>> No.6632706

Just dump her man. She sounds jealous as fuck and potentially controlling/manipulative.

Wouldn't surprise me if she starts "forgetting" her birth control or poking pinholes in the condoms. Seems like she wants to own you but knows she can't quite do that right at this very moment.

I'd dump her, also if you think you're on the track to serious wealth, consider a vasectomy.

Not sure where you live but in many places in the world there's such a thing as "common law" marriage, where if you live with someone and share an address for a certain amount of time (often ~2 years or so) you're considered legally married in the eyes of the legal system. So be careful of that as well and look into it. If you do live in a place with common-law relationships consider ending yours before the time limit or else she'll have you but the nutsack.

I'm a bit older (31) and I've been through hellish relationships, been engaged, been with psychos, clingers, manipulators, liars, cheaters, and the worst thing I ever did was gave any of them access to any of my wealth (joint bank accounts for example) because the MINUTE the relationship started to go south that's the first thing they think of is how to fuck you over financially and emotionally. After they drain your bank account they're draining the neighbors dick and when you find out all you want to do is commit a murder-suicide.

>> No.6632779

Being too cowardly to have kids with the right woman, after you ensure that you’ve found the right woman, is the most virgin thing possible

>> No.6633026


>> No.6633259

While i alternatively laugh and cringe at your God/no sex till marriage bullshit, I unironically agree with the first part.

Western women have nearly completely lost touch with their natural, maternal sides. They no longer find happiness in being a mother, a wife and a partner in life, secure and content with being an actual mother to her kids and trusting her man to keep her safe, while also providing comfort and support - love - for the man in return.

This shit used to be about being a team. What happened? Women today just kind of drift about, terrorizing the men in their livesmentally, emotionally and even physically by proxy (zealous beta orbiters and desperate men rushing to protect them).

Women no longer respect men, and men are simply checking out of interacting altogether. I wonder if there's specific psychology behind the "refugees welcome" folks mostly being these superliberal women. Is the migrant crisis just one huge shittest for western men? Are they subconsciously seeking the dkminant hyper masculine male influence that emasculated, cucked western men utterly lack nowadays?

>> No.6633313

This is one of the occassions that I'm glad I'm gay, women are insane.
Never have I been in a relationship where I've had to explain what I am doing with my money, I spend my earnings on what I want and my partner spends his how he wants.
I don't even understand how she as your gf thinks she has the right to even question it, wife maybe but gf haha nope.

inb4 degen.. whatever

>> No.6634021

Money over bitches. M.O.B.
Fuck bitches, get money.
Evade the man.

>> No.6634101

I casually mentioned I was gonna throw a hundred bucks on a stock I got hope for and my girl was like "you know you could just put 50 on it, or 25, it doesn't have to be all that money"
I'm literally never mentioning investing to her again. God knows what she would say if I lost it all.

>> No.6634185

Being in a relationship makes you weak. It fucks up your mental faculties and ruins your trade decisions.

>> No.6634213

This man is arguing with his own strawman like he's fucking Dorothy Gale.

>> No.6634321

College is an indoctrination center and no real knowledge is taught you brain dead zombie.

>> No.6634444

you're out of touch dude. all of /pol/ is. if you're out and talking to people every day, if you're sociable, this shit is not based in any kind of objective, experiential reality. please leave your ideology at home.

>> No.6634995
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>you losers really dont know how to treat women.
Feminist detected.

>> No.6635538

>You guys are so dubm you can't be submissive of women or take control of them you have to treat them like a mate
>Break your women in like a dog and if you do a good job they'll let you fool around on them

This man does not exist in the physical plane.

>> No.6635956

If you pick a shit career

T. Engineer

>> No.6636129

>upset because she didn't get half of your shit
Dump her

>> No.6636211

Gf thinks I only have £100 in crypto.

Bought £2000 worth in the dip yesterday. Never gonna tell him otherwise I will get endless shit

>> No.6636899
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>> No.6637398

>tell gf i made over 40k in crypto
>she doesn't give a shit
>try to explain to her how i made it
>please anon stop talking about that internet money, it's annoying as fuck, also stop staring at your god damn phone in the middle of the night


>> No.6637947

she's playing you m8, everyone knows prenups get thrown out first thing during a divorce

>> No.6638063

How about just get a girlfriend who has a brain.

>> No.6638454
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Jeez, this thread is still up? Good morning anons.

Anyways, for the anons who were wondering if I lost money, I'm actually completely in the green. I think what may have set her off was just telling her about the major crash yesterday. I've kept making the mistake of thinking you can talk dispassionately about subjects with women like you can with men, you absolutely can't.

wew lads I'm gonna man the fuck up and demand that this shit not happen. I WILL pass this shit test.

>> No.6638504

>Expecting useful input from a woman on finances ever
What the fuck were you smoking anon?

>> No.6638592

Rookie stuff. I just tell my girlfriends that I am a feminist, and thus we split all expenses 50/50, since we are equals. I do still offer tributes/bribes from time to time, as is customary, but less than usual and less often. Thanks, feminism!

>> No.6638695

No, you're blind kid. She's supportive because you're healthy and optimistic, you're still far in the green. Once you start cracking, once you start showing signs of weakness, once you start eating into your principal, the first time you fucking cry or lose your temper about your losses, shes done, she's gone.

>> No.6638807

>>Shit test detected.

It's very simple to understand. She's poking the beast to see if you really are the man she wants to be with. She is purposefully hurting you to see if you can take the hurt, if you can take the pressure and distraction while trading intensely. Because bigger things in the world will come poking sooner or later, and she needs the assurance that you are man enough to stand up to them and protect her and her babies.

>> No.6638880



>> No.6638958


Your woman is just retarded, mine was fine with my losses because she is aware of the concept of making more than your initial investment. You might want to get a new girlfriend who doesn't have a double digit IQ.

>> No.6638962

Idiot, smart women are nothing like smart men.

Smart women are smart.. at being women. They are extremely good liars and are not just manipulative (all women are manipulative), but they are good at being manipulative and getting exactly what they want.

>> No.6639108
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>> No.6639178

lol sociology is a more serious and applied form of psychology. unless the shit they are teaching at university is the watered down version.

>> No.6639232
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>> No.6639267
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you still call you tranny gf "him" what a shame