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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6602978 No.6602978 [Reply] [Original]

Where my REQ bro's at?

>> No.6603005

reqporting in sir.

>> No.6603011


>> No.6603042

7k REQ 4k of which I bought at $.80 AMA.

>> No.6603045

1742 to be exact

>> No.6603080

No REQ thread, wtf happened to biz?

>> No.6603082
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bought in a 90 cents

>> No.6603088

Anyone buying in now. Got in late before at .50

>> No.6603117
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23K here
This is going to shoot up the second this dip is over

>> No.6603120

Bought in at .24 and rebought at .49

>> No.6603126
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hodl. simple.

>> No.6603167

IDK man, I've been waiting out the bloodbath. 50k HODLer here

>> No.6603171

Bought at 0.06. This has been my golden goose and also my golden noose

>> No.6603189

19k in since November, waiting for it to make me rich

>> No.6603219

3k REQlet reporting in

>> No.6603239
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you are seriously mad to sell before mainnet launch.

I could hodl your bags for you?

>> No.6603248

60k REQ will I make it?

>> No.6603259

Sold Neo to bought 2k of this at 0.7, got Reqt

>> No.6603270

11K reporting sir.

>> No.6603321
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yes, hodl till 2020

>> No.6603333

bought at .10 cents.

comfy, but slightly disappointed

also kinda feel bad for my irl friends who i told to get into req at 60 cents

>> No.6603352

comfy 2k here

>> No.6603392


check em

you'll be just fine

>> No.6603544

thanks, how much will i be worth?

>> No.6603577

Bought at .16 should I buy more now or wait see if dips lower?

>> No.6603595

I...I'm sorry? I just said I'm HODLing 50k REQ. As in, not selling.

>> No.6603620

2020 will be around $100 per token

>> No.6603677
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my bad

>> No.6603740

got recked, don't care

>> No.6603749 [DELETED] 
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Yes I know another one, sorry bizbros.
I'm upping my LINK stack to a whopping 1.5k. I know thats nothing for some of you. I'd still like to know if there's any output where I can see what's currently being done on the project. It doesn't matter if information is shared rarely ot inconsistently but knowing how the project runs would be nice. Can enybody link me a slack/telegram/whatever where (the) developer(s) post the current status?

>Inb4 Sergey eating BigMacs and backpacking
I've heard all FUD, please consider sharing real information.

>> No.6603780


why post then?

FOMO starting to kick in?

>> No.6603783

Sir yes, sir!

Increased my hand from 3.2k to 5k at 0.33.
Ready for duty sir.

>> No.6603785

im buying some more right now

>> No.6603839
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$2 end of month brothers

>> No.6604061
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Should I have Fruity Pebbles or Lucky Charms?

>> No.6604299

lucky charms are my favorite

>> No.6604479

A litlle over 500k here. Waiting for my $6 EOY payday.

>> No.6604690

70k stack here. I must admit I started to break a sweat... but I held on like a pro. If Friday brings a nice product update in the middle of a bullrush I'll be overjoyed.

>> No.6604710

discord gg/3fW7bzr

>> No.6605115
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Comfy with 6k req bought in at 10 cents and again at 50.

>> No.6605172

redpill me on REQ

What can this do that ETH can't. Why does REQ even need to be a token?

>> No.6605190

here I'm maaaaaad man

>> No.6605223

it's an application on the eth platform you fucking numbskull.

>> No.6605228

same here anon

>> No.6605608

bought at 0.50, which was good

refilled at 1 usd, which isn't that good.

i'm just gonna hold

>> No.6605681

Nice quads my dude. You'll make it.

2.3k reporting in. Sustained heavy losses but still holding strong sir.

>> No.6605744

bought 20k at 4cents

feeling comfy

>> No.6605829


We're already at the ATH from just 2 weeks ago, and this is one of the gravest corrections in a year.

Can't wait for Friday, Q1 and beyond.

>> No.6605883

100K REQ here. Accumulated 25K from weakhands by daytrading during the crash.

>> No.6605887

around what time on Friday should it start going up?

>> No.6605995

Bought at .73 a couple days ago thinking it was the floor

>> No.6606102

Before the news there will be a spike up because of people getting ready for gains, probably tomorrow, early friday. If the news are good expect it to moon harder in friday. Probably 0.80$ - 1.00$ tomorrow. The market will start to recover in the next 15min as the Futures market just ended.

>> No.6606133

I think you're overly optimistic. The bear is still present.

>> No.6606157

in your opinion do you think that it will settle at .80 - 1.00 or do you think that it will dip back down after Friday?

>> No.6606174

I have 6.5k REQ, will I make it? And if so around when?

To me making it having $40k+ btw, all I need to buy some cheap property which I know will explode in the next 4 years

>> No.6606178

>retards thinks this will go to 5 usd ever
> they don't realise 5 usd means REQ would process 2 BILLION per DAY


>> No.6606208

And why use REQ when myetherwallet is free?

>> No.6606271

that’s not what it means in terms of marketcap though, why are you attaching a linear model of transactions/price if that’s not a real barrier?

>> No.6606276

have fun holding this for 10 years, hoping it will process TWICe what paypal does daily.

>> No.6606283

Hold some REQ, any reason not to transfer into VEN after friday?

>> No.6606318

That's why it's good to wait for a clear reversal of BTC. I'm optimistic because I believe in myself to make the right choice. Even if I lose money it's part of the game. I BELIEVE THAT FINANCIAL MARKETS AND CRYPTOCURRENCY MARKETS ARE 100% PSYCHOLOGY DRIVEN. I trade what i see, not what i think. That's why we shall wait for a reversal first.

>> No.6606342

wtf are you talking about mate. marketca and payment processing volume are two entirely different things.

>> No.6606352

Ven is overrated

>> No.6606389

It depends in how much people believe in their technology and the problem they are solving. Remember it's 100% psychology driven.

>> No.6606424

Req is normie friendly. Paypal with 60-98% less transaction fee for both seller and buyer

>> No.6606431

lol shoots up 10 cents and everybody's blowing loads.

This is the biggest normiecoin in the business. Strong hands need not apply. This coin will reach ATH of $1.10 before fading into obscurity starting Q3.

Congrats to those that bought in around $.30, but get ready to sell and never look back at this scam.

>> No.6606442


REQ biweekly update is this Friday. After a price spike (if any) price settles until the next update. It will be safe to hold into VEN since at the moment they are climbing up.

>> No.6606450
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bought 3k at 10 cents and have been hodling since. to the moon!

>> No.6606451

Increased my stack from 21k to 76k during this correction. Feels good man.

>> No.6606482

It's a meme
I have 23K, m9

>> No.6606508

Agreed. As for me, I don't try to time it. I'm both content and confident in my current holdings. Additional risk is not necessary. In the end the difference between 1 million and 2 is not so significant.

>> No.6606622

thz anon, what the time of the time update anyway?

>> No.6606697
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Fuck I wish I was smart

>> No.6606799

Comfiest hold right now.
Get ready for q1 mainnet peeps!

>> No.6606929

Same here

>> No.6607104

Well it's a must to have a long term portfolio. I do have one. But I also love the dopamine of intraday and intraweek trading. I also love psychology and everything in the markets is a reflection of the collective psychology of a large number of traders. Except when a whale is wash trading then it's just the the psy of one trader :D

>> No.6607376

Okay, I've been holding REQ since $.09 so I'm not some loser who bought at ATH.

But, I do have some concerns about the future of this token. My biggest concern is that a niche won't exist for it. Right now, its biggest thing is payment between different cryptos and eventually fiat. I'm not some fool who thinks you need to own REQ to use the network, but I do question the existence of the network as a whole if crypto implodes.

If a bubble pop occurs and the masses lose faith in crypto, what reason will there be to use Request Network over Paypal or Stripe? Why not just use an established P2P payment service which specializes in fiat?

REQ has potential if crypto has potential. Is it possible for REQ to succeed if crypto as a whole fails to take off?

>> No.6607680

This is completely wrong.

You clearly have no idea of whatr req will do.
Mew can send eth to an address.
Req can create an invoice, define payments terms, keeps records on the blockchain for automatically calculate and pay taxes, do triple entry accounting (a fucking holy grail) and automatize audits.
Moreover it has a built it platform for third party devs, that are funded by the team if the project is good, and get a share of the fees when their app is used.
Anyone that does not buy this on this dip is more retarded than those bitconnect failures.

This is wrong. Req has immense added value even on fiat to fiat payments, it uses the blockchain but it's not tied to the use of crypto for payments.
The bubble may pop and the price of pumped scamcoins with no use may go down to 0, but blockchain tech is here to stay, and the good project will thrive anyway, like the good internet companies thrived after the dotcom bubble.

>> No.6607786

Your whole premise is wrong. Saying that crypto can fail is like saying in the early 90's that internet can fail. It's absurd. You clearly don't understand what crypto brings to the table.

>> No.6607908

It's a meme you dip

>> No.6607925

little over 100k since ICO. iron hands man. I think this shit could be 3-5$ within the next 6 months

>> No.6608132

If I didn't think REQ was a good project, I wouldn't have bought into it and held all of this time. I'm not asking that in an argumentative kind of way, but more wondering so I can better understand what it will be used for.

I've always thought of it as "Paypal for Crypto + Fiat", but crypto being as volatile as it is has made me question how significant of a thing that could be. If people lose faith in crypto, that whole "+ crypto" part goes out the window.

I know one of REQ's big improvements is super low fees, and as a small business owner that shit's the best. I know I would use REQ if I could/once it's out.

It's honestly hard to see what crypto brings to the table when it's being shoehorned into every damn place, even where it shouldn't be. The hype train is so crazy right now people use blockchains for fucking everything.

It's just ridiculous. I do think blockchain tech is fantastic and has a future, but where it will fit into the future is what I'm uncertain of.

I'd rather ask these questions and learn that ignorantly state one thing or another.

>> No.6608199

can't believe I panic sold at 40 cents
feeling sick right now

>> No.6608253

Porr fag with 800 Req here. Will I make it ?

>> No.6608349

>buyer only has USD
>seller only accepts shekels
Every other crypto could fail and REQ would still be titties

>> No.6608373

Poorfag here. Should I sell 2300 XLM and purchase REQ?? I already have 1000 REQ.
Not sure whether I should do this now or wait until Jan 25/26

>> No.6608393

Told ya brothers!

>> No.6608400

Req TO THE MOON I gotta admit boys I almost sold out earlier today but holy fuck this shit is rocketing to the solar system

>> No.6608452

Paypal and Stripe both convert fiat already.

>every other crypto could fail and REQ would still be titties
There needs to be more than just fiat conversion to make REQ worth using. Like super low fees, for one.

>> No.6608555

Just bought 8.6K to flip during the mainnet launch. Hopefully this pays off lol. Will it hit $2?

>> No.6608736

Takin off my noose. Gettin ready for 2018

>> No.6608787

Easily, last ATH was over a dollar and the marketcap is very low still. If the bear trend of the last few days is over then I can see REQ hitting $2 EOM

>> No.6608791

Paypal and Stripe also have super low fees and virtually no overhead and an authentic immutable decentralized ledger and automatic accounting and continuous payments and IoT compatibility and
>hey wait a minute

>> No.6608857
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>> No.6609001

That's it baby.

>> No.6609010
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I bought at $1.15 and sold at $0.35.. is this how it works?

>> No.6609060

You're gonna make it.

>> No.6609143

Now you've learned your lesson. HOLD HOLD HOLD and then put in even more fiat when there are dips

>> No.6609217

You should be looking to re-enter at $1.20

>> No.6609323

This is great to know, anon. Thanks.

>tfw it took 4 hours to transfer REQ to Binance and I missed the $.35 dip

Ah well. I'll still buy some and hold onto it for dear life.

>> No.6609437

have you applied for the position of /biz/ ambassador?

>> No.6609601
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I took my losses and invested them in BitConnect

>> No.6609672

im planing to HOLD for 1 year, how much EOY

>> No.6609754


>> No.6609784

Same here for tax reasons but i will only sell a small part of my portfolio if req plays out well
Holding 28k
I think 10$ should definately be possible

>> No.6609847

I promise you, you won't sell when you hit 40k.

>> No.6610022

No one sells when they hit $40k man. You’ll wait for $400k or $4million because you’re a greedy shit like all of us

>> No.6610271
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Savannah soon lads?

>> No.6610431
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Here now waiting to gain enough value to get this THICC doll.