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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 98 KB, 796x560, Screen-Shot-2017-11-13-at-12.34.20-796x560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6610196 No.6610196 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Biz, I am 35, make 17k yearly waiting tables, lacl job skills of any sort and have no savings or investments of any sort but I have twins on the way so I need some money.
Whats the best coin to invest in? I sold my adderal this month so I have $300

>> No.6610300

Fucking LOL

>> No.6610325

don't laugh at him you fuckin dweeb

>> No.6610383

Pick up 1 ZCL and put the rest into ICX.

>> No.6610395

Why the fuck did you decide to have kids then?

>> No.6610475

You will never make it. I feel sorry for your unborn children.

>> No.6610521

put that 300 dollars towards some work boots and get a big boy job working for a construction company. drive heavy equipment. it's like 30 / hr.

>> No.6610571

I wanted kids. Medicare will oay for it. You are aware medicaid covers 60% of all births, ritht? Then with food stamps, WiC and TANF the state will pay for kids

>> No.6610576

This. I hope you starve to death, OP

>> No.6610650

Why not?

>Boston college grad (had a full ride)
>work at a fortune 100
>work from home everyday, haven't been to office in about a year
>getting MBA paid for by company
>$125,000 between various accounts
>own crypto and stock
>8% match on 401k by company
>have a fully vested pension

LMAO at you

>> No.6610652

Buy kneepads op.

>> No.6610738

>the state will pay
I take it back. Fuck of and die nigger.

>> No.6610746

This is why I voted for Trump. Fuck you, you worthless ape.

>> No.6610803

>Fuck of

>> No.6610928
File: 121 KB, 900x900, 1515019565127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao Trump cant even repeal Obamaacare and with a 36% approval will be raped in the midterms. Worst case scenario we wait till 2024 when there arent enough old white people left to win and then install someone far left.

>> No.6610950

You should never take financial advice from random persons over the internet dude. Either find out yourself how to pick good coins (google how to) or lose your money by strangers' decision

>> No.6611086

And either way pretty much everyone will be in a better position than you. Have fun being a broke shit skin. Maybe your kids will be lucky enough to get put in a foster home when the state realizes that you're a fucking loser

>> No.6611195

You'll never make it, the kids should have ensured priority rather than you gamboling with monopoly money.

>> No.6611212
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>Boston College
I'm Lmao at your life rn

>> No.6611231

>at 24
Hahaha it's like you don't even want to make it

>> No.6611267

Only subhumans mock the richest poster in the thread instead of the poorfags.

>> No.6611315


XLM or BAT, Right now! BAT is going to the moon as we speak

>> No.6611338

I dont care about being rich just getting by. The state will give us a house, food, healthcare etc. What more do I need? And who knows what other benefuts we wiol get once as the white conservative voting block shrinks?
I mean I am white but a white minority america cant cone fast enough whicj is whi I am with a black woman

>> No.6611376

>these are the people that buy trx

>> No.6611540

>When tax payers subsidize the worst of society to breed
I'll give you a tip though BCC, TRX and FUN are a sure 2x this week

>> No.6611558
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just play the faucets OP, it's your only way in at this point

coinpot to start with, have fun

>> No.6611581
File: 68 KB, 750x858, g2gx12woq8zz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to really despise poor people.

>> No.6611617
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>> No.6611662

You mean that America will only be 8% civilized by 2060?

>> No.6611705

Well thats most people. 65% of americans cant put together $500 and 78% have no retirement savings. Eventually America will be western europe

>> No.6611814

buy as much Bitconnect as you can m8

you'll be a millionaire in a few years

>> No.6611890
File: 698 KB, 1298x1391, 13a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck flags we need forced larp tags so I can tell for sure how many layers of ruses are playing out before I get actually mad about how dumb some people are for falling for obvious bait posts.

>> No.6611891

Bitconnect, damn leech

>> No.6611908
File: 118 KB, 627x1024, 1515133212729m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numbers dont like. Avg age of a whoye female is 43 vals the ave hispanic age of 25 meaning the bulk of the white population is post menopause. The Boomers are now 80% white meaning there will be a large die off of conservatives replaced by minority and millenials who vote liberal. Among those voters only 32% have a favorable view of capitalism vs 70% that prefer socialism.

>> No.6611971

how the fuck are ppl like this actually on this board right now

>> No.6612065

Tighten up your budget so you can put more in...ethereum is a safe bet, easy 5k by eoy

>> No.6612177

Thats how most people. No one has savings and has heavy debt.The reaspn you have a conservative gov is the boomers who are rich and low voter turnout but those people are dying out.
Capitalism is doomed from a demographic viewpoint because people are gonna need money and the government has it

>> No.6612190

This is retarded, the younger generation of whites are becoming hardcore nazis... the libtard fantasy of white genocide will not go as planned. sorry

>> No.6612274
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs and quality bait

>> No.6612293
File: 50 KB, 501x449, 1511059968217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trash, a leech. As these statistics demonstrate, America needs to stay majority white/asian. Otherwise we'll become trash like Africa and South America.

>> No.6612314


get a load of these americunts

I make 4k a year, cry me a river and DYOR cunt

>> No.6612323

>gibs me dat
kys nigger

>> No.6612434

Total fantasy. Gen Z is tiny compared to the massive millenals and they are
49% white. In addition if ypu look at white millenial birth rates they are well below replacement.Gen Z is to thw millenals as the silent generation was to the boomers

>> No.6612453

And here I am complaining to myself that Im 27, make 85k a year and have little debt and no family to support since Im not a millionaire yet. Grass is always greener

>> No.6612647

All of that money, opportunity to live a full life and still shitposting

Sounds lonely anon

>> No.6612709

>he guys i suddenly realized that getting shitfaced and smoking weed is nothing you can base a carer on
>now that my wife is prego cuz i needed blunds and couldn't affort the condom i need money to support my children

how about you just neck your self you worthless nigger?

you're a nothing and you will stay a nothing faggot i hope you burn in hell faggot, disgusting

>> No.6612787

If I get the new job I interviewed for beginning of this week, I'll get a raise that's bigger than your annual income.

Quality bait, though.

>> No.6612810
File: 47 KB, 564x400, disgust cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not /pol/ nor american, not being emotionally invested I could easily see that this was bait.

>> No.6612823

Lmao see you at those midterms. It looks like it will at least be a dem house meaning that Trump and his cpnservative agenda are dead.
No wall to keep out voters, no obamacare repeal, no more tax cuts, no noney allocated for deportations

>> No.6612829

Money doesn't change that he's a weird loser beta. Rich people that are social and normal don't post here. All the money in the world won't make him happy but bragging about what he has inflates his ego for a bit.

>> No.6612849

i don't give a shit faggot i don't live in your shithole country
i laugh about you're nigger infestet country

>> No.6612880

Good for you. Personally my goal in life is to make 30k yearly

>> No.6612902

Invest everything in XRP
Gl and hope you die

>> No.6612934

legit poor guy here, that guy is one of those ones that thinks the state can raise them, Not all poor people are bad but most are bad. Real poor people that are in dire need dont reveal there power levels.

>> No.6612974

>people are gonna need money and the government has it

Top kek! That’s hilarious!

>> No.6613035

I beat $30k before I turned 20. I'm on track to hit $100k by 30.

I'm a highschool dropout and never went to college.

You're a failure.

My children are going to bully and sexually abuse your children, and your children are going to enjoy it.

>> No.6613042

>Trump cant even repeal Obamaacare

The tax bill repealed the individual mandate.

Obamacare is on its way out, establishment Republicans were just too cucked to do it as soon as possible.

>> No.6613071

The thing is if you are poor(I`m poor myself) and you think that state should pay for all of your mistakes in life you fucking deserve to be poor.

>> No.6613080

Well i mean rich people makong over 100k have it and the gov can redistribute it from them

>> No.6613153

America is doomed.
I hope you enjoy living in your poor socialist mutt minority USA because you deserve it

>> No.6613180

Gonna be hard without the house. I still get free Obamacare and even if you do repeal it the backlash will just elect people who will give it back. And now that the boomer die off is ramping up your side wont have the numbers to maintain power

>> No.6613279

OP where do you live??

I'll happily buy your adderall for twice that, I'm really desperate

>> No.6613336

Small dick tho. Notice 0 mention of a gf.

>> No.6613354


I have a shit ton of adderall I can give you for XMR

My buyer quit so I have like 4 months worth of prescriptions piled up that I was going to sell on the darknet but its a fucking hassle.


my throwaway email, hmu

>> No.6613418

>over 100k is rich


>> No.6613424

>OP only has 300 dollars
heres an idea. invest in a rope and a stool cause your kids are fucked nigger.

>> No.6613557

I'm worth 600 million dollars and I'm a year younger than you. I didn't even have to work for it. Hope you had fun wasting your youth in a shitty school though.

>> No.6613639
File: 140 KB, 1200x756, Map_of_states_by_median_household_income_in_2014.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Median income for a family in the nation is 52 k.
If you dpnt this wave of socialism brewing you are blind. Boomers are the only thing propping up capitalism

>> No.6613739
File: 64 KB, 600x800, numales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lashes out at people wanting advice online, really depressed that despite the success your still alone and always will be, small penis

>> No.6613836

>I'm worth $600 million dollars
>I'm on 4chan

choose one- oh wait.

>> No.6613905

what exactly from the op post tells he is "the worst of society"? he is just poor.

waiting is a shit dirty and hard job if i was him i would rather live on welfare

>> No.6614082

KYS if true.

>> No.6614452

That means swinging ETH back and forth between two people as the computing Power used to send the coins back and forth is actually how the Blockchain is created. Thats because the Computers are the Blocks and the sending/computing is the chain that connects them together. So after you bought your ETH you can post how two contact you so the two of us can make a Tradingpair. Well make a lot of money together anon, dont you worry

>> No.6614887

>My children are going to bully and sexually abuse your children, and your children are going to enjoy it.
sounds pretty hot

being a sub also >>>> being a dom

>> No.6615597

To be fair, I'd still be on 4chan even if I was filthy rich.

>> No.6616001

ADC if you're not brain-dead

>> No.6616191

>numbers don’t lie
Go talk to Hillary about that you ignorant monkey.