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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6621571 No.6621571 [Reply] [Original]

So has anyone cashed out and living the good life now? What's your magic number if not?

>> No.6621722

1mil out, 500k still in the game

>> No.6621817

How's life now?

>> No.6622053

If he's smart then prolly not much different.
Withh 500k in crypto, invest your new earnings in fiat. Turn that 1 mil into +10 mil before anything life altering.

>> No.6622788

You don't need 10M
Very few people have that much

>> No.6622860

I need $10M

$1M really isn't that much money anymore m8

>> No.6622938

Agreed. That's the magic number.

>> No.6622941

I know that, but what do you need 10M for? Do you really need 300k passive income/year?
Or do you just want lambos

>> No.6622975

300k passive.... should be more around 1-1.5m (pre tax).

>> No.6622988

I'd invest $5M in real estate
$2.5M on cool shit I want, $2M house, and maybe some dumb shit like a lambo but more realistically a GTR
$2.5M in reserve

>> No.6623071

Yeah sure... You will no doubt find guaranteed rates of return 10-15% year.
If you are retired with 10M you would also be pretty stupid to pay any tax

>> No.6623079

shit costs money

you are gonna get raped by jews on property taxes and all kinds of shit, you need an appropriate level of income to cover it all, until you die.

>> No.6623118

>You will no doubt find guaranteed rates of return 10-15% year.


>> No.6623153

I see, well for that expensive lifestyle yeah you would need 10MM. But just to chill and NEET it up even 1 or 2 is fine

>> No.6623288

Of course, but then you are increasing your spending in retirement while most people do the opposite. Because you probably are making way less than 300k now and I doubt you have any problems living a comfy life

>> No.6623297
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I used to want to just be a neet forever but then I broke out of that after doing it for too many years and got a job. I have ambitions now, anon

I wanna get married and have kids someday, I want to give them a good and easy life. I also probably will get bored so I want money to be able to pursue any hobbies/passions I might have, like traveling.

I might eventually get bored of that and want another challenge and at that point I might start a business and try to succeed with that

>> No.6623489

Yeah I think being a NEET would be boring too, which is why I don't even undeestand the need to retire early anyway.

>> No.6623567

And honestly, chances of obtaining 10M+ are pretty slim :(

>> No.6623602


>> No.6623633

Depends on your lifestile.

I need literaly billions to feel at ease.

>> No.6623638

the only (for the most part) 'guarantee' are bonds and they pay out shitty

>> No.6623663

Boomer mindset

>> No.6623722
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Maybe with that attitude.

I'm serious, this defeatist attitude most people have hinders them so much more than they think. Ok maybe you won't get $10M but if you set yourself up for disappointment and failure maybe you might have got to $5M

That's still pretty fucking good m8

I have a pretty simple philosophy I try to live by:
If another human has been able to achieve it and I am within sound body and mind I can probably get pretty close too, because why not?

Why can't I? Why can't you? If you're presented with the right opportunities (aka growing up in a first world country) it's basically all on you to fail or succeed

>> No.6623742

5 MM should be sufficient. Would have to be an idiot not to make 3-5% gains per year. More than enough for a reasonably lavish lifestyle.

>> No.6623765

my major investment has been time, 15 days on coinpot faucet's and I ended up with 300 Doge because I saw when I could convert coins for free

If I had fucked up at the time I would have had 174 Doge

200 scored and I made my first killing, I'm very very proud of that, except my wallet failed and now 300 Doge is gone

I take all this too heart, work hard for what you want,,research the coins you want, appreciate the coins you earn and repspect the coins you buy because they may be the future

>> No.6623856

I cashed out a bit and I'm using to go backpacking round India in a few weeks.

My magic number is the deposit for a house. Once I get that I'll totally cash and out leave crypto (mostly) behind and start paying for a mortgage. I'll rent the house out to people to help pay it off. 10-20% of the price of a house should be a good deposit, offering relatively low interest rates.

>> No.6623867

You are right and you have a good attitude desu
Good luck

>> No.6623882

yo wtf? id cash out 10k if i hit 20k, 50k is unimaginable to me as a full time uni student part time wageslave, considering my current lifestyle is raking in a meager 20k year.

1mil is literally 20 years worth of living well above my current means. why isnt 100k profit a considerable cash-out point for you fucking neets?

>> No.6623929

because taxes

>> No.6623936

So if you had 1MM in crypto right now, would you take it or try to get to 10?

>> No.6623946

because we aspire to bigger things than you I guess.

>> No.6624006

when you get to your current goal you will realize how little it is.

>> No.6624059

3 million is my magic number. I would definitely cash out some before I hit that though

>> No.6624067

>a GTR
Abhorrent taste, even worse than lambofags

>> No.6624116

Try to get to 10 for sure, I'm serious when I say $1M isn't that much anymore (Depends where you live, I live in America in a big tech city)

The fact that you have access to the Internet means you have the wealth of all of human history and all of it's lessons at your fingertips. There should basically be no reason for you to fail with $1M to $10M if you're slow and methodical with it.

It's basically up to you, really.

>> No.6624139
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Imagine working a job you enjoy while not having to worry about money.
T. Dual major and minors uni student

>> No.6624179

I would say most of us aren’t neets so with 100k you still have to go back to wageslaving

>> No.6624224

>all you need to achieve anything is to be raised in a first world country
Your optimism is good and all but that’s a bit overboard. Just because you’re born in a first world country doesn’t mean everything is going to go the right way and all the opportunities you’ll ever need will arise. Causality and probability are still things by the way no matter how self-confident you are.

>> No.6624238


>> No.6624242

poorfags get off my board

>> No.6624290

I lost 60k today chasing pumps like a fucking moron. My goal is 100 mill. I will push, pull, drag or kill for my goal. I'm over half way there now. I got in the game early though. Too bad for you newfags

>> No.6624326

I'm makeing $20/h and hate my job

Getting loaded and gonna hang myself shortly

>> No.6624332
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I don't mean that's all you need to achieve ANYTHING

I mean that's basically the foundation to get fairly close to be able to make it, or even make it

Some things are out of our control of course, but if you're growing up in a first world country you have so many more opportunities that other parts of the world would literally slaughter others for

>> No.6624399

I don't care about "the good life" I want to live a simple life in a cheap house in a low cost of living area and just have millions in the bank in case I ever need it so I always feel secure, also to make up for my low self esteem since I have no friends and I will die an almost-virgin

>> No.6624430

At $1M I'd be pretty comfy. Would probably be tempted to turn that into 2M though, and then from there to 3, 5, 10. I'd take profits at certain milestones though.

>> No.6624452

I just need 1-1.5mil. Reinvest, and just live off of interest/dividends. I live a very simple life.

>> No.6624490

You also have to be white or Jew to have an iq high enough to succeed

>> No.6624526

enjoy your typhus

>> No.6624564

I make an average of $30 an hour (commission sales) but dealing with normies all day and a faggot ass sales manager who is determined not to make sales is sucking my soul out day by day

>> No.6624596
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Also I want to say that I might be totally wrong but having this defeatist attitude is going to hurt you far more than having an optimistic attitude.

If you already accept defeat and think you can't do it, then you've already lost. There's no point in going any further.

If you think you CAN do it, you'll constantly be looking for ways to do it, when I see someone succeeding or doing better than me I try to learn from them (people are usually nice and helpful even if you ask them how to succeed), you figure out a way to make it. Eventually you'll find the right golden opportunities if you try for long enough, but that's the other thing is that you have to constantly be working towards it

You'll eventually get "lucky" but really it'll be all your hard work preparing you for when that opportunity comes by.

>> No.6624637

You are young a naive

>> No.6624638

If you want to backpack so bad, at least go to a white country.

You are not safe there.

>> No.6624766

you would think people who obtain massive amounts of wealth would have some semblance of intelligence, but apparently not

Money can grant you financial freedom. It removes stress. But nothing you buy will make you happy. Neurochemically, happiness is of the same substrate as pleasure, simply a steady IV drip rather than a fleeting rush.

What your wealth can buy, you will invariably habituate on. Attainment only provides momentary pleasure. The hedonic treadmill as it has so often been described.

Why do child stars and lottery winners so often become drug users or go bankrupt? Because most people spend the majority of their life trying to reach X material goal. But once you obtain it, what is left for you? Man needs a struggle tempered with tangible progress. Restlessness and desire is our natural state of being. What would the evolutionary purpose of happiness be? You will always want more.

>> No.6624786

Find your way to fuck him over, "he touched me in an uncomfertable way"

>> No.6624790
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>> No.6624860
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Don't know if it'd be retiring, but I just want enough money to run off with my Czech intern who keeps flirting with me. She gets me so hard bros.

>> No.6624880

Good post but keep in mind, child stars and lottery winners are often , let's say, below average humans.

Otherwise agree, even with 10m I would probably still work. I would go crazy not doing shit, and I like my wage job.

>> No.6624908

Go on ....

>> No.6624952

Kill yourself for such a statement.

>> No.6624954

with 10 million you could fuck a new 9/10 or 10/10 chick everyday for the next 18.25 years assuming the price of this type of pussy is 1500 USD per hour

>> No.6624980
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This man speaks the truth. I call it the "skillcape effect". Once you get a 99 in Runescape you get kind of depressed since achieving the goal is always disappointing. But then you make another goal and get back in the groove

>> No.6624994

>child stars and lottery winners are often , let's say, below average humans.

Statistically they will represent a fair representation of your country's population across the board. Most people are just retarded

>> No.6625051

Took solid amount of profits last year, set myself back a fair way in the crypto game but with money in the bank can now be fearless. On watch for a few aggressive plays to pull 10 million

>> No.6625084

Tiny, beautiful 10/10 21 year old woman. Always smiling at me, we talk late into the night, she gives those great full-body hugs and is always sending me suggestive messages. We've even talked about a trip to Italy together. It's getting very hard to resist her. I definitely need this job at the moment though and haven't made any major moves because of that. There shouldn't be a stigma about fucking your intern desu

>> No.6625092

>buying an asset that deprecates the moment you own it

>> No.6625115

>not having fun with your massive gains that you've made

what would the point of it all be?

>> No.6625270

my point is, every person is more or less resigned to their own hedonic set point, regardless of external factors.

people are so easily impressed by wealth. They see the mansions, the lambos, drinking a 10k bottle of wine in some remote country. But look at the person behind it. They are not on some extra dimensional plane of pleasure that is unobtainable for the average person. Our brain was not designed to understand any of these things. All we understand are base stimuli and sensations. This is not hard to figure out. Maybe you are standing next to a multi millionaire in line at the grocery checkout. Are they any different from you? Is their experience that much better? No. Well being has a low and fixed ceiling. Some fisherman in Bengal living on 1 dollar on a day is likely better off than you.

>> No.6625271

Thanks anon, I needed this

>> No.6625277

Fuck your job anon. That's the mother of your children.

>> No.6625380

The dubs don't lie

>> No.6625725

the fun fades pretty quick, because there literally isn't any with sports cars on the road

>> No.6625839


>> No.6625850

at 700k, down from 900k, but my moon missions are loaded and I’m ready for 10x in the next couple of years if not sooner.

my ‘number’ where I’d think it was worth taking anything out would be around 5MM, at which point I’d be looking at taking out 500k for security, to be able to ride through a number of years without touching my stack, even after full legit taxes.

I think my stack could be worth tens of millions in the long term, and I want to pay the world back by investing in life extension technologies and emulating Nassim Taleb in calling out the bullshit of the Soviet-Harvard complex.

>> No.6625881

Then take it to a track?

Or just feel good when you see all the other plebs looking at you and your car

>> No.6625952
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I'm cashing out at $1m but my ultimate goal is $1b. I just really hate the idea of there being things I can't have. Let's say you have $1m. You buy a Lamborghini and now you only have $800t. You can get a decent house, but you're not going to be living in a mansion overlooking the hills. You're maybe getting one more supercar, so hopefully you picked your favorite lambo. You're not getting a supermodel wife, maybe just a regular model. Now let's move up to $10m where these things become more attainable. Even then you're not staying in the top floor of Dubai hotels or riding 1st class unless you want to go broke near the end of your life. $50m is where you can do these things, but still no private jets or yachts or $100m mega-mansions. I want shit like this with a Lamborghini in the drive way and Miss America in the bedroom.

>> No.6626050

do you honestly think that such feelings will go away when you reach X amount of money? Will your serotonin and dopamine receptors simply know to shut off when you've 'made it'? You will forever be a slave to things you cannot have. How tragic.

>> No.6626122


desu I think $2-3 Mil is minimum what you need for income + inflation + taxes.

If you're a smart trader, a combination of dividends and gains could net you 10% returns a year in traditional markets easily.

$2,500,000 * 10% = $250,000
- 33% taxes = $165,000 left
- 2% inflation = $160,000 left

Spend maybe $100k of that and reinvest the rest or use that has your buffer in case you don't hit your 10% goal.

>> No.6626128

Nice man you’re in a good position too. I unfortunately only have 10k or crypto but have similar ambitions.

However I would cash some out at 1.5-2mil

>> No.6626246


I want to retire before 40 not just have money for a bit

>> No.6626250


>> No.6626262

I make 12/hr working with retards & have only a B.A. in Classics, I'd be thrilled making 320, certainly 30, per hour. If I could make 50k or so that would probably let me go for a Master's, hopefully then get a research/scholar type job, that would be more than enough for me.

Maybe I'm just autistic, but I don't want a family, or a big house, &c., I would ideally be able to content myself with nothing, & live a genuine life of discipline & only spiritual wealth. My dream is to die at sea someday, at my physical & mental peak, so I don't have to worry about retirement either.

>> No.6626266

I've been backpacking in India before. It's cheap, the food's great, I like the fact everything's a little bit sketchy and dangerous, it's exciting.

Backpacking in a first world country doesn't have the same excitement. Indians are also incredibly friendly and hospitable, much moreso than whites. Probably only because they love white people, but still.

>> No.6626303

eh might as well race F4 or something if you're into dropping 6 figures a year on it... certainly feasible off a 10 million bank roll and wouldn't really chew too much of your gains off. if half was already blown on a house though you would want to really enjoy it

>> No.6626339

>When someone asks Cuban what the downsides are to being as rich and famous as he is, he responds: "There are no downsides! This is as good as it gets!"

>> No.6626542

yes this but then a half decent job here is going to 2x income and provide something to do every day, how can i retire knowing that? 100k isn't really enough to fuck doing fun shit day in day out, i'd keep working.

>> No.6626643

Cuban is a perfect example because he's easily accessible. Look at Shark Tank. You have a slew of billionaires lined up. When you watch the show, do you see a bunch of people who look like they are high on heroine? No. Take away the suits and the condescending attitude and they are the same as you and me. Mark Cuban is pissed off half the time.

>> No.6626648

>Needing decadence and pointless luxury for your time to have a 'point'

>> No.6626667

>live a genuine life of discipline
> no family

Well you did pick a B.A in classics so it all fits together

>> No.6626725
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$1,000,000 makes you an accredited investor in the us

>> No.6626748

realistically about a mill or enough for me to buy a condo without a mortgage left. i would keep my current nigger labour job, and still be able to actully save since no mortage, and still dick around with crypto... and get into doing arts & craft living alone. thats my dream,

>> No.6626891

>high enough privilege to make it easy

Fixed for you young lady

>> No.6626921

Pretty lame y'all. I need 100M. SRS

>> No.6626969

you need like 70m just for a modified boeing doe

>> No.6626997

>increasing your spending in retirement and nobody takes even a second thought to passing anything down to your children and childrens children

Absolutely boomer. Make sure to take out a reverse mortgage and spend your last minute putting your last nickel in a slot machine

>> No.6627002

>taking anyone, certainly a famous 'personality' at their interview-prompted word

Not that what he's saying is really wrong, having complete financial freedom is better than not, but being slave to your possessions, or to fame, or to women, &c. is not the way we should live - if money buys you the freedom to resolve your anxieties, pursue the learning you've put off until you were at leisure, and these things satisfy your soul's yearnings, then you have much to be grateful for. But if in buying & collecting artifice, you've become accustomed to these things, cannot live without luxury & approval, then you've gained nothing; money will never absolve you of your spiritual bankruptcy.

>> No.6627040

1-3mil i'd get my dream condo and travel a bit, but fuck im so far away from that number lol.

>> No.6627050

I want pol to leave

>> No.6627200

I just want to get enough to finish my flight training and be an aeroplane pilot.

Anything to get out of this soul destroying IT role :(

>> No.6627461

Because taxes and I want a new 911.

>> No.6627585

reported (2 the fbi)


>> No.6628265

How effective can the CRA track gains from crypto right now?

>> No.6628330

100% unless you mined it (preferably Monero).

>> No.6628411

sitting on almost $200k after the bounce.

Not selling till $2.5M at least

IBM, Visa and banks are hiring blockchain engineers; crypto is here to stay bois. It's not going to save the world, but it will definitely make early adopters very, very wealthy. Just make sure whatever you buy is functional and more than just a fancy whitepaper and a big-name backer.

>> No.6628412

It's easy anon, they just ask every exchange for every record of every transaction. They can then parse the blockchain and see what coins you have

Have an account attached to your license? Buy some BTC? Transfer it to an address? Have any other funds in that address? Did those funds come from known mining pool payout addresses, whether known now or identified later?

>IRS: Hey anon we see you bought 1 BTC but you also mined 0.01 BTC, your holdings are now worth $1m, why didn't you claim income on those mining proceeds at the time you received them and why didn't you claim capital gains tax when you traded them for ETH on shapeshift.io 2 years ago? Why don't you come into our office, I think we need to have a little talk

>> No.6628499

>do you really need XXX passive income
Do you really think this is about what someone needs? Seriously, if that's your thought process you're foolish indeed.

Also, if I'm only making $300k income off $10M in assets, I'm firing my financial advisor.

Hell, with $10M in assets, I can afford to pay a very good financial advisor $300k annual to manage my wealth, and still make more than twice as much as him on average, after expenses.

>> No.6628517

Kind of defeats the purpose of cypto to an extent if the government can track it's movement?

>> No.6628605

>not enjoying your life because you're too obsessed with whether it's a "good investment"

It's $100k; That's like getting pissed at the average NEET going out and buying a computer because "it's a depreciating asset".

I mean, yeah, but you have to balance that cost (~10% of your annual income) against how much you'll be able to use it over its intended useful life.

Will he get $100k utility out of that GT-R over the next 3-5 years? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe fuck you, not your problem to worry about.

>> No.6628635

Not even close. But it would defeat the purpose of "private" cryptos

>> No.6628781

I'd be happy with 500k, but i'd spend it all reinvesting in real estate, maybe take out 10k at the very most to enjoy the last of my 20s with.

Between 500k and 5 mil I would invest in more property, a house where I work, a couple of apartments in other cities to airbnb/rent to cover mortgage and/or visit, set my parents up (almost 70 with no retirement in sight. didn't jump on .dom boom, didnt jump into housing. boomer retards but there ya go)

If I made over 5 mil I'd probably go crazy with it. Give away some on /biz/, on my meme page, fund friends projects, play pranks on cunts (EVERYBODY GETS A CAR-core), that kind of thing.

>> No.6628935

Go for 10. 1 million post tax would be nothing.

>> No.6628989

I havne't put any thought in to my future or career and spent my time playing video games. Now I'm making 20k/year and I'm broke af

How am I going to make it?

>> No.6629142
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1 mil for retirement.

I want to buy a apartment in a city and a get away cabin in the country and read books whilst trying to write something

>> No.6629340
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Aiming for the same thing. My dream since a kid is just to have a quiet place in the country to read and study the arts like Bilbo.

>> No.6629544


>implying everyone is equal
Sadly it is not so. Some people are just better at some things, be it art or investing. You may be be able to achieve certain things but claiming that you can achieve everything others have is just naive

>> No.6629737

This anon has it right. Get 1-1.5 mill in crypto, cash out 500k-750k put in real-estate. Keep the rest in crypto and try to do it all over again with a more comfortable portfolio.

>> No.6629977

same anon

>> No.6630110
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I just want $200k so I can buy my first house and support myself for the next year. I'm building an app which helps cancer researchers track their experiments and I hope that we will be profitable within the next few months so I'm living on my lifes savings.

>please tell me I'll make it

>> No.6630157

Yeah man I don't know if you're gonna hit 2000% gains this year.

>> No.6630203

Hmm. When you put it that way…

>> No.6630469

Sorry for being an uneducated piece of shit, but whats the best method for determining how much savings you need to retire comfortably? I find it really hard to estimate my expenses and have no clue how Im expected to adjust those expense for inflation during retirement.

>> No.6630501
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Small gains are key, 32 10% increases from 10k to 200k. 17 from 200k to 1 million.

>> No.6630530

Just making sure that you can have all your necessities covered and then you can do fuck all. Add a couple of thousand to it every year if you are worried about inflation.

>> No.6630696


That's a lifetime of wealth for most people, its definitely something

>> No.6630878

Also healthcare and prepare to have to live in assisted living - lots of people do and if you aren't prepared you will live in a shithole Hellish one. You want a nice one where they bring you food and rub your weiner

>> No.6630900

I make $85k/yr but I work long hours and dislike my job. I don't need nearly that amount of money anyway. I've been pumping 1/3rd or more of my paychecks into crypto since August.

Retirement point for me is $3 million.

>> No.6630919
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welcome aboard marine

>> No.6631024


To expand, my dream is to get a PhD French or Italian and teach. I know job prospects are shitty but if I had retirement-level money I would be fine as an adjunct as a community college. If I couldn't find that, I'd be cool with teaching high school.

>> No.6631085

the fuck?
u can find a average index fund returning at least 5-7% pretty ez.

with 10 million thats at least 500-700k minimum. I'm sure you can find a 10% too

>> No.6631500

One of the Singapore billionaire with network around 3.6b is my CEO. I work next to his room and has peed next to him numerous times. The fact that he still wants to work at 60 is baffled me, he does not look like billionaire also so I can see your point.

>> No.6631527


>> No.6631754

where are you from?

>> No.6631840

Literally all you have to do is multiply your annual expenses by 25. How much of a retard are you?

>> No.6631962


I'll use the money to make robololi waifus

>> No.6632103

Magic number is $ 666 mill, then I quit.

>> No.6632179

but you left at least enough on top to manage inflation, and then you paid tax on those gains. you can net plenty but won't be getting much wealthier

>> No.6632275
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Nothing to cash out but on a sidenote my parents are rich and when I finished highshool and they saw that I will never get a good stable job they bought me 8 apartments that I am renting and living from the rent.

My whole job is it to take care of the apartments but I just call a company who does the repairs that work for my parents hotels.

Sometimes I feel like I am a neet and it makes me depressed.

>> No.6632291

only cashed out half a million, but already retired

I'll cash in more coins later too

>> No.6632468

My AI is raping every normies in the market netting me 5% daily profit. I am going to accumulate until I have enough wealth to produce the collapse of the society, forcing us to go back living in hamish style. On my deathbed, by the push of a button, I will start a revolution.

>> No.6632686

it's not boring, I go to other countries and fuck foreign girls that LOVE white guys

>> No.6632911

gets boring

>> No.6632913

i just want to live the paradiso life - hang out in some chill cheap country, fuck hotties, smoke weed and meditate so 2m will probably do it. still i'll probably get way more than that in the will so im not too fussed about crypto, it'll just speed it up a bit.

if you think a lambo is going to make you happy you are fucking retarded. when you're stuck in traffic in your lambo next to everyone else in their shit boxes you are driving something no better than a shit box. once you get over the ego boost driving a premo car is the same as any other car. girls don't car anyway.

t. drove a cayenne for a while

>> No.6633228

>girls don't car anyway


And what they do care about is your status.

>> No.6633269

Alright pal

>> No.6633339

I plan to retire at 1m
I just want to live without worrying about money. I also love my job.

>> No.6633409

they're fine as an expensive cheap trick, alone they won't do much for you from middle class up, a gym membership is the better play.

>> No.6633433
File: 120 KB, 1024x959, 1493882044262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just want to buy my family nice things. They've worked so hard and played life by the book but and where doing alright until the GFC fucked them up. We're not 'poor' but more so lower middle-class (in debt and in government housing).

I started with a measly $200 in Nov '17 and have managed to get that to $10k (not that much compared to others on here).

My next goal is to reach $100k, then $1mill. my ultimate lambo goal is to make $7 mill = 5 mil in the bank to live off the interest and $2mill for a house/to play with/spoil my senpai.

>> No.6633505

Sidenote: assuming we ride out this crash (which it looks like we are doing), how long do you guys reckon this crypto gravy train will last?

>> No.6633508

haha oops

>> No.6633526

godspeed goy... 1 mil can buy you work that you want, worth DYOR in between trading.

>> No.6633543

Hopeful for 11 more months

>> No.6633626

>$2.5m on cool shit
>$2m house
and this is why you'll never be rich

>> No.6633639

yeah being able to pursue a career that i like instead of one that will pay the bills sounds so comfy

shhiet, i suppose its quite doable to make it to 1mill in 11months if the general conditions remain the same; i mean ive heard of people making 2-3 mill in that same time. Good luck to you too /biz/bro

>> No.6633708

If you wanna feel like a pro-racing driver, you can go and race Formula 4 with a bunch of 15 year olds.

Maybe get into the gentleman's series like the Blancpain GT series. If you're any good at racing, you'll probably be able to do well there and move up to a more serious racing series and get sponsorship for it. The idea with racing is to have someone else bankroll you for it, even if you have the money.

If you just want to have fun, hop in a kart. Fun, challenging, inexpensive and great racing.

>> No.6633765

Bro I literally just hit 50k and i'm a drop out. Sounds like you want to fail just to prove yourself right.

>> No.6633822

i cashed out about 170k. still have over 200k worth of crypto. here's how i'm spending my 170k:

- 80k will be for taxes for the 2017 year.
- 30k i'm saving for taxes for the 2018 year,
- 20k i already put into my vanguard
- the other 40k i'm leaving in my savings for now. haven't decided what to do with it yet

>> No.6633887

>full-body hugs
You're a pussy for not pulling the trigger already

>> No.6633973

you understand live

>> No.6633997

Burger taxes?

>> No.6634183

>not just going in on ETH and locking it in when Casper comes out and living off of the dividends.

>> No.6634238



>> No.6634255


Here's the LONG range view for crypto.

The true crypto revoloution isn't one global currency to replace the USD/Fiat..

It's lots and lots of small shitty currencies that have the following properties:
A) Interchangable on an exchange for any other currency

B) Secured with blockchain tech.

C) Represents something of real value.

Once we have lots of coins with the above 3 properties it changes the whole fucking economic game in massive and unpredictable ways.

It means I can suddenly now swap hard disk space for Porn.. and then swap that porn for KFC, sell that KFC for african slaves, and then sell those slaves to donate proceeds for a moon mission... all without leaving the exchange.

This will revolutionise commerce. Suddenly when everything is tokenized EVERYTHING can be traded like currencies/stocks/assets.

You can buy slovenian mushrooms, and then trade those mushrooms at a whim for setting up a bounty to punch your high school bully in the nuts, that some homeless guy will do, only to trade your BNTY for MethCoin. Now suddenly, the slovenian mushroom harvest has allowed a homeless guy to punch someone in the dick for illegal drugs.

Anything becomes possible, and EVERYTHING becomes tradable. This is why crypto is so powerful. It has the power to not kill and replace fiat currencies.. but to kill currencies altogether and usher in an age of digital bartering.

>> No.6634381
File: 607 KB, 1536x1963, 50228EDF-2AC3-40D6-B834-27BAAEAB7845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you’re a short sighted faggot with fragile little hands and wrists that are limp.

Keep aiming low

Pic related is u

>> No.6634390

>$2M house
Enjoy those $50k+ property taxes man.

>> No.6634446


Boo fucking hoo.

Fuck you.

>> No.6634585

I just want enough cash to live as a FREE man.

So I can focus on self improvement and sculpture, music, philosophy, etc. I just want to be able to do whatever I want (relatively speaking) and go where I please.

I want to be able to wake up and say I’m going to Shang hai today to find something new. Or, I’m going to stay in my cabin innawoods and paint and sculpt all day

>> No.6634861

What kind of gains do you guys think are realistic?

Let's assume we're only considering the top 20 coins. Personally I'd say theres probably a 7-20x potential left.

>> No.6635068

If you invest right now at least 20x

>> No.6635279

I don't even know how to cash out in Canada.
Any biz bros want to give me. Some insight?

>> No.6635284

Hm. That was pretty much my upper range estimate. I think 20x is possible, but don't see it happening until 2019. Would also require real-world application of some of the products we see today (e.g. OMG, REQ...etc)

>> No.6635432
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$1M is enough to semi-retire desu - then you dont need to work. Almost half the way to retirement

>> No.6635489

500k and i could easily live off the interest. nothing fancy.

>> No.6635577
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1513825312975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad is worth 5m
>wants to start a business with me even though the money he has willed to me (1,5m) is enough to make 6 figures off fiat investments easily
>58 years old so I won't get any of it for another 15-20 years

>> No.6635600
File: 61 KB, 260x273, 1507406862077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suddenly, the slovenian mushroom harvest has allowed a homeless guy to punch someone in the dick for illegal drugs

I cant believe this timeline we are living in

>> No.6635662

€1M cashed out, €3M still in (was around €4-4.5M before the dip).

>> No.6635721


can you point me to whatever forums or blogs or books you read? Or is your post solely your own mental projection?

>> No.6635927

I'm talking long term (in crypto terms), if you want a 20x this year you need to swing trade.
20x would put the market cap at $11 trillion which is on the lower end of what's possible IMO.

>> No.6636017

I live in Wales, in the UK. Specifically a very poor region of the welsh Valleys.

House prices around here are like £70k. You can buy a fucking mansion for £250k.
£1MM after taxes is my magic number, If I get there and cash out I'll live like a king and be able to help my entire family out, not to mention set up lives for my future kids.

>> No.6636247

You faggots need to aim higher.
Me, I'm aiming for 100mm.

>> No.6636256

I guarantee you 1M is not enough to set everyone in your family up lol....

>> No.6636357

it would, for mine at least.
Buy my dad a new work van, buy my mother a much needed holiday. Maybe sell the house and get a better one with a garage. They're not extravagant people. I don't have brothers/sisters or cousins or anything like that either.

>> No.6636528

Christ, 200k would be enough for me. 250k so that I could pull my 200k out and let the 50 run. Wageslave 10/10 but I also fkn love my job. I'm looking for flexibility not liberation.

>> No.6636849

Try 100k after tax if you're lucky

>> No.6636874

Don't forget short term capital gains on over 500k is fucking 37.5%

>> No.6637217

Average house here is 350,000k euros.
I just want one. After that im blessed.
10 million would fuck me up, but maybe I could give it all away