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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6618851 No.6618851 [Reply] [Original]

As /biz/ rises from the ashes, please consider the following ideas and add your own as you see fit

2. Filter meme terms like "whales accumulating" "hodl" etc
3. Keep /pol/ on /pol/
4. Permaban for chain referral posts

>> No.6619240

separate crypto board and all problems are solved

>> No.6619283

Make a crypto discussion & a crypto shilling board.

>> No.6619335

it’s simple, we DDOS bazingacoin

>> No.6619366

On the new biz all IDs are green

>> No.6619503
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>> No.6619542

can guarantee i've been on biz for longer than you

1488 - deal with it.

>> No.6619789
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Gay, this will change this place into a /int/ | /pol/ level cess pool. Besides most pajeets use proxies anyway. Why not just have a global range ban on poos.

> filtering out /biz/ memes.
Never going to happen.

>Keep /pol/ on /pol/
Best suggestion so far. Add a ban with that too, and i'll be orgasmic.

>Permaban for chain referral posts
all soliciting that is has more than one thread should be banned and pruned.

>> No.6620198
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The whales thing is just so tedious

And 99% it's used incorrectly


This desu. I'd love to discuss irl ways to make dosh as I think I have a lot to offer/learn

>> No.6620313


I would add that bantz tier racism is fine but shit has taken a dark turn recently

>> No.6620501

Both libtards and natsoc larpers should go back to /pol/
the only pills here are the greenpill and the pinkpill

>> No.6620556


I have no problem with bantz that its funny and natural. But, wearing /pol/ on your sleeve and flaunting it around like some pseudo-intelligent 16 year old who just read ayn rand for the first time is fucking cancerous.

>> No.6620606

1. Ok
2. No
3. 4chan is /pol/
4. yes

>> No.6620770
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Agreed. It's max cringe and belongs on its containment board

Bants are enough to keep the normies away

>> No.6620826


What if whales were filtered to roody-poos like in the old days

>> No.6621088

no flags go to pol for that

>> No.6621867

This isn't reddit.com
Please leave if you can't handle it

>> No.6622031

Fuck off /int/

>> No.6622154


>> No.6622331

>3. Keep /pol/ on /pol/

Good luck separating politics from economics

>> No.6622664


>having anything to do with economics


>> No.6622962

Flags have led to nothing but shitposting on every board they've been implemented on.

We already get enough shitposts from the huge influx of cryptocucks as it is.

>> No.6622994


>> No.6623026
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>3. Keep /pol/ on /pol/
What did he mean by this?

>> No.6623082


Whereas IDs thankfully do the opposite and make it easy to hide and ignore shitposters :^)

>> No.6623133

>3. Keep /pol/ on /pol/
we need the /pol/ice to keep the.... undesirables in line

>> No.6623181

>So w-what I'm from India! I make invest just like u. No bully. Vishnu bless

>> No.6623214

I hate /pol/ with a passion, but at least they serve a good purpose: to intimidate the worst kind of normies away from the board

>> No.6623402
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You're made friend

>> No.6623588

This. With them is bad, without them is much worse.

pol is the cancer that is killing /b/iz

pol is the antidote that is curing reddit aids

>> No.6624355



Shit along those lines