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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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661922 No.661922 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't get the job. This time it really hurt, and I actually cried, not at first, I just shrugged it off but later on it got to me. I really needed it.

I did two interviews and I thought they both went well but I guess not.

Weeks of anticipation "This will be so great if I get this job" - but trying not to get my hopes up because I didn't want to be disappointed. But I am disappointed.

>> No.661929

what job
what qualifications

>> No.661931

Sorry to hear that. I think we can all empathize because rejection sucks. I first applied for SSD in October 2012, but was rejected. I got a better doctor and applied a second time in 2013 and was finally approved.

So I've been on neetbux for the last 2 years. I'd recommend it.

>> No.661935
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It's ok, OP. I had my fair share of feelings of inadequacy when I was turned down. It will pass once you find a job.

>> No.661943


Qualifications were simple, have an actual portfolio, work history/references, knowledge of the development platforms, "fit in" with the "culture" of the company. Both my initial and followup interview went well, and I met all qualifications and I seemed to fit in, but the second follow-up interview was way too short and I thought something was off about how the lead developer was rushing through it.

Whoever I was competing with simply deserved it more, I guess. I was told I was a strong candidate but in this field someone will always have more years of experience, the bachelors degrees, better references, whatever it was.

So tired of being broke, though.

>> No.661954

>So I've been on neetbux for the last 2 years. I'd recommend it.
It might be time to go on unemployment. Being too proud to "accept welfare" might be insane at this point.

Thanks, yeah it will.

The truth is I usually land 80% of jobs I've interviewed for in the past so I've become spoiled. But it's not just that - at this point in my life I really really needed this one so the shock was worse even though mentally I told myself I was prepared. Just have to keep on trucking.

>> No.661958

Expect failure, but don't let it demoralize you or hold you back. Realize that dozens of people (often more) apply for just 1-2 positions so statistically you are going to get rejected. Just keep at it find more interviews

>> No.661960


>Being too proud to "accept welfare" might be insane at this point.

Dude, what? I've been on unemployment too and it's awesome. Assuming you're in the US, you should have NO shame in collecting it because by virtue of being employed you were paying into the unemployment insurance pool. All workers must pay into the pool by law.

Why not collect something that you paid for?

>> No.661969

Thanks, I'll keep trying.
I suppose you're right. Like getting a tax return, I shouldn't see it as me taking anything but being paid back what I already put in.

>> No.661977

best u can do is keep trying bro i gave up after 2 months lol

>> No.661989
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At least you can get an interview

>> No.662005


Apply to more than one place at once
>Never go to a grocery store hungry

I got cut from the training program of a startup on Wednesday, I knew I should've been applying every night, even upon 'hire'
What kills me is that if ny supervisor would've just corrected me instead of immediately letting me go, I would've been looking at a nice check on Friday (which meant having my own place by the following week)
Still- I have an interview this Wednesday for similar pay, I'm back to hunting and I won't fuck it up again

>> No.662007

Lie harder

>> No.662050


I always catch myself counting my eggs before they hatch.

If I have a good prospect for a job lined up, I will hold onto it and feel happy about it and ease up instead of continuing to push for second options.

I should have spent the past two weeks like you said, continuing to look for jobs, even jobs I don't really want that aren't programming - instead I spent it feeling good about myself for getting interviews.

The worst habit is when you have an interview lined up later in the week, let's say Thursday. So from Monday to Thursday you spend your time obsessing on that interview instead of continuing to look for work.

The past 3+ weeks feel like a waste now.

>> No.662066
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>"Too proud to accept welfare."

Good goyim. That's our money. You don't deserve it.

>> No.663518

>double rusing
the one and only reason welfare exists is to control the people
if you're reliant on big government just to survive, they can do whatever the fuck they want with you and you can't fight back